tidb rule_aggregation_push_down 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb rule_aggregation_push_down 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package core

import (


type aggregationPushDownSolver struct {

// isDecomposable checks if an aggregate function is decomposable. An aggregation function $F$ is decomposable
// if there exist aggregation functions F_1 and F_2 such that F(S_1 union all S_2) = F_2(F_1(S_1),F_1(S_2)),
// where S_1 and S_2 are two sets of values. We call S_1 and S_2 partial groups.
// For example, Max(S_1 union S_2) = Max(Max(S_1) union Max(S_2)), thus we think Max is decomposable.
// It's easy to see that max, min, first row is decomposable, no matter whether it's distinct, but sum(distinct) and
// count(distinct) is not.
// Currently we don't support avg and concat.
func (*aggregationPushDownSolver) isDecomposableWithJoin(fun *aggregation.AggFuncDesc) bool {
	if len(fun.OrderByItems) > 0 {
		return false
	switch fun.Name {
	case ast.AggFuncAvg, ast.AggFuncGroupConcat, ast.AggFuncVarPop, ast.AggFuncJsonArrayagg, ast.AggFuncJsonObjectAgg, ast.AggFuncStddevPop, ast.AggFuncVarSamp, ast.AggFuncApproxPercentile, ast.AggFuncStddevSamp:
		// TODO: Support avg push down.
		return false
	case ast.AggFuncMax, ast.AggFuncMin, ast.AggFuncFirstRow:
		return true
	case ast.AggFuncSum, ast.AggFuncCount:
		return !fun.HasDistinct
		return false

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) isDecomposableWithUnion(fun *aggregation.AggFuncDesc) bool {
	if len(fun.OrderByItems) > 0 {
		return false
	switch fun.Name {
	case ast.AggFuncGroupConcat, ast.AggFuncVarPop, ast.AggFuncJsonArrayagg, ast.AggFuncApproxPercentile, ast.AggFuncJsonObjectAgg:
		return false
	case ast.AggFuncMax, ast.AggFuncMin, ast.AggFuncFirstRow:
		return true
	case ast.AggFuncSum, ast.AggFuncCount, ast.AggFuncAvg, ast.AggFuncApproxCountDistinct:
		return true
		return false

// getAggFuncChildIdx gets which children it belongs to.
// 0 stands for left, 1 stands for right, -1 stands for both, 2 stands for neither (e.g. count(*), sum(1) ...)
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) getAggFuncChildIdx(aggFunc *aggregation.AggFuncDesc, lSchema, rSchema *expression.Schema) int {
	fromLeft, fromRight := false, false
	var cols []*expression.Column
	cols = expression.ExtractColumnsFromExpressions(cols, aggFunc.Args, nil)
	for _, col := range cols {
		if lSchema.Contains(col) {
			fromLeft = true
		if rSchema.Contains(col) {
			fromRight = true
	if fromLeft && fromRight {
		return -1
	} else if fromLeft {
		return 0
	} else if fromRight {
		return 1
	return 2

// collectAggFuncs collects all aggregate functions and splits them into two parts: "leftAggFuncs" and "rightAggFuncs" whose
// arguments are all from left child or right child separately. If some aggregate functions have the arguments that have
// columns both from left and right children, the whole aggregation is forbidden to push down.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) collectAggFuncs(agg *LogicalAggregation, join *LogicalJoin) (valid bool, leftAggFuncs, rightAggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc) {
	valid = true
	leftChild := join.children[0]
	rightChild := join.children[1]
	for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
		if !a.isDecomposableWithJoin(aggFunc) {
			return false, nil, nil
		index := a.getAggFuncChildIdx(aggFunc, leftChild.Schema(), rightChild.Schema())
		switch index {
		case 0:
			if join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin && !a.checkAllArgsColumn(aggFunc) {
				return false, nil, nil
			leftAggFuncs = append(leftAggFuncs, aggFunc)
		case 1:
			if join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin && !a.checkAllArgsColumn(aggFunc) {
				return false, nil, nil
			rightAggFuncs = append(rightAggFuncs, aggFunc)
		case 2:
			// arguments are constant
			switch join.JoinType {
			case LeftOuterJoin:
				leftAggFuncs = append(leftAggFuncs, aggFunc)
			case RightOuterJoin:
				rightAggFuncs = append(rightAggFuncs, aggFunc)
				// either left or right is fine, ideally we'd better put this to the hash build side
				rightAggFuncs = append(rightAggFuncs, aggFunc)
			return false, nil, nil

// collectGbyCols collects all columns from gby-items and join-conditions and splits them into two parts: "leftGbyCols" and
// "rightGbyCols". e.g. For query "SELECT SUM(B.id) FROM A, B WHERE A.c1 = B.c1 AND A.c2 != B.c2 GROUP BY B.c3" , the optimized
// query should be "SELECT SUM(B.agg) FROM A, (SELECT SUM(id) as agg, c1, c2, c3 FROM B GROUP BY id, c1, c2, c3) as B
// WHERE A.c1 = B.c1 AND A.c2 != B.c2 GROUP BY B.c3". As you see, all the columns appearing in join-conditions should be
// treated as group by columns in join subquery.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) collectGbyCols(agg *LogicalAggregation, join *LogicalJoin) (leftGbyCols, rightGbyCols []*expression.Column) {
	leftChild := join.children[0]
	ctx := agg.ctx
	for _, gbyExpr := range agg.GroupByItems {
		cols := expression.ExtractColumns(gbyExpr)
		for _, col := range cols {
			if leftChild.Schema().Contains(col) {
				leftGbyCols = append(leftGbyCols, col)
			} else {
				rightGbyCols = append(rightGbyCols, col)
	// extract equal conditions
	for _, eqFunc := range join.EqualConditions {
		leftGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, leftGbyCols, eqFunc.GetArgs()[0].(*expression.Column))
		rightGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, rightGbyCols, eqFunc.GetArgs()[1].(*expression.Column))
	for _, leftCond := range join.LeftConditions {
		cols := expression.ExtractColumns(leftCond)
		leftGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, leftGbyCols, cols...)
	for _, rightCond := range join.RightConditions {
		cols := expression.ExtractColumns(rightCond)
		rightGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, rightGbyCols, cols...)
	for _, otherCond := range join.OtherConditions {
		cols := expression.ExtractColumns(otherCond)
		for _, col := range cols {
			if leftChild.Schema().Contains(col) {
				leftGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, leftGbyCols, col)
			} else {
				rightGbyCols = a.addGbyCol(ctx, rightGbyCols, col)

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) splitAggFuncsAndGbyCols(agg *LogicalAggregation, join *LogicalJoin) (valid bool,
	leftAggFuncs, rightAggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc,
	leftGbyCols, rightGbyCols []*expression.Column) {
	valid, leftAggFuncs, rightAggFuncs = a.collectAggFuncs(agg, join)
	if !valid {
	leftGbyCols, rightGbyCols = a.collectGbyCols(agg, join)

// addGbyCol adds a column to gbyCols. If a group by column has existed, it will not be added repeatedly.
func (*aggregationPushDownSolver) addGbyCol(ctx sessionctx.Context, gbyCols []*expression.Column, cols ...*expression.Column) []*expression.Column {
	for _, c := range cols {
		duplicate := false
		for _, gbyCol := range gbyCols {
			if c.Equal(ctx, gbyCol) {
				duplicate = true
		if !duplicate {
			gbyCols = append(gbyCols, c)
	return gbyCols

// checkValidJoin checks if this join should be pushed across.
func (*aggregationPushDownSolver) checkValidJoin(join *LogicalJoin) bool {
	return join.JoinType == InnerJoin || join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin || join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin

// decompose splits an aggregate function to two parts: a final mode function and a partial mode function. Currently
// there are no differences between partial mode and complete mode, so we can confuse them.
func (*aggregationPushDownSolver) decompose(ctx sessionctx.Context, aggFunc *aggregation.AggFuncDesc,
	schema *expression.Schema, nullGenerating bool) ([]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, *expression.Schema) {
	// Result is a slice because avg should be decomposed to sum and count. Currently we don't process this case.
	result := []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc{aggFunc.Clone()}
	for _, aggFunc := range result {
			UniqueID: ctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
			RetType:  aggFunc.RetTp,
	cols := schema.Columns[schema.Len()-len(result):]
	aggFunc.Args = make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(cols))
	// if the partial aggregation is on the null generating side, we have to clear the NOT NULL flag
	// for the final aggregate functions' arguments
	for _, col := range cols {
		if nullGenerating {
			arg := *col
			newFieldType := *arg.RetType
			arg.RetType = &newFieldType
			aggFunc.Args = append(aggFunc.Args, &arg)
		} else {
			aggFunc.Args = append(aggFunc.Args, col)
	aggFunc.Mode = aggregation.FinalMode
	return result, schema

// tryToPushDownAgg tries to push down an aggregate function into a join path. If all aggFuncs are first row, we won't
// process it temporarily. If not, We will add additional group by columns and first row functions. We make a new aggregation operator.
// If the pushed aggregation is grouped by unique key, it's no need to push it down.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) tryToPushDownAgg(oldAgg *LogicalAggregation, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, gbyCols []*expression.Column,
	join *LogicalJoin, childIdx int, aggHints aggHintInfo, blockOffset int, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (_ LogicalPlan, err error) {
	child := join.children[childIdx]
	if aggregation.IsAllFirstRow(aggFuncs) {
		return child, nil
	// If the join is multiway-join, we forbid pushing down.
	if _, ok := join.children[childIdx].(*LogicalJoin); ok {
		return child, nil
	tmpSchema := expression.NewSchema(gbyCols...)
	for _, key := range child.Schema().Keys {
		if tmpSchema.ColumnsIndices(key) != nil {
			return child, nil
	nullGenerating := (join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin && childIdx == 1) ||
		(join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin && childIdx == 0)
	agg, err := a.makeNewAgg(join.ctx, aggFuncs, gbyCols, aggHints, blockOffset, nullGenerating)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// If agg has no group-by item, it will return a default value, which may cause some bugs.
	// So here we add a group-by item forcely.
	if len(agg.GroupByItems) == 0 {
		agg.GroupByItems = []expression.Expression{&expression.Constant{
			Value:   types.NewDatum(0),
			RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLong)}}
	if (childIdx == 0 && join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin) || (childIdx == 1 && join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin) {
		var existsDefaultValues bool
		join.DefaultValues, existsDefaultValues = a.getDefaultValues(agg)
		if !existsDefaultValues {
			return child, nil
	appendAggPushDownAcrossJoinTraceStep(oldAgg, agg, aggFuncs, join, childIdx, opt)
	return agg, nil

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) getDefaultValues(agg *LogicalAggregation) ([]types.Datum, bool) {
	defaultValues := make([]types.Datum, 0, agg.Schema().Len())
	for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
		value, existsDefaultValue := aggFunc.EvalNullValueInOuterJoin(agg.ctx, agg.children[0].Schema())
		if !existsDefaultValue {
			return nil, false
		defaultValues = append(defaultValues, value)
	return defaultValues, true

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) checkAnyCountAndSum(aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc) bool {
	for _, fun := range aggFuncs {
		if fun.Name == ast.AggFuncSum || fun.Name == ast.AggFuncCount {
			return true
	return false

// checkAllArgsColumn checks whether the args in function are dedicated columns
// eg: count(*) or sum(a+1) will return false while count(a) or sum(a) will return true
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) checkAllArgsColumn(fun *aggregation.AggFuncDesc) bool {
	for _, arg := range fun.Args {
		_, ok := arg.(*expression.Column)
		if !ok {
			return false
	return true

// TODO:
//  1. https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/16355, push avg & distinct functions across join
//  2. remove this method and use splitPartialAgg instead for clean code.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) makeNewAgg(ctx sessionctx.Context, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc,
	gbyCols []*expression.Column, aggHints aggHintInfo, blockOffset int, nullGenerating bool) (*LogicalAggregation, error) {
	agg := LogicalAggregation{
		GroupByItems: expression.Column2Exprs(gbyCols),
		aggHints:     aggHints,
	}.Init(ctx, blockOffset)
	aggLen := len(aggFuncs) + len(gbyCols)
	newAggFuncDescs := make([]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, 0, aggLen)
	schema := expression.NewSchema(make([]*expression.Column, 0, aggLen)...)
	for _, aggFunc := range aggFuncs {
		var newFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc
		newFuncs, schema = a.decompose(ctx, aggFunc, schema, nullGenerating)
		newAggFuncDescs = append(newAggFuncDescs, newFuncs...)
	for _, gbyCol := range gbyCols {
		firstRow, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(agg.ctx, ast.AggFuncFirstRow, []expression.Expression{gbyCol}, false)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		newCol, _ := gbyCol.Clone().(*expression.Column)
		newCol.RetType = firstRow.RetTp
		newAggFuncDescs = append(newAggFuncDescs, firstRow)
	agg.AggFuncs = newAggFuncDescs
	// TODO: Add a Projection if any argument of aggregate funcs or group by items are scalar functions.
	// agg.buildProjectionIfNecessary()
	return agg, nil

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) splitPartialAgg(agg *LogicalAggregation) (pushedAgg *LogicalAggregation) {
	partial, final, _ := BuildFinalModeAggregation(agg.ctx, &AggInfo{
		AggFuncs:     agg.AggFuncs,
		GroupByItems: agg.GroupByItems,
		Schema:       agg.schema,
	}, false, false)
	if partial == nil {
		pushedAgg = nil
	agg.AggFuncs = final.AggFuncs
	agg.GroupByItems = final.GroupByItems

	pushedAgg = LogicalAggregation{
		AggFuncs:     partial.AggFuncs,
		GroupByItems: partial.GroupByItems,
		aggHints:     agg.aggHints,
	}.Init(agg.ctx, agg.blockOffset)

// pushAggCrossUnion will try to push the agg down to the union. If the new aggregation's group-by columns doesn't contain unique key.
// We will return the new aggregation. Otherwise we will transform the aggregation to projection.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) pushAggCrossUnion(agg *LogicalAggregation, unionSchema *expression.Schema, unionChild LogicalPlan) (LogicalPlan, error) {
	ctx := agg.ctx
	newAgg := LogicalAggregation{
		AggFuncs:     make([]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, 0, len(agg.AggFuncs)),
		GroupByItems: make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(agg.GroupByItems)),
		aggHints:     agg.aggHints,
	}.Init(ctx, agg.blockOffset)
	for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
		newAggFunc := aggFunc.Clone()
		newArgs := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(newAggFunc.Args))
		for _, arg := range newAggFunc.Args {
			newArgs = append(newArgs, expression.ColumnSubstitute(arg, unionSchema, expression.Column2Exprs(unionChild.Schema().Columns)))
		newAggFunc.Args = newArgs
		newAgg.AggFuncs = append(newAgg.AggFuncs, newAggFunc)
	for _, gbyExpr := range agg.GroupByItems {
		newExpr := expression.ColumnSubstitute(gbyExpr, unionSchema, expression.Column2Exprs(unionChild.Schema().Columns))
		newAgg.GroupByItems = append(newAgg.GroupByItems, newExpr)
		// TODO: if there is a duplicated first_row function, we can delete it.
		firstRow, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(agg.ctx, ast.AggFuncFirstRow, []expression.Expression{gbyExpr}, false)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		newAgg.AggFuncs = append(newAgg.AggFuncs, firstRow)
	tmpSchema := expression.NewSchema(newAgg.GetGroupByCols()...)
	// e.g. Union distinct will add a aggregation like `select join_agg_0, join_agg_1, join_agg_2 from t group by a, b, c` above UnionAll.
	// And the pushed agg will be something like `select a, b, c, a, b, c from t group by a, b, c`. So if we just return child as join does,
	// this will cause error during executor phase.
	for _, key := range unionChild.Schema().Keys {
		if tmpSchema.ColumnsIndices(key) != nil {
			if ok, proj := ConvertAggToProj(newAgg, newAgg.schema); ok {
				return proj, nil
	return newAgg, nil

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) optimize(_ context.Context, p LogicalPlan, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error) {
	return a.aggPushDown(p, opt)

func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) tryAggPushDownForUnion(union *LogicalUnionAll, agg *LogicalAggregation, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error {
	for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
		if !a.isDecomposableWithUnion(aggFunc) {
			return nil
	pushedAgg := a.splitPartialAgg(agg)
	if pushedAgg == nil {
		return nil

	// Update the agg mode for the pushed down aggregation.
	for _, aggFunc := range pushedAgg.AggFuncs {
		if aggFunc.Mode == aggregation.CompleteMode {
			aggFunc.Mode = aggregation.Partial1Mode
		} else if aggFunc.Mode == aggregation.FinalMode {
			aggFunc.Mode = aggregation.Partial2Mode

	newChildren := make([]LogicalPlan, 0, len(union.Children()))
	for _, child := range union.Children() {
		newChild, err := a.pushAggCrossUnion(pushedAgg, union.Schema(), child)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		newChildren = append(newChildren, newChild)
	appendAggPushDownAcrossUnionTraceStep(union, agg, opt)
	return nil

// aggPushDown tries to push down aggregate functions to join paths.
func (a *aggregationPushDownSolver) aggPushDown(p LogicalPlan, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (_ LogicalPlan, err error) {
	if agg, ok := p.(*LogicalAggregation); ok {
		proj := a.tryToEliminateAggregation(agg, opt)
		if proj != nil {
			p = proj
		} else {
			child := agg.children[0]
			// For example, we can optimize 'select sum(a.id) from t as a,t as b where a.id = b.id;' as
			// 'select sum(agg) from (select sum(id) as agg,id from t group by id) as a, t as b where a.id = b.id;'
			// by pushing down sum aggregation functions.
			if join, ok1 := child.(*LogicalJoin); ok1 && a.checkValidJoin(join) && p.SCtx().GetSessionVars().AllowAggPushDown {
				if valid, leftAggFuncs, rightAggFuncs, leftGbyCols, rightGbyCols := a.splitAggFuncsAndGbyCols(agg, join); valid {
					var lChild, rChild LogicalPlan
					// If there exist count or sum functions in left join path, we can't push any
					// aggregate function into right join path.
					rightInvalid := a.checkAnyCountAndSum(leftAggFuncs)
					leftInvalid := a.checkAnyCountAndSum(rightAggFuncs)
					if rightInvalid {
						rChild = join.children[1]
					} else {
						rChild, err = a.tryToPushDownAgg(agg, rightAggFuncs, rightGbyCols, join, 1, agg.aggHints, agg.blockOffset, opt)
						if err != nil {
							return nil, err
					if leftInvalid {
						lChild = join.children[0]
					} else {
						lChild, err = a.tryToPushDownAgg(agg, leftAggFuncs, leftGbyCols, join, 0, agg.aggHints, agg.blockOffset, opt)
						if err != nil {
							return nil, err
					join.SetChildren(lChild, rChild)
					join.SetSchema(expression.MergeSchema(lChild.Schema(), rChild.Schema()))
					if join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin {
						resetNotNullFlag(join.schema, lChild.Schema().Len(), join.schema.Len())
					} else if join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin {
						resetNotNullFlag(join.schema, 0, lChild.Schema().Len())
					proj := a.tryToEliminateAggregation(agg, opt)
					if proj != nil {
						p = proj
			} else if proj, ok1 := child.(*LogicalProjection); ok1 {
				// push aggregation across projection
				// TODO: This optimization is not always reasonable. We have not supported pushing projection to kv layer yet,
				// so we must do this optimization.
				noSideEffects := true
				newGbyItems := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(agg.GroupByItems))
				for _, gbyItem := range agg.GroupByItems {
					newGbyItems = append(newGbyItems, expression.ColumnSubstitute(gbyItem, proj.schema, proj.Exprs))
					if ExprsHasSideEffects(newGbyItems) {
						noSideEffects = false
				oldAggFuncsArgs := make([][]expression.Expression, 0, len(agg.AggFuncs))
				newAggFuncsArgs := make([][]expression.Expression, 0, len(agg.AggFuncs))
				if noSideEffects {
					for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
						oldAggFuncsArgs = append(oldAggFuncsArgs, aggFunc.Args)
						newArgs := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(aggFunc.Args))
						for _, arg := range aggFunc.Args {
							newArgs = append(newArgs, expression.ColumnSubstitute(arg, proj.schema, proj.Exprs))
						if ExprsHasSideEffects(newArgs) {
							noSideEffects = false
						newAggFuncsArgs = append(newAggFuncsArgs, newArgs)
				if noSideEffects {
					agg.GroupByItems = newGbyItems
					for i, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
						aggFunc.Args = newAggFuncsArgs[i]
					projChild := proj.children[0]
					// When the origin plan tree is `Aggregation->Projection->Union All->X`, we need to merge 'Aggregation' and 'Projection' first.
					// And then push the new 'Aggregation' below the 'Union All' .
					// The final plan tree should be 'Aggregation->Union All->Aggregation->X'.
					child = projChild
					appendAggPushDownAcrossProjTraceStep(agg, proj, opt)
			if union, ok1 := child.(*LogicalUnionAll); ok1 && p.SCtx().GetSessionVars().AllowAggPushDown {
				err := a.tryAggPushDownForUnion(union, agg, opt)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
			} else if union, ok1 := child.(*LogicalPartitionUnionAll); ok1 {
				err := a.tryAggPushDownForUnion(&union.LogicalUnionAll, agg, opt)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
	newChildren := make([]LogicalPlan, 0, len(p.Children()))
	for _, child := range p.Children() {
		newChild, err := a.aggPushDown(child, opt)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		newChildren = append(newChildren, newChild)
	return p, nil

func (*aggregationPushDownSolver) name() string {
	return "aggregation_push_down"

func appendAggPushDownAcrossJoinTraceStep(oldAgg, newAgg *LogicalAggregation, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, join *LogicalJoin,
	childIdx int, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
	reason := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v's functions[", oldAgg.TP(), oldAgg.ID()))
		for i, aggFunc := range aggFuncs {
			if i > 0 {
		buffer.WriteString("] are decomposable with join")
		return buffer.String()
	action := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v pushed down across %v_%v, ", oldAgg.TP(), oldAgg.ID(), join.TP(), join.ID()))
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("and %v_%v %v path becomes %v_%v", join.TP(), join.ID(), func() string {
			if childIdx == 0 {
				return "left"
			return "right"
		}(), newAgg.TP(), newAgg.ID()))
		return buffer.String()
	opt.appendStepToCurrent(join.ID(), join.TP(), reason, action)

func appendAggPushDownAcrossProjTraceStep(agg *LogicalAggregation, proj *LogicalProjection, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
	action := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v is eliminated, and %v_%v's functions changed into[", proj.TP(), proj.ID(), agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		for i, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
			if i > 0 {
		return buffer.String()
	reason := func() string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v is directly below an %v_%v and has no side effects", proj.TP(), proj.ID(), agg.TP(), agg.ID())
	opt.appendStepToCurrent(agg.ID(), agg.TP(), reason, action)

func appendAggPushDownAcrossUnionTraceStep(union *LogicalUnionAll, agg *LogicalAggregation, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
	reason := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v functions[", agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		for i, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
			if i > 0 {
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("] are decomposable with %v_%v", union.TP(), union.ID()))
		return buffer.String()
	action := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v pushed down, and %v_%v's children changed into[", agg.TP(), agg.ID(), union.TP(), union.ID()))
		for i, child := range union.Children() {
			if i > 0 {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", child.TP(), child.ID()))
		return buffer.String()
	opt.appendStepToCurrent(union.ID(), union.TP(), reason, action)


tidb 源码目录


tidb access_object 源码

tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码

tidb common_plans 源码

tidb encode 源码

tidb errors 源码

tidb exhaust_physical_plans 源码

tidb explain 源码

tidb expression_rewriter 源码

tidb find_best_task 源码

tidb flat_plan 源码

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