harmony 鸿蒙Navigation

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1355)


The <Navigation> component typically functions as the root container of a page and displays the title bar, toolbar, and navigation bar based on the attribute settings.


This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components


Since API version 9, it is recommended that this component be used together with the <NavRouter> component.





Navigation(pathInfos: NavPathStack)

Binds a navigation stack to the <Navigation> component.


Name Type Mandatory Description
pathInfos NavPathStack No Information about the navigation stack.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
title ResourceStr10+ |CustomBuilder8+ |NavigationCommonTitle9+ |NavigationCustomTitle9+ Page title.
When the NavigationCustomTitle type is used to set the height, the titleMode attribute does not take effect.
When the title string is too long: (1) If no subtitle is set, the string is scaled down, wrapped in two lines, and then clipped with an ellipsis (…); (2) If a subtitle is set, the subtitle is scaled down and then clipped with an ellipsis (…).
subTitle(deprecated) string Subtitle of the page. If this attribute is not set, no subtitle is displayed. This attribute is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use title instead.
menus Array<NavigationMenuItem&gt; |CustomBuilder8+ Menu items in the upper right corner of the page. If this attribute is not set, no menu item is displayed. When the value type is Array<NavigationMenuItem&gt;, the menu shows a maximum of three icons in portrait mode and a maximum of five icons in landscape mode, with excess icons (if any) placed under the automatically generated More icon.
titleMode NavigationTitleMode Display mode of the page title bar.
Default value: NavigationTitleMode.Free
toolBar(deprecated) object |CustomBuilder8+ Content of the toolbar. If this attribute is not set, no toolbar is displayed.
items: all items on the toolbar.
Items are evenly distributed on the toolbar at the bottom. Text and icons are evenly distributed in each content area. If the text is too long, it is scaled down level by level, wrapped in two lines, and then clipped with an ellipsis (…).
This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use toolbarConfiguration instead.
toolbarConfiguration10+ Array<ToolbarItem10+&gt; |CustomBuilder8+ Content of the toolbar. If this attribute is not set, no toolbar is displayed.
When the value type is Array<ToolbarItem.
The toolbar shows a maximum of five icons in portrait mode, with excess icons (if any) placed under the automatically generated More icon. In landscape mode, this attribute must be used together with Array<NavigationMenuItem> of the menus attribute; the toolbar at the bottom is automatically hidden, and all items on the toolbar are moved to the menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
When the value type is CustomBuilder, and the toolbar does not exhibit the preceding features except that items are evenly distributed on the toolbar at the bottom.
hideToolBar boolean Whether to hide the toolbar.
Default value: false
true: Hide the toolbar.
false: Show the toolbar.
hideTitleBar boolean Whether to hide the title bar.
Default value: false
true: Hide the title bar.
false: Show the title bar.
hideBackButton boolean Whether to hide the back button.
Default value: false
true: Hide the back button.
false: Show the back button.
The back button in the title bar of the <NavDestination> component cannot be hidden.
The back button works only when titleMode is set to NavigationTitleMode.Mini.
navBarWidth9+ Length Width of the navigation bar.
Default value: 240
Unit: vp
This attribute is valid only when the <Navigation> component is split.
navBarPosition9+ NavBarPosition Position of the navigation bar.
Default value: NavBarPosition.Start
This attribute is valid only when the <Navigation> component is split.
mode9+ NavigationMode Display mode of the navigation bar.
Default value: NavigationMode.Auto
At the default settings, the component adapts to a single column or two columns based on the component width.
Available options are Stack, Split, and Auto.
backButtonIcon9+ string |PixelMap |Resource Back button icon on the navigation bar. The back button in the title bar of the <NavDestination> component cannot be hidden.
hideNavBar9+ boolean Whether to hide the navigation bar.
navDestination10+ builder: (name: string, param: unknown) => void Creates a <NavDestination> component.
The builder function is used, with the name and param parameters passed in. In the builder, a layer of custom components can be included outside the <NavDestination> component. However, no attributes or events can be set for the custom components. Otherwise, only blank components are displayed.
navBarWidthRange10+ [Dimension, Dimension] Minimum and maximum widths of the navigation bar (valid in dual-column mode).
Default value: 240 for the minimum value; 40% of the component width (not greater than 432) for the maximum value
Unit: vp
Priority rules:
Custom value > Default value
Minimum value > Maximum value
navBar > content
If values conflict, the global value takes precedence, and the local minimum value depends on the container size.
minContentWidth10+ Dimension Minimum width of the navigation bar content area (valid in dual-column mode).
Default value: 360
Unit: vp
Priority rules:
Custom value > Default value
Minimum value > Maximum value
navBar > content
If values conflict, the global value takes precedence, and the local minimum value depends on the container size.
Breakpoint calculation in Auto mode: default 600 vp = minNavBarWidth (240 vp) + minContentWidth (360 vp)


Name Description
onTitleModeChange(callback: (titleMode: NavigationTitleMode) =&gt; void) Called when titleMode is set to NavigationTitleMode.Free and the title bar mode changes as content scrolls.
onNavBarStateChange(callback: (isVisible: boolean) =&gt; void) Called when the navigation bar visibility status changes. The value true means that the navigation bar is displayed, and false means the opposite.


Implements a navigation stack.


pushPath(info: NavPathInfo): void

Pushes the navigation destination page specified by info to the navigation stack.


Name Type Mandatory Description
info NavPathInfo Yes Information about the navigation destination page.


pushPathByName(name: string, param: unknown): void

Pushes the navigation destination page specified by name to the navigation stack.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.
param unknown Yes Parameter information of the navigation destination page.


pop(): NavPathInfo|undefined

Pops the top element out of the navigation stack.

Return value

Type Description
NavPathInfo Returns the information about the navigation destination page at the top of the stack.
undefined Returns undefined if the navigation stack is empty.


popToName(name: string): number

Returns the navigation stack to the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns the index of the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name if it exists in the navigation stack; returns -1 otherwise.


popToIndex(index: number): void

Returns the navigation stack to the navigation destination page that matches the value of index.


Name Type Mandatory Description
index number Yes Index of the navigation destination page.


moveToTop(name: string): number

Moves to the top of the navigation stack the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns the index of the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name if it exists in the navigation stack; returns -1 otherwise.


moveIndexToTop(index: number): void

Moves to the top of the navigation stack the navigation destination page that matches the value of index.


Name Type Mandatory Description
index number Yes Index of the navigation destination page.


clear(): void

Clears the navigation stack.


getAllPathName(): Array

Obtains the names of all navigation destination pages in the navigation stack.

Return value

Type Description
Array Names of all navigation destination pages in the navigation stack.


getParamByIndex(index: number): unknown|undefined

Obtains the parameter information of the navigation destination page that matches the value of index.


Name Type Mandatory Description
index number Yes Index of the navigation destination page.

Return value

Type Description
unknown Returns the parameter information of the matching navigation destination page.
undefined Returns undefined if the passed index is invalid.


getParamByName(name: string): Array

Obtains the parameter information of all the navigation destination pages that match the value of name.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.

Return value

Type Description
Array Parameter information of all the matching navigation destination pages.


getIndexByName(name: string): Array

Obtains the indexes of all the navigation destination pages that match the value of name.


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.

Return value

Type Description
Array Indexes of all the matching navigation destination pages.


size(): number

Obtains the stack size.

Return value

Type Description
number Stack size.


Describes the navigation page information.


constructor(name: string, param: unknown)


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page.
param unknown No Parameter information of the navigation destination page.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value string Yes Text of a menu item.
icon string No Icon path of a menu item.
action () =&gt; void No Callback invoked when a menu item is selected.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value string Yes Text of a toolbar item.
icon string No Icon path of a toolbar item.
action () =&gt; void No Callback invoked when a toolbar item is selected.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value ResourceStr Yes Text of a toolbar item.
icon ResourceStr No Icon path of a toolbar item.
action () =&gt; void No Callback invoked when a toolbar item is selected.
status ToolbarItemStatus No Status of a toolbar item.
Default value: ToolbarItemStatus.NORMAL
activeIcon ResourceStr No Icon path of the toolbar item in the active state.


Name Description
NORMAL Normal state. In this state, the toolbar item takes on the default style and can switch to another state-specific style by responding to the hover, press, and focus events.
DISABLED Disabled state. In this state, the toolbar item is disabled and does not allow for user interactions.
ACTIVE Active state. In this state, the toolbar item can update its icon to the one specified by activeIcon by responding to a click event.


Name Description
Free When the content is a scrollable component, the main title shrinks as the content scrolls down (the subtitle fades out with its size remaining unchanged) and restores as the content scrolls up to the top.
The size linkage effect works only when title is set to ResourceStr or NavigationCommonTitle. If title is set to any other value type, the main title changes in mere location when pulled down.
Mini The title is fixed at mini mode.
Full The title is fixed at full mode.


Name Type Mandatory Description
main string Yes Main title.
sub string Yes Subtitle.


Name Type Mandatory Description
builder CustomBuilder Yes Content of the title bar.
height TitleHeight |Length Yes Height of the title bar.


Name Description
Start When two columns are displayed, the main column is at the start of the main axis.
End When two columns are displayed, the main column is at the end of the main axis.


Name Description
Stack The navigation bar and content area are displayed independently of each other, which are equivalent to two pages.
Split The navigation bar and content area are displayed in different columns.
The values of navBarWidthRange are represented by [minNavBarWidth,maxNavBarWidth].
1. When the value of navBarWidth is beyond the value range specified by navBarWidthRange, navBarWidth is set according to the following rules:
Value of navBarWidth < Value of minNavBarWidth: The value of navBarWidth is changed to that of minNavBarWidth.
Value of navBarWidth > Value of maxNavBarWidth and Component width - Value of minContentWidth - Divider width (1 vp) > Value of maxNavBarWidth: The value of navBarWidth is changed to that of maxNavBarWidth.
Value of navBarWidth > Value of maxNavBarWidth and Component width - Value of minContentWidth - Divider width (1 vp) < Value of minNavBarWidth: The value of navBarWidth is changed to that of minNavBarWidth.
Value of navBarWidth > Value of maxNavBarWidth and Component width - Value of minContentWidth - Divider width (1 vp) is within the value range specified by navBarWidthRange: The value of navBarWidth is changed to Component width - Value of minContentWidth - Divider width (1 vp).
2. When the value of navBarWidth is within the value range specified by navBarWidthRange, navBarWidth is set according to the following rules:
Value of minNavBarWidth + Value of minContentWidth + Divider width (1 vp) > = Component width: The value of navBarWidth is changed to that of minNavBarWidth.
Value of minNavBarWidth + Value of minContentWidth + Divider width (1 vp) < Component width and Value of navBarWidth + Value of minContentWidth + Divider width (1 vp) > = Component width: The value of navBarWidth is changed to Component width - Value of minContentWidth - Divider width (1 vp).
Value of minNavBarWidth + Value of minContentWidth + Divider width (1 vp) < Component width and Value of navBarWidth + Value of minContentWidth + Divider width (1 vp) < Component width: The value of navBarWidth is the set value.
3. When the component size is decreased, the content area is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by minContentWidth, and then the navigation bar is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by minNavBarWidth; if the component size is further decreased, the content area is further shrunk until it disappears, and then navigation bar is shrunk.
4. When the navigation bar is set to a fixed size and the component size is continuously decreased, the navigation bar is shrunk.
5. If only navBarWidth is set, the width of the navigation bar is fixed at the value of navBarWidth, and the divider cannot be dragged.
Auto In API version 9 and earlier versions: When the window width is greater than or equal to 520 vp, the Split mode is used. In other cases, the Stack mode is used.
In API version 10 and later versions: When the window width is greater than or equal to 600 vp, the Split mode is used. In other cases, the Stack mode is used. 600 vp = minNavBarWidth (240 vp) + minContentWidth (360 vp).


Name Description
MainOnly Recommended height (56 vp) of the title bar when only the main title is available.
MainWithSub Recommended height (82 vp) of the title bar when both the main title and subtitle exist.


Among the scrollable components, only <List> is supported.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
class A {
  text: string = ''
  num: number = 0

struct NavigationExample {
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  @State currentIndex: number = 0

  @Builder NavigationTitle() {
    Column() {
        .margin({ top: 2, bottom: 20 })

  @Builder NavigationMenus() {
    Row() {
        .margin({ left: 24 })
        .margin({ left: 24 })

  build() {
    Column() {
      Navigation() {
        TextInput({ placeholder: 'search...' })
          .margin({ top: 8 })

        List({ space: 12, initialIndex: 0 }) {
          ForEach(this.arr, (item: number) => {
            ListItem() {
              Text('' + item)
          }, (item: number) => item.toString())
        .margin({ top: 12, left: '10%' })
          value: $r("app.string.navigation_toolbar_add"),
          icon: $r("app.media.ic_public_highlightsed")
          value: $r("app.string.navigation_toolbar_app"),
          icon: $r("app.media.ic_public_highlights")
          value: $r("app.string.navigation_toolbar_collect"),
          icon: $r("app.media.ic_public_highlights")
      .onTitleModeChange((titleModel: NavigationTitleMode) => {
        console.info('titleMode' + titleModel)


Example 2

// Index.ets
import { pageOneTmp } from './pageOne'
import { pageTwoTmp } from './pageTwo'
import { pages }  from './pageTwo'

struct NavigationExample {
  @Provide('pageInfos') pageInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack()

  PageMap(name: string) {
    if (name === 'pageOne') {
    } else if (name === 'pageTwo') {
      pageTwoTmp({ names: name, values: this.pageInfos } as pages)

  build() {
    Navigation(this.pageInfos) {
      Column() {
        Button('pushPath', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.pushPath({ name:'pageOne'}) // Push the navigation destination page specified by name to the navigation stack.
// pageOne.ets
class tmpClass{
export struct pageOneTmp {
  @Consume('pageInfos') pageInfos: NavPathStack;

  build() {
    NavDestination() {
      Column() {
        Button('pushPathByName', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            let tmp = new tmpClass()
            this.pageInfos.pushPathByName('pageTwo', tmp) // Push the navigation destination page specified by name to the navigation stack, with the data specified by param passed in.
        Button('popToname', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.popToName('pageTwo') // Return the navigation stack to the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name.
            console.log('popToName' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos), 'Return value' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.popToName('pageTwo')))
        Button('popToIndex', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.popToIndex(1) // Return the navigation stack to the navigation destination page that matches the value of index.
            console.log('popToIndex' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos))
        Button('moveToTop', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.moveToTop('pageTwo') // Move to the top of the navigation stack the first navigation destination page that matches the value of name.
            console.log('moveToTop' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos), 'Return value' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.moveToTop('pageTwo')))
        Button('moveIndexToTop', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.moveIndexToTop(1) // Move to the top of the navigation stack the navigation destination page that matches the value of index.
            console.log('moveIndexToTop' + JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos))
        Button('clear', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            this.pageInfos.clear() // Clear the navigation stack.
        Button('get', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
          .onClick(() => {
            console.log('Obtained the names of all pages in the navigation stack', JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.getAllPathName()))
            console.log('Obtained parameter information of the navigation destination page specified by index', JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.getParamByIndex(1)))
            console.log('Obtained parameter information of all the navigation destination pages specified by name', JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.getParamByName('pageTwo')))
            console.log('Obtained the index information of all the navigation destination pages specified by name', JSON.stringify(this.pageInfos.getIndexByName('pageOne'))))
            console.log ('Obtained the stack size', JSON.stringify (this.pageInfos.size ()))
    .onBackPressed(() => {
      this.pageInfos.pop() // Pop the top element out of the navigation stack.
      console.log ('pop' + 'Return value' + JSON.stringify (this.pageInfos.pop ()))
      return true
// pageTwo.ets

export class pages {
  names: string = ""
  values: NavPathStack|null = null

export function pageTwoTmp(info: pages) {
  NavDestination() {
    Column() {
      Button('pushPathByName', { stateEffect: true, type: ButtonType.Capsule })
        .onClick(() => {
          (info.values as NavPathStack).pushPathByName('pageOne', null)
  .onBackPressed(() => {
    (info.values as NavPathStack).pop()
    return true



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