kafka Fetcher 源码

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kafka Fetcher 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.ApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.NodeApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.StaleMetadataException;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.LogTruncationException;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndTimestamp;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetOutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetResetStrategy;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.OffsetsForLeaderEpochClient.OffsetForEpochResult;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState.FetchPosition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Cluster;
import org.apache.kafka.common.IsolationLevel;
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricName;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Node;
import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CorruptRecordException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidTopicException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordDeserializationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers;
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.internals.RecordHeaders;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.FetchResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ApiVersionsResponseData.ApiVersion;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ListOffsetsRequestData.ListOffsetsPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ListOffsetsResponseData.ListOffsetsPartitionResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ListOffsetsResponseData.ListOffsetsTopicResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Gauge;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Meter;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Min;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Value;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.WindowedCount;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ApiKeys;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.BufferSupplier;
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.ControlRecordType;
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.Record;
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.RecordBatch;
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.TimestampType;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FetchRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FetchResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetsRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetsResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.MetadataRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.MetadataResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetsForLeaderEpochRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.CloseableIterator;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Timer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * This class manages the fetching process with the brokers.
 * <p>
 * Thread-safety:
 * Requests and responses of Fetcher may be processed by different threads since heartbeat
 * thread may process responses. Other operations are single-threaded and invoked only from
 * the thread polling the consumer.
 * <ul>
 *     <li>If a response handler accesses any shared state of the Fetcher (e.g. FetchSessionHandler),
 *     all access to that state must be synchronized on the Fetcher instance.</li>
 *     <li>If a response handler accesses any shared state of the coordinator (e.g. SubscriptionState),
 *     it is assumed that all access to that state is synchronized on the coordinator instance by
 *     the caller.</li>
 *     <li>Responses that collate partial responses from multiple brokers (e.g. to list offsets) are
 *     synchronized on the response future.</li>
 *     <li>At most one request is pending for each node at any time. Nodes with pending requests are
 *     tracked and updated after processing the response. This ensures that any state (e.g. epoch)
 *     updated while processing responses on one thread are visible while creating the subsequent request
 *     on a different thread.</li>
 * </ul>
public class Fetcher<K, V> implements Closeable {
    private final Logger log;
    private final LogContext logContext;
    private final ConsumerNetworkClient client;
    private final Time time;
    private final int minBytes;
    private final int maxBytes;
    private final int maxWaitMs;
    private final int fetchSize;
    private final long retryBackoffMs;
    private final long requestTimeoutMs;
    private final int maxPollRecords;
    private final boolean checkCrcs;
    private final String clientRackId;
    private final ConsumerMetadata metadata;
    private final FetchManagerMetrics sensors;
    private final SubscriptionState subscriptions;
    private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<CompletedFetch> completedFetches;
    private final BufferSupplier decompressionBufferSupplier = BufferSupplier.create();
    private final Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer;
    private final Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer;
    private final IsolationLevel isolationLevel;
    private final Map<Integer, FetchSessionHandler> sessionHandlers;
    private final AtomicReference<RuntimeException> cachedListOffsetsException = new AtomicReference<>();
    private final AtomicReference<RuntimeException> cachedOffsetForLeaderException = new AtomicReference<>();
    private final OffsetsForLeaderEpochClient offsetsForLeaderEpochClient;
    private final Set<Integer> nodesWithPendingFetchRequests;
    private final ApiVersions apiVersions;
    private final AtomicInteger metadataUpdateVersion = new AtomicInteger(-1);

    private CompletedFetch nextInLineFetch = null;

    public Fetcher(LogContext logContext,
                   ConsumerNetworkClient client,
                   int minBytes,
                   int maxBytes,
                   int maxWaitMs,
                   int fetchSize,
                   int maxPollRecords,
                   boolean checkCrcs,
                   String clientRackId,
                   Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer,
                   Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer,
                   ConsumerMetadata metadata,
                   SubscriptionState subscriptions,
                   Metrics metrics,
                   FetcherMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry,
                   Time time,
                   long retryBackoffMs,
                   long requestTimeoutMs,
                   IsolationLevel isolationLevel,
                   ApiVersions apiVersions) {
        this.log = logContext.logger(Fetcher.class);
        this.logContext = logContext;
        this.time = time;
        this.client = client;
        this.metadata = metadata;
        this.subscriptions = subscriptions;
        this.minBytes = minBytes;
        this.maxBytes = maxBytes;
        this.maxWaitMs = maxWaitMs;
        this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
        this.maxPollRecords = maxPollRecords;
        this.checkCrcs = checkCrcs;
        this.clientRackId = clientRackId;
        this.keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer;
        this.valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer;
        this.completedFetches = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
        this.sensors = new FetchManagerMetrics(metrics, metricsRegistry);
        this.retryBackoffMs = retryBackoffMs;
        this.requestTimeoutMs = requestTimeoutMs;
        this.isolationLevel = isolationLevel;
        this.apiVersions = apiVersions;
        this.sessionHandlers = new HashMap<>();
        this.offsetsForLeaderEpochClient = new OffsetsForLeaderEpochClient(client, logContext);
        this.nodesWithPendingFetchRequests = new HashSet<>();

     * Represents data about an offset returned by a broker.
    static class ListOffsetData {
        final long offset;
        final Long timestamp; //  null if the broker does not support returning timestamps
        final Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch; // empty if the leader epoch is not known

        ListOffsetData(long offset, Long timestamp, Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch) {
            this.offset = offset;
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.leaderEpoch = leaderEpoch;

     * Return whether we have any completed fetches pending return to the user. This method is thread-safe. Has
     * visibility for testing.
     * @return true if there are completed fetches, false otherwise
    protected boolean hasCompletedFetches() {
        return !completedFetches.isEmpty();

     * Return whether we have any completed fetches that are fetchable. This method is thread-safe.
     * @return true if there are completed fetches that can be returned, false otherwise
    public boolean hasAvailableFetches() {
        return completedFetches.stream().anyMatch(fetch -> subscriptions.isFetchable(fetch.partition));

     * Set-up a fetch request for any node that we have assigned partitions for which doesn't already have
     * an in-flight fetch or pending fetch data.
     * @return number of fetches sent
    public synchronized int sendFetches() {
        // Update metrics in case there was an assignment change

        Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> fetchRequestMap = prepareFetchRequests();
        for (Map.Entry<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> entry : fetchRequestMap.entrySet()) {
            final Node fetchTarget = entry.getKey();
            final FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData data = entry.getValue();
            final short maxVersion;
            if (!data.canUseTopicIds()) {
                maxVersion = (short) 12;
            } else {
                maxVersion = ApiKeys.FETCH.latestVersion();
            final FetchRequest.Builder request = FetchRequest.Builder
                    .forConsumer(maxVersion, this.maxWaitMs, this.minBytes, data.toSend())

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Sending {} {} to broker {}", isolationLevel, data.toString(), fetchTarget);
            RequestFuture<ClientResponse> future = client.send(fetchTarget, request);
            // We add the node to the set of nodes with pending fetch requests before adding the
            // listener because the future may have been fulfilled on another thread (e.g. during a
            // disconnection being handled by the heartbeat thread) which will mean the listener
            // will be invoked synchronously.
            future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ClientResponse>() {
                public void onSuccess(ClientResponse resp) {
                    synchronized (Fetcher.this) {
                        try {
                            FetchResponse response = (FetchResponse) resp.responseBody();
                            FetchSessionHandler handler = sessionHandler(fetchTarget.id());
                            if (handler == null) {
                                log.error("Unable to find FetchSessionHandler for node {}. Ignoring fetch response.",
                            if (!handler.handleResponse(response, resp.requestHeader().apiVersion())) {
                                if (response.error() == Errors.FETCH_SESSION_TOPIC_ID_ERROR) {

                            Map<TopicPartition, FetchResponseData.PartitionData> responseData = response.responseData(handler.sessionTopicNames(), resp.requestHeader().apiVersion());
                            Set<TopicPartition> partitions = new HashSet<>(responseData.keySet());
                            FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator = new FetchResponseMetricAggregator(sensors, partitions);

                            for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, FetchResponseData.PartitionData> entry : responseData.entrySet()) {
                                TopicPartition partition = entry.getKey();
                                FetchRequest.PartitionData requestData = data.sessionPartitions().get(partition);
                                if (requestData == null) {
                                    String message;
                                    if (data.metadata().isFull()) {
                                        message = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(
                                                "Response for missing full request partition: partition={}; metadata={}",
                                                new Object[]{partition, data.metadata()}).getMessage();
                                    } else {
                                        message = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(
                                                "Response for missing session request partition: partition={}; metadata={}; toSend={}; toForget={}; toReplace={}",
                                                new Object[]{partition, data.metadata(), data.toSend(), data.toForget(), data.toReplace()}).getMessage();

                                    // Received fetch response for missing session partition
                                    throw new IllegalStateException(message);
                                } else {
                                    long fetchOffset = requestData.fetchOffset;
                                    FetchResponseData.PartitionData partitionData = entry.getValue();

                                    log.debug("Fetch {} at offset {} for partition {} returned fetch data {}",
                                            isolationLevel, fetchOffset, partition, partitionData);

                                    Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches = FetchResponse.recordsOrFail(partitionData).batches().iterator();
                                    short responseVersion = resp.requestHeader().apiVersion();

                                    completedFetches.add(new CompletedFetch(partition, partitionData,
                                            metricAggregator, batches, fetchOffset, responseVersion));

                        } finally {

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    synchronized (Fetcher.this) {
                        try {
                            FetchSessionHandler handler = sessionHandler(fetchTarget.id());
                            if (handler != null) {
                        } finally {

        return fetchRequestMap.size();

     * Get topic metadata for all topics in the cluster
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @return The map of topics with their partition information
    public Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> getAllTopicMetadata(Timer timer) {
        return getTopicMetadata(MetadataRequest.Builder.allTopics(), timer);

     * Get metadata for all topics present in Kafka cluster
     * @param request The MetadataRequest to send
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @return The map of topics with their partition information
    public Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> getTopicMetadata(MetadataRequest.Builder request, Timer timer) {
        // Save the round trip if no topics are requested.
        if (!request.isAllTopics() && request.emptyTopicList())
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        do {
            RequestFuture<ClientResponse> future = sendMetadataRequest(request);
            client.poll(future, timer);

            if (future.failed() && !future.isRetriable())
                throw future.exception();

            if (future.succeeded()) {
                MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse) future.value().responseBody();
                Cluster cluster = response.buildCluster();

                Set<String> unauthorizedTopics = cluster.unauthorizedTopics();
                if (!unauthorizedTopics.isEmpty())
                    throw new TopicAuthorizationException(unauthorizedTopics);

                boolean shouldRetry = false;
                Map<String, Errors> errors = response.errors();
                if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                    // if there were errors, we need to check whether they were fatal or whether
                    // we should just retry

                    log.debug("Topic metadata fetch included errors: {}", errors);

                    for (Map.Entry<String, Errors> errorEntry : errors.entrySet()) {
                        String topic = errorEntry.getKey();
                        Errors error = errorEntry.getValue();

                        if (error == Errors.INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION)
                            throw new InvalidTopicException("Topic '" + topic + "' is invalid");
                        else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION)
                            // if a requested topic is unknown, we just continue and let it be absent
                            // in the returned map
                        else if (error.exception() instanceof RetriableException)
                            shouldRetry = true;
                            throw new KafkaException("Unexpected error fetching metadata for topic " + topic,

                if (!shouldRetry) {
                    HashMap<String, List<PartitionInfo>> topicsPartitionInfos = new HashMap<>();
                    for (String topic : cluster.topics())
                        topicsPartitionInfos.put(topic, cluster.partitionsForTopic(topic));
                    return topicsPartitionInfos;

        } while (timer.notExpired());

        throw new TimeoutException("Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata");

     * Send Metadata Request to least loaded node in Kafka cluster asynchronously
     * @return A future that indicates result of sent metadata request
    private RequestFuture<ClientResponse> sendMetadataRequest(MetadataRequest.Builder request) {
        final Node node = client.leastLoadedNode();
        if (node == null)
            return RequestFuture.noBrokersAvailable();
            return client.send(node, request);

    private Long offsetResetStrategyTimestamp(final TopicPartition partition) {
        OffsetResetStrategy strategy = subscriptions.resetStrategy(partition);
        if (strategy == OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST)
            return ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP;
        else if (strategy == OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST)
            return ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
            return null;

    private OffsetResetStrategy timestampToOffsetResetStrategy(long timestamp) {
        if (timestamp == ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP)
            return OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST;
        else if (timestamp == ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
            return OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST;
            return null;

     * Reset offsets for all assigned partitions that require it.
     * @throws org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.NoOffsetForPartitionException If no offset reset strategy is defined
     *   and one or more partitions aren't awaiting a seekToBeginning() or seekToEnd().
    public void resetOffsetsIfNeeded() {
        // Raise exception from previous offset fetch if there is one
        RuntimeException exception = cachedListOffsetsException.getAndSet(null);
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;

        Set<TopicPartition> partitions = subscriptions.partitionsNeedingReset(time.milliseconds());
        if (partitions.isEmpty())

        final Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsetResetTimestamps = new HashMap<>();
        for (final TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
            Long timestamp = offsetResetStrategyTimestamp(partition);
            if (timestamp != null)
                offsetResetTimestamps.put(partition, timestamp);


     * Validate offsets for all assigned partitions for which a leader change has been detected.
    public void validateOffsetsIfNeeded() {
        RuntimeException exception = cachedOffsetForLeaderException.getAndSet(null);
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;

        // Validate each partition against the current leader and epoch
        // If we see a new metadata version, check all partitions

        // Collect positions needing validation, with backoff
        Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition> partitionsToValidate = subscriptions
                .filter(tp -> subscriptions.position(tp) != null)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), subscriptions::position));


    public Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch,
                                                                   Timer timer) {

        try {
            Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffsets = fetchOffsetsByTimes(timestampsToSearch,
                    timer, true).fetchedOffsets;

            HashMap<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetsByTimes = new HashMap<>(timestampsToSearch.size());
            for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry : timestampsToSearch.entrySet())
                offsetsByTimes.put(entry.getKey(), null);

            for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> entry : fetchedOffsets.entrySet()) {
                // 'entry.getValue().timestamp' will not be null since we are guaranteed
                // to work with a v1 (or later) ListOffset request
                ListOffsetData offsetData = entry.getValue();
                offsetsByTimes.put(entry.getKey(), new OffsetAndTimestamp(offsetData.offset, offsetData.timestamp,

            return offsetsByTimes;
        } finally {

    private ListOffsetResult fetchOffsetsByTimes(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch,
                                                 Timer timer,
                                                 boolean requireTimestamps) {
        ListOffsetResult result = new ListOffsetResult();
        if (timestampsToSearch.isEmpty())
            return result;

        Map<TopicPartition, Long> remainingToSearch = new HashMap<>(timestampsToSearch);
        do {
            RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future = sendListOffsetsRequests(remainingToSearch, requireTimestamps);

            future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ListOffsetResult>() {
                public void onSuccess(ListOffsetResult value) {
                    synchronized (future) {

                        for (final Map.Entry<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> entry: value.fetchedOffsets.entrySet()) {
                            final TopicPartition partition = entry.getKey();

                            // if the interested partitions are part of the subscriptions, use the returned offset to update
                            // the subscription state as well:
                            //   * with read-committed, the returned offset would be LSO;
                            //   * with read-uncommitted, the returned offset would be HW;
                            if (subscriptions.isAssigned(partition)) {
                                final long offset = entry.getValue().offset;
                                if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED) {
                                    log.trace("Updating last stable offset for partition {} to {}", partition, offset);
                                    subscriptions.updateLastStableOffset(partition, offset);
                                } else {
                                    log.trace("Updating high watermark for partition {} to {}", partition, offset);
                                    subscriptions.updateHighWatermark(partition, offset);

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    if (!(e instanceof RetriableException)) {
                        throw future.exception();

            // if timeout is set to zero, do not try to poll the network client at all
            // and return empty immediately; otherwise try to get the results synchronously
            // and throw timeout exception if cannot complete in time
            if (timer.timeoutMs() == 0L)
                return result;

            client.poll(future, timer);

            if (!future.isDone()) {
            } else if (remainingToSearch.isEmpty()) {
                return result;
            } else {
        } while (timer.notExpired());

        throw new TimeoutException("Failed to get offsets by times in " + timer.elapsedMs() + "ms");

    public Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, Timer timer) {
        return beginningOrEndOffset(partitions, ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP, timer);

    public Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, Timer timer) {
        return beginningOrEndOffset(partitions, ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, timer);

    private Map<TopicPartition, Long> beginningOrEndOffset(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions,
                                                           long timestamp,
                                                           Timer timer) {
        try {
            Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch = partitions.stream()
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), tp -> timestamp));

            ListOffsetResult result = fetchOffsetsByTimes(timestampsToSearch, timer, false);

            return result.fetchedOffsets.entrySet().stream()
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, entry -> entry.getValue().offset));
        } finally {

     * Return the fetched records, empty the record buffer and update the consumed position.
     * NOTE: returning an {@link Fetch#isEmpty empty} fetch guarantees the consumed position is not updated.
     * @return A {@link Fetch} for the requested partitions
     * @throws OffsetOutOfRangeException If there is OffsetOutOfRange error in fetchResponse and
     *         the defaultResetPolicy is NONE
     * @throws TopicAuthorizationException If there is TopicAuthorization error in fetchResponse.
    public Fetch<K, V> collectFetch() {
        Fetch<K, V> fetch = Fetch.empty();
        Queue<CompletedFetch> pausedCompletedFetches = new ArrayDeque<>();
        int recordsRemaining = maxPollRecords;

        try {
            while (recordsRemaining > 0) {
                if (nextInLineFetch == null || nextInLineFetch.isConsumed) {
                    CompletedFetch records = completedFetches.peek();
                    if (records == null) break;

                    if (records.notInitialized()) {
                        try {
                            nextInLineFetch = initializeCompletedFetch(records);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // Remove a completedFetch upon a parse with exception if (1) it contains no records, and
                            // (2) there are no fetched records with actual content preceding this exception.
                            // The first condition ensures that the completedFetches is not stuck with the same completedFetch
                            // in cases such as the TopicAuthorizationException, and the second condition ensures that no
                            // potential data loss due to an exception in a following record.
                            FetchResponseData.PartitionData partition = records.partitionData;
                            if (fetch.isEmpty() && FetchResponse.recordsOrFail(partition).sizeInBytes() == 0) {
                            throw e;
                    } else {
                        nextInLineFetch = records;
                } else if (subscriptions.isPaused(nextInLineFetch.partition)) {
                    // when the partition is paused we add the records back to the completedFetches queue instead of draining
                    // them so that they can be returned on a subsequent poll if the partition is resumed at that time
                    log.debug("Skipping fetching records for assigned partition {} because it is paused", nextInLineFetch.partition);
                    nextInLineFetch = null;
                } else {
                    Fetch<K, V> nextFetch = fetchRecords(nextInLineFetch, recordsRemaining);
                    recordsRemaining -= nextFetch.numRecords();
        } catch (KafkaException e) {
            if (fetch.isEmpty())
                throw e;
        } finally {
            // add any polled completed fetches for paused partitions back to the completed fetches queue to be
            // re-evaluated in the next poll

        return fetch;

    private Fetch<K, V> fetchRecords(CompletedFetch completedFetch, int maxRecords) {
        if (!subscriptions.isAssigned(completedFetch.partition)) {
            // this can happen when a rebalance happened before fetched records are returned to the consumer's poll call
            log.debug("Not returning fetched records for partition {} since it is no longer assigned",
        } else if (!subscriptions.isFetchable(completedFetch.partition)) {
            // this can happen when a partition is paused before fetched records are returned to the consumer's
            // poll call or if the offset is being reset
            log.debug("Not returning fetched records for assigned partition {} since it is no longer fetchable",
        } else {
            FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(completedFetch.partition);
            if (position == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Missing position for fetchable partition " + completedFetch.partition);

            if (completedFetch.nextFetchOffset == position.offset) {
                List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> partRecords = completedFetch.fetchRecords(maxRecords);

                log.trace("Returning {} fetched records at offset {} for assigned partition {}",
                        partRecords.size(), position, completedFetch.partition);

                boolean positionAdvanced = false;

                if (completedFetch.nextFetchOffset > position.offset) {
                    FetchPosition nextPosition = new FetchPosition(
                    log.trace("Updating fetch position from {} to {} for partition {} and returning {} records from `poll()`",
                            position, nextPosition, completedFetch.partition, partRecords.size());
                    subscriptions.position(completedFetch.partition, nextPosition);
                    positionAdvanced = true;

                Long partitionLag = subscriptions.partitionLag(completedFetch.partition, isolationLevel);
                if (partitionLag != null)
                    this.sensors.recordPartitionLag(completedFetch.partition, partitionLag);

                Long lead = subscriptions.partitionLead(completedFetch.partition);
                if (lead != null) {
                    this.sensors.recordPartitionLead(completedFetch.partition, lead);

                return Fetch.forPartition(completedFetch.partition, partRecords, positionAdvanced);
            } else {
                // these records aren't next in line based on the last consumed position, ignore them
                // they must be from an obsolete request
                log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for {} at offset {} since the current position is {}",
                        completedFetch.partition, completedFetch.nextFetchOffset, position);

        log.trace("Draining fetched records for partition {}", completedFetch.partition);

        return Fetch.empty();

    // Visible for testing
    void resetOffsetIfNeeded(TopicPartition partition, OffsetResetStrategy requestedResetStrategy, ListOffsetData offsetData) {
        FetchPosition position = new FetchPosition(
            Optional.empty(), // This will ensure we skip validation
        offsetData.leaderEpoch.ifPresent(epoch -> metadata.updateLastSeenEpochIfNewer(partition, epoch));
        subscriptions.maybeSeekUnvalidated(partition, position, requestedResetStrategy);

    private void resetOffsetsAsync(Map<TopicPartition, Long> partitionResetTimestamps) {
        Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> timestampsToSearchByNode =
                groupListOffsetRequests(partitionResetTimestamps, new HashSet<>());
        for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> entry : timestampsToSearchByNode.entrySet()) {
            Node node = entry.getKey();
            final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition> resetTimestamps = entry.getValue();
            subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(resetTimestamps.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + requestTimeoutMs);

            RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future = sendListOffsetRequest(node, resetTimestamps, false);
            future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ListOffsetResult>() {
                public void onSuccess(ListOffsetResult result) {
                    if (!result.partitionsToRetry.isEmpty()) {
                        subscriptions.requestFailed(result.partitionsToRetry, time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);

                    for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffset : result.fetchedOffsets.entrySet()) {
                        TopicPartition partition = fetchedOffset.getKey();
                        ListOffsetData offsetData = fetchedOffset.getValue();
                        ListOffsetsPartition requestedReset = resetTimestamps.get(partition);
                        resetOffsetIfNeeded(partition, timestampToOffsetResetStrategy(requestedReset.timestamp()), offsetData);

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    subscriptions.requestFailed(resetTimestamps.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);

                    if (!(e instanceof RetriableException) && !cachedListOffsetsException.compareAndSet(null, e))
                        log.error("Discarding error in ListOffsetResponse because another error is pending", e);

    static boolean hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion(NodeApiVersions nodeApiVersions) {
        ApiVersion apiVersion = nodeApiVersions.apiVersion(ApiKeys.OFFSET_FOR_LEADER_EPOCH);
        if (apiVersion == null)
            return false;

        return OffsetsForLeaderEpochRequest.supportsTopicPermission(apiVersion.maxVersion());

     * For each partition which needs validation, make an asynchronous request to get the end-offsets for the partition
     * with the epoch less than or equal to the epoch the partition last saw.
     * Requests are grouped by Node for efficiency.
    private void validateOffsetsAsync(Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition> partitionsToValidate) {
        final Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition>> regrouped =

        long nextResetTimeMs = time.milliseconds() + requestTimeoutMs;
        regrouped.forEach((node, fetchPositions) -> {
            if (node.isEmpty()) {

            NodeApiVersions nodeApiVersions = apiVersions.get(node.idString());
            if (nodeApiVersions == null) {

            if (!hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion(nodeApiVersions)) {
                log.debug("Skipping validation of fetch offsets for partitions {} since the broker does not " +
                              "support the required protocol version (introduced in Kafka 2.3)",
                for (TopicPartition partition : fetchPositions.keySet()) {

            subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(fetchPositions.keySet(), nextResetTimeMs);

            RequestFuture<OffsetForEpochResult> future =
                offsetsForLeaderEpochClient.sendAsyncRequest(node, fetchPositions);

            future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<OffsetForEpochResult>() {
                public void onSuccess(OffsetForEpochResult offsetsResult) {
                    List<SubscriptionState.LogTruncation> truncations = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (!offsetsResult.partitionsToRetry().isEmpty()) {
                        subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(offsetsResult.partitionsToRetry(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);

                    // For each OffsetsForLeader response, check if the end-offset is lower than our current offset
                    // for the partition. If so, it means we have experienced log truncation and need to reposition
                    // that partition's offset.
                    // In addition, check whether the returned offset and epoch are valid. If not, then we should reset
                    // its offset if reset policy is configured, or throw out of range exception.
                    offsetsResult.endOffsets().forEach((topicPartition, respEndOffset) -> {
                        FetchPosition requestPosition = fetchPositions.get(topicPartition);
                        Optional<SubscriptionState.LogTruncation> truncationOpt =
                            subscriptions.maybeCompleteValidation(topicPartition, requestPosition, respEndOffset);

                    if (!truncations.isEmpty()) {

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    subscriptions.requestFailed(fetchPositions.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);

                    if (!(e instanceof RetriableException)) {

    private LogTruncationException buildLogTruncationException(List<SubscriptionState.LogTruncation> truncations) {
        Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> divergentOffsets = new HashMap<>();
        Map<TopicPartition, Long> truncatedFetchOffsets = new HashMap<>();
        for (SubscriptionState.LogTruncation truncation : truncations) {
            truncation.divergentOffsetOpt.ifPresent(divergentOffset ->
                divergentOffsets.put(truncation.topicPartition, divergentOffset));
            truncatedFetchOffsets.put(truncation.topicPartition, truncation.fetchPosition.offset);
        return new LogTruncationException("Detected truncated partitions: " + truncations,
            truncatedFetchOffsets, divergentOffsets);

    private void maybeSetOffsetForLeaderException(RuntimeException e) {
        if (!cachedOffsetForLeaderException.compareAndSet(null, e)) {
            log.error("Discarding error in OffsetsForLeaderEpoch because another error is pending", e);

     * Search the offsets by target times for the specified partitions.
     * @param timestampsToSearch the mapping between partitions and target time
     * @param requireTimestamps true if we should fail with an UnsupportedVersionException if the broker does
     *                         not support fetching precise timestamps for offsets
     * @return A response which can be polled to obtain the corresponding timestamps and offsets.
    private RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> sendListOffsetsRequests(final Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch,
                                                                    final boolean requireTimestamps) {
        final Set<TopicPartition> partitionsToRetry = new HashSet<>();
        Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> timestampsToSearchByNode =
                groupListOffsetRequests(timestampsToSearch, partitionsToRetry);
        if (timestampsToSearchByNode.isEmpty())
            return RequestFuture.failure(new StaleMetadataException());

        final RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> listOffsetRequestsFuture = new RequestFuture<>();
        final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedTimestampOffsets = new HashMap<>();
        final AtomicInteger remainingResponses = new AtomicInteger(timestampsToSearchByNode.size());

        for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> entry : timestampsToSearchByNode.entrySet()) {
            RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future = sendListOffsetRequest(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), requireTimestamps);
            future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ListOffsetResult>() {
                public void onSuccess(ListOffsetResult partialResult) {
                    synchronized (listOffsetRequestsFuture) {

                        if (remainingResponses.decrementAndGet() == 0 && !listOffsetRequestsFuture.isDone()) {
                            ListOffsetResult result = new ListOffsetResult(fetchedTimestampOffsets, partitionsToRetry);

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    synchronized (listOffsetRequestsFuture) {
                        if (!listOffsetRequestsFuture.isDone())
        return listOffsetRequestsFuture;

     * Groups timestamps to search by node for topic partitions in `timestampsToSearch` that have
     * leaders available. Topic partitions from `timestampsToSearch` that do not have their leader
     * available are added to `partitionsToRetry`
     * @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions ot the target timestamps
     * @param partitionsToRetry A set of topic partitions that will be extended with partitions
     *                          that need metadata update or re-connect to the leader.
    private Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> groupListOffsetRequests(
            Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch,
            Set<TopicPartition> partitionsToRetry) {
        final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition> partitionDataMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry: timestampsToSearch.entrySet()) {
            TopicPartition tp  = entry.getKey();
            Long offset = entry.getValue();
            Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch leaderAndEpoch = metadata.currentLeader(tp);

            if (!leaderAndEpoch.leader.isPresent()) {
                log.debug("Leader for partition {} is unknown for fetching offset {}", tp, offset);
            } else {
                Node leader = leaderAndEpoch.leader.get();
                if (client.isUnavailable(leader)) {

                    // The connection has failed and we need to await the backoff period before we can
                    // try again. No need to request a metadata update since the disconnect will have
                    // done so already.
                    log.debug("Leader {} for partition {} is unavailable for fetching offset until reconnect backoff expires",
                            leader, tp);
                } else {
                    int currentLeaderEpoch = leaderAndEpoch.epoch.orElse(ListOffsetsResponse.UNKNOWN_EPOCH);
                    partitionDataMap.put(tp, new ListOffsetsPartition()
        return regroupPartitionMapByNode(partitionDataMap);

     * Send the ListOffsetRequest to a specific broker for the partitions and target timestamps.
     * @param node The node to send the ListOffsetRequest to.
     * @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions to the target timestamps.
     * @param requireTimestamp  True if we require a timestamp in the response.
     * @return A response which can be polled to obtain the corresponding timestamps and offsets.
    private RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> sendListOffsetRequest(final Node node,
                                                                  final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition> timestampsToSearch,
                                                                  boolean requireTimestamp) {
        ListOffsetsRequest.Builder builder = ListOffsetsRequest.Builder
                .forConsumer(requireTimestamp, isolationLevel, false)

        log.debug("Sending ListOffsetRequest {} to broker {}", builder, node);
        return client.send(node, builder)
                .compose(new RequestFutureAdapter<ClientResponse, ListOffsetResult>() {
                    public void onSuccess(ClientResponse response, RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future) {
                        ListOffsetsResponse lor = (ListOffsetsResponse) response.responseBody();
                        log.trace("Received ListOffsetResponse {} from broker {}", lor, node);
                        handleListOffsetResponse(lor, future);

     * Callback for the response of the list offset call above.
     * @param listOffsetsResponse The response from the server.
     * @param future The future to be completed when the response returns. Note that any partition-level errors will
     *               generally fail the entire future result. The one exception is UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT,
     *               which indicates that the broker does not support the v1 message format. Partitions with this
     *               particular error are simply left out of the future map. Note that the corresponding timestamp
     *               value of each partition may be null only for v0. In v1 and later the ListOffset API would not
     *               return a null timestamp (-1 is returned instead when necessary).
    private void handleListOffsetResponse(ListOffsetsResponse listOffsetsResponse,
                                          RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future) {
        Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffsets = new HashMap<>();
        Set<TopicPartition> partitionsToRetry = new HashSet<>();
        Set<String> unauthorizedTopics = new HashSet<>();

        for (ListOffsetsTopicResponse topic : listOffsetsResponse.topics()) {
            for (ListOffsetsPartitionResponse partition : topic.partitions()) {
                TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic.name(), partition.partitionIndex());
                Errors error = Errors.forCode(partition.errorCode());
                switch (error) {
                    case NONE:
                        if (!partition.oldStyleOffsets().isEmpty()) {
                            // Handle v0 response with offsets
                            long offset;
                            if (partition.oldStyleOffsets().size() > 1) {
                                future.raise(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partitionData response of length " +
                            } else {
                                offset = partition.oldStyleOffsets().get(0);
                            log.debug("Handling v0 ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}",
                                topicPartition, offset);
                            if (offset != ListOffsetsResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
                                ListOffsetData offsetData = new ListOffsetData(offset, null, Optional.empty());
                                fetchedOffsets.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
                        } else {
                            // Handle v1 and later response or v0 without offsets
                            log.debug("Handling ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}, timestamp {}",
                                topicPartition, partition.offset(), partition.timestamp());
                            if (partition.offset() != ListOffsetsResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
                                Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch = (partition.leaderEpoch() == ListOffsetsResponse.UNKNOWN_EPOCH)
                                        ? Optional.empty()
                                        : Optional.of(partition.leaderEpoch());
                                ListOffsetData offsetData = new ListOffsetData(partition.offset(), partition.timestamp(),
                                fetchedOffsets.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
                    case UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT:
                        // The message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0, which means it does not
                        // support timestamps. We treat this case the same as if we weren't able to find an
                        // offset corresponding to the requested timestamp and leave it out of the result.
                        log.debug("Cannot search by timestamp for partition {} because the message format version " +
                                      "is before 0.10.0", topicPartition);
                    case NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER:
                    case REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE:
                    case KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR:
                    case OFFSET_NOT_AVAILABLE:
                    case LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE:
                    case FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH:
                    case UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH:
                        log.debug("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to {}, retrying.",
                            topicPartition, error);
                    case UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION:
                        log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in ListOffset request for partition {}", topicPartition);
                    case TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED:
                        log.warn("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to unexpected exception: {}, retrying.",
                            topicPartition, error.message());

        if (!unauthorizedTopics.isEmpty())
            future.raise(new TopicAuthorizationException(unauthorizedTopics));
            future.complete(new ListOffsetResult(fetchedOffsets, partitionsToRetry));

    static class ListOffsetResult {
        private final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffsets;
        private final Set<TopicPartition> partitionsToRetry;

        ListOffsetResult(Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffsets, Set<TopicPartition> partitionsNeedingRetry) {
            this.fetchedOffsets = fetchedOffsets;
            this.partitionsToRetry = partitionsNeedingRetry;

        ListOffsetResult() {
            this.fetchedOffsets = new HashMap<>();
            this.partitionsToRetry = new HashSet<>();

    private List<TopicPartition> fetchablePartitions() {
        Set<TopicPartition> exclude = new HashSet<>();
        if (nextInLineFetch != null && !nextInLineFetch.isConsumed) {
        for (CompletedFetch completedFetch : completedFetches) {
        return subscriptions.fetchablePartitions(tp -> !exclude.contains(tp));

     * Determine which replica to read from.
    Node selectReadReplica(TopicPartition partition, Node leaderReplica, long currentTimeMs) {
        Optional<Integer> nodeId = subscriptions.preferredReadReplica(partition, currentTimeMs);
        if (nodeId.isPresent()) {
            Optional<Node> node = nodeId.flatMap(id -> metadata.fetch().nodeIfOnline(partition, id));
            if (node.isPresent()) {
                return node.get();
            } else {
                log.trace("Not fetching from {} for partition {} since it is marked offline or is missing from our metadata," +
                          " using the leader instead.", nodeId, partition);
                return leaderReplica;
        } else {
            return leaderReplica;

     * If we have seen new metadata (as tracked by {@link org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata#updateVersion()}), then
     * we should check that all of the assignments have a valid position.
    private void validatePositionsOnMetadataChange() {
        int newMetadataUpdateVersion = metadata.updateVersion();
        if (metadataUpdateVersion.getAndSet(newMetadataUpdateVersion) != newMetadataUpdateVersion) {
            subscriptions.assignedPartitions().forEach(topicPartition -> {
                ConsumerMetadata.LeaderAndEpoch leaderAndEpoch = metadata.currentLeader(topicPartition);
                subscriptions.maybeValidatePositionForCurrentLeader(apiVersions, topicPartition, leaderAndEpoch);

     * Create fetch requests for all nodes for which we have assigned partitions
     * that have no existing requests in flight.
    private Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> prepareFetchRequests() {
        Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.Builder> fetchable = new LinkedHashMap<>();


        long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
        Map<String, Uuid> topicIds = metadata.topicIds();

        for (TopicPartition partition : fetchablePartitions()) {
            FetchPosition position = this.subscriptions.position(partition);
            if (position == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Missing position for fetchable partition " + partition);

            Optional<Node> leaderOpt = position.currentLeader.leader;
            if (!leaderOpt.isPresent()) {
                log.debug("Requesting metadata update for partition {} since the position {} is missing the current leader node", partition, position);

            // Use the preferred read replica if set, otherwise the partition's leader
            Node node = selectReadReplica(partition, leaderOpt.get(), currentTimeMs);
            if (client.isUnavailable(node)) {

                // If we try to send during the reconnect backoff window, then the request is just
                // going to be failed anyway before being sent, so skip the send for now
                log.trace("Skipping fetch for partition {} because node {} is awaiting reconnect backoff", partition, node);
            } else if (this.nodesWithPendingFetchRequests.contains(node.id())) {
                log.trace("Skipping fetch for partition {} because previous request to {} has not been processed", partition, node);
            } else {
                // if there is a leader and no in-flight requests, issue a new fetch
                FetchSessionHandler.Builder builder = fetchable.get(node);
                if (builder == null) {
                    int id = node.id();
                    FetchSessionHandler handler = sessionHandler(id);
                    if (handler == null) {
                        handler = new FetchSessionHandler(logContext, id);
                        sessionHandlers.put(id, handler);
                    builder = handler.newBuilder();
                    fetchable.put(node, builder);
                builder.add(partition, new FetchRequest.PartitionData(
                    topicIds.getOrDefault(partition.topic(), Uuid.ZERO_UUID),
                    position.offset, FetchRequest.INVALID_LOG_START_OFFSET, this.fetchSize,
                    position.currentLeader.epoch, Optional.empty()));

                log.debug("Added {} fetch request for partition {} at position {} to node {}", isolationLevel,
                    partition, position, node);

        Map<Node, FetchSessionHandler.FetchRequestData> reqs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<Node, FetchSessionHandler.Builder> entry : fetchable.entrySet()) {
            reqs.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build());
        return reqs;

    private Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition>> regroupFetchPositionsByLeader(
            Map<TopicPartition, FetchPosition> partitionMap) {
        return partitionMap.entrySet()
                .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().currentLeader.leader.isPresent())
                .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(entry -> entry.getValue().currentLeader.leader.get(),
                        Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)));

    private <T> Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, T>> regroupPartitionMapByNode(Map<TopicPartition, T> partitionMap) {
        return partitionMap.entrySet()
                .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(entry -> metadata.fetch().leaderFor(entry.getKey()),
                        Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)));

     * Initialize a CompletedFetch object.
    private CompletedFetch initializeCompletedFetch(CompletedFetch nextCompletedFetch) {
        TopicPartition tp = nextCompletedFetch.partition;
        FetchResponseData.PartitionData partition = nextCompletedFetch.partitionData;
        long fetchOffset = nextCompletedFetch.nextFetchOffset;
        CompletedFetch completedFetch = null;
        Errors error = Errors.forCode(partition.errorCode());

        try {
            if (!subscriptions.hasValidPosition(tp)) {
                // this can happen when a rebalance happened while fetch is still in-flight
                log.debug("Ignoring fetched records for partition {} since it no longer has valid position", tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                // we are interested in this fetch only if the beginning offset matches the
                // current consumed position
                FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(tp);
                if (position == null || position.offset != fetchOffset) {
                    log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since its offset {} does not match " +
                            "the expected offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, position);
                    return null;

                log.trace("Preparing to read {} bytes of data for partition {} with offset {}",
                        FetchResponse.recordsSize(partition), tp, position);
                Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches = FetchResponse.recordsOrFail(partition).batches().iterator();
                completedFetch = nextCompletedFetch;

                if (!batches.hasNext() && FetchResponse.recordsSize(partition) > 0) {
                    if (completedFetch.responseVersion < 3) {
                        // Implement the pre KIP-74 behavior of throwing a RecordTooLargeException.
                        Map<TopicPartition, Long> recordTooLargePartitions = Collections.singletonMap(tp, fetchOffset);
                        throw new RecordTooLargeException("There are some messages at [Partition=Offset]: " +
                                recordTooLargePartitions + " whose size is larger than the fetch size " + this.fetchSize +
                                " and hence cannot be returned. Please considering upgrading your broker to or " +
                                "newer to avoid this issue. Alternately, increase the fetch size on the client (using " +
                                ConsumerConfig.MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES_CONFIG + ")",
                    } else {
                        // This should not happen with brokers that support FetchRequest/Response V3 or higher (i.e. KIP-74)
                        throw new KafkaException("Failed to make progress reading messages at " + tp + "=" +
                            fetchOffset + ". Received a non-empty fetch response from the server, but no " +
                            "complete records were found.");

                if (partition.highWatermark() >= 0) {
                    log.trace("Updating high watermark for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.highWatermark());
                    subscriptions.updateHighWatermark(tp, partition.highWatermark());

                if (partition.logStartOffset() >= 0) {
                    log.trace("Updating log start offset for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.logStartOffset());
                    subscriptions.updateLogStartOffset(tp, partition.logStartOffset());

                if (partition.lastStableOffset() >= 0) {
                    log.trace("Updating last stable offset for partition {} to {}", tp, partition.lastStableOffset());
                    subscriptions.updateLastStableOffset(tp, partition.lastStableOffset());

                if (FetchResponse.isPreferredReplica(partition)) {
                    subscriptions.updatePreferredReadReplica(completedFetch.partition, partition.preferredReadReplica(), () -> {
                        long expireTimeMs = time.milliseconds() + metadata.metadataExpireMs();
                        log.debug("Updating preferred read replica for partition {} to {}, set to expire at {}",
                                tp, partition.preferredReadReplica(), expireTimeMs);
                        return expireTimeMs;

                nextCompletedFetch.initialized = true;
            } else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_OR_FOLLOWER ||
                       error == Errors.REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE ||
                       error == Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR ||
                       error == Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH ||
                       error == Errors.OFFSET_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
                log.debug("Error in fetch for partition {}: {}", tp, error.exceptionName());
            } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) {
                log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_ID) {
                log.warn("Received unknown topic ID error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.INCONSISTENT_TOPIC_ID) {
                log.warn("Received inconsistent topic ID error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
                Optional<Integer> clearedReplicaId = subscriptions.clearPreferredReadReplica(tp);
                if (!clearedReplicaId.isPresent()) {
                    // If there's no preferred replica to clear, we're fetching from the leader so handle this error normally
                    FetchPosition position = subscriptions.position(tp);
                    if (position == null || fetchOffset != position.offset) {
                        log.debug("Discarding stale fetch response for partition {} since the fetched offset {} " +
                                "does not match the current offset {}", tp, fetchOffset, position);
                    } else {
                        handleOffsetOutOfRange(position, tp);
                } else {
                    log.debug("Unset the preferred read replica {} for partition {} since we got {} when fetching {}",
                            clearedReplicaId.get(), tp, error, fetchOffset);
            } else if (error == Errors.TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
                //we log the actual partition and not just the topic to help with ACL propagation issues in large clusters
                log.warn("Not authorized to read from partition {}.", tp);
                throw new TopicAuthorizationException(Collections.singleton(tp.topic()));
            } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH) {
                log.debug("Received unknown leader epoch error in fetch for partition {}", tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR) {
                log.warn("Unknown server error while fetching offset {} for topic-partition {}",
                        fetchOffset, tp);
            } else if (error == Errors.CORRUPT_MESSAGE) {
                throw new KafkaException("Encountered corrupt message when fetching offset "
                        + fetchOffset
                        + " for topic-partition "
                        + tp);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected error code "
                        + error.code()
                        + " while fetching at offset "
                        + fetchOffset
                        + " from topic-partition " + tp);
        } finally {
            if (completedFetch == null)
                nextCompletedFetch.metricAggregator.record(tp, 0, 0);

            if (error != Errors.NONE)
                // we move the partition to the end if there was an error. This way, it's more likely that partitions for
                // the same topic can remain together (allowing for more efficient serialization).

        return completedFetch;

    private void handleOffsetOutOfRange(FetchPosition fetchPosition, TopicPartition topicPartition) {
        String errorMessage = "Fetch position " + fetchPosition + " is out of range for partition " + topicPartition;
        if (subscriptions.hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) {
            log.info("{}, resetting offset", errorMessage);
        } else {
            log.info("{}, raising error to the application since no reset policy is configured", errorMessage);
            throw new OffsetOutOfRangeException(errorMessage,
                Collections.singletonMap(topicPartition, fetchPosition.offset));

     * Parse the record entry, deserializing the key / value fields if necessary
    private ConsumerRecord<K, V> parseRecord(TopicPartition partition,
                                             RecordBatch batch,
                                             Record record) {
        try {
            long offset = record.offset();
            long timestamp = record.timestamp();
            Optional<Integer> leaderEpoch = maybeLeaderEpoch(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch());
            TimestampType timestampType = batch.timestampType();
            Headers headers = new RecordHeaders(record.headers());
            ByteBuffer keyBytes = record.key();
            byte[] keyByteArray = keyBytes == null ? null : Utils.toArray(keyBytes);
            K key = keyBytes == null ? null : this.keyDeserializer.deserialize(partition.topic(), headers, keyByteArray);
            ByteBuffer valueBytes = record.value();
            byte[] valueByteArray = valueBytes == null ? null : Utils.toArray(valueBytes);
            V value = valueBytes == null ? null : this.valueDeserializer.deserialize(partition.topic(), headers, valueByteArray);
            return new ConsumerRecord<>(partition.topic(), partition.partition(), offset,
                                        timestamp, timestampType,
                                        keyByteArray == null ? ConsumerRecord.NULL_SIZE : keyByteArray.length,
                                        valueByteArray == null ? ConsumerRecord.NULL_SIZE : valueByteArray.length,
                                        key, value, headers, leaderEpoch);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new RecordDeserializationException(partition, record.offset(),
                "Error deserializing key/value for partition " + partition +
                    " at offset " + record.offset() + ". If needed, please seek past the record to continue consumption.", e);

    private Optional<Integer> maybeLeaderEpoch(int leaderEpoch) {
        return leaderEpoch == RecordBatch.NO_PARTITION_LEADER_EPOCH ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(leaderEpoch);

     * Clear the buffered data which are not a part of newly assigned partitions
     * @param assignedPartitions  newly assigned {@link TopicPartition}
    public void clearBufferedDataForUnassignedPartitions(Collection<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions) {
        Iterator<CompletedFetch> completedFetchesItr = completedFetches.iterator();
        while (completedFetchesItr.hasNext()) {
            CompletedFetch records = completedFetchesItr.next();
            TopicPartition tp = records.partition;
            if (!assignedPartitions.contains(tp)) {

        if (nextInLineFetch != null && !assignedPartitions.contains(nextInLineFetch.partition)) {
            nextInLineFetch = null;

     * Clear the buffered data which are not a part of newly assigned topics
     * @param assignedTopics  newly assigned topics
    public void clearBufferedDataForUnassignedTopics(Collection<String> assignedTopics) {
        Set<TopicPartition> currentTopicPartitions = new HashSet<>();
        for (TopicPartition tp : subscriptions.assignedPartitions()) {
            if (assignedTopics.contains(tp.topic())) {

    // Visible for testing
    protected FetchSessionHandler sessionHandler(int node) {
        return sessionHandlers.get(node);

    public static Sensor throttleTimeSensor(Metrics metrics, FetcherMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
        Sensor fetchThrottleTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("fetch-throttle-time");
        fetchThrottleTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchThrottleTimeAvg), new Avg());

        fetchThrottleTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchThrottleTimeMax), new Max());

        return fetchThrottleTimeSensor;

    private class CompletedFetch {
        private final TopicPartition partition;
        private final Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches;
        private final Set<Long> abortedProducerIds;
        private final PriorityQueue<FetchResponseData.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions;
        private final FetchResponseData.PartitionData partitionData;
        private final FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator;
        private final short responseVersion;

        private int recordsRead;
        private int bytesRead;
        private RecordBatch currentBatch;
        private Record lastRecord;
        private CloseableIterator<Record> records;
        private long nextFetchOffset;
        private Optional<Integer> lastEpoch;
        private boolean isConsumed = false;
        private Exception cachedRecordException = null;
        private boolean corruptLastRecord = false;
        private boolean initialized = false;

        private CompletedFetch(TopicPartition partition,
                               FetchResponseData.PartitionData partitionData,
                               FetchResponseMetricAggregator metricAggregator,
                               Iterator<? extends RecordBatch> batches,
                               Long fetchOffset,
                               short responseVersion) {
            this.partition = partition;
            this.partitionData = partitionData;
            this.metricAggregator = metricAggregator;
            this.batches = batches;
            this.nextFetchOffset = fetchOffset;
            this.responseVersion = responseVersion;
            this.lastEpoch = Optional.empty();
            this.abortedProducerIds = new HashSet<>();
            this.abortedTransactions = abortedTransactions(partitionData);

        private void drain() {
            if (!isConsumed) {
                cachedRecordException = null;
                this.isConsumed = true;
                this.metricAggregator.record(partition, bytesRead, recordsRead);

                // we move the partition to the end if we received some bytes. This way, it's more likely that partitions
                // for the same topic can remain together (allowing for more efficient serialization).
                if (bytesRead > 0)

        private void maybeEnsureValid(RecordBatch batch) {
            if (checkCrcs && currentBatch.magic() >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) {
                try {
                } catch (CorruptRecordException e) {
                    throw new KafkaException("Record batch for partition " + partition + " at offset " +
                            batch.baseOffset() + " is invalid, cause: " + e.getMessage());

        private void maybeEnsureValid(Record record) {
            if (checkCrcs) {
                try {
                } catch (CorruptRecordException e) {
                    throw new KafkaException("Record for partition " + partition + " at offset " + record.offset()
                            + " is invalid, cause: " + e.getMessage());

        private void maybeCloseRecordStream() {
            if (records != null) {
                records = null;

        private Record nextFetchedRecord() {
            while (true) {
                if (records == null || !records.hasNext()) {

                    if (!batches.hasNext()) {
                        // Message format v2 preserves the last offset in a batch even if the last record is removed
                        // through compaction. By using the next offset computed from the last offset in the batch,
                        // we ensure that the offset of the next fetch will point to the next batch, which avoids
                        // unnecessary re-fetching of the same batch (in the worst case, the consumer could get stuck
                        // fetching the same batch repeatedly).
                        if (currentBatch != null)
                            nextFetchOffset = currentBatch.nextOffset();
                        return null;

                    currentBatch = batches.next();
                    lastEpoch = currentBatch.partitionLeaderEpoch() == RecordBatch.NO_PARTITION_LEADER_EPOCH ?
                            Optional.empty() : Optional.of(currentBatch.partitionLeaderEpoch());


                    if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED && currentBatch.hasProducerId()) {
                        // remove from the aborted transaction queue all aborted transactions which have begun
                        // before the current batch's last offset and add the associated producerIds to the
                        // aborted producer set

                        long producerId = currentBatch.producerId();
                        if (containsAbortMarker(currentBatch)) {
                        } else if (isBatchAborted(currentBatch)) {
                            log.debug("Skipping aborted record batch from partition {} with producerId {} and " +
                                          "offsets {} to {}",
                                      partition, producerId, currentBatch.baseOffset(), currentBatch.lastOffset());
                            nextFetchOffset = currentBatch.nextOffset();

                    records = currentBatch.streamingIterator(decompressionBufferSupplier);
                } else {
                    Record record = records.next();
                    // skip any records out of range
                    if (record.offset() >= nextFetchOffset) {
                        // we only do validation when the message should not be skipped.

                        // control records are not returned to the user
                        if (!currentBatch.isControlBatch()) {
                            return record;
                        } else {
                            // Increment the next fetch offset when we skip a control batch.
                            nextFetchOffset = record.offset() + 1;

        private List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> fetchRecords(int maxRecords) {
            // Error when fetching the next record before deserialization.
            if (corruptLastRecord)
                throw new KafkaException("Received exception when fetching the next record from " + partition
                                             + ". If needed, please seek past the record to "
                                             + "continue consumption.", cachedRecordException);

            if (isConsumed)
                return Collections.emptyList();

            List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>> records = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < maxRecords; i++) {
                    // Only move to next record if there was no exception in the last fetch. Otherwise we should
                    // use the last record to do deserialization again.
                    if (cachedRecordException == null) {
                        corruptLastRecord = true;
                        lastRecord = nextFetchedRecord();
                        corruptLastRecord = false;
                    if (lastRecord == null)
                    records.add(parseRecord(partition, currentBatch, lastRecord));
                    bytesRead += lastRecord.sizeInBytes();
                    nextFetchOffset = lastRecord.offset() + 1;
                    // In some cases, the deserialization may have thrown an exception and the retry may succeed,
                    // we allow user to move forward in this case.
                    cachedRecordException = null;
            } catch (SerializationException se) {
                cachedRecordException = se;
                if (records.isEmpty())
                    throw se;
            } catch (KafkaException e) {
                cachedRecordException = e;
                if (records.isEmpty())
                    throw new KafkaException("Received exception when fetching the next record from " + partition
                                                 + ". If needed, please seek past the record to "
                                                 + "continue consumption.", e);
            return records;

        private void consumeAbortedTransactionsUpTo(long offset) {
            if (abortedTransactions == null)

            while (!abortedTransactions.isEmpty() && abortedTransactions.peek().firstOffset() <= offset) {
                FetchResponseData.AbortedTransaction abortedTransaction = abortedTransactions.poll();

        private boolean isBatchAborted(RecordBatch batch) {
            return batch.isTransactional() && abortedProducerIds.contains(batch.producerId());

        private PriorityQueue<FetchResponseData.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions(FetchResponseData.PartitionData partition) {
            if (partition.abortedTransactions() == null || partition.abortedTransactions().isEmpty())
                return null;

            PriorityQueue<FetchResponseData.AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions = new PriorityQueue<>(
                    partition.abortedTransactions().size(), Comparator.comparingLong(FetchResponseData.AbortedTransaction::firstOffset)
            return abortedTransactions;

        private boolean containsAbortMarker(RecordBatch batch) {
            if (!batch.isControlBatch())
                return false;

            Iterator<Record> batchIterator = batch.iterator();
            if (!batchIterator.hasNext())
                return false;

            Record firstRecord = batchIterator.next();
            return ControlRecordType.ABORT == ControlRecordType.parse(firstRecord.key());

        private boolean notInitialized() {
            return !this.initialized;

     * Since we parse the message data for each partition from each fetch response lazily, fetch-level
     * metrics need to be aggregated as the messages from each partition are parsed. This class is used
     * to facilitate this incremental aggregation.
    private static class FetchResponseMetricAggregator {
        private final FetchManagerMetrics sensors;
        private final Set<TopicPartition> unrecordedPartitions;

        private final FetchMetrics fetchMetrics = new FetchMetrics();
        private final Map<String, FetchMetrics> topicFetchMetrics = new HashMap<>();

        private FetchResponseMetricAggregator(FetchManagerMetrics sensors,
                                              Set<TopicPartition> partitions) {
            this.sensors = sensors;
            this.unrecordedPartitions = partitions;

         * After each partition is parsed, we update the current metric totals with the total bytes
         * and number of records parsed. After all partitions have reported, we write the metric.
        public void record(TopicPartition partition, int bytes, int records) {
            this.fetchMetrics.increment(bytes, records);

            // collect and aggregate per-topic metrics
            String topic = partition.topic();
            FetchMetrics topicFetchMetric = this.topicFetchMetrics.get(topic);
            if (topicFetchMetric == null) {
                topicFetchMetric = new FetchMetrics();
                this.topicFetchMetrics.put(topic, topicFetchMetric);
            topicFetchMetric.increment(bytes, records);

            if (this.unrecordedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
                // once all expected partitions from the fetch have reported in, record the metrics

                // also record per-topic metrics
                for (Map.Entry<String, FetchMetrics> entry: this.topicFetchMetrics.entrySet()) {
                    FetchMetrics metric = entry.getValue();
                    this.sensors.recordTopicFetchMetrics(entry.getKey(), metric.fetchBytes, metric.fetchRecords);

        private static class FetchMetrics {
            private int fetchBytes;
            private int fetchRecords;

            protected void increment(int bytes, int records) {
                this.fetchBytes += bytes;
                this.fetchRecords += records;

    private static class FetchManagerMetrics {
        private final Metrics metrics;
        private FetcherMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry;
        private final Sensor bytesFetched;
        private final Sensor recordsFetched;
        private final Sensor fetchLatency;
        private final Sensor recordsFetchLag;
        private final Sensor recordsFetchLead;

        private int assignmentId = 0;
        private Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = Collections.emptySet();

        private FetchManagerMetrics(Metrics metrics, FetcherMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
            this.metrics = metrics;
            this.metricsRegistry = metricsRegistry;

            this.bytesFetched = metrics.sensor("bytes-fetched");
            this.bytesFetched.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchSizeAvg), new Avg());
            this.bytesFetched.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchSizeMax), new Max());
            this.bytesFetched.add(new Meter(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.bytesConsumedRate),

            this.recordsFetched = metrics.sensor("records-fetched");
            this.recordsFetched.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.recordsPerRequestAvg), new Avg());
            this.recordsFetched.add(new Meter(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.recordsConsumedRate),

            this.fetchLatency = metrics.sensor("fetch-latency");
            this.fetchLatency.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchLatencyAvg), new Avg());
            this.fetchLatency.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchLatencyMax), new Max());
            this.fetchLatency.add(new Meter(new WindowedCount(), metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.fetchRequestRate),

            this.recordsFetchLag = metrics.sensor("records-lag");
            this.recordsFetchLag.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.recordsLagMax), new Max());

            this.recordsFetchLead = metrics.sensor("records-lead");
            this.recordsFetchLead.add(metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.recordsLeadMin), new Min());

        private void recordTopicFetchMetrics(String topic, int bytes, int records) {
            // record bytes fetched
            String name = "topic." + topic + ".bytes-fetched";
            Sensor bytesFetched = this.metrics.getSensor(name);
            if (bytesFetched == null) {
                Map<String, String> metricTags = Collections.singletonMap("topic", topic.replace('.', '_'));

                bytesFetched = this.metrics.sensor(name);
                        metricTags), new Avg());
                        metricTags), new Max());
                bytesFetched.add(new Meter(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.topicBytesConsumedRate, metricTags),
                        this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.topicBytesConsumedTotal, metricTags)));

            // record records fetched
            name = "topic." + topic + ".records-fetched";
            Sensor recordsFetched = this.metrics.getSensor(name);
            if (recordsFetched == null) {
                Map<String, String> metricTags = new HashMap<>(1);
                metricTags.put("topic", topic.replace('.', '_'));

                recordsFetched = this.metrics.sensor(name);
                        metricTags), new Avg());
                recordsFetched.add(new Meter(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.topicRecordsConsumedRate, metricTags),
                        this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.topicRecordsConsumedTotal, metricTags)));

        private void maybeUpdateAssignment(SubscriptionState subscription) {
            int newAssignmentId = subscription.assignmentId();
            if (this.assignmentId != newAssignmentId) {
                Set<TopicPartition> newAssignedPartitions = subscription.assignedPartitions();
                for (TopicPartition tp : this.assignedPartitions) {
                    if (!newAssignedPartitions.contains(tp)) {

                for (TopicPartition tp : newAssignedPartitions) {
                    if (!this.assignedPartitions.contains(tp)) {
                        MetricName metricName = partitionPreferredReadReplicaMetricName(tp);
                            (Gauge<Integer>) (config, now) -> subscription.preferredReadReplica(tp, 0L).orElse(-1)

                this.assignedPartitions = newAssignedPartitions;
                this.assignmentId = newAssignmentId;

        private void recordPartitionLead(TopicPartition tp, long lead) {

            String name = partitionLeadMetricName(tp);
            Sensor recordsLead = this.metrics.getSensor(name);
            if (recordsLead == null) {
                Map<String, String> metricTags = topicPartitionTags(tp);

                recordsLead = this.metrics.sensor(name);

                recordsLead.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLead, metricTags), new Value());
                recordsLead.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLeadMin, metricTags), new Min());
                recordsLead.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLeadAvg, metricTags), new Avg());

        private void recordPartitionLag(TopicPartition tp, long lag) {

            String name = partitionLagMetricName(tp);
            Sensor recordsLag = this.metrics.getSensor(name);
            if (recordsLag == null) {
                Map<String, String> metricTags = topicPartitionTags(tp);
                recordsLag = this.metrics.sensor(name);

                recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLag, metricTags), new Value());
                recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLagMax, metricTags), new Max());
                recordsLag.add(this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionRecordsLagAvg, metricTags), new Avg());

        private static String partitionLagMetricName(TopicPartition tp) {
            return tp + ".records-lag";

        private static String partitionLeadMetricName(TopicPartition tp) {
            return tp + ".records-lead";

        private MetricName partitionPreferredReadReplicaMetricName(TopicPartition tp) {
            Map<String, String> metricTags = topicPartitionTags(tp);
            return this.metrics.metricInstance(metricsRegistry.partitionPreferredReadReplica, metricTags);

        private Map<String, String> topicPartitionTags(TopicPartition tp) {
            Map<String, String> metricTags = new HashMap<>(2);
            metricTags.put("topic", tp.topic().replace('.', '_'));
            metricTags.put("partition", String.valueOf(tp.partition()));
            return metricTags;

    public void close() {
        if (nextInLineFetch != null)

    private Set<String> topicsForPartitions(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
        return partitions.stream().map(TopicPartition::topic).collect(Collectors.toSet());



kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractCoordinator 源码

kafka AbstractPartitionAssignor 源码

kafka AbstractStickyAssignor 源码

kafka AsyncClient 源码

kafka ConsumerCoordinator 源码

kafka ConsumerInterceptors 源码

kafka ConsumerMetadata 源码

kafka ConsumerMetrics 源码

kafka ConsumerNetworkClient 源码

kafka ConsumerProtocol 源码

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