harmony 鸿蒙NavRouter

  • 2022-12-13
  • 浏览 (750)


The <NavRouter> component provides default processing logic for responding to clicks, eliminating the need for manual logic definition.


This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

This component must contain two child components, the second of which must be <NavDestination>.


  1. If there is only one child component, the navigation to the <NavDestination> component does not work.
  2. If there is only the <NavDestination> child component, the navigation does not work.
  3. If there are more than two child components, the excess child components are not displayed.
  4. If the second child component is not <NavDestination>, the navigation does not work.





NavRouter(value: RouteInfo)

Provides route information so that clicking the <NavRouter> component redirects the user to the specified navigation destination page.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value RouteInfo No Route information.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
mode NavRouteMode Route mode used for redirection.
Default value: NavRouteMode.PUSH_WITH_RECREATE


Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the navigation destination page to be redirected to.
param unknown No Parameter transferred during redirection.


Name Description
PUSH_WITH_RECREATE The new navigation destination page replaces the current one. The current page is destroyed, but the information about this page is retained in the navigation stack.
PUSH The new navigation destination page overwrites the current one. The current page is not destroyed, and the information about this page is retained in the navigation stack.
REPLACE The new navigation destination page replaces the current one. The current page is destroyed, and the information about this page is removed from the navigation stack.


Name Description
onStateChange(callback: (isActivated: boolean) => void) Called when the component activation status changes. The value true means that component is activated, and false means the opposite.
onStateChange(true) is called when the <NavRouter> component is activated and its <NavDestination> child component is loaded. onStateChange(false) is called when the <NavDestination> child component is not displayed.


// xxx.ets
struct NavRouterExample {
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]
  @State isActive: boolean = false
  @State dex: number = -1

  build() {
    Column() {
      Navigation() {
        List({ space: 12, initialIndex: 0 }) {
          ForEach(this.arr, (item: number, index: number = 0) => {
            ListItem() {
              NavRouter() {
                Row() {
                  Image($r('app.media.icon')).width(30).height(30).borderRadius(30).margin({ left: 3, right: 10 })
                  Text(`NavRouter${item + 1}`)
                .backgroundColor(this.dex === index ? '#ccc' : '#fff')

                NavDestination() {
                  Text (`I am NavDestination page ${item + 1}`).fontSize (50)
                  Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row }) {
                    Row() {
                      Image($r('app.media.icon')).width(40).height(40).borderRadius(40).margin({ right: 15 })
                      Text('7 classes today').fontSize(30)
                    }.padding({ left: 15 })
                .title(`NavDestination${item + 1}`)
              }.onStateChange((isActivated: boolean) => {
                if(isActivated) {
                  this.dex = index;
          }, (item:number) => item.toString())
        .margin({ top: 12, left: 12 })


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