tidb optimizer 源码
tidb optimizer 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
utilhint "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/hint"
// OptimizeAstNode optimizes the query to a physical plan directly.
var OptimizeAstNode func(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (Plan, types.NameSlice, error)
// AllowCartesianProduct means whether tidb allows cartesian join without equal conditions.
var AllowCartesianProduct = atomic.NewBool(true)
// IsReadOnly check whether the ast.Node is a read only statement.
var IsReadOnly func(node ast.Node, vars *variable.SessionVars) bool
const (
flagGcSubstitute uint64 = 1 << iota
var optRuleList = []logicalOptRule{
&columnPruner{}, // column pruning again at last, note it will mess up the results of buildKeySolver
type logicalOptimizeOp struct {
// tracer is goring to track optimize steps during rule optimizing
tracer *tracing.LogicalOptimizeTracer
func defaultLogicalOptimizeOption() *logicalOptimizeOp {
return &logicalOptimizeOp{}
func (op *logicalOptimizeOp) withEnableOptimizeTracer(tracer *tracing.LogicalOptimizeTracer) *logicalOptimizeOp {
op.tracer = tracer
return op
func (op *logicalOptimizeOp) appendBeforeRuleOptimize(index int, name string, before LogicalPlan) {
if op == nil || op.tracer == nil {
op.tracer.AppendRuleTracerBeforeRuleOptimize(index, name, before.buildPlanTrace())
func (op *logicalOptimizeOp) appendStepToCurrent(id int, tp string, reason, action func() string) {
if op == nil || op.tracer == nil {
op.tracer.AppendRuleTracerStepToCurrent(id, tp, reason(), action())
func (op *logicalOptimizeOp) recordFinalLogicalPlan(final LogicalPlan) {
if op == nil || op.tracer == nil {
// logicalOptRule means a logical optimizing rule, which contains decorrelate, ppd, column pruning, etc.
type logicalOptRule interface {
optimize(context.Context, LogicalPlan, *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error)
name() string
// BuildLogicalPlanForTest builds a logical plan for testing purpose from ast.Node.
func BuildLogicalPlanForTest(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, infoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema) (Plan, types.NameSlice, error) {
sctx.GetSessionVars().PlanID = 0
sctx.GetSessionVars().PlanColumnID = 0
builder, _ := NewPlanBuilder().Init(sctx, infoSchema, &utilhint.BlockHintProcessor{})
p, err := builder.Build(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return p, p.OutputNames(), err
// CheckPrivilege checks the privilege for a user.
func CheckPrivilege(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, pm privilege.Manager, vs []visitInfo) error {
for _, v := range vs {
if v.privilege == mysql.ExtendedPriv {
if !pm.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, v.dynamicPriv, v.dynamicWithGrant) {
if v.err == nil {
return ErrPrivilegeCheckFail.GenWithStackByArgs(v.dynamicPriv)
return v.err
} else if !pm.RequestVerification(activeRoles, v.db, v.table, v.column, v.privilege) {
if v.err == nil {
return ErrPrivilegeCheckFail.GenWithStackByArgs(v.privilege.String())
return v.err
return nil
// VisitInfo4PrivCheck generates privilege check infos because privilege check of local temporary tables is different
// with normal tables. `CREATE` statement needs `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE` privilege from the database, and subsequent
// statements do not need any privileges.
func VisitInfo4PrivCheck(is infoschema.InfoSchema, node ast.Node, vs []visitInfo) (privVisitInfo []visitInfo) {
if node == nil {
return vs
switch stmt := node.(type) {
case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
privVisitInfo = make([]visitInfo, 0, len(vs))
for _, v := range vs {
if v.privilege == mysql.CreatePriv {
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword == ast.TemporaryLocal {
// `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE` privilege is required from the database, not the table.
newVisitInfo := v
newVisitInfo.privilege = mysql.CreateTMPTablePriv
newVisitInfo.table = ""
privVisitInfo = append(privVisitInfo, newVisitInfo)
} else {
// If both the normal table and temporary table already exist, we need to check the privilege.
privVisitInfo = append(privVisitInfo, v)
} else {
// `CREATE TABLE LIKE tmp` or `CREATE TABLE FROM SELECT tmp` in the future.
if needCheckTmpTablePriv(is, v) {
privVisitInfo = append(privVisitInfo, v)
case *ast.DropTableStmt:
// Dropping a local temporary table doesn't need any privileges.
if stmt.IsView {
privVisitInfo = vs
} else {
privVisitInfo = make([]visitInfo, 0, len(vs))
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword != ast.TemporaryLocal {
for _, v := range vs {
if needCheckTmpTablePriv(is, v) {
privVisitInfo = append(privVisitInfo, v)
case *ast.GrantStmt, *ast.DropSequenceStmt, *ast.DropPlacementPolicyStmt:
// Some statements ignore local temporary tables, so they should check the privileges on normal tables.
privVisitInfo = vs
privVisitInfo = make([]visitInfo, 0, len(vs))
for _, v := range vs {
if needCheckTmpTablePriv(is, v) {
privVisitInfo = append(privVisitInfo, v)
func needCheckTmpTablePriv(is infoschema.InfoSchema, v visitInfo) bool {
if v.db != "" && v.table != "" {
// Other statements on local temporary tables except `CREATE` do not check any privileges.
tb, err := is.TableByName(model.NewCIStr(v.db), model.NewCIStr(v.table))
// If the table doesn't exist, we do not report errors to avoid leaking the existence of the table.
if err == nil && tb.Meta().TempTableType == model.TempTableLocal {
return false
return true
// CheckTableLock checks the table lock.
func CheckTableLock(ctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, vs []visitInfo) error {
if !config.TableLockEnabled() {
return nil
checker := lock.NewChecker(ctx, is)
for i := range vs {
err := checker.CheckTableLock(vs[i].db, vs[i].table, vs[i].privilege, vs[i].alterWritable)
// if table with lock-write table dropped, we can access other table, such as `rename` operation
if err == lock.ErrLockedTableDropped {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func checkStableResultMode(sctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
s := sctx.GetSessionVars()
st := s.StmtCtx
return s.EnableStableResultMode && (!st.InInsertStmt && !st.InUpdateStmt && !st.InDeleteStmt && !st.InLoadDataStmt)
// DoOptimize optimizes a logical plan to a physical plan.
func DoOptimize(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (PhysicalPlan, float64, error) {
// if there is something after flagPrunColumns, do flagPrunColumnsAgain
if flag&flagPrunColumns > 0 && flag-flagPrunColumns > flagPrunColumns {
flag |= flagPrunColumnsAgain
if checkStableResultMode(sctx) {
flag |= flagStabilizeResults
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StraightJoinOrder {
// When we use the straight Join Order hint, we should disable the join reorder optimization.
flag &= ^flagJoinReOrder
flag |= flagCollectPredicateColumnsPoint
flag |= flagSyncWaitStatsLoadPoint
logic, err := logicalOptimize(ctx, flag, logic)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if !AllowCartesianProduct.Load() && existsCartesianProduct(logic) {
return nil, 0, errors.Trace(ErrCartesianProductUnsupported)
planCounter := PlanCounterTp(sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan)
if planCounter == 0 {
planCounter = -1
physical, cost, err := physicalOptimize(logic, &planCounter)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
finalPlan := postOptimize(sctx, physical)
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.EnableOptimizerCETrace {
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace {
return finalPlan, cost, nil
// refineCETrace will adjust the content of CETrace.
// Currently, it will (1) deduplicate trace records, (2) sort the trace records (to make it easier in the tests) and (3) fill in the table name.
func refineCETrace(sctx sessionctx.Context) {
stmtCtx := sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
stmtCtx.OptimizerCETrace = tracing.DedupCETrace(stmtCtx.OptimizerCETrace)
slices.SortFunc(stmtCtx.OptimizerCETrace, func(i, j *tracing.CETraceRecord) bool {
if i == nil && j != nil {
return true
if i == nil || j == nil {
return false
if i.TableID != j.TableID {
return i.TableID < j.TableID
if i.Type != j.Type {
return i.Type < j.Type
if i.Expr != j.Expr {
return i.Expr < j.Expr
return i.RowCount < j.RowCount
traceRecords := stmtCtx.OptimizerCETrace
is := sctx.GetDomainInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema)
for _, rec := range traceRecords {
tbl, ok := is.TableByID(rec.TableID)
if ok {
rec.TableName = tbl.Meta().Name.O
tbl, _, _ = is.FindTableByPartitionID(rec.TableID)
if tbl != nil {
rec.TableName = tbl.Meta().Name.O
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[OptimizerTrace] Failed to find table in infoschema",
zap.Int64("table id", rec.TableID))
// mergeContinuousSelections merge continuous selections which may occur after changing plans.
func mergeContinuousSelections(p PhysicalPlan) {
if sel, ok := p.(*PhysicalSelection); ok {
for {
childSel := sel.children[0]
if tmp, ok := childSel.(*PhysicalSelection); ok {
sel.Conditions = append(sel.Conditions, tmp.Conditions...)
sel.SetChild(0, tmp.children[0])
} else {
for _, child := range p.Children() {
// merge continuous selections in a coprocessor task of tiflash
tableReader, isTableReader := p.(*PhysicalTableReader)
if isTableReader && tableReader.StoreType == kv.TiFlash {
tableReader.TablePlans = flattenPushDownPlan(tableReader.tablePlan)
func postOptimize(sctx sessionctx.Context, plan PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan {
// some cases from update optimize will require avoiding projection elimination.
// see comments ahead of call of DoOptimize in function of buildUpdate().
plan = eliminatePhysicalProjection(plan)
plan = InjectExtraProjection(plan)
plan = eliminateUnionScanAndLock(sctx, plan)
plan = enableParallelApply(sctx, plan)
handleFineGrainedShuffle(sctx, plan)
checkPlanCacheable(sctx, plan)
return plan
// Only for MPP(Window<-[Sort]<-ExchangeReceiver<-ExchangeSender).
// TiFlashFineGrainedShuffleStreamCount:
// < 0: fine grained shuffle is disabled.
// > 0: use TiFlashFineGrainedShuffleStreamCount as stream count.
// == 0: use TiFlashMaxThreads as stream count when it's greater than 0. Otherwise use DefStreamCountWhenMaxThreadsNotSet.
func handleFineGrainedShuffle(sctx sessionctx.Context, plan PhysicalPlan) {
streamCount := sctx.GetSessionVars().TiFlashFineGrainedShuffleStreamCount
if streamCount < 0 {
if streamCount == 0 {
if sctx.GetSessionVars().TiFlashMaxThreads > 0 {
streamCount = sctx.GetSessionVars().TiFlashMaxThreads
} else {
streamCount = variable.DefStreamCountWhenMaxThreadsNotSet
setupFineGrainedShuffle(uint64(streamCount), plan)
func setupFineGrainedShuffle(streamCount uint64, plan PhysicalPlan) {
if tableReader, ok := plan.(*PhysicalTableReader); ok {
if _, isExchangeSender := tableReader.tablePlan.(*PhysicalExchangeSender); isExchangeSender {
helper := fineGrainedShuffleHelper{shuffleTarget: unknown, plans: make([]*basePhysicalPlan, 1)}
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(tableReader.tablePlan, &helper, streamCount)
} else {
for _, child := range plan.Children() {
setupFineGrainedShuffle(streamCount, child)
type shuffleTarget uint8
const (
unknown shuffleTarget = iota
type fineGrainedShuffleHelper struct {
shuffleTarget shuffleTarget
plans []*basePhysicalPlan
func (h *fineGrainedShuffleHelper) clear() {
h.shuffleTarget = unknown
h.plans = h.plans[:0]
func (h *fineGrainedShuffleHelper) updateTarget(t shuffleTarget, p *basePhysicalPlan) {
h.shuffleTarget = t
h.plans = append(h.plans, p)
func setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(plan PhysicalPlan, helper *fineGrainedShuffleHelper, streamCount uint64) {
switch x := plan.(type) {
case *PhysicalWindow:
// Do not clear the plans because window executor will keep the data partition.
// For non hash partition window function, there will be a passthrough ExchangeSender to collect data,
// which will break data partition.
helper.updateTarget(window, &x.basePhysicalPlan)
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalSort:
if x.IsPartialSort {
// Partial sort will keep the data partition.
helper.plans = append(helper.plans, &x.basePhysicalPlan)
} else {
// Global sort will break the data partition.
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalSelection:
helper.plans = append(helper.plans, &x.basePhysicalPlan)
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalProjection:
helper.plans = append(helper.plans, &x.basePhysicalPlan)
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalExchangeReceiver:
helper.plans = append(helper.plans, &x.basePhysicalPlan)
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalHashAgg:
// HashAgg is not implemented for now.
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalHashJoin:
child0 := x.children[0]
child1 := x.children[1]
if x.InnerChildIdx == 0 {
// Child0 is build side.
child0Helper := fineGrainedShuffleHelper{shuffleTarget: joinBuild, plans: []*basePhysicalPlan{}}
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(child0, &child0Helper, streamCount)
// HashJoin is not implemented for now.
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(child1, helper, streamCount)
} else {
// Child1 is build side.
child1Helper := fineGrainedShuffleHelper{shuffleTarget: joinBuild, plans: []*basePhysicalPlan{}}
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(child1, &child1Helper, streamCount)
// HashJoin is not implemented for now.
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(child0, helper, streamCount)
case *PhysicalExchangeSender:
if x.ExchangeType == tipb.ExchangeType_Hash {
if helper.shuffleTarget == window {
// Set up stream count for all plans based on shuffle target type.
// Currently, only enable fine grained shuffle if the shuffle target is window.
x.TiFlashFineGrainedShuffleStreamCount = streamCount
for _, p := range helper.plans {
p.TiFlashFineGrainedShuffleStreamCount = streamCount
// exchange sender will break the data partition.
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(x.children[0], helper, streamCount)
for _, child := range x.Children() {
childHelper := fineGrainedShuffleHelper{shuffleTarget: unknown, plans: []*basePhysicalPlan{}}
setupFineGrainedShuffleInternal(child, &childHelper, streamCount)
// checkPlanCacheable used to check whether a plan can be cached. Plans that
// meet the following characteristics cannot be cached:
// 1. Use the TiFlash engine.
// Todo: make more careful check here.
func checkPlanCacheable(sctx sessionctx.Context, plan PhysicalPlan) {
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.UseCache && useTiFlash(plan) {
sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.SkipPlanCache = true
// useTiFlash used to check whether the plan use the TiFlash engine.
func useTiFlash(p PhysicalPlan) bool {
switch x := p.(type) {
case *PhysicalTableReader:
switch x.StoreType {
case kv.TiFlash:
return true
return false
if len(p.Children()) > 0 {
for _, plan := range p.Children() {
return useTiFlash(plan)
return false
func enableParallelApply(sctx sessionctx.Context, plan PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan {
if !sctx.GetSessionVars().EnableParallelApply {
return plan
// the parallel apply has three limitation:
// 1. the parallel implementation now cannot keep order;
// 2. the inner child has to support clone;
// 3. if one Apply is in the inner side of another Apply, it cannot be parallel, for example:
// The topology of 3 Apply operators are A1(A2, A3), which means A2 is the outer child of A1
// while A3 is the inner child. Then A1 and A2 can be parallel and A3 cannot.
if apply, ok := plan.(*PhysicalApply); ok {
outerIdx := 1 - apply.InnerChildIdx
noOrder := len(apply.GetChildReqProps(outerIdx).SortItems) == 0 // limitation 1
_, err := SafeClone(apply.Children()[apply.InnerChildIdx])
supportClone := err == nil // limitation 2
if noOrder && supportClone {
apply.Concurrency = sctx.GetSessionVars().ExecutorConcurrency
} else {
sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("Some apply operators can not be executed in parallel"))
// because of the limitation 3, we cannot parallelize Apply operators in this Apply's inner size,
// so we only invoke recursively for its outer child.
apply.SetChild(outerIdx, enableParallelApply(sctx, apply.Children()[outerIdx]))
return apply
for i, child := range plan.Children() {
plan.SetChild(i, enableParallelApply(sctx, child))
return plan
// LogicalOptimizeTest is just exported for test.
func LogicalOptimizeTest(ctx context.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (LogicalPlan, error) {
return logicalOptimize(ctx, flag, logic)
func logicalOptimize(ctx context.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (LogicalPlan, error) {
opt := defaultLogicalOptimizeOption()
vars := logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars()
if vars.StmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace {
vars.StmtCtx.OptimizeTracer = &tracing.OptimizeTracer{}
tracer := &tracing.LogicalOptimizeTracer{
Steps: make([]*tracing.LogicalRuleOptimizeTracer, 0),
opt = opt.withEnableOptimizeTracer(tracer)
defer func() {
vars.StmtCtx.OptimizeTracer.Logical = tracer
var err error
for i, rule := range optRuleList {
// The order of flags is same as the order of optRule in the list.
// We use a bitmask to record which opt rules should be used. If the i-th bit is 1, it means we should
// apply i-th optimizing rule.
if flag&(1<<uint(i)) == 0 || isLogicalRuleDisabled(rule) {
opt.appendBeforeRuleOptimize(i, rule.name(), logic)
logic, err = rule.optimize(ctx, logic, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logic, err
func isLogicalRuleDisabled(r logicalOptRule) bool {
disabled := DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList.Load().(set.StringSet).Exist(r.name())
return disabled
func physicalOptimize(logic LogicalPlan, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (plan PhysicalPlan, cost float64, err error) {
if _, err := logic.recursiveDeriveStats(nil); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
prop := &property.PhysicalProperty{
TaskTp: property.RootTaskType,
ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64,
opt := defaultPhysicalOptimizeOption()
stmtCtx := logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
if stmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace {
tracer := &tracing.PhysicalOptimizeTracer{
PhysicalPlanCostDetails: make(map[int]*tracing.PhysicalPlanCostDetail),
Candidates: make(map[int]*tracing.CandidatePlanTrace),
opt = opt.withEnableOptimizeTracer(tracer)
defer func() {
if err == nil {
stmtCtx.OptimizeTracer.Physical = tracer
logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.TaskMapBakTS = 0
t, _, err := logic.findBestTask(prop, planCounter, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if *planCounter > 0 {
logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("The parameter of nth_plan() is out of range"))
if t.invalid() {
return nil, 0, ErrInternal.GenWithStackByArgs("Can't find a proper physical plan for this query")
if err = t.plan().ResolveIndices(); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cost, err = t.plan().GetPlanCost(property.RootTaskType, NewDefaultPlanCostOption())
return t.plan(), cost, err
// eliminateUnionScanAndLock set lock property for PointGet and BatchPointGet and eliminates UnionScan and Lock.
func eliminateUnionScanAndLock(sctx sessionctx.Context, p PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan {
var pointGet *PointGetPlan
var batchPointGet *BatchPointGetPlan
var physLock *PhysicalLock
var unionScan *PhysicalUnionScan
iteratePhysicalPlan(p, func(p PhysicalPlan) bool {
if len(p.Children()) > 1 {
return false
switch x := p.(type) {
case *PointGetPlan:
pointGet = x
case *BatchPointGetPlan:
batchPointGet = x
case *PhysicalLock:
physLock = x
case *PhysicalUnionScan:
unionScan = x
return true
if pointGet == nil && batchPointGet == nil {
return p
if physLock == nil && unionScan == nil {
return p
if physLock != nil {
lock, waitTime := getLockWaitTime(sctx, physLock.Lock)
if !lock {
return p
if pointGet != nil {
pointGet.Lock = lock
pointGet.LockWaitTime = waitTime
} else {
batchPointGet.Lock = lock
batchPointGet.LockWaitTime = waitTime
return transformPhysicalPlan(p, func(p PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan {
if p == physLock {
return p.Children()[0]
if p == unionScan {
return p.Children()[0]
return p
func iteratePhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan, f func(p PhysicalPlan) bool) {
if !f(p) {
for _, child := range p.Children() {
iteratePhysicalPlan(child, f)
func transformPhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan, f func(p PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan {
for i, child := range p.Children() {
p.Children()[i] = transformPhysicalPlan(child, f)
return f(p)
func existsCartesianProduct(p LogicalPlan) bool {
if join, ok := p.(*LogicalJoin); ok && len(join.EqualConditions) == 0 {
return join.JoinType == InnerJoin || join.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin || join.JoinType == RightOuterJoin
for _, child := range p.Children() {
if existsCartesianProduct(child) {
return true
return false
// DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList indicates the logical rules which should be banned.
var DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList *atomic.Value
func init() {
expression.EvalAstExpr = evalAstExpr
expression.RewriteAstExpr = rewriteAstExpr
DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList = new(atomic.Value)
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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