tidb plan_cache_utils 源码
tidb plan_cache_utils 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
driver "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types/parser_driver"
atomic2 "go.uber.org/atomic"
var (
// PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory stores the max memory size defined in the global config "performance-server-memory-quota".
PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory = *atomic2.NewUint64(math.MaxUint64)
// ExtractSelectAndNormalizeDigest extract the select statement and normalize it.
ExtractSelectAndNormalizeDigest func(stmtNode ast.StmtNode, specifiledDB string) (ast.StmtNode, string, string, error)
type paramMarkerExtractor struct {
markers []ast.ParamMarkerExpr
func (e *paramMarkerExtractor) Enter(in ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
return in, false
func (e *paramMarkerExtractor) Leave(in ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
if x, ok := in.(*driver.ParamMarkerExpr); ok {
e.markers = append(e.markers, x)
return in, true
// GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST generates the PlanCacheStmt structure for this AST.
func GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode) (*PlanCacheStmt, Plan, int, error) {
vars := sctx.GetSessionVars()
var extractor paramMarkerExtractor
// DDL Statements can not accept parameters
if _, ok := stmt.(ast.DDLNode); ok && len(extractor.markers) > 0 {
return nil, nil, 0, ErrPrepareDDL
switch stmt.(type) {
case *ast.LoadDataStmt, *ast.PrepareStmt, *ast.ExecuteStmt, *ast.DeallocateStmt, *ast.NonTransactionalDeleteStmt:
return nil, nil, 0, ErrUnsupportedPs
// Prepare parameters should NOT over 2 bytes(MaxUint16)
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-prepare-response.html#packet-COM_STMT_PREPARE_OK.
if len(extractor.markers) > math.MaxUint16 {
return nil, nil, 0, ErrPsManyParam
ret := &PreprocessorReturn{}
err := Preprocess(sctx, stmt, InPrepare, WithPreprocessorReturn(ret))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
// The parameter markers are appended in visiting order, which may not
// be the same as the position order in the query string. We need to
// sort it by position.
slices.SortFunc(extractor.markers, func(i, j ast.ParamMarkerExpr) bool {
return i.(*driver.ParamMarkerExpr).Offset < j.(*driver.ParamMarkerExpr).Offset
ParamCount := len(extractor.markers)
for i := 0; i < ParamCount; i++ {
prepared := &ast.Prepared{
Stmt: stmt,
StmtType: ast.GetStmtLabel(stmt),
Params: extractor.markers,
SchemaVersion: ret.InfoSchema.SchemaMetaVersion(),
normalizedSQL, digest := parser.NormalizeDigest(prepared.Stmt.Text())
var (
normalizedSQL4PC, digest4PC string
selectStmtNode ast.StmtNode
if !vars.EnablePreparedPlanCache {
prepared.UseCache = false
} else {
prepared.UseCache = CacheableWithCtx(sctx, stmt, ret.InfoSchema)
selectStmtNode, normalizedSQL4PC, digest4PC, err = ExtractSelectAndNormalizeDigest(stmt, vars.CurrentDB)
if err != nil || selectStmtNode == nil {
normalizedSQL4PC = ""
digest4PC = ""
// We try to build the real statement of preparedStmt.
for i := range prepared.Params {
param := prepared.Params[i].(*driver.ParamMarkerExpr)
param.InExecute = false
var p Plan
destBuilder, _ := NewPlanBuilder().Init(sctx, ret.InfoSchema, &hint.BlockHintProcessor{})
p, err = destBuilder.Build(ctx, stmt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
preparedObj := &PlanCacheStmt{
PreparedAst: prepared,
StmtDB: vars.CurrentDB,
StmtText: stmt.Text(),
VisitInfos: destBuilder.GetVisitInfo(),
NormalizedSQL: normalizedSQL,
SQLDigest: digest,
ForUpdateRead: destBuilder.GetIsForUpdateRead(),
SnapshotTSEvaluator: ret.SnapshotTSEvaluator,
NormalizedSQL4PC: normalizedSQL4PC,
SQLDigest4PC: digest4PC,
if err = CheckPreparedPriv(sctx, preparedObj, ret.InfoSchema); err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err
return preparedObj, p, ParamCount, nil
func getValidPlanFromCache(sctx sessionctx.Context, isGeneralPlanCache bool, key kvcache.Key, paramTypes []*types.FieldType) (*PlanCacheValue, bool) {
cache := sctx.GetPlanCache(isGeneralPlanCache)
val, exist := cache.Get(key, paramTypes)
if !exist {
return nil, exist
candidate := val.(*PlanCacheValue)
return candidate, true
func putPlanIntoCache(sctx sessionctx.Context, isGeneralPlanCache bool, key kvcache.Key, plan *PlanCacheValue, paramTypes []*types.FieldType) {
cache := sctx.GetPlanCache(isGeneralPlanCache)
cache.Put(key, plan, paramTypes)
// planCacheKey is used to access Plan Cache. We put some variables that do not affect the plan into planCacheKey, such as the sql text.
// Put the parameters that may affect the plan in planCacheValue.
// However, due to some compatibility reasons, we will temporarily keep some system variable-related values in planCacheKey.
// At the same time, because these variables have a small impact on plan, we will move them to PlanCacheValue later if necessary.
type planCacheKey struct {
database string
connID uint64
stmtText string
schemaVersion int64
// Only be set in rc or for update read and leave it default otherwise.
// In Rc or ForUpdateRead, we should check whether the information schema has been changed when using plan cache.
// If it changed, we should rebuild the plan. lastUpdatedSchemaVersion help us to decide whether we should rebuild
// the plan in rc or for update read.
lastUpdatedSchemaVersion int64
sqlMode mysql.SQLMode
timezoneOffset int
isolationReadEngines map[kv.StoreType]struct{}
selectLimit uint64
bindSQL string
inRestrictedSQL bool
restrictedReadOnly bool
TiDBSuperReadOnly bool
hash []byte
// Hash implements Key interface.
func (key *planCacheKey) Hash() []byte {
if len(key.hash) == 0 {
var (
dbBytes = hack.Slice(key.database)
bufferSize = len(dbBytes) + 8*6 + 3*8
if key.hash == nil {
key.hash = make([]byte, 0, bufferSize)
key.hash = append(key.hash, dbBytes...)
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, int64(key.connID))
key.hash = append(key.hash, hack.Slice(key.stmtText)...)
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, key.schemaVersion)
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, key.lastUpdatedSchemaVersion)
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, int64(key.sqlMode))
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, int64(key.timezoneOffset))
if _, ok := key.isolationReadEngines[kv.TiDB]; ok {
key.hash = append(key.hash, kv.TiDB.Name()...)
if _, ok := key.isolationReadEngines[kv.TiKV]; ok {
key.hash = append(key.hash, kv.TiKV.Name()...)
if _, ok := key.isolationReadEngines[kv.TiFlash]; ok {
key.hash = append(key.hash, kv.TiFlash.Name()...)
key.hash = codec.EncodeInt(key.hash, int64(key.selectLimit))
key.hash = append(key.hash, hack.Slice(key.bindSQL)...)
key.hash = append(key.hash, hack.Slice(strconv.FormatBool(key.inRestrictedSQL))...)
key.hash = append(key.hash, hack.Slice(strconv.FormatBool(key.restrictedReadOnly))...)
key.hash = append(key.hash, hack.Slice(strconv.FormatBool(key.TiDBSuperReadOnly))...)
return key.hash
// SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion implements PstmtCacheKeyMutator interface to change pstmtID and schemaVersion of cacheKey.
// so we can reuse Key instead of new every time.
func SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion(key kvcache.Key, stmtText string, schemaVersion int64, isolationReadEngines map[kv.StoreType]struct{}) {
psStmtKey, isPsStmtKey := key.(*planCacheKey)
if !isPsStmtKey {
psStmtKey.stmtText = stmtText
psStmtKey.schemaVersion = schemaVersion
psStmtKey.isolationReadEngines = make(map[kv.StoreType]struct{})
for k, v := range isolationReadEngines {
psStmtKey.isolationReadEngines[k] = v
psStmtKey.hash = psStmtKey.hash[:0]
// NewPlanCacheKey creates a new planCacheKey object.
// Note: lastUpdatedSchemaVersion will only be set in the case of rc or for update read in order to
// differentiate the cache key. In other cases, it will be 0.
func NewPlanCacheKey(sessionVars *variable.SessionVars, stmtText, stmtDB string, schemaVersion int64,
lastUpdatedSchemaVersion int64, bindSQL string) (kvcache.Key, error) {
if stmtText == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no statement text")
if schemaVersion == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Schema version uninitialized")
if stmtDB == "" {
stmtDB = sessionVars.CurrentDB
timezoneOffset := 0
if sessionVars.TimeZone != nil {
_, timezoneOffset = time.Now().In(sessionVars.TimeZone).Zone()
key := &planCacheKey{
database: stmtDB,
connID: sessionVars.ConnectionID,
stmtText: stmtText,
schemaVersion: schemaVersion,
lastUpdatedSchemaVersion: lastUpdatedSchemaVersion,
sqlMode: sessionVars.SQLMode,
timezoneOffset: timezoneOffset,
isolationReadEngines: make(map[kv.StoreType]struct{}),
selectLimit: sessionVars.SelectLimit,
bindSQL: bindSQL,
inRestrictedSQL: sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL,
restrictedReadOnly: variable.RestrictedReadOnly.Load(),
TiDBSuperReadOnly: variable.VarTiDBSuperReadOnly.Load(),
for k, v := range sessionVars.IsolationReadEngines {
key.isolationReadEngines[k] = v
return key, nil
// FieldSlice is the slice of the types.FieldType
type FieldSlice []*types.FieldType
// CheckTypesCompatibility4PC compares FieldSlice with []*types.FieldType
// Currently this is only used in plan cache to check whether the types of parameters are compatible.
// If the types of parameters are compatible, we can use the cached plan.
func (s FieldSlice) CheckTypesCompatibility4PC(tps []*types.FieldType) bool {
if len(s) != len(tps) {
return false
for i := range tps {
// We only use part of logic of `func (ft *FieldType) Equal(other *FieldType)` here because (1) only numeric and
// string types will show up here, and (2) we don't need flen and decimal to be matched exactly to use plan cache
tpEqual := (s[i].GetType() == tps[i].GetType()) ||
(s[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeVarchar && tps[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeVarString) ||
(s[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeVarString && tps[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeVarchar) ||
// TypeNull should be considered the same as other types.
(s[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeNull || tps[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeNull)
if !tpEqual || s[i].GetCharset() != tps[i].GetCharset() || s[i].GetCollate() != tps[i].GetCollate() ||
(s[i].EvalType() == types.ETInt && mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(s[i].GetFlag()) != mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(tps[i].GetFlag())) {
return false
// When the type is decimal, we should compare the Flen and Decimal.
// We can only use the plan when both Flen and Decimal should less equal than the cached one.
// We assume here that there is no correctness problem when the precision of the parameters is less than the precision of the parameters in the cache.
if tpEqual && s[i].GetType() == mysql.TypeNewDecimal && !(s[i].GetFlen() >= tps[i].GetFlen() && s[i].GetDecimal() >= tps[i].GetDecimal()) {
return false
return true
// PlanCacheValue stores the cached Statement and StmtNode.
type PlanCacheValue struct {
Plan Plan
OutPutNames []*types.FieldName
TblInfo2UnionScan map[*model.TableInfo]bool
ParamTypes FieldSlice
func (v *PlanCacheValue) varTypesUnchanged(txtVarTps []*types.FieldType) bool {
return v.ParamTypes.CheckTypesCompatibility4PC(txtVarTps)
// NewPlanCacheValue creates a SQLCacheValue.
func NewPlanCacheValue(plan Plan, names []*types.FieldName, srcMap map[*model.TableInfo]bool,
paramTypes []*types.FieldType) *PlanCacheValue {
dstMap := make(map[*model.TableInfo]bool)
for k, v := range srcMap {
dstMap[k] = v
userParamTypes := make([]*types.FieldType, len(paramTypes))
for i, tp := range paramTypes {
userParamTypes[i] = tp.Clone()
return &PlanCacheValue{
Plan: plan,
OutPutNames: names,
TblInfo2UnionScan: dstMap,
ParamTypes: userParamTypes,
// PlanCacheStmt store prepared ast from PrepareExec and other related fields
type PlanCacheStmt struct {
PreparedAst *ast.Prepared
StmtDB string // which DB the statement will be processed over
VisitInfos []visitInfo
ColumnInfos interface{}
Executor interface{}
NormalizedSQL string
NormalizedPlan string
SQLDigest *parser.Digest
PlanDigest *parser.Digest
ForUpdateRead bool
SnapshotTSEvaluator func(sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error)
NormalizedSQL4PC string
SQLDigest4PC string
// the different between NormalizedSQL, NormalizedSQL4PC and StmtText:
// for the query `select * from t where a>1 and b<?`, then
// NormalizedSQL: select * from `t` where `a` > ? and `b` < ? --> constants are normalized to '?',
// NormalizedSQL4PC: select * from `test` . `t` where `a` > ? and `b` < ? --> schema name is added,
// StmtText: select * from t where a>1 and b <? --> just format the original query;
StmtText string
// GetPreparedStmt extract the prepared statement from the execute statement.
func GetPreparedStmt(stmt *ast.ExecuteStmt, vars *variable.SessionVars) (*PlanCacheStmt, error) {
if stmt.PrepStmt != nil {
return stmt.PrepStmt.(*PlanCacheStmt), nil
if stmt.Name != "" {
prepStmt, err := vars.GetPreparedStmtByName(stmt.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt.PrepStmt = prepStmt
return prepStmt.(*PlanCacheStmt), nil
return nil, ErrStmtNotFound
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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