spark StorageUtils 源码
spark StorageUtils 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, MappedByteBuffer}
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.commons.lang3.{JavaVersion, SystemUtils}
import sun.misc.Unsafe
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.internal.{config, Logging}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* Storage information for each BlockManager.
* This class assumes BlockId and BlockStatus are immutable, such that the consumers of this
* class cannot mutate the source of the information. Accesses are not thread-safe.
private[spark] class StorageStatus(
val blockManagerId: BlockManagerId,
val maxMemory: Long,
val maxOnHeapMem: Option[Long],
val maxOffHeapMem: Option[Long]) {
* Internal representation of the blocks stored in this block manager.
private val _rddBlocks = new mutable.HashMap[Int, mutable.Map[BlockId, BlockStatus]]
private val _nonRddBlocks = new mutable.HashMap[BlockId, BlockStatus]
private case class RddStorageInfo(memoryUsage: Long, diskUsage: Long, level: StorageLevel)
private val _rddStorageInfo = new mutable.HashMap[Int, RddStorageInfo]
private case class NonRddStorageInfo(var onHeapUsage: Long, var offHeapUsage: Long,
var diskUsage: Long)
private val _nonRddStorageInfo = NonRddStorageInfo(0L, 0L, 0L)
/** Create a storage status with an initial set of blocks, leaving the source unmodified. */
def this(
bmid: BlockManagerId,
maxMemory: Long,
maxOnHeapMem: Option[Long],
maxOffHeapMem: Option[Long],
initialBlocks: Map[BlockId, BlockStatus]) = {
this(bmid, maxMemory, maxOnHeapMem, maxOffHeapMem)
initialBlocks.foreach { case (bid, bstatus) => addBlock(bid, bstatus) }
* Return the blocks stored in this block manager.
* @note This is somewhat expensive, as it involves cloning the underlying maps and then
* concatenating them together. Much faster alternatives exist for common operations such as
* contains, get, and size.
def blocks: Map[BlockId, BlockStatus] = _nonRddBlocks ++ rddBlocks
* Return the RDD blocks stored in this block manager.
* @note This is somewhat expensive, as it involves cloning the underlying maps and then
* concatenating them together. Much faster alternatives exist for common operations such as
* getting the memory, disk, and off-heap memory sizes occupied by this RDD.
def rddBlocks: Map[BlockId, BlockStatus] = _rddBlocks.flatMap { case (_, blocks) => blocks }
/** Add the given block to this storage status. If it already exists, overwrite it. */
private[spark] def addBlock(blockId: BlockId, blockStatus: BlockStatus): Unit = {
updateStorageInfo(blockId, blockStatus)
blockId match {
case RDDBlockId(rddId, _) =>
_rddBlocks.getOrElseUpdate(rddId, new mutable.HashMap)(blockId) = blockStatus
case _ =>
_nonRddBlocks(blockId) = blockStatus
* Return the given block stored in this block manager in O(1) time.
* @note This is much faster than `this.blocks.get`, which is O(blocks) time.
def getBlock(blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockStatus] = {
blockId match {
case RDDBlockId(rddId, _) =>
case _ =>
/** Return the max memory can be used by this block manager. */
def maxMem: Long = maxMemory
/** Return the memory remaining in this block manager. */
def memRemaining: Long = maxMem - memUsed
/** Return the memory used by this block manager. */
def memUsed: Long = onHeapMemUsed.getOrElse(0L) + offHeapMemUsed.getOrElse(0L)
/** Return the on-heap memory remaining in this block manager. */
def onHeapMemRemaining: Option[Long] =
for (m <- maxOnHeapMem; o <- onHeapMemUsed) yield m - o
/** Return the off-heap memory remaining in this block manager. */
def offHeapMemRemaining: Option[Long] =
for (m <- maxOffHeapMem; o <- offHeapMemUsed) yield m - o
/** Return the on-heap memory used by this block manager. */
def onHeapMemUsed: Option[Long] = + _nonRddStorageInfo.onHeapUsage)
/** Return the off-heap memory used by this block manager. */
def offHeapMemUsed: Option[Long] = + _nonRddStorageInfo.offHeapUsage)
/** Return the memory used by on-heap caching RDDs */
def onHeapCacheSize: Option[Long] = { _ =>
_rddStorageInfo.collect {
case (_, storageInfo) if !storageInfo.level.useOffHeap => storageInfo.memoryUsage
/** Return the memory used by off-heap caching RDDs */
def offHeapCacheSize: Option[Long] = { _ =>
_rddStorageInfo.collect {
case (_, storageInfo) if storageInfo.level.useOffHeap => storageInfo.memoryUsage
/** Return the disk space used by this block manager. */
def diskUsed: Long = _nonRddStorageInfo.diskUsage +
/** Return the disk space used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time. */
def diskUsedByRdd(rddId: Int): Long = _rddStorageInfo.get(rddId).map(_.diskUsage).getOrElse(0L)
* Update the relevant storage info, taking into account any existing status for this block.
private def updateStorageInfo(blockId: BlockId, newBlockStatus: BlockStatus): Unit = {
val oldBlockStatus = getBlock(blockId).getOrElse(BlockStatus.empty)
val changeInMem = newBlockStatus.memSize - oldBlockStatus.memSize
val changeInDisk = newBlockStatus.diskSize - oldBlockStatus.diskSize
val level = newBlockStatus.storageLevel
// Compute new info from old info
val (oldMem, oldDisk) = blockId match {
case RDDBlockId(rddId, _) =>
.map { case RddStorageInfo(mem, disk, _) => (mem, disk) }
.getOrElse((0L, 0L))
case _ if !level.useOffHeap =>
(_nonRddStorageInfo.onHeapUsage, _nonRddStorageInfo.diskUsage)
case _ =>
(_nonRddStorageInfo.offHeapUsage, _nonRddStorageInfo.diskUsage)
val newMem = math.max(oldMem + changeInMem, 0L)
val newDisk = math.max(oldDisk + changeInDisk, 0L)
// Set the correct info
blockId match {
case RDDBlockId(rddId, _) =>
// If this RDD is no longer persisted, remove it
if (newMem + newDisk == 0) {
} else {
_rddStorageInfo(rddId) = RddStorageInfo(newMem, newDisk, level)
case _ =>
if (!level.useOffHeap) {
_nonRddStorageInfo.onHeapUsage = newMem
} else {
_nonRddStorageInfo.offHeapUsage = newMem
_nonRddStorageInfo.diskUsage = newDisk
/** Helper methods for storage-related objects. */
private[spark] object StorageUtils extends Logging {
// In Java 8, the type of DirectBuffer.cleaner() was sun.misc.Cleaner, and it was possible
// to access the method sun.misc.Cleaner.clean() to invoke it. The type changed to
// jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner in later JDKs, and the .clean() method is not accessible even with
// reflection. However sun.misc.Unsafe added a invokeCleaner() method in JDK 9+ and this is
// still accessible with reflection.
private val bufferCleaner: DirectBuffer => Unit =
if (SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion.JAVA_9)) {
val cleanerMethod =
Utils.classForName("sun.misc.Unsafe").getMethod("invokeCleaner", classOf[ByteBuffer])
val unsafeField = classOf[Unsafe].getDeclaredField("theUnsafe")
val unsafe = unsafeField.get(null).asInstanceOf[Unsafe]
buffer: DirectBuffer => cleanerMethod.invoke(unsafe, buffer)
} else {
val cleanerMethod = Utils.classForName("sun.misc.Cleaner").getMethod("clean")
buffer: DirectBuffer => {
// Careful to avoid the return type of .cleaner(), which changes with JDK
val cleaner: AnyRef = buffer.cleaner()
if (cleaner != null) {
* Attempt to clean up a ByteBuffer if it is direct or memory-mapped. This uses an *unsafe* Sun
* API that will cause errors if one attempts to read from the disposed buffer. However, neither
* the bytes allocated to direct buffers nor file descriptors opened for memory-mapped buffers put
* pressure on the garbage collector. Waiting for garbage collection may lead to the depletion of
* off-heap memory or huge numbers of open files. There's unfortunately no standard API to
* manually dispose of these kinds of buffers.
def dispose(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
if (buffer != null && buffer.isInstanceOf[MappedByteBuffer]) {
logTrace(s"Disposing of $buffer")
* Get the port used by the external shuffle service. In Yarn mode, this may be already be
* set through the Hadoop configuration as the server is launched in the Yarn NM.
def externalShuffleServicePort(conf: SparkConf): Int = {
val tmpPort = Utils.getSparkOrYarnConfig(conf, config.SHUFFLE_SERVICE_PORT.key,
if (tmpPort == 0) {
// for testing, we set "spark.shuffle.service.port" to 0 in the yarn config, so yarn finds
// an open port. But we still need to tell our spark apps the right port to use. So
// only if the yarn config has the port set to 0, we prefer the value in the spark config
} else {
spark BlockManagerDecommissioner 源码
spark BlockManagerManagedBuffer 源码
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦