spark BlockInfoManager 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark BlockInfoManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.locks.{Condition, Lock}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import{ConcurrentHashMultiset, ImmutableMultiset}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.errors.SparkCoreErrors
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

 * Tracks metadata for an individual block.
 * Instances of this class are _not_ thread-safe and are protected by locks in the
 * [[BlockInfoManager]].
 * @param level the block's storage level. This is the requested persistence level, not the
 *              effective storage level of the block (i.e. if this is MEMORY_AND_DISK, then this
 *              does not imply that the block is actually resident in memory).
 * @param classTag the block's [[ClassTag]], used to select the serializer
 * @param tellMaster whether state changes for this block should be reported to the master. This
 *                   is true for most blocks, but is false for broadcast blocks.
private[storage] class BlockInfo(
    val level: StorageLevel,
    val classTag: ClassTag[_],
    val tellMaster: Boolean) {

   * The size of the block (in bytes)
  def size: Long = _size
  def size_=(s: Long): Unit = {
    _size = s
  private[this] var _size: Long = 0

   * The number of times that this block has been locked for reading.
  def readerCount: Int = _readerCount
  def readerCount_=(c: Int): Unit = {
    _readerCount = c
  private[this] var _readerCount: Int = 0

   * The task attempt id of the task which currently holds the write lock for this block, or
   * [[BlockInfo.NON_TASK_WRITER]] if the write lock is held by non-task code, or
   * [[BlockInfo.NO_WRITER]] if this block is not locked for writing.
  def writerTask: Long = _writerTask
  def writerTask_=(t: Long): Unit = {
    _writerTask = t
  private[this] var _writerTask: Long = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER

  private def checkInvariants(): Unit = {
    // A block's reader count must be non-negative:
    assert(_readerCount >= 0)
    // A block is either locked for reading or for writing, but not for both at the same time:
    assert(_readerCount == 0 || _writerTask == BlockInfo.NO_WRITER)


private class BlockInfoWrapper(
    val info: BlockInfo,
    private val lock: Lock,
    private val condition: Condition) {
  def this(info: BlockInfo, lock: Lock) = this(info, lock, lock.newCondition())

  def withLock[T](f: (BlockInfo, Condition) => T): T = {
    try f(info, condition) finally {

  def tryLock(f: (BlockInfo, Condition) => Unit): Unit = {
    if (lock.tryLock()) {
      try f(info, condition) finally {

private[storage] object BlockInfo {

   * Special task attempt id constant used to mark a block's write lock as being unlocked.
  val NO_WRITER: Long = -1

   * Special task attempt id constant used to mark a block's write lock as being held by
   * a non-task thread (e.g. by a driver thread or by unit test code).
  val NON_TASK_WRITER: Long = -1024

 * Component of the [[BlockManager]] which tracks metadata for blocks and manages block locking.
 * The locking interface exposed by this class is readers-writer lock. Every lock acquisition is
 * automatically associated with a running task and locks are automatically released upon task
 * completion or failure.
 * This class is thread-safe.
private[storage] class BlockInfoManager extends Logging {

  private type TaskAttemptId = Long

   * Used to look up metadata for individual blocks. Entries are added to this map via an atomic
   * set-if-not-exists operation ([[lockNewBlockForWriting()]]) and are removed
   * by [[removeBlock()]].
  private[this] val blockInfoWrappers = new ConcurrentHashMap[BlockId, BlockInfoWrapper]

   * Stripe used to control multi-threaded access to block information.
   * We are using this instead of the synchronizing on the [[BlockInfo]] objects to avoid race
   * conditions in the `lockNewBlockForWriting` method. When this method returns successfully it is
   * assumed that the passed in [[BlockInfo]] object is persisted by the info manager and that it is
   * safe to modify it. The only way we can guarantee this is by having a unique lock per block ID
   * that has a longer lifespan than the blocks' info object.
  private[this] val locks = Striped.lock(1024)

   * Tracks the set of blocks that each task has locked for writing.
  private[this] val writeLocksByTask = new ConcurrentHashMap[TaskAttemptId, util.Set[BlockId]]

   * Tracks the set of blocks that each task has locked for reading, along with the number of times
   * that a block has been locked (since our read locks are re-entrant).
  private[this] val readLocksByTask =
    new ConcurrentHashMap[TaskAttemptId, ConcurrentHashMultiset[BlockId]]

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // Initialization for special task attempt ids:

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Called at the start of a task in order to register that task with this [[BlockInfoManager]].
   * This must be called prior to calling any other BlockInfoManager methods from that task.
  def registerTask(taskAttemptId: TaskAttemptId): Unit = {
    writeLocksByTask.putIfAbsent(taskAttemptId, util.Collections.synchronizedSet(new util.HashSet))
    readLocksByTask.putIfAbsent(taskAttemptId, ConcurrentHashMultiset.create())

   * Returns the current task's task attempt id (which uniquely identifies the task), or
   * [[BlockInfo.NON_TASK_WRITER]] if called by a non-task thread.
  private def currentTaskAttemptId: TaskAttemptId = {

   * Helper for lock acquisistion.
  private def acquireLock(
      blockId: BlockId,
      blocking: Boolean)(
      f: BlockInfo => Boolean): Option[BlockInfo] = {
    var done = false
    var result: Option[BlockInfo] = None
    while(!done) {
      val wrapper = blockInfoWrappers.get(blockId)
      if (wrapper == null) {
        done = true
      } else {
        wrapper.withLock { (info, condition) =>
          if (f(info)) {
            result = Some(info)
            done = true
          } else if (!blocking) {
            done = true
          } else {

   * Apply function `f` on the [[BlockInfo]] object and the aquisition [[Condition]] for `blockId`.
   * Function `f` will be executed while holding the lock for the [[BlockInfo]] object. If `blockId`
   * was not registered, an error will be thrown.
  private def blockInfo[T](blockId: BlockId)(f: (BlockInfo, Condition) => T): T = {
    val wrapper = blockInfoWrappers.get(blockId)
    if (wrapper == null) {
      throw SparkCoreErrors.blockDoesNotExistError(blockId)

   * Lock a block for reading and return its metadata.
   * If another task has already locked this block for reading, then the read lock will be
   * immediately granted to the calling task and its lock count will be incremented.
   * If another task has locked this block for writing, then this call will block until the write
   * lock is released or will return immediately if `blocking = false`.
   * A single task can lock a block multiple times for reading, in which case each lock will need
   * to be released separately.
   * @param blockId the block to lock.
   * @param blocking if true (default), this call will block until the lock is acquired. If false,
   *                 this call will return immediately if the lock acquisition fails.
   * @return None if the block did not exist or was removed (in which case no lock is held), or
   *         Some(BlockInfo) (in which case the block is locked for reading).
  def lockForReading(
      blockId: BlockId,
      blocking: Boolean = true): Option[BlockInfo] = {
    val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId
    logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId trying to acquire read lock for $blockId")
    acquireLock(blockId, blocking) { info =>
      val acquire = info.writerTask == BlockInfo.NO_WRITER
      if (acquire) {
        info.readerCount += 1
        logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId acquired read lock for $blockId")

   * Lock a block for writing and return its metadata.
   * If another task has already locked this block for either reading or writing, then this call
   * will block until the other locks are released or will return immediately if `blocking = false`.
   * @param blockId the block to lock.
   * @param blocking if true (default), this call will block until the lock is acquired. If false,
   *                 this call will return immediately if the lock acquisition fails.
   * @return None if the block did not exist or was removed (in which case no lock is held), or
   *         Some(BlockInfo) (in which case the block is locked for writing).
  def lockForWriting(
      blockId: BlockId,
      blocking: Boolean = true): Option[BlockInfo] = {
    val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId
    logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId trying to acquire write lock for $blockId")
    acquireLock(blockId, blocking) { info =>
      val acquire = info.writerTask == BlockInfo.NO_WRITER && info.readerCount == 0
      if (acquire) {
        info.writerTask = taskAttemptId
        logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId acquired write lock for $blockId")

   * Throws an exception if the current task does not hold a write lock on the given block.
   * Otherwise, returns the block's BlockInfo.
  def assertBlockIsLockedForWriting(blockId: BlockId): BlockInfo = {
    val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId
    blockInfo(blockId) { (info, _) =>
      if (info.writerTask != taskAttemptId) {
        throw SparkCoreErrors.taskHasNotLockedBlockError(currentTaskAttemptId, blockId)
      } else {

   * Get a block's metadata without acquiring any locks. This method is only exposed for use by
   * [[BlockManager.getStatus()]] and should not be called by other code outside of this class.
  private[storage] def get(blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockInfo] = {
    val wrapper = blockInfoWrappers.get(blockId)
    if (wrapper != null) {
    } else {

   * Downgrades an exclusive write lock to a shared read lock.
  def downgradeLock(blockId: BlockId): Unit = {
    val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId
    logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId downgrading write lock for $blockId")
    blockInfo(blockId) { (info, _) =>
      require(info.writerTask == taskAttemptId,
        s"Task $taskAttemptId tried to downgrade a write lock that it does not hold on" +
          s" block $blockId")
      val lockOutcome = lockForReading(blockId, blocking = false)

   * Release a lock on the given block.
   * In case a TaskContext is not propagated properly to all child threads for the task, we fail to
   * get the TID from TaskContext, so we have to explicitly pass the TID value to release the lock.
   * See SPARK-18406 for more discussion of this issue.
  def unlock(blockId: BlockId, taskAttemptIdOption: Option[TaskAttemptId] = None): Unit = {
    val taskAttemptId = taskAttemptIdOption.getOrElse(currentTaskAttemptId)
    logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId releasing lock for $blockId")
    blockInfo(blockId) { (info, condition) =>
      if (info.writerTask != BlockInfo.NO_WRITER) {
        info.writerTask = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER
      } else {
        // There can be a race between unlock and releaseAllLocksForTask which causes negative
        // reader counts. We need to check if the readLocksByTask per tasks are present, if they
        // are not then we know releaseAllLocksForTask has already cleaned up the read lock.
        val countsForTask = readLocksByTask.get(taskAttemptId)
        if (countsForTask != null) {
          assert(info.readerCount > 0, s"Block $blockId is not locked for reading")
          info.readerCount -= 1
          val newPinCountForTask: Int = countsForTask.remove(blockId, 1) - 1
          assert(newPinCountForTask >= 0,
            s"Task $taskAttemptId release lock on block $blockId more times than it acquired it")

   * Attempt to acquire the appropriate lock for writing a new block.
   * This enforces the first-writer-wins semantics. If we are the first to write the block,
   * then just go ahead and acquire the write lock. Otherwise, if another thread is already
   * writing the block, then we wait for the write to finish before acquiring the read lock.
   * @return true if the block did not already exist, false otherwise. If this returns false, then
   *         a read lock on the existing block will be held. If this returns true, a write lock on
   *         the new block will be held.
  def lockNewBlockForWriting(
      blockId: BlockId,
      newBlockInfo: BlockInfo): Boolean = {
    logTrace(s"Task $currentTaskAttemptId trying to put $blockId")
    // Get the lock that will be associated with the to-be written block and lock it for the entire
    // duration of this operation. This way we prevent race conditions when two threads try to write
    // the same block at the same time.
    val lock = locks.get(blockId)
    try {
      val wrapper = new BlockInfoWrapper(newBlockInfo, lock)
      while (true) {
        val previous = blockInfoWrappers.putIfAbsent(blockId, wrapper)
        if (previous == null) {
          // New block lock it for writing.
          val result = lockForWriting(blockId, blocking = false)
          return true
        } else {
          // Block already exists. This could happen if another thread races with us to compute
          // the same block. In this case we try to acquire a read lock, if the locking succeeds
          // return `false` (the write lock was not acquired) to the caller, if locking fails we
          // retry this entire operation because it means the block was removed.
          if (lockForReading(blockId).isDefined) {
            return false
    } finally {

   * Release all lock held by the given task, clearing that task's pin bookkeeping
   * structures and updating the global pin counts. This method should be called at the
   * end of a task (either by a task completion handler or in ``).
   * @return the ids of blocks whose pins were released
  def releaseAllLocksForTask(taskAttemptId: TaskAttemptId): Seq[BlockId] = {
    val blocksWithReleasedLocks = mutable.ArrayBuffer[BlockId]()

    val writeLocks = Option(writeLocksByTask.remove(taskAttemptId)).getOrElse(Collections.emptySet)
    writeLocks.forEach { blockId =>
      blockInfo(blockId) { (info, condition) =>
        assert(info.writerTask == taskAttemptId)
        info.writerTask = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER
      blocksWithReleasedLocks += blockId

    val readLocks = Option(readLocksByTask.remove(taskAttemptId))
    readLocks.entrySet().forEach { entry =>
      val blockId = entry.getElement
      val lockCount = entry.getCount
      blocksWithReleasedLocks += blockId
      blockInfo(blockId) { (info, condition) =>
        info.readerCount -= lockCount
        assert(info.readerCount >= 0)


  /** Returns the number of locks held by the given task.  Used only for testing. */
  private[storage] def getTaskLockCount(taskAttemptId: TaskAttemptId): Int = {
    Option(readLocksByTask.get(taskAttemptId)).map(_.size()).getOrElse(0) +

   * Returns the number of blocks tracked.
  def size: Int = blockInfoWrappers.size

   * Return the number of map entries in this pin counter's internal data structures.
   * This is used in unit tests in order to detect memory leaks.
  private[storage] def getNumberOfMapEntries: Long = {
    size +
      readLocksByTask.size + +
      writeLocksByTask.size +

   * Returns an iterator over a snapshot of all blocks' metadata. Note that the individual entries
   * in this iterator are mutable and thus may reflect blocks that are deleted while the iterator
   * is being traversed.
  def entries: Iterator[(BlockId, BlockInfo)] = {
    blockInfoWrappers.entrySet().iterator() => kv.getKey ->

   * Removes the given block and releases the write lock on it.
   * This can only be called while holding a write lock on the given block.
  def removeBlock(blockId: BlockId): Unit = {
    val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId
    logTrace(s"Task $taskAttemptId trying to remove block $blockId")
    blockInfo(blockId) { (info, condition) =>
      if (info.writerTask != taskAttemptId) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
          s"Task $taskAttemptId called remove() on block $blockId without a write lock")
      } else {
        info.readerCount = 0
        info.writerTask = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER

   * Delete all state. Called during shutdown.
  def clear(): Unit = {
    blockInfoWrappers.values().forEach { wrapper =>
      wrapper.tryLock { (info, condition) =>
        info.readerCount = 0
        info.writerTask = BlockInfo.NO_WRITER



spark 源码目录


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spark BlockManager 源码

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