tidb syncer 源码
tidb syncer 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package syncer
import (
tidbutil "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util"
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
const (
// InitialVersion is the initial schema version for every server.
// It's exported for testing.
InitialVersion = "0"
putKeyNoRetry = 1
keyOpDefaultRetryCnt = 3
putKeyRetryUnlimited = math.MaxInt64
checkVersInterval = 20 * time.Millisecond
ddlPrompt = "ddl-syncer"
var (
// CheckVersFirstWaitTime is a waitting time before the owner checks all the servers of the schema version,
// and it's an exported variable for testing.
CheckVersFirstWaitTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
// SchemaSyncer is used to synchronize schema version between the DDL worker leader and followers through etcd.
type SchemaSyncer interface {
// Init sets the global schema version path to etcd if it isn't exist,
// then watch this path, and initializes the self schema version to etcd.
Init(ctx context.Context) error
// UpdateSelfVersion updates the current version to the self path on etcd.
UpdateSelfVersion(ctx context.Context, jobID int64, version int64) error
// OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion updates the latest version to the global path on etcd until updating is successful or the ctx is done.
OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion(ctx context.Context, version int64) error
// GlobalVersionCh gets the chan for watching global version.
GlobalVersionCh() clientv3.WatchChan
// WatchGlobalSchemaVer watches the global schema version.
WatchGlobalSchemaVer(ctx context.Context)
// Done returns a channel that closes when the syncer is no longer being refreshed.
Done() <-chan struct{}
// Restart restarts the syncer when it's on longer being refreshed.
Restart(ctx context.Context) error
// OwnerCheckAllVersions checks whether all followers' schema version are equal to
// the latest schema version. (exclude the isolated TiDB)
// It returns until all servers' versions are equal to the latest version.
OwnerCheckAllVersions(ctx context.Context, jobID int64, latestVer int64) error
// Close ends SchemaSyncer.
type schemaVersionSyncer struct {
selfSchemaVerPath string
etcdCli *clientv3.Client
session unsafe.Pointer
mu struct {
globalVerCh clientv3.WatchChan
ddlID string
// NewSchemaSyncer creates a new SchemaSyncer.
func NewSchemaSyncer(etcdCli *clientv3.Client, id string) SchemaSyncer {
return &schemaVersionSyncer{
etcdCli: etcdCli,
selfSchemaVerPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", util.DDLAllSchemaVersions, id),
ddlID: id,
// Init implements SchemaSyncer.Init interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.DeploySyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.SyncerInit, metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
_, err = s.etcdCli.Txn(ctx).
If(clientv3.Compare(clientv3.CreateRevision(util.DDLGlobalSchemaVersion), "=", 0)).
Then(clientv3.OpPut(util.DDLGlobalSchemaVersion, InitialVersion)).
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
logPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", ddlPrompt, s.selfSchemaVerPath)
session, err := tidbutil.NewSession(ctx, logPrefix, s.etcdCli, tidbutil.NewSessionDefaultRetryCnt, util.SessionTTL)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
s.mu.globalVerCh = s.etcdCli.Watch(ctx, util.DDLGlobalSchemaVersion)
err = util.PutKVToEtcd(ctx, s.etcdCli, keyOpDefaultRetryCnt, s.selfSchemaVerPath, InitialVersion,
return errors.Trace(err)
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) loadSession() *concurrency.Session {
return (*concurrency.Session)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.session))
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) storeSession(session *concurrency.Session) {
atomic.StorePointer(&s.session, (unsafe.Pointer)(session))
// Done implements SchemaSyncer.Done interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) Done() <-chan struct{} {
failpoint.Inject("ErrorMockSessionDone", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
err := s.loadSession().Close()
logutil.BgLogger().Error("close session failed", zap.Error(err))
return s.loadSession().Done()
// Restart implements SchemaSyncer.Restart interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) Restart(ctx context.Context) error {
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.DeploySyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.SyncerRestart, metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
logPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", ddlPrompt, s.selfSchemaVerPath)
// NewSession's context will affect the exit of the session.
session, err := tidbutil.NewSession(ctx, logPrefix, s.etcdCli, tidbutil.NewSessionRetryUnlimited, util.SessionTTL)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
childCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, util.KeyOpDefaultTimeout)
defer cancel()
err = util.PutKVToEtcd(childCtx, s.etcdCli, putKeyRetryUnlimited, s.selfSchemaVerPath, InitialVersion,
return errors.Trace(err)
// GlobalVersionCh implements SchemaSyncer.GlobalVersionCh interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) GlobalVersionCh() clientv3.WatchChan {
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
return s.mu.globalVerCh
// WatchGlobalSchemaVer implements SchemaSyncer.WatchGlobalSchemaVer interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) WatchGlobalSchemaVer(ctx context.Context) {
startTime := time.Now()
// Make sure the globalVerCh doesn't receive the information of 'close' before we finish the rewatch.
s.mu.globalVerCh = nil
go func() {
defer func() {
metrics.DeploySyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.SyncerRewatch, metrics.RetLabel(nil)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
ch := s.etcdCli.Watch(ctx, util.DDLGlobalSchemaVersion)
s.mu.globalVerCh = ch
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer watch global schema finished")
// UpdateSelfVersion implements SchemaSyncer.UpdateSelfVersion interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) UpdateSelfVersion(ctx context.Context, jobID int64, version int64) error {
startTime := time.Now()
ver := strconv.FormatInt(version, 10)
var err error
var path string
if variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d/%s", util.DDLAllSchemaVersionsByJob, jobID, s.ddlID)
} else {
path = s.selfSchemaVerPath
err = util.PutKVToEtcd(ctx, s.etcdCli, putKeyNoRetry, path, ver,
return errors.Trace(err)
// OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion implements SchemaSyncer.OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion(ctx context.Context, version int64) error {
startTime := time.Now()
ver := strconv.FormatInt(version, 10)
// TODO: If the version is larger than the original global version, we need set the version.
// Otherwise, we'd better set the original global version.
err := util.PutKVToEtcd(ctx, s.etcdCli, putKeyRetryUnlimited, util.DDLGlobalSchemaVersion, ver)
metrics.OwnerHandleSyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion, metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
return errors.Trace(err)
// removeSelfVersionPath remove the self path from etcd.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) removeSelfVersionPath() error {
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.DeploySyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.SyncerClear, metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
err = util.DeleteKeyFromEtcd(s.selfSchemaVerPath, s.etcdCli, keyOpDefaultRetryCnt, util.KeyOpDefaultTimeout)
return errors.Trace(err)
// OwnerCheckAllVersions implements SchemaSyncer.OwnerCheckAllVersions interface.
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) OwnerCheckAllVersions(ctx context.Context, jobID int64, latestVer int64) error {
startTime := time.Now()
notMatchVerCnt := 0
intervalCnt := int(time.Second / checkVersInterval)
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.OwnerHandleSyncerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.OwnerCheckAllVersions, metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
// If MDL is disabled, updatedMap is a cache. We need to ensure all the keys equal to the least version.
// We can skip checking the key if it is checked in the cache(set by the previous loop).
// If MDL is enabled, updatedMap is used to check if all the servers report the least version.
// updatedMap is initialed to record all the server in every loop. We delete a server from the map if it gets the metadata lock(the key version equal the given version.
// updatedMap should be empty if all the servers get the metadata lock.
updatedMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for {
if util.IsContextDone(ctx) {
// ctx is canceled or timeout.
err = errors.Trace(ctx.Err())
return err
// Prepare path and updatedMap.
path := util.DDLAllSchemaVersions
if variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d/", util.DDLAllSchemaVersionsByJob, jobID)
serverInfos, err := infosync.GetAllServerInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
updatedMap = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, info := range serverInfos {
updatedMap[info.ID] = struct{}{}
// Get all the schema versions from ETCD.
resp, err := s.etcdCli.Get(ctx, path, clientv3.WithPrefix())
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer check all versions failed, continue checking.", zap.Error(err))
// Check all schema versions.
succ := true
if variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
key := string(kv.Key)
ver, err := strconv.Atoi(string(kv.Value))
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer check all versions, convert value to int failed, continue checking.", zap.String("ddl", string(kv.Key)), zap.String("value", string(kv.Value)), zap.Error(err))
succ = false
if int64(ver) < latestVer {
if notMatchVerCnt%intervalCnt == 0 {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer check all versions, someone is not synced, continue checking",
zap.String("ddl", string(kv.Key)), zap.Int("currentVer", ver), zap.Int64("latestVer", latestVer))
succ = false
delete(updatedMap, key[strings.LastIndex(key, "/")+1:])
if len(updatedMap) > 0 {
succ = false
} else {
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
if _, ok := updatedMap[string(kv.Key)]; ok {
ver, err := strconv.Atoi(string(kv.Value))
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer check all versions, convert value to int failed, continue checking.", zap.String("ddl", string(kv.Key)), zap.String("value", string(kv.Value)), zap.Error(err))
succ = false
if int64(ver) < latestVer {
if notMatchVerCnt%intervalCnt == 0 {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] syncer check all versions, someone is not synced, continue checking",
zap.String("ddl", string(kv.Key)), zap.Int("currentVer", ver), zap.Int64("latestVer", latestVer))
succ = false
updatedMap[string(kv.Key)] = struct{}{}
if succ {
if variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
_, err = s.etcdCli.Delete(ctx, path, clientv3.WithPrefix())
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[ddl] syncer delete versions failed", zap.Any("job id", jobID), zap.Error(err))
return nil
func (s *schemaVersionSyncer) Close() {
err := s.removeSelfVersionPath()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("[ddl] remove self version path failed", zap.Error(err))
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