tidb bind_record 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb bind_record 代码


// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package bindinfo

import (


const (
	// Enabled is the bind info's in enabled status.
	// It is the same as the previous 'Using' status.
	// Only use 'Enabled' status in the future, not the 'Using' status.
	// The 'Using' status is preserved for compatibility.
	Enabled = "enabled"
	// Disabled is the bind info's in disabled status.
	Disabled = "disabled"
	// Using is the bind info's in use status.
	// The 'Using' status is preserved for compatibility.
	Using = "using"
	// deleted is the bind info's deleted status.
	deleted = "deleted"
	// Invalid is the bind info's invalid status.
	Invalid = "invalid"
	// PendingVerify means the bind info needs to be verified.
	PendingVerify = "pending verify"
	// Rejected means that the bind has been rejected after verify process.
	// We can retry it after certain time has passed.
	Rejected = "rejected"
	// Manual indicates the binding is created by SQL like "create binding for ...".
	Manual = "manual"
	// Capture indicates the binding is captured by TiDB automatically.
	Capture = "capture"
	// Evolve indicates the binding is evolved by TiDB from old bindings.
	Evolve = "evolve"
	// Builtin indicates the binding is a builtin record for internal locking purpose. It is also the status for the builtin binding.
	Builtin = "builtin"

// Binding stores the basic bind hint info.
type Binding struct {
	BindSQL string
	// Status represents the status of the binding. It can only be one of the following values:
	// 1. deleted: BindRecord is deleted, can not be used anymore.
	// 2. enabled, using: Binding is in the normal active mode.
	Status     string
	CreateTime types.Time
	UpdateTime types.Time
	Source     string
	Charset    string
	Collation  string
	// Hint is the parsed hints, it is used to bind hints to stmt node.
	Hint *hint.HintsSet `json:"-"`
	// ID is the string form of Hint. It would be non-empty only when the status is `Using` or `PendingVerify`.
	ID string `json:"-"`

func (b *Binding) isSame(rb *Binding) bool {
	if b.ID != "" && rb.ID != "" {
		return b.ID == rb.ID
	// Sometimes we cannot construct `ID` because of the changed schema, so we need to compare by bind sql.
	return b.BindSQL == rb.BindSQL

// IsBindingEnabled returns whether the binding is enabled.
func (b *Binding) IsBindingEnabled() bool {
	return b.Status == Enabled || b.Status == Using

// IsBindingAvailable returns whether the binding is available.
// The available means the binding can be used or can be converted into a usable status.
// It includes the 'Enabled', 'Using' and 'Disabled' status.
func (b *Binding) IsBindingAvailable() bool {
	return b.IsBindingEnabled() || b.Status == Disabled

// SinceUpdateTime returns the duration since last update time. Export for test.
func (b *Binding) SinceUpdateTime() (time.Duration, error) {
	updateTime, err := b.UpdateTime.GoTime(time.Local)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return time.Since(updateTime), nil

// BindRecord represents a sql bind record retrieved from the storage.
type BindRecord struct {
	OriginalSQL string
	Db          string

	Bindings []Binding

// HasEnabledBinding checks if there are any enabled bindings in bind record.
func (br *BindRecord) HasEnabledBinding() bool {
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		if binding.IsBindingEnabled() {
			return true
	return false

// HasAvailableBinding checks if there are any available bindings in bind record.
// The available means the binding can be used or can be converted into a usable status.
// It includes the 'Enabled', 'Using' and 'Disabled' status.
func (br *BindRecord) HasAvailableBinding() bool {
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		if binding.IsBindingAvailable() {
			return true
	return false

// FindEnabledBinding gets the enabled binding.
// There is at most one binding that can be used now.
func (br *BindRecord) FindEnabledBinding() *Binding {
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		if binding.IsBindingEnabled() {
			return &binding
	return nil

// FindBinding find bindings in BindRecord.
func (br *BindRecord) FindBinding(hint string) *Binding {
	for i := range br.Bindings {
		binding := br.Bindings[i]
		if binding.ID == hint {
			return &binding
	return nil

// prepareHints builds ID and Hint for BindRecord. If sctx is not nil, we check if
// the BindSQL is still valid.
func (br *BindRecord) prepareHints(sctx sessionctx.Context) error {
	p := parser.New()
	for i, bind := range br.Bindings {
		if (bind.Hint != nil && bind.ID != "") || bind.Status == deleted {
		hintsSet, stmt, warns, err := hint.ParseHintsSet(p, bind.BindSQL, bind.Charset, bind.Collation, br.Db)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if sctx != nil {
			paramChecker := &paramMarkerChecker{}
			if !paramChecker.hasParamMarker {
				_, err = getHintsForSQL(sctx, bind.BindSQL)
				if err != nil {
					return err
		hintsStr, err := hintsSet.Restore()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// For `create global binding for select * from t using select * from t`, we allow it though hintsStr is empty.
		// For `create global binding for select * from t using select /*+ non_exist_hint() */ * from t`,
		// the hint is totally invalid, we escalate warning to error.
		if hintsStr == "" && len(warns) > 0 {
			return warns[0]
		br.Bindings[i].Hint = hintsSet
		br.Bindings[i].ID = hintsStr
	return nil

// `merge` merges two BindRecord. It will replace old bindings with new bindings if there are new updates.
func merge(lBindRecord, rBindRecord *BindRecord) *BindRecord {
	if lBindRecord == nil {
		return rBindRecord
	if rBindRecord == nil {
		return lBindRecord
	result := lBindRecord.shallowCopy()
	for i := range rBindRecord.Bindings {
		rbind := rBindRecord.Bindings[i]
		found := false
		for j, lbind := range lBindRecord.Bindings {
			if lbind.isSame(&rbind) {
				found = true
				if rbind.UpdateTime.Compare(lbind.UpdateTime) >= 0 {
					result.Bindings[j] = rbind
		if !found {
			result.Bindings = append(result.Bindings, rbind)
	return result

func (br *BindRecord) remove(deleted *BindRecord) *BindRecord {
	// Delete all bindings.
	if len(deleted.Bindings) == 0 {
		return &BindRecord{OriginalSQL: br.OriginalSQL, Db: br.Db}
	result := br.shallowCopy()
	for j := range deleted.Bindings {
		deletedBind := deleted.Bindings[j]
		for i, bind := range result.Bindings {
			if bind.isSame(&deletedBind) {
				result.Bindings = append(result.Bindings[:i], result.Bindings[i+1:]...)
	return result

func (br *BindRecord) removeDeletedBindings() *BindRecord {
	result := BindRecord{OriginalSQL: br.OriginalSQL, Db: br.Db, Bindings: make([]Binding, 0, len(br.Bindings))}
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		if binding.Status != deleted {
			result.Bindings = append(result.Bindings, binding)
	return &result

// shallowCopy shallow copies the BindRecord.
func (br *BindRecord) shallowCopy() *BindRecord {
	result := BindRecord{
		OriginalSQL: br.OriginalSQL,
		Db:          br.Db,
		Bindings:    make([]Binding, len(br.Bindings)),
	copy(result.Bindings, br.Bindings)
	return &result

func (br *BindRecord) isSame(other *BindRecord) bool {
	return br.OriginalSQL == other.OriginalSQL

// size calculates the memory size of a BindRecord.
func (br *BindRecord) size() float64 {
	mem := float64(len(hack.Slice(br.OriginalSQL)) + len(hack.Slice(br.Db)))
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		mem += binding.size()
	return mem

var statusIndex = map[string]int{
	Enabled: 0,
	deleted: 1,
	Invalid: 2,

func (br *BindRecord) metrics() ([]float64, []int) {
	sizes := make([]float64, len(statusIndex))
	count := make([]int, len(statusIndex))
	if br == nil {
		return sizes, count
	commonLength := float64(len(br.OriginalSQL) + len(br.Db))
	// We treat it as deleted if there are no bindings. It could only occur in session handles.
	if len(br.Bindings) == 0 {
		sizes[statusIndex[deleted]] = commonLength
		count[statusIndex[deleted]] = 1
		return sizes, count
	// Make the common length counted in the first binding.
	sizes[statusIndex[br.Bindings[0].Status]] = commonLength
	for _, binding := range br.Bindings {
		sizes[statusIndex[binding.Status]] += binding.size()
	return sizes, count

// size calculates the memory size of a bind info.
func (b *Binding) size() float64 {
	res := len(b.BindSQL) + len(b.Status) + 2*int(unsafe.Sizeof(b.CreateTime)) + len(b.Charset) + len(b.Collation) + len(b.ID)
	return float64(res)

func updateMetrics(scope string, before *BindRecord, after *BindRecord, sizeOnly bool) {
	beforeSize, beforeCount := before.metrics()
	afterSize, afterCount := after.metrics()
	for status, index := range statusIndex {
		metrics.BindMemoryUsage.WithLabelValues(scope, status).Add(afterSize[index] - beforeSize[index])
		if !sizeOnly {
			metrics.BindTotalGauge.WithLabelValues(scope, status).Add(float64(afterCount[index] - beforeCount[index]))


tidb 源码目录


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