kafka Selector 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka Selector 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.network;

import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricName;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.memory.MemoryPool;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.internals.IntGaugeSuite;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.CumulativeSum;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Meter;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.SampledStat;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.WindowedCount;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

 * A nioSelector interface for doing non-blocking multi-connection network I/O.
 * <p>
 * This class works with {@link NetworkSend} and {@link NetworkReceive} to transmit size-delimited network requests and
 * responses.
 * <p>
 * A connection can be added to the nioSelector associated with an integer id by doing
 * <pre>
 * nioSelector.connect(&quot;42&quot;, new InetSocketAddress(&quot;google.com&quot;, server.port), 64000, 64000);
 * </pre>
 * The connect call does not block on the creation of the TCP connection, so the connect method only begins initiating
 * the connection. The successful invocation of this method does not mean a valid connection has been established.
 * Sending requests, receiving responses, processing connection completions, and disconnections on the existing
 * connections are all done using the <code>poll()</code> call.
 * <pre>
 * nioSelector.send(new NetworkSend(myDestination, myBytes));
 * nioSelector.send(new NetworkSend(myOtherDestination, myOtherBytes));
 * nioSelector.poll(TIMEOUT_MS);
 * </pre>
 * The nioSelector maintains several lists that are reset by each call to <code>poll()</code> which are available via
 * various getters. These are reset by each call to <code>poll()</code>.
 * This class is not thread safe!
public class Selector implements Selectable, AutoCloseable {

    public static final long NO_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = -1;
    public static final int NO_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION_DELAY = 0;

    private enum CloseMode {
        GRACEFUL(true),            // process outstanding buffered receives, notify disconnect
        NOTIFY_ONLY(true),         // discard any outstanding receives, notify disconnect
        DISCARD_NO_NOTIFY(false);  // discard any outstanding receives, no disconnect notification

        boolean notifyDisconnect;

        CloseMode(boolean notifyDisconnect) {
            this.notifyDisconnect = notifyDisconnect;

    private final Logger log;
    private final java.nio.channels.Selector nioSelector;
    private final Map<String, KafkaChannel> channels;
    private final Set<KafkaChannel> explicitlyMutedChannels;
    private boolean outOfMemory;
    private final List<NetworkSend> completedSends;
    private final LinkedHashMap<String, NetworkReceive> completedReceives;
    private final Set<SelectionKey> immediatelyConnectedKeys;
    private final Map<String, KafkaChannel> closingChannels;
    private Set<SelectionKey> keysWithBufferedRead;
    private final Map<String, ChannelState> disconnected;
    private final List<String> connected;
    private final List<String> failedSends;
    private final Time time;
    private final SelectorMetrics sensors;
    private final ChannelBuilder channelBuilder;
    private final int maxReceiveSize;
    private final boolean recordTimePerConnection;
    private final IdleExpiryManager idleExpiryManager;
    private final LinkedHashMap<String, DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose> delayedClosingChannels;
    private final MemoryPool memoryPool;
    private final long lowMemThreshold;
    private final int failedAuthenticationDelayMs;

    //indicates if the previous call to poll was able to make progress in reading already-buffered data.
    //this is used to prevent tight loops when memory is not available to read any more data
    private boolean madeReadProgressLastPoll = true;

     * Create a new nioSelector
     * @param maxReceiveSize Max size in bytes of a single network receive (use {@link NetworkReceive#UNLIMITED} for no limit)
     * @param connectionMaxIdleMs Max idle connection time (use {@link #NO_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS} to disable idle timeout)
     * @param failedAuthenticationDelayMs Minimum time by which failed authentication response and channel close should be delayed by.
     *                                    Use {@link #NO_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION_DELAY} to disable this delay.
     * @param metrics Registry for Selector metrics
     * @param time Time implementation
     * @param metricGrpPrefix Prefix for the group of metrics registered by Selector
     * @param metricTags Additional tags to add to metrics registered by Selector
     * @param metricsPerConnection Whether or not to enable per-connection metrics
     * @param channelBuilder Channel builder for every new connection
     * @param logContext Context for logging with additional info
    public Selector(int maxReceiveSize,
            long connectionMaxIdleMs,
            int failedAuthenticationDelayMs,
            Metrics metrics,
            Time time,
            String metricGrpPrefix,
            Map<String, String> metricTags,
            boolean metricsPerConnection,
            boolean recordTimePerConnection,
            ChannelBuilder channelBuilder,
            MemoryPool memoryPool,
            LogContext logContext) {
        try {
            this.nioSelector = java.nio.channels.Selector.open();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new KafkaException(e);
        this.maxReceiveSize = maxReceiveSize;
        this.time = time;
        this.channels = new HashMap<>();
        this.explicitlyMutedChannels = new HashSet<>();
        this.outOfMemory = false;
        this.completedSends = new ArrayList<>();
        this.completedReceives = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        this.immediatelyConnectedKeys = new HashSet<>();
        this.closingChannels = new HashMap<>();
        this.keysWithBufferedRead = new HashSet<>();
        this.connected = new ArrayList<>();
        this.disconnected = new HashMap<>();
        this.failedSends = new ArrayList<>();
        this.log = logContext.logger(Selector.class);
        this.sensors = new SelectorMetrics(metrics, metricGrpPrefix, metricTags, metricsPerConnection);
        this.channelBuilder = channelBuilder;
        this.recordTimePerConnection = recordTimePerConnection;
        this.idleExpiryManager = connectionMaxIdleMs < 0 ? null : new IdleExpiryManager(time, connectionMaxIdleMs);
        this.memoryPool = memoryPool;
        this.lowMemThreshold = (long) (0.1 * this.memoryPool.size());
        this.failedAuthenticationDelayMs = failedAuthenticationDelayMs;
        this.delayedClosingChannels = (failedAuthenticationDelayMs > NO_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION_DELAY) ? new LinkedHashMap<String, DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose>() : null;

    public Selector(int maxReceiveSize,
                    long connectionMaxIdleMs,
                    Metrics metrics,
                    Time time,
                    String metricGrpPrefix,
                    Map<String, String> metricTags,
                    boolean metricsPerConnection,
                    boolean recordTimePerConnection,
                    ChannelBuilder channelBuilder,
                    MemoryPool memoryPool,
                    LogContext logContext) {
        this(maxReceiveSize, connectionMaxIdleMs, NO_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION_DELAY, metrics, time, metricGrpPrefix, metricTags,
                metricsPerConnection, recordTimePerConnection, channelBuilder, memoryPool, logContext);

    public Selector(int maxReceiveSize,
                    long connectionMaxIdleMs,
                    int failedAuthenticationDelayMs,
                    Metrics metrics,
                    Time time,
                    String metricGrpPrefix,
                    Map<String, String> metricTags,
                    boolean metricsPerConnection,
                    ChannelBuilder channelBuilder,
                    LogContext logContext) {
        this(maxReceiveSize, connectionMaxIdleMs, failedAuthenticationDelayMs, metrics, time, metricGrpPrefix, metricTags, metricsPerConnection, false, channelBuilder, MemoryPool.NONE, logContext);

    public Selector(int maxReceiveSize,
                    long connectionMaxIdleMs,
                    Metrics metrics,
                    Time time,
                    String metricGrpPrefix,
                    Map<String, String> metricTags,
                    boolean metricsPerConnection,
                    ChannelBuilder channelBuilder,
                    LogContext logContext) {
        this(maxReceiveSize, connectionMaxIdleMs, NO_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION_DELAY, metrics, time, metricGrpPrefix, metricTags, metricsPerConnection, channelBuilder, logContext);

    public Selector(long connectionMaxIdleMS, Metrics metrics, Time time, String metricGrpPrefix, ChannelBuilder channelBuilder, LogContext logContext) {
        this(NetworkReceive.UNLIMITED, connectionMaxIdleMS, metrics, time, metricGrpPrefix, Collections.emptyMap(), true, channelBuilder, logContext);

    public Selector(long connectionMaxIdleMS, int failedAuthenticationDelayMs, Metrics metrics, Time time, String metricGrpPrefix, ChannelBuilder channelBuilder, LogContext logContext) {
        this(NetworkReceive.UNLIMITED, connectionMaxIdleMS, failedAuthenticationDelayMs, metrics, time, metricGrpPrefix, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), true, channelBuilder, logContext);

     * Begin connecting to the given address and add the connection to this nioSelector associated with the given id
     * number.
     * <p>
     * Note that this call only initiates the connection, which will be completed on a future {@link #poll(long)}
     * call. Check {@link #connected()} to see which (if any) connections have completed after a given poll call.
     * @param id The id for the new connection
     * @param address The address to connect to
     * @param sendBufferSize The send buffer for the new connection
     * @param receiveBufferSize The receive buffer for the new connection
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there is already a connection for that id
     * @throws IOException if DNS resolution fails on the hostname or if the broker is down
    public void connect(String id, InetSocketAddress address, int sendBufferSize, int receiveBufferSize) throws IOException {
        SocketChannel socketChannel = SocketChannel.open();
        SelectionKey key = null;
        try {
            configureSocketChannel(socketChannel, sendBufferSize, receiveBufferSize);
            boolean connected = doConnect(socketChannel, address);
            key = registerChannel(id, socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT);

            if (connected) {
                // OP_CONNECT won't trigger for immediately connected channels
                log.debug("Immediately connected to node {}", id);
        } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
            if (key != null)
            throw e;

    // Visible to allow test cases to override. In particular, we use this to implement a blocking connect
    // in order to simulate "immediately connected" sockets.
    protected boolean doConnect(SocketChannel channel, InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException {
        try {
            return channel.connect(address);
        } catch (UnresolvedAddressException e) {
            throw new IOException("Can't resolve address: " + address, e);

    private void configureSocketChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel, int sendBufferSize, int receiveBufferSize)
            throws IOException {
        Socket socket = socketChannel.socket();
        if (sendBufferSize != Selectable.USE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
        if (receiveBufferSize != Selectable.USE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)

     * Register the nioSelector with an existing channel
     * Use this on server-side, when a connection is accepted by a different thread but processed by the Selector
     * <p>
     * If a connection already exists with the same connection id in `channels` or `closingChannels`,
     * an exception is thrown. Connection ids must be chosen to avoid conflict when remote ports are reused.
     * Kafka brokers add an incrementing index to the connection id to avoid reuse in the timing window
     * where an existing connection may not yet have been closed by the broker when a new connection with
     * the same remote host:port is processed.
     * </p><p>
     * If a `KafkaChannel` cannot be created for this connection, the `socketChannel` is closed
     * and its selection key cancelled.
     * </p>
    public void register(String id, SocketChannel socketChannel) throws IOException {
        registerChannel(id, socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
        // Default to empty client information as the ApiVersionsRequest is not
        // mandatory. In this case, we still want to account for the connection.
        ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry = this.channel(id).channelMetadataRegistry();
        if (metadataRegistry.clientInformation() == null)

    private void ensureNotRegistered(String id) {
        if (this.channels.containsKey(id))
            throw new IllegalStateException("There is already a connection for id " + id);
        if (this.closingChannels.containsKey(id))
            throw new IllegalStateException("There is already a connection for id " + id + " that is still being closed");

    protected SelectionKey registerChannel(String id, SocketChannel socketChannel, int interestedOps) throws IOException {
        SelectionKey key = socketChannel.register(nioSelector, interestedOps);
        KafkaChannel channel = buildAndAttachKafkaChannel(socketChannel, id, key);
        this.channels.put(id, channel);
        if (idleExpiryManager != null)
            idleExpiryManager.update(channel.id(), time.nanoseconds());
        return key;

    private KafkaChannel buildAndAttachKafkaChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel, String id, SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
        try {
            KafkaChannel channel = channelBuilder.buildChannel(id, key, maxReceiveSize, memoryPool,
                new SelectorChannelMetadataRegistry());
            return channel;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
            } finally {
            throw new IOException("Channel could not be created for socket " + socketChannel, e);

     * Interrupt the nioSelector if it is blocked waiting to do I/O.
    public void wakeup() {

     * Close this selector and all associated connections
    public void close() {
        List<String> connections = new ArrayList<>(channels.keySet());
        AtomicReference<Throwable> firstException = new AtomicReference<>();
        Utils.closeAllQuietly(firstException, "release connections",
                connections.stream().map(id -> (AutoCloseable) () -> close(id)).toArray(AutoCloseable[]::new));
        // If there is any exception thrown in close(id), we should still be able
        // to close the remaining objects, especially the sensors because keeping
        // the sensors may lead to failure to start up the ReplicaFetcherThread if
        // the old sensors with the same names has not yet been cleaned up.
        Utils.closeQuietly(nioSelector, "nioSelector", firstException);
        Utils.closeQuietly(sensors, "sensors", firstException);
        Utils.closeQuietly(channelBuilder, "channelBuilder", firstException);
        Throwable exception = firstException.get();
        if (exception instanceof RuntimeException && !(exception instanceof SecurityException)) {
            throw (RuntimeException) exception;

     * Queue the given request for sending in the subsequent {@link #poll(long)} calls
     * @param send The request to send
    public void send(NetworkSend send) {
        String connectionId = send.destinationId();
        KafkaChannel channel = openOrClosingChannelOrFail(connectionId);
        if (closingChannels.containsKey(connectionId)) {
            // ensure notification via `disconnected`, leave channel in the state in which closing was triggered
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // update the state for consistency, the channel will be discarded after `close`
                // ensure notification via `disconnected` when `failedSends` are processed in the next poll
                close(channel, CloseMode.DISCARD_NO_NOTIFY);
                if (!(e instanceof CancelledKeyException)) {
                    log.error("Unexpected exception during send, closing connection {} and rethrowing exception {}",
                            connectionId, e);
                    throw e;

     * Do whatever I/O can be done on each connection without blocking. This includes completing connections, completing
     * disconnections, initiating new sends, or making progress on in-progress sends or receives.
     * When this call is completed the user can check for completed sends, receives, connections or disconnects using
     * {@link #completedSends()}, {@link #completedReceives()}, {@link #connected()}, {@link #disconnected()}. These
     * lists will be cleared at the beginning of each `poll` call and repopulated by the call if there is
     * any completed I/O.
     * In the "Plaintext" setting, we are using socketChannel to read & write to the network. But for the "SSL" setting,
     * we encrypt the data before we use socketChannel to write data to the network, and decrypt before we return the responses.
     * This requires additional buffers to be maintained as we are reading from network, since the data on the wire is encrypted
     * we won't be able to read exact no.of bytes as kafka protocol requires. We read as many bytes as we can, up to SSLEngine's
     * application buffer size. This means we might be reading additional bytes than the requested size.
     * If there is no further data to read from socketChannel selector won't invoke that channel and we have additional bytes
     * in the buffer. To overcome this issue we added "keysWithBufferedRead" map which tracks channels which have data in the SSL
     * buffers. If there are channels with buffered data that can by processed, we set "timeout" to 0 and process the data even
     * if there is no more data to read from the socket.
     * At most one entry is added to "completedReceives" for a channel in each poll. This is necessary to guarantee that
     * requests from a channel are processed on the broker in the order they are sent. Since outstanding requests added
     * by SocketServer to the request queue may be processed by different request handler threads, requests on each
     * channel must be processed one-at-a-time to guarantee ordering.
     * @param timeout The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, which must be non-negative
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `timeout` is negative
     * @throws IllegalStateException If a send is given for which we have no existing connection or for which there is
     *         already an in-progress send
    public void poll(long timeout) throws IOException {
        if (timeout < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout should be >= 0");

        boolean madeReadProgressLastCall = madeReadProgressLastPoll;

        boolean dataInBuffers = !keysWithBufferedRead.isEmpty();

        if (!immediatelyConnectedKeys.isEmpty() || (madeReadProgressLastCall && dataInBuffers))
            timeout = 0;

        if (!memoryPool.isOutOfMemory() && outOfMemory) {
            //we have recovered from memory pressure. unmute any channel not explicitly muted for other reasons
            log.trace("Broker no longer low on memory - unmuting incoming sockets");
            for (KafkaChannel channel : channels.values()) {
                if (channel.isInMutableState() && !explicitlyMutedChannels.contains(channel)) {
            outOfMemory = false;

        /* check ready keys */
        long startSelect = time.nanoseconds();
        int numReadyKeys = select(timeout);
        long endSelect = time.nanoseconds();
        this.sensors.selectTime.record(endSelect - startSelect, time.milliseconds());

        if (numReadyKeys > 0 || !immediatelyConnectedKeys.isEmpty() || dataInBuffers) {
            Set<SelectionKey> readyKeys = this.nioSelector.selectedKeys();

            // Poll from channels that have buffered data (but nothing more from the underlying socket)
            if (dataInBuffers) {
                keysWithBufferedRead.removeAll(readyKeys); //so no channel gets polled twice
                Set<SelectionKey> toPoll = keysWithBufferedRead;
                keysWithBufferedRead = new HashSet<>(); //poll() calls will repopulate if needed
                pollSelectionKeys(toPoll, false, endSelect);

            // Poll from channels where the underlying socket has more data
            pollSelectionKeys(readyKeys, false, endSelect);
            // Clear all selected keys so that they are included in the ready count for the next select

            pollSelectionKeys(immediatelyConnectedKeys, true, endSelect);
        } else {
            madeReadProgressLastPoll = true; //no work is also "progress"

        long endIo = time.nanoseconds();
        this.sensors.ioTime.record(endIo - endSelect, time.milliseconds());

        // Close channels that were delayed and are now ready to be closed

        // we use the time at the end of select to ensure that we don't close any connections that
        // have just been processed in pollSelectionKeys

     * handle any ready I/O on a set of selection keys
     * @param selectionKeys set of keys to handle
     * @param isImmediatelyConnected true if running over a set of keys for just-connected sockets
     * @param currentTimeNanos time at which set of keys was determined
    // package-private for testing
    void pollSelectionKeys(Set<SelectionKey> selectionKeys,
                           boolean isImmediatelyConnected,
                           long currentTimeNanos) {
        for (SelectionKey key : determineHandlingOrder(selectionKeys)) {
            KafkaChannel channel = channel(key);
            long channelStartTimeNanos = recordTimePerConnection ? time.nanoseconds() : 0;
            boolean sendFailed = false;
            String nodeId = channel.id();

            // register all per-connection metrics at once
            if (idleExpiryManager != null)
                idleExpiryManager.update(nodeId, currentTimeNanos);

            try {
                /* complete any connections that have finished their handshake (either normally or immediately) */
                if (isImmediatelyConnected || key.isConnectable()) {
                    if (channel.finishConnect()) {

                        SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
                        log.debug("Created socket with SO_RCVBUF = {}, SO_SNDBUF = {}, SO_TIMEOUT = {} to node {}",
                    } else {

                /* if channel is not ready finish prepare */
                if (channel.isConnected() && !channel.ready()) {
                    if (channel.ready()) {
                        long readyTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
                        boolean isReauthentication = channel.successfulAuthentications() > 1;
                        if (isReauthentication) {
                            sensors.successfulReauthentication.record(1.0, readyTimeMs);
                            if (channel.reauthenticationLatencyMs() == null)
                                    "Should never happen: re-authentication latency for a re-authenticated channel was null; continuing...");
                                    .record(channel.reauthenticationLatencyMs().doubleValue(), readyTimeMs);
                        } else {
                            sensors.successfulAuthentication.record(1.0, readyTimeMs);
                            if (!channel.connectedClientSupportsReauthentication())
                                sensors.successfulAuthenticationNoReauth.record(1.0, readyTimeMs);
                        log.debug("Successfully {}authenticated with {}", isReauthentication ?
                            "re-" : "", channel.socketDescription());
                if (channel.ready() && channel.state() == ChannelState.NOT_CONNECTED)
                Optional<NetworkReceive> responseReceivedDuringReauthentication = channel.pollResponseReceivedDuringReauthentication();
                responseReceivedDuringReauthentication.ifPresent(receive -> {
                    long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
                    addToCompletedReceives(channel, receive, currentTimeMs);

                //if channel is ready and has bytes to read from socket or buffer, and has no
                //previous completed receive then read from it
                if (channel.ready() && (key.isReadable() || channel.hasBytesBuffered()) && !hasCompletedReceive(channel)
                        && !explicitlyMutedChannels.contains(channel)) {

                if (channel.hasBytesBuffered() && !explicitlyMutedChannels.contains(channel)) {
                    //this channel has bytes enqueued in intermediary buffers that we could not read
                    //(possibly because no memory). it may be the case that the underlying socket will
                    //not come up in the next poll() and so we need to remember this channel for the
                    //next poll call otherwise data may be stuck in said buffers forever. If we attempt
                    //to process buffered data and no progress is made, the channel buffered status is
                    //cleared to avoid the overhead of checking every time.

                /* if channel is ready write to any sockets that have space in their buffer and for which we have data */

                long nowNanos = channelStartTimeNanos != 0 ? channelStartTimeNanos : currentTimeNanos;
                try {
                    attemptWrite(key, channel, nowNanos);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    sendFailed = true;
                    throw e;

                /* cancel any defunct sockets */
                if (!key.isValid())
                    close(channel, CloseMode.GRACEFUL);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                String desc = String.format("%s (channelId=%s)", channel.socketDescription(), channel.id());
                if (e instanceof IOException) {
                    log.debug("Connection with {} disconnected", desc, e);
                } else if (e instanceof AuthenticationException) {
                    boolean isReauthentication = channel.successfulAuthentications() > 0;
                    if (isReauthentication)
                    String exceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
                    if (e instanceof DelayedResponseAuthenticationException)
                        exceptionMessage = e.getCause().getMessage();
                    log.info("Failed {}authentication with {} ({})", isReauthentication ? "re-" : "",
                        desc, exceptionMessage);
                } else {
                    log.warn("Unexpected error from {}; closing connection", desc, e);

                if (e instanceof DelayedResponseAuthenticationException)
                    close(channel, sendFailed ? CloseMode.NOTIFY_ONLY : CloseMode.GRACEFUL);
            } finally {
                maybeRecordTimePerConnection(channel, channelStartTimeNanos);

    private void attemptWrite(SelectionKey key, KafkaChannel channel, long nowNanos) throws IOException {
        if (channel.hasSend()
                && channel.ready()
                && key.isWritable()
                && !channel.maybeBeginClientReauthentication(() -> nowNanos)) {

    // package-private for testing
    void write(KafkaChannel channel) throws IOException {
        String nodeId = channel.id();
        long bytesSent = channel.write();
        NetworkSend send = channel.maybeCompleteSend();
        // We may complete the send with bytesSent < 1 if `TransportLayer.hasPendingWrites` was true and `channel.write()`
        // caused the pending writes to be written to the socket channel buffer
        if (bytesSent > 0 || send != null) {
            long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
            if (bytesSent > 0)
                this.sensors.recordBytesSent(nodeId, bytesSent, currentTimeMs);
            if (send != null) {
                this.sensors.recordCompletedSend(nodeId, send.size(), currentTimeMs);

    private Collection<SelectionKey> determineHandlingOrder(Set<SelectionKey> selectionKeys) {
        //it is possible that the iteration order over selectionKeys is the same every invocation.
        //this may cause starvation of reads when memory is low. to address this we shuffle the keys if memory is low.
        if (!outOfMemory && memoryPool.availableMemory() < lowMemThreshold) {
            List<SelectionKey> shuffledKeys = new ArrayList<>(selectionKeys);
            return shuffledKeys;
        } else {
            return selectionKeys;

    private void attemptRead(KafkaChannel channel) throws IOException {
        String nodeId = channel.id();

        long bytesReceived = channel.read();
        if (bytesReceived != 0) {
            long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
            sensors.recordBytesReceived(nodeId, bytesReceived, currentTimeMs);
            madeReadProgressLastPoll = true;

            NetworkReceive receive = channel.maybeCompleteReceive();
            if (receive != null) {
                addToCompletedReceives(channel, receive, currentTimeMs);
        if (channel.isMuted()) {
            outOfMemory = true; //channel has muted itself due to memory pressure.
        } else {
            madeReadProgressLastPoll = true;

    private boolean maybeReadFromClosingChannel(KafkaChannel channel) {
        boolean hasPending;
        if (channel.state().state() != ChannelState.State.READY)
            hasPending = false;
        else if (explicitlyMutedChannels.contains(channel) || hasCompletedReceive(channel))
            hasPending = true;
        else {
            try {
                hasPending = hasCompletedReceive(channel);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.trace("Read from closing channel failed, ignoring exception", e);
                hasPending = false;
        return hasPending;

    // Record time spent in pollSelectionKeys for channel (moved into a method to keep checkstyle happy)
    private void maybeRecordTimePerConnection(KafkaChannel channel, long startTimeNanos) {
        if (recordTimePerConnection)
            channel.addNetworkThreadTimeNanos(time.nanoseconds() - startTimeNanos);

    public List<NetworkSend> completedSends() {
        return this.completedSends;

    public Collection<NetworkReceive> completedReceives() {
        return this.completedReceives.values();

    public Map<String, ChannelState> disconnected() {
        return this.disconnected;

    public List<String> connected() {
        return this.connected;

    public void mute(String id) {
        KafkaChannel channel = openOrClosingChannelOrFail(id);

    private void mute(KafkaChannel channel) {

    public void unmute(String id) {
        KafkaChannel channel = openOrClosingChannelOrFail(id);

    private void unmute(KafkaChannel channel) {
        // Remove the channel from explicitlyMutedChannels only if the channel has been actually unmuted.
        if (channel.maybeUnmute()) {
            if (channel.hasBytesBuffered()) {
                madeReadProgressLastPoll = true;

    public void muteAll() {
        for (KafkaChannel channel : this.channels.values())

    public void unmuteAll() {
        for (KafkaChannel channel : this.channels.values())

    // package-private for testing
    void completeDelayedChannelClose(long currentTimeNanos) {
        if (delayedClosingChannels == null)

        while (!delayedClosingChannels.isEmpty()) {
            DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose delayedClose = delayedClosingChannels.values().iterator().next();
            if (!delayedClose.tryClose(currentTimeNanos))

    private void maybeCloseOldestConnection(long currentTimeNanos) {
        if (idleExpiryManager == null)

        Map.Entry<String, Long> expiredConnection = idleExpiryManager.pollExpiredConnection(currentTimeNanos);
        if (expiredConnection != null) {
            String connectionId = expiredConnection.getKey();
            KafkaChannel channel = this.channels.get(connectionId);
            if (channel != null) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                    log.trace("About to close the idle connection from {} due to being idle for {} millis",
                            connectionId, (currentTimeNanos - expiredConnection.getValue()) / 1000 / 1000);
                close(channel, CloseMode.GRACEFUL);

     * Clears completed receives. This is used by SocketServer to remove references to
     * receive buffers after processing completed receives, without waiting for the next
     * poll().
    public void clearCompletedReceives() {

     * Clears completed sends. This is used by SocketServer to remove references to
     * send buffers after processing completed sends, without waiting for the next
     * poll().
    public void clearCompletedSends() {

     * Clears all the results from the previous poll. This is invoked by Selector at the start of
     * a poll() when all the results from the previous poll are expected to have been handled.
     * <p>
     * SocketServer uses {@link #clearCompletedSends()} and {@link #clearCompletedReceives()} to
     * clear `completedSends` and `completedReceives` as soon as they are processed to avoid
     * holding onto large request/response buffers from multiple connections longer than necessary.
     * Clients rely on Selector invoking {@link #clear()} at the start of each poll() since memory usage
     * is less critical and clearing once-per-poll provides the flexibility to process these results in
     * any order before the next poll.
    private void clear() {

        // Remove closed channels after all their buffered receives have been processed or if a send was requested
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, KafkaChannel>> it = closingChannels.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            KafkaChannel channel = it.next().getValue();
            boolean sendFailed = failedSends.remove(channel.id());
            boolean hasPending = false;
            if (!sendFailed)
                hasPending = maybeReadFromClosingChannel(channel);
            if (!hasPending) {
                doClose(channel, true);

        for (String channel : this.failedSends)
            this.disconnected.put(channel, ChannelState.FAILED_SEND);
        this.madeReadProgressLastPoll = false;

     * Check for data, waiting up to the given timeout.
     * @param timeoutMs Length of time to wait, in milliseconds, which must be non-negative
     * @return The number of keys ready
    private int select(long timeoutMs) throws IOException {
        if (timeoutMs < 0L)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout should be >= 0");

        if (timeoutMs == 0L)
            return this.nioSelector.selectNow();
            return this.nioSelector.select(timeoutMs);

     * Close the connection identified by the given id
    public void close(String id) {
        KafkaChannel channel = this.channels.get(id);
        if (channel != null) {
            // There is no disconnect notification for local close, but updating
            // channel state here anyway to avoid confusion.
            close(channel, CloseMode.DISCARD_NO_NOTIFY);
        } else {
            KafkaChannel closingChannel = this.closingChannels.remove(id);
            // Close any closing channel, leave the channel in the state in which closing was triggered
            if (closingChannel != null)
                doClose(closingChannel, false);

    private void maybeDelayCloseOnAuthenticationFailure(KafkaChannel channel) {
        DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose delayedClose = new DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose(channel, failedAuthenticationDelayMs);
        if (delayedClosingChannels != null)
            delayedClosingChannels.put(channel.id(), delayedClose);

    private void handleCloseOnAuthenticationFailure(KafkaChannel channel) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception handling close on authentication failure node {}", channel.id(), e);
        } finally {
            close(channel, CloseMode.GRACEFUL);

     * Begin closing this connection.
     * If 'closeMode' is `CloseMode.GRACEFUL`, the channel is disconnected here, but outstanding receives
     * are processed. The channel is closed when there are no outstanding receives or if a send is
     * requested. For other values of `closeMode`, outstanding receives are discarded and the channel
     * is closed immediately.
     * The channel will be added to disconnect list when it is actually closed if `closeMode.notifyDisconnect`
     * is true.
    private void close(KafkaChannel channel, CloseMode closeMode) {

        // Ensure that `connected` does not have closed channels. This could happen if `prepare` throws an exception
        // in the `poll` invocation when `finishConnect` succeeds

        // Keep track of closed channels with pending receives so that all received records
        // may be processed. For example, when producer with acks=0 sends some records and
        // closes its connections, a single poll() in the broker may receive records and
        // handle close(). When the remote end closes its connection, the channel is retained until
        // a send fails or all outstanding receives are processed. Mute state of disconnected channels
        // are tracked to ensure that requests are processed one-by-one by the broker to preserve ordering.
        if (closeMode == CloseMode.GRACEFUL && maybeReadFromClosingChannel(channel)) {
            closingChannels.put(channel.id(), channel);
            log.debug("Tracking closing connection {} to process outstanding requests", channel.id());
        } else {
            doClose(channel, closeMode.notifyDisconnect);

        if (delayedClosingChannels != null)

        if (idleExpiryManager != null)

    private void doClose(KafkaChannel channel, boolean notifyDisconnect) {
        SelectionKey key = channel.selectionKey();
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Exception closing connection to node {}:", channel.id(), e);
        } finally {

        if (notifyDisconnect)
            this.disconnected.put(channel.id(), channel.state());

     * check if channel is ready
    public boolean isChannelReady(String id) {
        KafkaChannel channel = this.channels.get(id);
        return channel != null && channel.ready();

    private KafkaChannel openOrClosingChannelOrFail(String id) {
        KafkaChannel channel = this.channels.get(id);
        if (channel == null)
            channel = this.closingChannels.get(id);
        if (channel == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to retrieve channel for which there is no connection. Connection id " + id + " existing connections " + channels.keySet());
        return channel;

     * Return the selector channels.
    public List<KafkaChannel> channels() {
        return new ArrayList<>(channels.values());

     * Return the channel associated with this connection or `null` if there is no channel associated with the
     * connection.
    public KafkaChannel channel(String id) {
        return this.channels.get(id);

     * Return the channel with the specified id if it was disconnected, but not yet closed
     * since there are outstanding messages to be processed.
    public KafkaChannel closingChannel(String id) {
        return closingChannels.get(id);

     * Returns the lowest priority channel chosen using the following sequence:
     *   1) If one or more channels are in closing state, return any one of them
     *   2) If idle expiry manager is enabled, return the least recently updated channel
     *   3) Otherwise return any of the channels
     * This method is used to close a channel to accommodate a new channel on the inter-broker listener
     * when broker-wide `max.connections` limit is enabled.
    public KafkaChannel lowestPriorityChannel() {
        KafkaChannel channel = null;
        if (!closingChannels.isEmpty()) {
            channel = closingChannels.values().iterator().next();
        } else if (idleExpiryManager != null && !idleExpiryManager.lruConnections.isEmpty()) {
            String channelId = idleExpiryManager.lruConnections.keySet().iterator().next();
            channel = channel(channelId);
        } else if (!channels.isEmpty()) {
            channel = channels.values().iterator().next();
        return channel;

     * Get the channel associated with selectionKey
    private KafkaChannel channel(SelectionKey key) {
        return (KafkaChannel) key.attachment();

     * Check if given channel has a completed receive
    private boolean hasCompletedReceive(KafkaChannel channel) {
        return completedReceives.containsKey(channel.id());

     * adds a receive to completed receives
    private void addToCompletedReceives(KafkaChannel channel, NetworkReceive networkReceive, long currentTimeMs) {
        if (hasCompletedReceive(channel))
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to add second completed receive to channel " + channel.id());

        this.completedReceives.put(channel.id(), networkReceive);
        sensors.recordCompletedReceive(channel.id(), networkReceive.size(), currentTimeMs);

    // only for testing
    public Set<SelectionKey> keys() {
        return new HashSet<>(nioSelector.keys());

    class SelectorChannelMetadataRegistry implements ChannelMetadataRegistry {
        private CipherInformation cipherInformation;
        private ClientInformation clientInformation;

        public void registerCipherInformation(final CipherInformation cipherInformation) {
            if (this.cipherInformation != null) {
                if (this.cipherInformation.equals(cipherInformation))

            this.cipherInformation = cipherInformation;

        public CipherInformation cipherInformation() {
            return cipherInformation;

        public void registerClientInformation(final ClientInformation clientInformation) {
            if (this.clientInformation != null) {
                if (this.clientInformation.equals(clientInformation))

            this.clientInformation = clientInformation;

        public ClientInformation clientInformation() {
            return clientInformation;

        public void close() {
            if (this.cipherInformation != null) {
                this.cipherInformation = null;

            if (this.clientInformation != null) {
                this.clientInformation = null;

    class SelectorMetrics implements AutoCloseable {
        private final Metrics metrics;
        private final Map<String, String> metricTags;
        private final boolean metricsPerConnection;
        private final String metricGrpName;
        private final String perConnectionMetricGrpName;

        public final Sensor connectionClosed;
        public final Sensor connectionCreated;
        public final Sensor successfulAuthentication;
        public final Sensor successfulReauthentication;
        public final Sensor successfulAuthenticationNoReauth;
        public final Sensor reauthenticationLatency;
        public final Sensor failedAuthentication;
        public final Sensor failedReauthentication;
        public final Sensor bytesTransferred;
        public final Sensor bytesSent;
        public final Sensor requestsSent;
        public final Sensor bytesReceived;
        public final Sensor responsesReceived;
        public final Sensor selectTime;
        public final Sensor ioTime;
        public final IntGaugeSuite<CipherInformation> connectionsByCipher;
        public final IntGaugeSuite<ClientInformation> connectionsByClient;

        /* Names of metrics that are not registered through sensors */
        private final List<MetricName> topLevelMetricNames = new ArrayList<>();
        private final List<Sensor> sensors = new ArrayList<>();

        public SelectorMetrics(Metrics metrics, String metricGrpPrefix, Map<String, String> metricTags, boolean metricsPerConnection) {
            this.metrics = metrics;
            this.metricTags = metricTags;
            this.metricsPerConnection = metricsPerConnection;
            this.metricGrpName = metricGrpPrefix + "-metrics";
            this.perConnectionMetricGrpName = metricGrpPrefix + "-node-metrics";
            StringBuilder tagsSuffix = new StringBuilder();

            for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag: metricTags.entrySet()) {

            this.connectionClosed = sensor("connections-closed:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.connectionClosed.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "connection-close", "connections closed"));

            this.connectionCreated = sensor("connections-created:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.connectionCreated.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "connection-creation", "new connections established"));

            this.successfulAuthentication = sensor("successful-authentication:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.successfulAuthentication.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "successful-authentication", "connections with successful authentication"));

            this.successfulReauthentication = sensor("successful-reauthentication:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.successfulReauthentication.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "successful-reauthentication", "successful re-authentication of connections"));

            this.successfulAuthenticationNoReauth = sensor("successful-authentication-no-reauth:" + tagsSuffix);
            MetricName successfulAuthenticationNoReauthMetricName = metrics.metricName(
                    "successful-authentication-no-reauth-total", metricGrpName,
                    "The total number of connections with successful authentication where the client does not support re-authentication",
            this.successfulAuthenticationNoReauth.add(successfulAuthenticationNoReauthMetricName, new CumulativeSum());

            this.failedAuthentication = sensor("failed-authentication:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.failedAuthentication.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "failed-authentication", "connections with failed authentication"));

            this.failedReauthentication = sensor("failed-reauthentication:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.failedReauthentication.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "failed-reauthentication", "failed re-authentication of connections"));

            this.reauthenticationLatency = sensor("reauthentication-latency:" + tagsSuffix);
            MetricName reauthenticationLatencyMaxMetricName = metrics.metricName("reauthentication-latency-max",
                    metricGrpName, "The max latency observed due to re-authentication",
            this.reauthenticationLatency.add(reauthenticationLatencyMaxMetricName, new Max());
            MetricName reauthenticationLatencyAvgMetricName = metrics.metricName("reauthentication-latency-avg",
                    metricGrpName, "The average latency observed due to re-authentication",
            this.reauthenticationLatency.add(reauthenticationLatencyAvgMetricName, new Avg());

            this.bytesTransferred = sensor("bytes-sent-received:" + tagsSuffix);
            bytesTransferred.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, new WindowedCount(),
                    "network-io", "network operations (reads or writes) on all connections"));

            this.bytesSent = sensor("bytes-sent:" + tagsSuffix, bytesTransferred);
            this.bytesSent.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "outgoing-byte", "outgoing bytes sent to all servers"));

            this.requestsSent = sensor("requests-sent:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.requestsSent.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, new WindowedCount(),
                    "request", "requests sent"));
            MetricName metricName = metrics.metricName("request-size-avg", metricGrpName, "The average size of requests sent.", metricTags);
            this.requestsSent.add(metricName, new Avg());
            metricName = metrics.metricName("request-size-max", metricGrpName, "The maximum size of any request sent.", metricTags);
            this.requestsSent.add(metricName, new Max());

            this.bytesReceived = sensor("bytes-received:" + tagsSuffix, bytesTransferred);
            this.bytesReceived.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    "incoming-byte", "bytes read off all sockets"));

            this.responsesReceived = sensor("responses-received:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.responsesReceived.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    new WindowedCount(), "response", "responses received"));

            this.selectTime = sensor("select-time:" + tagsSuffix);
            this.selectTime.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags,
                    new WindowedCount(), "select", "times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform"));
            metricName = metrics.metricName("io-wait-time-ns-avg", metricGrpName, "The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds.", metricTags);
            this.selectTime.add(metricName, new Avg());
            this.selectTime.add(createIOThreadRatioMeterLegacy(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, "io-wait", "waiting"));
            this.selectTime.add(createIOThreadRatioMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, "io-wait", "waiting"));

            this.ioTime = sensor("io-time:" + tagsSuffix);
            metricName = metrics.metricName("io-time-ns-avg", metricGrpName, "The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds.", metricTags);
            this.ioTime.add(metricName, new Avg());
            this.ioTime.add(createIOThreadRatioMeterLegacy(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, "io", "doing I/O"));
            this.ioTime.add(createIOThreadRatioMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, metricTags, "io", "doing I/O"));

            this.connectionsByCipher = new IntGaugeSuite<>(log, "sslCiphers", metrics,
                cipherInformation -> {
                    Map<String, String> tags = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    tags.put("cipher", cipherInformation.cipher());
                    tags.put("protocol", cipherInformation.protocol());
                    return metrics.metricName("connections", metricGrpName, "The number of connections with this SSL cipher and protocol.", tags);
                }, 100);

            this.connectionsByClient = new IntGaugeSuite<>(log, "clients", metrics,
                clientInformation -> {
                    Map<String, String> tags = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    tags.put("clientSoftwareName", clientInformation.softwareName());
                    tags.put("clientSoftwareVersion", clientInformation.softwareVersion());
                    return metrics.metricName("connections", metricGrpName, "The number of connections with this client and version.", tags);
                }, 100);

            metricName = metrics.metricName("connection-count", metricGrpName, "The current number of active connections.", metricTags);
            this.metrics.addMetric(metricName, (config, now) -> channels.size());

        private Meter createMeter(Metrics metrics, String groupName, Map<String, String> metricTags,
                SampledStat stat, String baseName, String descriptiveName) {
            MetricName rateMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "-rate", groupName,
                            String.format("The number of %s per second", descriptiveName), metricTags);
            MetricName totalMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "-total", groupName,
                            String.format("The total number of %s", descriptiveName), metricTags);
            if (stat == null)
                return new Meter(rateMetricName, totalMetricName);
                return new Meter(stat, rateMetricName, totalMetricName);

        private Meter createMeter(Metrics metrics, String groupName,  Map<String, String> metricTags,
                String baseName, String descriptiveName) {
            return createMeter(metrics, groupName, metricTags, null, baseName, descriptiveName);

         * This method generates `time-total` metrics but has a couple of deficiencies: no `-ns` suffix and no dash between basename
         * and `time-toal` suffix.
         * @deprecated use {{@link #createIOThreadRatioMeter(Metrics, String, Map, String, String)}} for new metrics instead
        private Meter createIOThreadRatioMeterLegacy(Metrics metrics, String groupName,  Map<String, String> metricTags,
                String baseName, String action) {
            MetricName rateMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "-ratio", groupName,
                    String.format("*Deprecated* The fraction of time the I/O thread spent %s", action), metricTags);
            MetricName totalMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "time-total", groupName,
                    String.format("*Deprecated* The total time the I/O thread spent %s", action), metricTags);
            return new Meter(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, rateMetricName, totalMetricName);

        private Meter createIOThreadRatioMeter(Metrics metrics, String groupName,  Map<String, String> metricTags,
                                               String baseName, String action) {
            MetricName rateMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "-ratio", groupName,
                String.format("The fraction of time the I/O thread spent %s", action), metricTags);
            MetricName totalMetricName = metrics.metricName(baseName + "-time-ns-total", groupName,
                String.format("The total time the I/O thread spent %s", action), metricTags);
            return new Meter(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, rateMetricName, totalMetricName);

        private Sensor sensor(String name, Sensor... parents) {
            Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor(name, parents);
            return sensor;

        public void maybeRegisterConnectionMetrics(String connectionId) {
            if (!connectionId.isEmpty() && metricsPerConnection) {
                // if one sensor of the metrics has been registered for the connection,
                // then all other sensors should have been registered; and vice versa
                String nodeRequestName = "node-" + connectionId + ".requests-sent";
                Sensor nodeRequest = this.metrics.getSensor(nodeRequestName);
                if (nodeRequest == null) {
                    Map<String, String> tags = new LinkedHashMap<>(metricTags);
                    tags.put("node-id", "node-" + connectionId);

                    nodeRequest = sensor(nodeRequestName);
                    nodeRequest.add(createMeter(metrics, perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags, new WindowedCount(), "request", "requests sent"));
                    MetricName metricName = metrics.metricName("request-size-avg", perConnectionMetricGrpName, "The average size of requests sent.", tags);
                    nodeRequest.add(metricName, new Avg());
                    metricName = metrics.metricName("request-size-max", perConnectionMetricGrpName, "The maximum size of any request sent.", tags);
                    nodeRequest.add(metricName, new Max());

                    String bytesSentName = "node-" + connectionId + ".bytes-sent";
                    Sensor bytesSent = sensor(bytesSentName);
                    bytesSent.add(createMeter(metrics, perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags, "outgoing-byte", "outgoing bytes"));

                    String nodeResponseName = "node-" + connectionId + ".responses-received";
                    Sensor nodeResponse = sensor(nodeResponseName);
                    nodeResponse.add(createMeter(metrics, perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags, new WindowedCount(), "response", "responses received"));

                    String bytesReceivedName = "node-" + connectionId + ".bytes-received";
                    Sensor bytesReceive = sensor(bytesReceivedName);
                    bytesReceive.add(createMeter(metrics, perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags, "incoming-byte", "incoming bytes"));

                    String nodeTimeName = "node-" + connectionId + ".latency";
                    Sensor nodeRequestTime = sensor(nodeTimeName);
                    metricName = metrics.metricName("request-latency-avg", perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags);
                    nodeRequestTime.add(metricName, new Avg());
                    metricName = metrics.metricName("request-latency-max", perConnectionMetricGrpName, tags);
                    nodeRequestTime.add(metricName, new Max());

        public void recordBytesSent(String connectionId, long bytes, long currentTimeMs) {
            this.bytesSent.record(bytes, currentTimeMs);
            if (!connectionId.isEmpty()) {
                String bytesSentName = "node-" + connectionId + ".bytes-sent";
                Sensor bytesSent = this.metrics.getSensor(bytesSentName);
                if (bytesSent != null)
                    bytesSent.record(bytes, currentTimeMs);

        public void recordCompletedSend(String connectionId, long totalBytes, long currentTimeMs) {
            requestsSent.record(totalBytes, currentTimeMs);
            if (!connectionId.isEmpty()) {
                String nodeRequestName = "node-" + connectionId + ".requests-sent";
                Sensor nodeRequest = this.metrics.getSensor(nodeRequestName);
                if (nodeRequest != null)
                    nodeRequest.record(totalBytes, currentTimeMs);

        public void recordBytesReceived(String connectionId, long bytes, long currentTimeMs) {
            this.bytesReceived.record(bytes, currentTimeMs);
            if (!connectionId.isEmpty()) {
                String bytesReceivedName = "node-" + connectionId + ".bytes-received";
                Sensor bytesReceived = this.metrics.getSensor(bytesReceivedName);
                if (bytesReceived != null)
                    bytesReceived.record(bytes, currentTimeMs);

        public void recordCompletedReceive(String connectionId, long totalBytes, long currentTimeMs) {
            responsesReceived.record(totalBytes, currentTimeMs);
            if (!connectionId.isEmpty()) {
                String nodeRequestName = "node-" + connectionId + ".responses-received";
                Sensor nodeRequest = this.metrics.getSensor(nodeRequestName);
                if (nodeRequest != null)
                    nodeRequest.record(totalBytes, currentTimeMs);

        public void close() {
            for (MetricName metricName : topLevelMetricNames)
            for (Sensor sensor : sensors)

     * Encapsulate a channel that must be closed after a specific delay has elapsed due to authentication failure.
    private class DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose {
        private final KafkaChannel channel;
        private final long endTimeNanos;
        private boolean closed;

         * @param channel The channel whose close is being delayed
         * @param delayMs The amount of time by which the operation should be delayed
        public DelayedAuthenticationFailureClose(KafkaChannel channel, int delayMs) {
            this.channel = channel;
            this.endTimeNanos = time.nanoseconds() + (delayMs * 1000L * 1000L);
            this.closed = false;

         * Try to close this channel if the delay has expired.
         * @param currentTimeNanos The current time
         * @return True if the delay has expired and the channel was closed; false otherwise
        public final boolean tryClose(long currentTimeNanos) {
            if (endTimeNanos <= currentTimeNanos)
            return closed;

         * Close the channel now, regardless of whether the delay has expired or not.
        public final void closeNow() {
            if (closed)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to close a channel that has already been closed");
            closed = true;

    // helper class for tracking least recently used connections to enable idle connection closing
    private static class IdleExpiryManager {
        private final Map<String, Long> lruConnections;
        private final long connectionsMaxIdleNanos;
        private long nextIdleCloseCheckTime;

        public IdleExpiryManager(Time time, long connectionsMaxIdleMs) {
            this.connectionsMaxIdleNanos = connectionsMaxIdleMs * 1000 * 1000;
            // initial capacity and load factor are default, we set them explicitly because we want to set accessOrder = true
            this.lruConnections = new LinkedHashMap<>(16, .75F, true);
            this.nextIdleCloseCheckTime = time.nanoseconds() + this.connectionsMaxIdleNanos;

        public void update(String connectionId, long currentTimeNanos) {
            lruConnections.put(connectionId, currentTimeNanos);

        public Map.Entry<String, Long> pollExpiredConnection(long currentTimeNanos) {
            if (currentTimeNanos <= nextIdleCloseCheckTime)
                return null;

            if (lruConnections.isEmpty()) {
                nextIdleCloseCheckTime = currentTimeNanos + connectionsMaxIdleNanos;
                return null;

            Map.Entry<String, Long> oldestConnectionEntry = lruConnections.entrySet().iterator().next();
            Long connectionLastActiveTime = oldestConnectionEntry.getValue();
            nextIdleCloseCheckTime = connectionLastActiveTime + connectionsMaxIdleNanos;

            if (currentTimeNanos > nextIdleCloseCheckTime)
                return oldestConnectionEntry;
                return null;

        public void remove(String connectionId) {

    //package-private for testing
    boolean isOutOfMemory() {
        return outOfMemory;

    //package-private for testing
    boolean isMadeReadProgressLastPoll() {
        return madeReadProgressLastPoll;

    // package-private for testing
    Map<?, ?> delayedClosingChannels() {
        return delayedClosingChannels;


kafka 源码目录


kafka Authenticator 源码

kafka ByteBufferSend 源码

kafka ChannelBuilder 源码

kafka ChannelBuilders 源码

kafka ChannelMetadataRegistry 源码

kafka ChannelState 源码

kafka CipherInformation 源码

kafka ClientInformation 源码

kafka DefaultChannelMetadataRegistry 源码

kafka DelayedResponseAuthenticationException 源码

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