kafka Authenticator 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (658)

kafka Authenticator 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.network;

import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.KafkaPrincipal;
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.KafkaPrincipalSerde;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Optional;

 * Authentication for Channel
public interface Authenticator extends Closeable {
     * Implements any authentication mechanism. Use transportLayer to read or write tokens.
     * For security protocols PLAINTEXT and SSL, this is a no-op since no further authentication
     * needs to be done. For SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL, this performs the SASL authentication.
     * @throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails due to invalid credentials or
     *      other security configuration errors
     * @throws IOException if read/write fails due to an I/O error
    void authenticate() throws AuthenticationException, IOException;

     * Perform any processing related to authentication failure. This is invoked when the channel is about to be closed
     * because of an {@link AuthenticationException} thrown from a prior {@link #authenticate()} call.
     * @throws IOException if read/write fails due to an I/O error
    default void handleAuthenticationFailure() throws IOException {

     * Returns Principal using PrincipalBuilder
    KafkaPrincipal principal();

     * Returns the serializer/deserializer interface for principal
    Optional<KafkaPrincipalSerde> principalSerde();

     * returns true if authentication is complete otherwise returns false;
    boolean complete();

     * Begins re-authentication. Uses transportLayer to read or write tokens as is
     * done for {@link #authenticate()}. For security protocols PLAINTEXT and SSL,
     * this is a no-op since re-authentication does not apply/is not supported,
     * respectively. For SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL, this performs a SASL
     * authentication. Any in-flight responses from prior requests can/will be read
     * and collected for later processing as required. There must not be partially
     * written requests; any request queued for writing (for which zero bytes have
     * been written) remains queued until after re-authentication succeeds.
     * @param reauthenticationContext
     *            the context in which this re-authentication is occurring. This
     *            instance is responsible for closing the previous Authenticator
     *            returned by
     *            {@link ReauthenticationContext#previousAuthenticator()}.
     * @throws AuthenticationException
     *             if authentication fails due to invalid credentials or other
     *             security configuration errors
     * @throws IOException
     *             if read/write fails due to an I/O error
    default void reauthenticate(ReauthenticationContext reauthenticationContext) throws IOException {
        // empty

     * Return the session expiration time, if any, otherwise null. The value is in
     * nanoseconds as per {@code System.nanoTime()} and is therefore only useful
     * when compared to such a value -- it's absolute value is meaningless. This
     * value may be non-null only on the server-side. It represents the time after
     * which, in the absence of re-authentication, the broker will close the session
     * if it receives a request unrelated to authentication. We store nanoseconds
     * here to avoid having to invoke the more expensive {@code milliseconds()} call
     * on the broker for every request
     * @return the session expiration time, if any, otherwise null
    default Long serverSessionExpirationTimeNanos() {
        return null;

     * Return the time on or after which a client should re-authenticate this
     * session, if any, otherwise null. The value is in nanoseconds as per
     * {@code System.nanoTime()} and is therefore only useful when compared to such
     * a value -- it's absolute value is meaningless. This value may be non-null
     * only on the client-side. It will be a random time between 85% and 95% of the
     * full session lifetime to account for latency between client and server and to
     * avoid re-authentication storms that could be caused by many sessions
     * re-authenticating simultaneously.
     * @return the time on or after which a client should re-authenticate this
     *         session, if any, otherwise null
    default Long clientSessionReauthenticationTimeNanos() {
        return null;

     * Return the number of milliseconds that elapsed while re-authenticating this
     * session from the perspective of this instance, if applicable, otherwise null.
     * The server-side perspective will yield a lower value than the client-side
     * perspective of the same re-authentication because the client-side observes an
     * additional network round-trip.
     * @return the number of milliseconds that elapsed while re-authenticating this
     *         session from the perspective of this instance, if applicable,
     *         otherwise null
    default Long reauthenticationLatencyMs() {
        return null;

     * Return the next (always non-null but possibly empty) client-side
     * {@link NetworkReceive} response that arrived during re-authentication that
     * is unrelated to re-authentication, if any. These correspond to requests sent
     * prior to the beginning of re-authentication; the requests were made when the
     * channel was successfully authenticated, and the responses arrived during the
     * re-authentication process. The response returned is removed from the authenticator's
     * queue. Responses of requests sent after completion of re-authentication are
     * processed only when the authenticator response queue is empty.
     * @return the (always non-null but possibly empty) client-side
     *         {@link NetworkReceive} response that arrived during
     *         re-authentication that is unrelated to re-authentication, if any
    default Optional<NetworkReceive> pollResponseReceivedDuringReauthentication() {
        return Optional.empty();
     * Return true if this is a server-side authenticator and the connected client
     * has indicated that it supports re-authentication, otherwise false
     * @return true if this is a server-side authenticator and the connected client
     *         has indicated that it supports re-authentication, otherwise false
    default boolean connectedClientSupportsReauthentication() {
        return false;


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