harmony 鸿蒙Using OHAudio for Audio Recording

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (564)

Using OHAudio for Audio Recording

OHAudio is a set of native APIs introduced in API version 10. These APIs are normalized in design and support both common and low-latency audio channels.

To use the playback or recording capability of OHAudio, you must first import the corresponding header files.

To use APIs for audio recording, import <native_audiostreambuilder.h> and <native_audiocapturer.h>.

OHAudio provides the OH_AudioStreamBuilder class, which complies with the builder design pattern and is used to build audio streams. You need to specify OH_AudioStream_Type based on your service scenarios.

OH_AudioStream_Type can be set to either of the following:


The following code snippet shows how to use OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create to create a builder:

OH_AudioStreamBuilder* builder;
OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create(&builder, streamType);

After the audio service is complete, call OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Destroy to destroy the builder.


Read OHAudio for the API reference.

The following walks you through how to implement simple recording:

  1. Create an audio stream builder.

    OH_AudioStreamBuilder* builder;
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_Create(&builder, AUDIOSTREAM_TYPE_CAPTURER);
  2. Set audio stream parameters.

    After creating the builder for audio recording, set the parameters required.

    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSamplingRate(builder, rate);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetChannelCount(builder, channelCount);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetSampleFormat(builder, format);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetEncodingType(builder, encodingType);
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerInfo(builder, sourceType);

    Note that the audio data to record is written through callbacks. You must call OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerCallback to implement the callbacks. For details about the declaration of the callback functions, see OH_AudioCapturer_Callbacks.

  3. Set the callback functions.

    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_SetCapturerCallback(builder, callbacks, nullptr);
  4. Create an audio capturer instance.

    OH_AudioCapturer* audioCapturer;
    OH_AudioStreamBuilder_GenerateCapturer(builder, &audioCapturer);
  5. Use the audio capturer.

    You can use the APIs listed below to control the audio streams.

|API |Description | |————————————————————|————| |OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Start(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer)|Starts the audio capturer. | |OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Pause(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer)|Pauses the audio capturer. | |OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Stop(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer)|Stops the audio capturer. | |OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Flush(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer)|Flushes obtained audio data.| |OH_AudioStream_Result OH_AudioCapturer_Release(OH_AudioCapturer* capturer)|Releases the audio capturer instance.|

  1. Destroy the audio stream builder.

    When the builder is no longer used, release related resources.


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