tidb time_vec 源码
tidb time_vec 代码
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
import (
. "github.com/pingcap/tidb/expression/generator/helper"
var addOrSubTime = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Code generated by go generate in expression/generator; DO NOT EDIT.
package expression
import (
{{ end }}
{{ define "SetNull" }}{{if .Output.Fixed}}result.SetNull(i, true){{else}}result.AppendNull(){{end}} // fixed: {{.Output.Fixed }}{{ end }}
{{ define "ConvertStringToDuration" }}
{{ if and (ne .SigName "builtinAddStringAndStringSig") (ne .SigName "builtinSubStringAndStringSig") }}
if !isDuration(arg1) {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
}{{ end }}
sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
arg1Duration, _, err := types.ParseDuration(sc, arg1, {{if eq .Output.TypeName "String"}}getFsp4TimeAddSub{{else}}types.GetFsp{{end}}(arg1))
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncatedWrongVal) {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
return err
{{ end }}
{{ range .Sigs }}
{{ if .AllNull}}
func (b *{{.SigName}}) vecEval{{ .Output.TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
{{ if .Output.Fixed }}
result.Resize{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn }}(n, true)
{{ else }}
result.Reserve{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ { result.AppendNull() }
{{ end }}
return nil
{{ else }}
func (b *{{.SigName}}) vecEval{{ .Output.TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
{{ $reuse := (and (eq .TypeA.TypeName .Output.TypeName) .TypeA.Fixed) }}
{{ if $reuse }}
if err := b.args[0].VecEval{{ .TypeA.TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, result); err != nil {
return err
buf0 := result
{{ else }}
buf0, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
if err != nil {
return err
defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf0)
if err := b.args[0].VecEval{{ .TypeA.TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf0); err != nil {
return err
{{ end }}
{{ if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddStringAndStringSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubStringAndStringSig") }}
arg1Type := b.args[1].GetType()
if mysql.HasBinaryFlag(arg1Type.GetFlag()) {
result.Reserve{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
return nil
{{ end }}
buf1, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
if err != nil {
return err
defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf1)
if err := b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeB.TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf1); err != nil {
return err
{{ if $reuse }}
{{ else if .Output.Fixed}}
result.Resize{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn }}(n, false)
result.MergeNulls(buf0, buf1)
{{ else }}
result.Reserve{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn}}(n)
{{ end }}
{{ if .TypeA.Fixed }}
arg0s := buf0.{{.TypeA.TypeNameInColumn}}s()
{{ end }}
{{ if .TypeB.Fixed }}
arg1s := buf1.{{.TypeB.TypeNameInColumn}}s()
{{ end }}
{{ if .Output.Fixed }}
resultSlice := result.{{.Output.TypeNameInColumn}}s()
{{ end }}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
{{ if .Output.Fixed }}
if result.IsNull(i) {
{{ else }}
if buf0.IsNull(i) || buf1.IsNull(i) {
{{ end }}
// get arg0 & arg1
{{ if .TypeA.Fixed }}
arg0 := arg0s[i]
{{ else }}
arg0 := buf0.Get{{ .TypeA.TypeNameInColumn }}(i)
{{ end }}
{{ if .TypeB.Fixed }}
arg1 := arg1s[i]
{{ else }}
arg1 := buf1.Get{{ .TypeB.TypeNameInColumn }}(i)
{{ end }}
// calculate
{{ if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDatetimeAndDurationSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDatetimeAndDurationSig") }}
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, err := arg0.Add(b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, types.Duration{Duration: arg1, Fsp: -1})
{{ else }}
sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
arg1Duration := types.Duration{Duration: arg1, Fsp: -1}
output, err := arg0.Add(sc, arg1Duration.Neg())
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDatetimeAndStringSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDatetimeAndStringSig") }}
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
{{ template "ConvertStringToDuration" . }}
output, err := arg0.Add(sc, arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
if !isDuration(arg1) {
result.SetNull(i, true) // fixed: true
sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
arg1Duration, _, err := types.ParseDuration(sc, arg1, types.GetFsp(arg1))
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncatedWrongVal) {
result.SetNull(i, true) // fixed: true
return err
output, err := arg0.Add(sc, arg1Duration.Neg())
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDurationAndDurationSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDurationAndDurationSig") }}
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, err := types.AddDuration(arg0, arg1)
if err != nil {
return err
{{ else }}
output, err := types.SubDuration(arg0, arg1)
if err != nil {
return err
{{ end }}
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDurationAndStringSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDurationAndStringSig") }}
{{ template "ConvertStringToDuration" . }}
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, err := types.AddDuration(arg0, arg1Duration.Duration)
if err != nil {
return err
{{ else }}
output, err := types.SubDuration(arg0, arg1Duration.Duration)
if err != nil {
return err
{{ end }}
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddStringAndDurationSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubStringAndDurationSig") }}
sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
fsp1 := b.args[1].GetType().GetDecimal()
arg1Duration := types.Duration{Duration: arg1, Fsp: fsp1}
var output string
var isNull bool
if isDuration(arg0) {
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, err = strDurationAddDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
output, err = strDurationSubDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncatedWrongVal) {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
return err
} else {
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, isNull, err = strDatetimeAddDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
output, isNull, err = strDatetimeSubDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
if isNull {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddStringAndStringSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubStringAndStringSig") }}
{{ template "ConvertStringToDuration" . }}
var output string
var isNull bool
if isDuration(arg0) {
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, err = strDurationAddDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
output, err = strDurationSubDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncatedWrongVal) {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
return err
} else {
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
output, isNull, err = strDatetimeAddDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
output, isNull, err = strDatetimeSubDuration(sc, arg0, arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
if isNull {
{{ template "SetNull" . }}
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDateAndDurationSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDateAndDurationSig") }}
fsp0 := b.args[0].GetType().GetDecimal()
fsp1 := b.args[1].GetType().GetDecimal()
arg1Duration := types.Duration{Duration: arg1, Fsp: fsp1}
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
sum, err := types.Duration{Duration: arg0, Fsp: fsp0}.Add(arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
sum, err := types.Duration{Duration: arg0, Fsp: fsp0}.Sub(arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
output := sum.String()
{{ else if or (eq .SigName "builtinAddDateAndStringSig") (eq .SigName "builtinSubDateAndStringSig") }}
{{ template "ConvertStringToDuration" . }}
fsp0 := b.args[0].GetType().GetDecimal()
{{ if eq $.FuncName "AddTime" }}
sum, err := types.Duration{Duration: arg0, Fsp: fsp0}.Add(arg1Duration)
{{ else }}
sum, err := types.Duration{Duration: arg0, Fsp: fsp0}.Sub(arg1Duration)
{{ end }}
if err != nil {
return err
output := sum.String()
{{ end }}
// commit result
{{ if .Output.Fixed }}
resultSlice[i] = output
{{ else }}
result.Append{{ .Output.TypeNameInColumn }}(output)
{{ end }}
return nil
{{ end }}{{/* if .AllNull */}}
func (b *{{.SigName}}) vectorized() bool {
return true
{{ end }}{{/* range */}}
var timeDiff = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
{{ define "BufAllocator0" }}
buf0, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
if err != nil {
return err
defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf0)
{{ end }}
{{ define "BufAllocator1" }}
buf1, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
if err != nil {
return err
defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf1)
{{ end }}
{{ define "ArgsVecEval" }}
if err := b.args[0].VecEval{{ .TypeA.TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf0); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeB.TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf1); err != nil {
return err
{{ end }}
{{ range . }}
{{ $AIsString := (eq .TypeA.TypeName "String") }}
{{ $BIsString := (eq .TypeB.TypeName "String") }}
{{ $AIsTime := (eq .TypeA.TypeName "Time") }}
{{ $BIsTime := (eq .TypeB.TypeName "Time") }}
{{ $AIsDuration := (eq .TypeA.TypeName "Duration") }}
{{ $BIsDuration := (eq .TypeB.TypeName "Duration") }}
{{ $MaybeDuration := (or (or $AIsDuration $BIsDuration) (and $AIsString $AIsString)) }}
{{ $reuseA := (eq .TypeA.TypeName "Duration") }}
{{ $reuseB := (eq .TypeB.TypeName "Duration") }}
{{ $reuse := (or $reuseA $reuseB ) }}
{{ $noNull := (ne .SigName "builtinNullTimeDiffSig") }}
func (b *{{.SigName}}) vecEvalDuration(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
n := input.NumRows()
{{- if not $noNull }}
result.ResizeGoDuration(n, true)
{{- else }}
result.ResizeGoDuration(n, false)
r64s := result.GoDurations()
{{- if $reuseA }}
buf0 := result
{{- template "BufAllocator1" . }}
{{- template "ArgsVecEval" . }}
{{- else if $reuseB }}
buf1 := result
{{- template "BufAllocator0" . }}
{{- template "ArgsVecEval" . }}
{{- else }}
{{- template "BufAllocator0" . }}
{{- template "BufAllocator1" . }}
{{- template "ArgsVecEval" . }}
result.MergeNulls(buf0, buf1)
{{- end }}
{{- if .TypeA.Fixed }}
arg0 := buf0.{{.TypeA.TypeNameInColumn}}s()
{{- end }}
{{- if .TypeB.Fixed }}
arg1 := buf1.{{.TypeB.TypeNameInColumn}}s()
{{- end }}
{{- if (or $AIsDuration $BIsDuration) }}
var (
lhs types.Duration
rhs types.Duration
{{- end }}
{{- if or (or $AIsString $BIsString) (and $AIsTime $BIsTime) }}
stmtCtx := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
{{- end }}
for i:=0; i<n ; i++{
if result.IsNull(i) {
{{- if $AIsString }}
{{ if $BIsDuration }} lhsDur, _, lhsIsDuration,
{{- else if $BIsTime }} _, lhsTime, lhsIsDuration,
{{- else if $BIsString }} lhsDur, lhsTime, lhsIsDuration,
{{- end }} err := convertStringToDuration(stmtCtx, buf0.GetString(i), b.tp.GetDecimal())
if err != nil {
return err
{{- if $BIsDuration }}
if !lhsIsDuration {
result.SetNull(i, true)
lhs = lhsDur
{{- else if $BIsTime }}
if lhsIsDuration {
result.SetNull(i, true)
{{- end }}
{{- else if $AIsTime }}
lhsTime := arg0[i]
{{- else }}
lhs.Duration = arg0[i]
{{- end }}
{{- if $BIsString }}
{{ if $AIsDuration }} rhsDur, _, rhsIsDuration,
{{- else if $AIsTime }}_, rhsTime, rhsIsDuration,
{{- else if $AIsString }} rhsDur, rhsTime, rhsIsDuration,
{{- end}} err := convertStringToDuration(stmtCtx, buf1.GetString(i), b.tp.GetDecimal())
if err != nil {
return err
{{- if $AIsDuration }}
if !rhsIsDuration {
result.SetNull(i, true)
rhs = rhsDur
{{- else if $AIsTime }}
if rhsIsDuration {
result.SetNull(i, true)
{{- end }}
{{- else if $BIsTime }}
rhsTime := arg1[i]
{{- else }}
rhs.Duration = arg1[i]
{{- end }}
{{- if and $AIsString $BIsString }}
if lhsIsDuration != rhsIsDuration {
result.SetNull(i, true)
var (
d types.Duration
isNull bool
if lhsIsDuration {
d, isNull, err = calculateDurationTimeDiff(b.ctx, lhsDur, rhsDur)
} else {
d, isNull, err = calculateTimeDiff(stmtCtx, lhsTime, rhsTime)
{{- else if or $AIsDuration $BIsDuration }}
d, isNull, err := calculateDurationTimeDiff(b.ctx, lhs, rhs)
{{- else if or $AIsTime $BIsTime }}
d, isNull, err := calculateTimeDiff(stmtCtx, lhsTime, rhsTime)
{{- end }}
if err != nil {
return err
if isNull {
result.SetNull(i, true)
r64s[i] = d.Duration
{{- end }} {{/* if $noNull */}}
return nil
func (b *{{.SigName}}) vectorized() bool {
return true
{{ end }}{{/* range */}}
func getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDuration() []string {
return []string{
func getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDatetime() []string {
return []string{
func getIntervalUnitList() []string {
return append(getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDuration(), getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDatetime()...)
var testFileFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDuration": getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDuration,
"getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDatetime": getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDatetime,
"getIntervalUnitList": getIntervalUnitList,
var testFile = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(testFileFuncs).Parse(`
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Code generated by go generate in expression/generator; DO NOT EDIT.
package expression
import (
type gener struct {
func (g gener) gen() interface{} {
result := g.defaultGener.gen()
if _, ok := result.(string); ok {
dg := newDefaultGener(0, types.ETDuration)
d := dg.gen().(types.Duration)
if d.Duration%2 == 0 {
d.Fsp = 0
} else {
d.Fsp = 1
result = d.String()
return result
{{ define "addOrSubDateCases" }}
{{- range $sig := .Sigs }}
// {{ $sig.SigName }}
{{- if and (eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "Duration") (eq $sig.Output.ETName "Duration") -}}
{{- $unitList := getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDuration -}}
{{- range $unit := $unitList }}
retEvalType: types.ET{{ $sig.Output.ETName }},
childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ $sig.TypeA.ETName }}, types.ET{{ $sig.TypeB.ETName }}, types.ETString},
geners: []dataGenerator{
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeA.ETName}}),
{{- if eq $sig.TypeB.ETName "String" }}
&numStrGener{rangeInt64Gener{math.MinInt32 + 1, math.MaxInt32, newDefaultRandGen()}},
{{- else }}
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeB.ETName}}),
{{- end }}
constants: []*Constant{nil, nil, {Value: types.NewStringDatum("{{$unit}}"), RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)}},
chunkSize: 128,
{{- end }}
{{- else if and (eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "Duration") (eq $sig.Output.ETName "Datetime") -}}
// TODO: Make the following cases stable, i.e., shouldn't be affected by crossing a day (date part is padded to current date).
{{- $unitList := getIntervalUnitListForDurationAsDatetime -}}
{{- range $unit := $unitList }}
retEvalType: types.ET{{ $sig.Output.ETName }},
childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ $sig.TypeA.ETName }}, types.ET{{ $sig.TypeB.ETName }}, types.ETString},
geners: []dataGenerator{
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeA.ETName}}),
{{- if eq $sig.TypeB.ETName "String" }}
&numStrGener{rangeInt64Gener{math.MinInt32 + 1, math.MaxInt32, newDefaultRandGen()}},
{{- else }}
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeB.ETName}}),
{{- end }}
constants: []*Constant{nil, nil, {Value: types.NewStringDatum("{{$unit}}"), RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)}},
chunkSize: 128,
{{- end }}
{{- else -}}
{{- $unitList := getIntervalUnitList -}}
{{- range $unit := $unitList }}
retEvalType: types.ET{{ $sig.Output.ETName }},
childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ $sig.TypeA.ETName }}, types.ET{{ $sig.TypeB.ETName }}, types.ETString},
{{- if ne $sig.FieldTypeA "" }}
childrenFieldTypes: []*types.FieldType{types.NewFieldType(mysql.Type{{$sig.FieldTypeA}}), types.NewFieldType(mysql.Type{{$sig.FieldTypeB}})},
{{- end }}
geners: []dataGenerator{
{{- if eq $sig.FieldTypeA "Date" }}
newNullWrappedGener(0.2, dateGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}),
{{- else if eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "String"}}
newNullWrappedGener(0.2, dateOrDatetimeStrGener{dateRatio: 0.2, dateStrGener: dateStrGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, dateTimeStrGener: dateTimeStrGener{Fsp: -1, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}),
{{- else if eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "Int"}}
newNullWrappedGener(0.2, dateOrDatetimeIntGener{dateRatio: 0.2, dateIntGener: dateIntGener{dateGener: dateGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}, dateTimeIntGener: dateTimeIntGener{dateTimeGener: dateTimeGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}}),
{{- else if eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "Real"}}
newNullWrappedGener(0.2, dateOrDatetimeRealGener{dateRatio: 0.2, dateRealGener: dateRealGener{fspRatio: 0.5, dateGener: dateGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}, dateTimeRealGener: dateTimeRealGener{fspRatio: 0.5, dateTimeGener: dateTimeGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}}),
{{- else if eq $sig.TypeA.ETName "Decimal"}}
newNullWrappedGener(0.2, dateOrDatetimeDecimalGener{dateRatio: 0.2, dateDecimalGener: dateDecimalGener{fspRatio: 0.5, dateGener: dateGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}, dateTimeDecimalGener: dateTimeDecimalGener{fspRatio: 0.5, dateTimeGener: dateTimeGener{randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}}),
{{- else }}
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeA.ETName}}),
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $sig.TypeB.ETName "String" }}
&numStrGener{rangeInt64Gener{math.MinInt32 + 1, math.MaxInt32, newDefaultRandGen()}},
{{- else }}
newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{$sig.TypeB.ETName}}),
{{- end }}
constants: []*Constant{nil, nil, {Value: types.NewStringDatum("{{$unit}}"), RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString)}},
chunkSize: 128,
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "addOrSubTimeCases" }}
{{- range $sig := .Sigs }}
// {{ $sig.SigName }}
retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Output.ETName }},
{{- if eq .TestTypeA "" }}
childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ .TypeA.ETName }}, types.ET{{ .TypeB.ETName }}},
{{- else }}
childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ .TestTypeA }}, types.ET{{ .TestTypeB }}},
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .FieldTypeA "" }}
childrenFieldTypes: []*types.FieldType{types.NewFieldType(mysql.Type{{.FieldTypeA}}), types.NewFieldType(mysql.Type{{.FieldTypeB}})},
{{- end }}
geners: []dataGenerator{
{{- if eq .TestTypeA "" }}
gener{*newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{.TypeA.ETName}})},
gener{*newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{.TypeB.ETName}})},
{{- else }}
gener{*newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{ .TestTypeA }})},
gener{*newDefaultGener(0.2, types.ET{{ .TestTypeB }})},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Add more test cases here if we have more functions in this file */}}
var vecBuiltin{{.Category}}GeneratedCases = map[string][]vecExprBenchCase{
{{- range .Functions }}
{{- if eq .FuncName "AddTime" }}
ast.AddTime: {
{{- template "addOrSubTimeCases" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{- if eq .FuncName "SubTime" }}
ast.SubTime: {
{{- template "addOrSubTimeCases" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{- if eq .FuncName "TimeDiff" }}
ast.TimeDiff: {
// builtinNullTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETDatetime}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETTimestamp}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDatetime, types.ETDuration}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETTimestamp, types.ETDuration}},
// builtinDurationDurationTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETDuration}},
// builtinDurationStringTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{nil, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 11, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{nil, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDuration, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{nil, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 4, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
// builtinTimeTimeTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDatetime, types.ETDatetime}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETTimestamp, types.ETTimestamp}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETTimestamp, types.ETDatetime}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
// builtinTimeStringTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETDatetime, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETTimestamp, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
// builtinStringDurationTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETDuration}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, nil}},
// builtinStringTimeTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETDatetime}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETTimestamp}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
// builtinStringStringTimeDiffSig
{retEvalType: types.ETDuration, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETString, types.ETString}, geners: []dataGenerator{&dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}, &dateTimeStrGener{Year: 2019, Month: 10, Fsp: 0, randGen: newDefaultRandGen()}}},
{{ end }}
{{- if eq .FuncName "AddDate" }}
ast.AddDate: {
{{- template "addOrSubDateCases" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{- if eq .FuncName "SubDate" }}
ast.SubDate: {
{{- template "addOrSubDateCases" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
func TestVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}EvalOneVecGenerated(t *testing.T) {
testVectorizedEvalOneVec(t, vecBuiltin{{.Category}}GeneratedCases)
func TestVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}FuncGenerated(t *testing.T) {
testVectorizedBuiltinFunc(t, vecBuiltin{{.Category}}GeneratedCases)
func BenchmarkVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}EvalOneVecGenerated(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkVectorizedEvalOneVec(b, vecBuiltin{{.Category}}GeneratedCases)
func BenchmarkVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}FuncGenerated(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkVectorizedBuiltinFunc(b, vecBuiltin{{.Category}}GeneratedCases)
var addTimeSigsTmpl = []sig{
{SigName: "builtinAddDatetimeAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDatetimeAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDurationAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddDurationAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddStringAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddStringAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeString, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Duration", TestTypeA: "Datetime", TestTypeB: "Duration"},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "String", TestTypeA: "Datetime", TestTypeB: "String"},
{SigName: "builtinAddTimeDateTimeNullSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDatetime, AllNull: true},
{SigName: "builtinAddTimeStringNullSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeString, AllNull: true, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Datetime"},
{SigName: "builtinAddTimeDurationNullSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDuration, AllNull: true},
var subTimeSigsTmpl = []sig{
{SigName: "builtinSubDatetimeAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDatetimeAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDurationAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubDurationAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubStringAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubStringAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateAndDurationSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeString, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Duration", TestTypeA: "Datetime", TestTypeB: "Duration"},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateAndStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "String", TestTypeA: "Datetime", TestTypeB: "String"},
{SigName: "builtinSubTimeDateTimeNullSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDatetime, AllNull: true},
{SigName: "builtinSubTimeStringNullSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeString, AllNull: true, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Datetime"},
{SigName: "builtinSubTimeDurationNullSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDuration, AllNull: true},
var timeDiffSigsTmpl = []sig{
{SigName: "builtinNullTimeDiffSig", Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinTimeStringTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinDurationStringTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinDurationDurationTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinStringTimeTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinStringDurationTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDuration, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinStringStringTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinTimeTimeTimeDiffSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDatetime, Output: TypeDuration},
var addDateSigsTmpl = []sig{
{SigName: "builtinAddDateStringStringSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateStringIntSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateStringRealSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateStringDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateIntStringSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateIntIntSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateIntRealSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateIntDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateRealStringSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateRealIntSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateRealRealSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateRealDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDecimalStringSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDecimalIntSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDecimalRealSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDecimalDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "String"},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeIntSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Longlong"},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeRealSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Double"},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "NewDecimal"},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeIntSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeRealSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDatetimeDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationIntSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationRealSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationIntSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationRealSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinAddDateDurationDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime},
var subDateSigsTmpl = []sig{
{SigName: "builtinSubDateStringStringSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateStringIntSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateStringRealSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateStringDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeString, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateIntStringSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateIntIntSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateIntRealSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateIntDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeInt, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateRealStringSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateRealIntSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateRealRealSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateRealDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeReal, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDecimalStringSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDecimalIntSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDecimalRealSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDecimalDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDecimal, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeString},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "String"},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeIntSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Longlong"},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeRealSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "Double"},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime, FieldTypeA: "Date", FieldTypeB: "NewDecimal"},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeStringSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeIntSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeRealSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDatetimeDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDatetime, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationIntSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationRealSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDuration},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationStringSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeString, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationIntSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeInt, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationRealSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeReal, Output: TypeDatetime},
{SigName: "builtinSubDateDurationDecimalSig", TypeA: TypeDuration, TypeB: TypeDecimal, Output: TypeDatetime},
type sig struct {
SigName string
TypeA, TypeB, Output TypeContext
FieldTypeA, FieldTypeB string // Optional
TestTypeA, TestTypeB string // Optional, specific Type for test in builtinAddDateAndDurationSig & builtinAddDateAndStringSig
AllNull bool
type function struct {
FuncName string
Sigs []sig
var tmplVal = struct {
Category string
Functions []function
Category: "Time",
Functions: []function{
{FuncName: "AddTime", Sigs: addTimeSigsTmpl},
{FuncName: "SubTime", Sigs: subTimeSigsTmpl},
{FuncName: "TimeDiff", Sigs: timeDiffSigsTmpl},
{FuncName: "AddDate", Sigs: addDateSigsTmpl},
{FuncName: "SubDate", Sigs: subDateSigsTmpl},
func generateDotGo(fileName string) error {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := addOrSubTime.Execute(w, function{FuncName: "AddTime", Sigs: addTimeSigsTmpl})
if err != nil {
return err
err = addOrSubTime.Execute(w, function{FuncName: "SubTime", Sigs: subTimeSigsTmpl})
if err != nil {
return err
err = timeDiff.Execute(w, timeDiffSigsTmpl)
if err != nil {
return err
data, err := format.Source(w.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Println("[Warn]", fileName+": gofmt failed", err)
data = w.Bytes() // write original data for debugging
return os.WriteFile(fileName, data, 0644)
func generateTestDotGo(fileName string) error {
w := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := testFile.Execute(w, tmplVal)
if err != nil {
return err
data, err := format.Source(w.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Println("[Warn]", fileName+": gofmt failed", err)
data = w.Bytes() // write original data for debugging
return os.WriteFile(fileName, data, 0644)
// generateOneFile generate one xxx.go file and the associated xxx_test.go file.
func generateOneFile(fileNamePrefix string) (err error) {
err = generateDotGo(fileNamePrefix + ".go")
if err != nil {
err = generateTestDotGo(fileNamePrefix + "_test.go")
func main() {
var err error
outputDir := "."
err = generateOneFile(filepath.Join(outputDir, "builtin_time_vec_generated"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("generateOneFile", err)
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