tidb control_vec 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb control_vec 代码


// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//go:build ignore
// +build ignore

package main

import (

	. "github.com/pingcap/tidb/expression/generator/helper"

const header = `// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Code generated by go generate in expression/generator; DO NOT EDIT.

package expression

import (


// NOTE: Control expressions optionally evaluate some branches depending on conditions, but vectorization executes all
// branches, during which the unnecessary branches may return errors or warnings. To avoid this case, when branches
// meet errors or warnings, the vectorization falls back the scalar execution.


var builtinCaseWhenVec = template.Must(template.New("builtinCaseWhenVec").Parse(`
{{ range .Sigs }}{{ with .Arg0 }}
func (b *builtinCaseWhen{{ .TypeName }}Sig) fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	{{- if .Fixed }}
	result.Resize{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n, false)
	x := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		result.SetNull(i, isNull)
		if isNull {
		{{ if eq .TypeName "Decimal" }}
			x[i] = *res
		{{ else if eq .TypeName "Duration" }}
			x[i] = res.Duration
		{{ else }}
			x[i] = res
		{{ end }}
	{{ else }}
	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if isNull {
		result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(res)
	{{ end -}}
	return nil

func (b *builtinCaseWhen{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vecEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	args, l := b.getArgs(), len(b.getArgs())
	whens := make([]*chunk.Column, l/2)
	whensSlice := make([][]int64, l/2)
	thens := make([]*chunk.Column, l/2)
	var eLse *chunk.Column
	{{- if .Fixed }}
	thensSlice := make([][]{{.TypeNameGo}}, l/2)
	var eLseSlice []{{.TypeNameGo}}
	{{- end }}
	sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	beforeWarns := sc.WarningCount()

	for j := 0; j < l-1; j+=2 {
		bufWhen, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer b.bufAllocator.put(bufWhen)
		err = args[j].VecEvalInt(b.ctx, input, bufWhen)
		afterWarns := sc.WarningCount()
		if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)
		whens[j/2] = bufWhen
		whensSlice[j/2] = bufWhen.Int64s()

		bufThen, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer b.bufAllocator.put(bufThen)
		err = args[j+1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, bufThen)
		afterWarns = sc.WarningCount()
		if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)
		thens[j/2] = bufThen
		{{- if .Fixed }}
		thensSlice[j/2] = bufThen.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
		{{- end }}
	// when clause(condition, result) -> args[i], args[i+1]; (i >= 0 && i+1 < l-1)
	// else clause -> args[l-1]
	// If case clause has else clause, l%2 == 1.
	if l%2==1 {
		bufElse, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer b.bufAllocator.put(bufElse)
		err = args[l-1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, bufElse)
		afterWarns := sc.WarningCount()
		if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
			return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)
		eLse = bufElse
		{{- if .Fixed }}
		eLseSlice = bufElse.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
		{{- end }}

	{{- if .Fixed }}
	result.Resize{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n, false)
	resultSlice := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	{{- else }}
	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
	{{- end }}
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < l/2; j++ {
			if whens[j].IsNull(i) || whensSlice[j][i] == 0 {
			{{- if .Fixed }}
			resultSlice[i] = thensSlice[j][i]
			result.SetNull(i, thens[j].IsNull(i))
			{{- else }}
			if thens[j].IsNull(i) {
			} else {
				result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(thens[j].Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
			{{- end }}
			continue ROW
		if eLse != nil {
			{{- if .Fixed }}
			resultSlice[i] = eLseSlice[i]
			result.SetNull(i, eLse.IsNull(i))
			{{- else }}
			if eLse.IsNull(i) {
			} else {
				result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(eLse.Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
			{{- end }}
		} else {
			{{- if .Fixed }}
			result.SetNull(i, true)
			{{- else }}
			{{- end }}
	return nil

func (b *builtinCaseWhen{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vectorized() bool {
	return true
{{ end }}{{/* with */}}
{{ end }}{{/* range .Sigs */}}

var builtinIfNullVec = template.Must(template.New("builtinIfNullVec").Parse(`
{{ range .Sigs }}{{ with .Arg0 }}
func (b *builtinIfNull{{ .TypeName }}Sig) fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	{{- if .Fixed }}
	result.Resize{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n, false)
	x := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		result.SetNull(i, isNull)
		if isNull {
		{{ if eq .TypeName "Decimal" }}
			x[i] = *res
		{{ else if eq .TypeName "Duration" }}
			x[i] = res.Duration
		{{ else }}
			x[i] = res
		{{ end }}
	{{ else }}
	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if isNull {
		result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(res)
	{{ end -}}
	return nil

func (b *builtinIfNull{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vecEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	{{- if .Fixed }}
	if err := b.args[0].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, result); err != nil {
		return err
	buf1, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf1)
	sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	beforeWarns := sc.WarningCount()
	err = b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf1)
	afterWarns := sc.WarningCount()
	if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
		if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
      	return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)
	arg0 := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	arg1 := buf1.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if result.IsNull(i) && !buf1.IsNull(i) {
			result.SetNull(i, false)
			arg0[i] = arg1[i]
	{{ else }}
	buf0, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf0)
	if err := b.args[0].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf0); err != nil {
		return err
	buf1, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf1)
	sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	beforeWarns := sc.WarningCount()
	err = b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf1)
	afterWarns := sc.WarningCount()
	if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
		if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
      	return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input,result)

	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if !buf0.IsNull(i) {
			result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(buf0.Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
		} else if !buf1.IsNull(i) {
			result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(buf1.Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
		} else {
	{{ end -}}
	return nil

func (b *builtinIfNull{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vectorized() bool {
	return true
{{ end }}{{/* with */}}
{{ end }}{{/* range .Sigs */}}

var builtinIfVec = template.Must(template.New("builtinIfVec").Parse(`
{{ range .Sigs }}{{ with .Arg0 }}
func (b *builtinIf{{ .TypeName }}Sig) fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	{{- if .Fixed }}
	result.Resize{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n, false)
	x := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		result.SetNull(i, isNull)
		if isNull {
		{{ if eq .TypeName "Decimal" }}
			x[i] = *res
		{{ else if eq .TypeName "Duration" }}
			x[i] = res.Duration
		{{ else }}
			x[i] = res
		{{ end }}
	{{ else }}
	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		res, isNull, err := b.eval{{ .TypeName }}(input.GetRow(i))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if isNull {
		result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(res)
	{{ end -}}
	return nil

func (b *builtinIf{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vecEval{{ .TypeName }}(input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error {
	n := input.NumRows()
	buf0, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf0)
	if err := b.args[0].VecEvalInt(b.ctx, input, buf0); err != nil {
		return err
	sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
	beforeWarns := sc.WarningCount()
{{- if .Fixed }}
	err = b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, result)
{{- else }}
	buf1, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf1)
	err = b.args[1].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf1)
{{- end }}
	afterWarns := sc.WarningCount()
	if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
		if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
      	return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)

	buf2, err := b.bufAllocator.get()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer b.bufAllocator.put(buf2)
	err = b.args[2].VecEval{{ .TypeName }}(b.ctx, input, buf2)
	afterWarns = sc.WarningCount()
	if err != nil || afterWarns > beforeWarns {
		if afterWarns > beforeWarns {
      	return b.fallbackEval{{ .TypeName }}(input, result)
{{ if not .Fixed }}
	result.Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(n)
{{- end }}
	arg0 := buf0.Int64s()
{{- if .Fixed }}
	arg2 := buf2.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
	rs := result.{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s()
{{- end }}
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		arg := arg0[i]
		isNull0 := buf0.IsNull(i)
		switch {
		case isNull0 || arg == 0:
{{- if .Fixed }}
			if buf2.IsNull(i) {
				result.SetNull(i, true)
			} else {
				result.SetNull(i, false)
				rs[i] = arg2[i]
{{- else }}
			if buf2.IsNull(i) {
			} else {
				result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(buf2.Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
{{- end }}
		case arg != 0:
{{- if .Fixed }}
{{- else }}
			if buf1.IsNull(i) {
			} else {
				result.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(buf1.Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}(i))
{{- end }}
	return nil

func (b *builtinIf{{ .TypeName }}Sig) vectorized() bool {
	return true
{{ end }}{{/* with */}}
{{ end }}{{/* range .Sigs */}}

var testFile = template.Must(template.New("testFile").Parse(`// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Code generated by go generate in expression/generator; DO NOT EDIT.

package expression

import (


var defaultControlIntGener = &controlIntGener{zeroRation: 0.3, defaultGener: *newDefaultGener(0.3, types.ETInt)}

type controlIntGener struct {
	zeroRation float64

func (g *controlIntGener) gen() interface{} {
	if rand.Float64() < g.zeroRation {
		return int64(0)
	return g.defaultGener.gen()

{{/* Add more test cases here if we have more functions in this file */}}
var vecBuiltin{{.Category}}Cases = map[string][]vecExprBenchCase{
{{ with index .Functions 0 }}
	ast.Case: {
	{{ range .Sigs }}
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}, geners: []dataGenerator{defaultControlIntGener}},
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}, geners: []dataGenerator{defaultControlIntGener}},
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}, geners: []dataGenerator{defaultControlIntGener, nil, defaultControlIntGener}},
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}, geners: []dataGenerator{defaultControlIntGener, nil, defaultControlIntGener}},
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ with index .Functions 1 }}
	ast.Ifnull: {
	{{ range .Sigs }}
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}},
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ with index .Functions 2 }}
	ast.If: {
	{{ range .Sigs }}
		{retEvalType: types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, childrenTypes: []types.EvalType{types.ETInt, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}, types.ET{{ .Arg0.ETName }}}, geners: []dataGenerator{defaultControlIntGener}},
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

func TestVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}EvalOneVecGenerated(t *testing.T) {
	testVectorizedEvalOneVec(t, vecBuiltinControlCases)

func TestVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}FuncGenerated(t *testing.T) {
	testVectorizedBuiltinFunc(t, vecBuiltinControlCases)

func BenchmarkVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}EvalOneVecGenerated(b *testing.B) {
	benchmarkVectorizedEvalOneVec(b, vecBuiltinControlCases)

func BenchmarkVectorizedBuiltin{{.Category}}FuncGenerated(b *testing.B) {
	benchmarkVectorizedBuiltinFunc(b, vecBuiltinControlCases)

type typeContext struct {
	// Describe the name of "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types".ET{{ .ETName }}
	ETName string
	// Describe the name of "github.com/pingcap/tidb/expression".VecExpr.VecEval{{ .TypeName }}
	// If undefined, it's same as ETName.
	TypeName string
	// Describe the name of "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/chunk".*Column.Append{{ .TypeNameInColumn }},
	// Resize{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}, Reserve{{ .TypeNameInColumn }}, Get{{ .TypeNameInColumn }} and
	// {{ .TypeNameInColumn }}s.
	// If undefined, it's same as TypeName.
	TypeNameInColumn string
	// Same as "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/chunk".getFixedLen()
	Fixed bool

var caseWhenSigs = []sig{
	{Arg0: TypeInt},
	{Arg0: TypeReal},
	{Arg0: TypeDecimal},
	{Arg0: TypeString},
	{Arg0: TypeDatetime},
	{Arg0: TypeDuration},
	{Arg0: TypeJSON},

var ifNullSigs = []sig{
	{Arg0: TypeInt},
	{Arg0: TypeReal},
	{Arg0: TypeDecimal},
	{Arg0: TypeString},
	{Arg0: TypeDatetime},
	{Arg0: TypeDuration},
	{Arg0: TypeJSON},

var ifSigs = []sig{
	{Arg0: TypeInt},
	{Arg0: TypeReal},
	{Arg0: TypeDecimal},
	{Arg0: TypeString},
	{Arg0: TypeDatetime},
	{Arg0: TypeDuration},
	{Arg0: TypeJSON},

type sig struct {
	Arg0 TypeContext

type function struct {
	FuncName string
	Sigs     []sig
	Tmpl     *template.Template

var tmplVal = struct {
	Category  string
	Functions []function
	Category: "Control",
	Functions: []function{
		{FuncName: "Case", Sigs: caseWhenSigs, Tmpl: builtinCaseWhenVec},
		{FuncName: "Ifnull", Sigs: ifNullSigs, Tmpl: builtinIfNullVec},
		{FuncName: "If", Sigs: ifSigs, Tmpl: builtinIfVec},

func generateDotGo(fileName string) error {
	w := new(bytes.Buffer)
	for _, function := range tmplVal.Functions {
		err := function.Tmpl.Execute(w, function)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	data, err := format.Source(w.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("[Warn]", fileName+": gofmt failed", err)
		data = w.Bytes() // write original data for debugging
	return os.WriteFile(fileName, data, 0644)

func generateTestDotGo(fileName string) error {
	w := new(bytes.Buffer)
	err := testFile.Execute(w, tmplVal)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	data, err := format.Source(w.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("[Warn]", fileName+": gofmt failed", err)
		data = w.Bytes() // write original data for debugging
	return os.WriteFile(fileName, data, 0644)

// generateOneFile generate one xxx.go file and the associated xxx_test.go file.
func generateOneFile(fileNamePrefix string) (err error) {

	err = generateDotGo(fileNamePrefix + ".go")
	if err != nil {
	err = generateTestDotGo(fileNamePrefix + "_test.go")

func main() {
	var err error
	outputDir := "."
	err = generateOneFile(filepath.Join(outputDir, "builtin_control_vec_generated"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("generateOneFile", err)


tidb 源码目录


tidb compare_vec 源码

tidb other_vec 源码

tidb string_vec 源码

tidb time_vec 源码

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