spark JavaStreamingContext 源码
spark JavaStreamingContext 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{Closeable, InputStream}
import java.lang.{Boolean => JBoolean}
import java.util.{List => JList, Map => JMap}
import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputFormat => NewInputFormat}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import{JavaPairRDD, JavaRDD, JavaSparkContext}
import{Function => JFunction, Function2 => JFunction2}
import{Function0 => JFunction0}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver
import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.StreamingListener
* A Java-friendly version of [[org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext]] which is the main
* entry point for Spark Streaming functionality. It provides methods to create
* [[]] and
* [[]] from input sources. The internal
* (see core Spark documentation) can be accessed
* using `context.sparkContext`. After creating and transforming DStreams, the streaming
* computation can be started and stopped using `context.start()` and `context.stop()`,
* respectively. `context.awaitTermination()` allows the current thread to wait for the
* termination of a context by `stop()` or by an exception.
class JavaStreamingContext(val ssc: StreamingContext) extends Closeable {
* Create a StreamingContext.
* @param master Name of the Spark Master
* @param appName Name to be used when registering with the scheduler
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
def this(master: String, appName: String, batchDuration: Duration) =
this(new StreamingContext(master, appName, batchDuration, null, Nil, Map()))
* Create a StreamingContext.
* @param master Name of the Spark Master
* @param appName Name to be used when registering with the scheduler
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
* @param sparkHome The SPARK_HOME directory on the worker nodes
* @param jarFile JAR file containing job code, to ship to cluster. This can be a path on the
* local file system or an HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL.
def this(
master: String,
appName: String,
batchDuration: Duration,
sparkHome: String,
jarFile: String) =
this(new StreamingContext(master, appName, batchDuration, sparkHome, Seq(jarFile), Map()))
* Create a StreamingContext.
* @param master Name of the Spark Master
* @param appName Name to be used when registering with the scheduler
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
* @param sparkHome The SPARK_HOME directory on the worker nodes
* @param jars Collection of JARs to send to the cluster. These can be paths on the local file
* system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
def this(
master: String,
appName: String,
batchDuration: Duration,
sparkHome: String,
jars: Array[String]) =
this(new StreamingContext(master, appName, batchDuration, sparkHome, jars, Map()))
* Create a StreamingContext.
* @param master Name of the Spark Master
* @param appName Name to be used when registering with the scheduler
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
* @param sparkHome The SPARK_HOME directory on the worker nodes
* @param jars Collection of JARs to send to the cluster. These can be paths on the local file
* system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
* @param environment Environment variables to set on worker nodes
def this(
master: String,
appName: String,
batchDuration: Duration,
sparkHome: String,
jars: Array[String],
environment: JMap[String, String]) =
this(new StreamingContext(
* Create a JavaStreamingContext using an existing JavaSparkContext.
* @param sparkContext The underlying JavaSparkContext to use
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
def this(sparkContext: JavaSparkContext, batchDuration: Duration) =
this(new StreamingContext(, batchDuration))
* Create a JavaStreamingContext using a SparkConf configuration.
* @param conf A Spark application configuration
* @param batchDuration The time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches
def this(conf: SparkConf, batchDuration: Duration) =
this(new StreamingContext(conf, batchDuration))
* Recreate a JavaStreamingContext from a checkpoint file.
* @param path Path to the directory that was specified as the checkpoint directory
def this(path: String) = this(new StreamingContext(path, SparkHadoopUtil.get.conf))
* Re-creates a JavaStreamingContext from a checkpoint file.
* @param path Path to the directory that was specified as the checkpoint directory
def this(path: String, hadoopConf: Configuration) = this(new StreamingContext(path, hadoopConf))
/** The underlying SparkContext */
val sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(
* Create an input stream from network source hostname:port. Data is received using
* a TCP socket and the receive bytes is interpreted as UTF8 encoded \n delimited
* lines.
* @param hostname Hostname to connect to for receiving data
* @param port Port to connect to for receiving data
* @param storageLevel Storage level to use for storing the received objects
def socketTextStream(
hostname: String, port: Int,
storageLevel: StorageLevel
): JavaReceiverInputDStream[String] = {
ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port, storageLevel)
* Create an input stream from network source hostname:port. Data is received using
* a TCP socket and the receive bytes is interpreted as UTF8 encoded \n delimited
* lines. Storage level of the data will be the default StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2.
* @param hostname Hostname to connect to for receiving data
* @param port Port to connect to for receiving data
def socketTextStream(hostname: String, port: Int): JavaReceiverInputDStream[String] = {
ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port)
* Create an input stream from network source hostname:port. Data is received using
* a TCP socket and the receive bytes it interpreted as object using the given
* converter.
* @param hostname Hostname to connect to for receiving data
* @param port Port to connect to for receiving data
* @param converter Function to convert the byte stream to objects
* @param storageLevel Storage level to use for storing the received objects
* @tparam T Type of the objects received (after converting bytes to objects)
def socketStream[T](
hostname: String,
port: Int,
converter: JFunction[InputStream, java.lang.Iterable[T]],
storageLevel: StorageLevel)
: JavaReceiverInputDStream[T] = {
def fn: (InputStream) => Iterator[T] = (x: InputStream) =>
implicit val cmt: ClassTag[T] =
ssc.socketStream(hostname, port, fn, storageLevel)
* Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
* for new files and reads them as text files (using key as LongWritable, value
* as Text and input format as TextInputFormat). Files must be written to the
* monitored directory by "moving" them from another location within the same
* file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
* The text files must be encoded as UTF-8.
* @param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
def textFileStream(directory: String): JavaDStream[String] = {
* Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
* for new files and reads them as flat binary files with fixed record lengths,
* yielding byte arrays
* @param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new files
* @param recordLength The length at which to split the records
* @note We ensure that the byte array for each record in the
* resulting RDDs of the DStream has the provided record length.
def binaryRecordsStream(directory: String, recordLength: Int): JavaDStream[Array[Byte]] = {
ssc.binaryRecordsStream(directory, recordLength)
* Create an input stream from network source hostname:port, where data is received
* as serialized blocks (serialized using the Spark's serializer) that can be directly
* pushed into the block manager without deserializing them. This is the most efficient
* way to receive data.
* @param hostname Hostname to connect to for receiving data
* @param port Port to connect to for receiving data
* @param storageLevel Storage level to use for storing the received objects
* @tparam T Type of the objects in the received blocks
def rawSocketStream[T](
hostname: String,
port: Int,
storageLevel: StorageLevel): JavaReceiverInputDStream[T] = {
implicit val cmt: ClassTag[T] =
ssc.rawSocketStream(hostname, port, storageLevel))
* Create an input stream from network source hostname:port, where data is received
* as serialized blocks (serialized using the Spark's serializer) that can be directly
* pushed into the block manager without deserializing them. This is the most efficient
* way to receive data.
* @param hostname Hostname to connect to for receiving data
* @param port Port to connect to for receiving data
* @tparam T Type of the objects in the received blocks
def rawSocketStream[T](hostname: String, port: Int): JavaReceiverInputDStream[T] = {
implicit val cmt: ClassTag[T] =
ssc.rawSocketStream(hostname, port))
* Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
* for new files and reads them using the given key-value types and input format.
* Files must be written to the monitored directory by "moving" them from another
* location within the same file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
* @param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
* @param kClass class of key for reading HDFS file
* @param vClass class of value for reading HDFS file
* @param fClass class of input format for reading HDFS file
* @tparam K Key type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam V Value type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam F Input format for reading HDFS file
def fileStream[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
directory: String,
kClass: Class[K],
vClass: Class[V],
fClass: Class[F]): JavaPairInputDStream[K, V] = {
implicit val cmk: ClassTag[K] = ClassTag(kClass)
implicit val cmv: ClassTag[V] = ClassTag(vClass)
implicit val cmf: ClassTag[F] = ClassTag(fClass)
ssc.fileStream[K, V, F](directory)
* Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
* for new files and reads them using the given key-value types and input format.
* Files must be written to the monitored directory by "moving" them from another
* location within the same file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
* @param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
* @param kClass class of key for reading HDFS file
* @param vClass class of value for reading HDFS file
* @param fClass class of input format for reading HDFS file
* @param filter Function to filter paths to process
* @param newFilesOnly Should process only new files and ignore existing files in the directory
* @tparam K Key type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam V Value type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam F Input format for reading HDFS file
def fileStream[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
directory: String,
kClass: Class[K],
vClass: Class[V],
fClass: Class[F],
filter: JFunction[Path, JBoolean],
newFilesOnly: Boolean): JavaPairInputDStream[K, V] = {
implicit val cmk: ClassTag[K] = ClassTag(kClass)
implicit val cmv: ClassTag[V] = ClassTag(vClass)
implicit val cmf: ClassTag[F] = ClassTag(fClass)
def fn: (Path) => Boolean = (x: Path) =>
ssc.fileStream[K, V, F](directory, fn, newFilesOnly)
* Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
* for new files and reads them using the given key-value types and input format.
* Files must be written to the monitored directory by "moving" them from another
* location within the same file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
* @param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
* @param kClass class of key for reading HDFS file
* @param vClass class of value for reading HDFS file
* @param fClass class of input format for reading HDFS file
* @param filter Function to filter paths to process
* @param newFilesOnly Should process only new files and ignore existing files in the directory
* @param conf Hadoop configuration
* @tparam K Key type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam V Value type for reading HDFS file
* @tparam F Input format for reading HDFS file
def fileStream[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
directory: String,
kClass: Class[K],
vClass: Class[V],
fClass: Class[F],
filter: JFunction[Path, JBoolean],
newFilesOnly: Boolean,
conf: Configuration): JavaPairInputDStream[K, V] = {
implicit val cmk: ClassTag[K] = ClassTag(kClass)
implicit val cmv: ClassTag[V] = ClassTag(vClass)
implicit val cmf: ClassTag[F] = ClassTag(fClass)
def fn: (Path) => Boolean = (x: Path) =>
ssc.fileStream[K, V, F](directory, fn, newFilesOnly, conf)
* Create an input stream from a queue of RDDs. In each batch,
* it will process either one or all of the RDDs returned by the queue.
* @param queue Queue of RDDs
* @tparam T Type of objects in the RDD
* @note
* 1. Changes to the queue after the stream is created will not be recognized.
* 2. Arbitrary RDDs can be added to `queueStream`, there is no way to recover data of
* those RDDs, so `queueStream` doesn't support checkpointing.
def queueStream[T](queue: java.util.Queue[JavaRDD[T]]): JavaDStream[T] = {
implicit val cm: ClassTag[T] =
val sQueue = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[RDD[T]]
sQueue ++=
* Create an input stream from a queue of RDDs. In each batch,
* it will process either one or all of the RDDs returned by the queue.
* @param queue Queue of RDDs
* @param oneAtATime Whether only one RDD should be consumed from the queue in every interval
* @tparam T Type of objects in the RDD
* @note
* 1. Changes to the queue after the stream is created will not be recognized.
* 2. Arbitrary RDDs can be added to `queueStream`, there is no way to recover data of
* those RDDs, so `queueStream` doesn't support checkpointing.
def queueStream[T](
queue: java.util.Queue[JavaRDD[T]],
oneAtATime: Boolean
): JavaInputDStream[T] = {
implicit val cm: ClassTag[T] =
val sQueue = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[RDD[T]]
sQueue ++=
ssc.queueStream(sQueue, oneAtATime)
* Create an input stream from a queue of RDDs. In each batch,
* it will process either one or all of the RDDs returned by the queue.
* @note
* 1. Changes to the queue after the stream is created will not be recognized.
* 2. Arbitrary RDDs can be added to `queueStream`, there is no way to recover data of
* those RDDs, so `queueStream` doesn't support checkpointing.
* @param queue Queue of RDDs
* @param oneAtATime Whether only one RDD should be consumed from the queue in every interval
* @param defaultRDD Default RDD is returned by the DStream when the queue is empty
* @tparam T Type of objects in the RDD
def queueStream[T](
queue: java.util.Queue[JavaRDD[T]],
oneAtATime: Boolean,
defaultRDD: JavaRDD[T]): JavaInputDStream[T] = {
implicit val cm: ClassTag[T] =
val sQueue = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue[RDD[T]]
sQueue ++=
ssc.queueStream(sQueue, oneAtATime, defaultRDD.rdd)
* Create an input stream with any arbitrary user implemented receiver.
* Find more details at:
* @param receiver Custom implementation of Receiver
def receiverStream[T](receiver: Receiver[T]): JavaReceiverInputDStream[T] = {
implicit val cm: ClassTag[T] =
* Create a unified DStream from multiple DStreams of the same type and same slide duration.
def union[T](jdstreams: JavaDStream[T]*): JavaDStream[T] = {
require(jdstreams.nonEmpty, "Union called on no streams")
implicit val cm: ClassTag[T] = jdstreams.head.classTag
* Create a unified DStream from multiple DStreams of the same type and same slide duration.
def union[K, V](jdstreams: JavaPairDStream[K, V]*): JavaPairDStream[K, V] = {
require(jdstreams.nonEmpty, "Union called on no streams")
implicit val cm: ClassTag[(K, V)] = jdstreams.head.classTag
implicit val kcm: ClassTag[K] = jdstreams.head.kManifest
implicit val vcm: ClassTag[V] = jdstreams.head.vManifest
new JavaPairDStream[K, V](ssc.union(, vcm)
* Create a new DStream in which each RDD is generated by applying a function on RDDs of
* the DStreams. The order of the JavaRDDs in the transform function parameter will be the
* same as the order of corresponding DStreams in the list.
* @note For adding a JavaPairDStream in the list of JavaDStreams, convert it to a
* JavaDStream using [[]].toJavaDStream().
* In the transform function, convert the JavaRDD corresponding to that JavaDStream to
* a JavaPairRDD using
def transform[T](
dstreams: JList[JavaDStream[_]],
transformFunc: JFunction2[JList[JavaRDD[_]], Time, JavaRDD[T]]
): JavaDStream[T] = {
implicit val cmt: ClassTag[T] =
val scalaTransformFunc = (rdds: Seq[RDD[_]], time: Time) => {
val jrdds =, time).rdd
ssc.transform(, scalaTransformFunc)
* Create a new DStream in which each RDD is generated by applying a function on RDDs of
* the DStreams. The order of the JavaRDDs in the transform function parameter will be the
* same as the order of corresponding DStreams in the list.
* @note For adding a JavaPairDStream in the list of JavaDStreams, convert it to
* a JavaDStream using [[]].toJavaDStream().
* In the transform function, convert the JavaRDD corresponding to that JavaDStream to
* a JavaPairRDD using
def transformToPair[K, V](
dstreams: JList[JavaDStream[_]],
transformFunc: JFunction2[JList[JavaRDD[_]], Time, JavaPairRDD[K, V]]
): JavaPairDStream[K, V] = {
implicit val cmk: ClassTag[K] =
implicit val cmv: ClassTag[V] =
val scalaTransformFunc = (rdds: Seq[RDD[_]], time: Time) => {
val jrdds =, time).rdd
ssc.transform(, scalaTransformFunc)
* Sets the context to periodically checkpoint the DStream operations for master
* fault-tolerance. The graph will be checkpointed every batch interval.
* @param directory HDFS-compatible directory where the checkpoint data will be reliably stored
def checkpoint(directory: String): Unit = {
* Sets each DStreams in this context to remember RDDs it generated in the last given duration.
* DStreams remember RDDs only for a limited duration of duration and releases them for garbage
* collection. This method allows the developer to specify how long to remember the RDDs (
* if the developer wishes to query old data outside the DStream computation).
* @param duration Minimum duration that each DStream should remember its RDDs
def remember(duration: Duration): Unit = {
* Add a [[org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.StreamingListener]] object for
* receiving system events related to streaming.
def addStreamingListener(streamingListener: StreamingListener): Unit = {
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* Return the current state of the context. The context can be in three possible states -
* <ul>
* <li>
* StreamingContextState.INITIALIZED - The context has been created, but not been started yet.
* Input DStreams, transformations and output operations can be created on the context.
* </li>
* <li>
* StreamingContextState.ACTIVE - The context has been started, and been not stopped.
* Input DStreams, transformations and output operations cannot be created on the context.
* </li>
* <li>
* StreamingContextState.STOPPED - The context has been stopped and cannot be used any more.
* </li>
* </ul>
def getState(): StreamingContextState = {
* Start the execution of the streams.
def start(): Unit = {
* Wait for the execution to stop. Any exceptions that occurs during the execution
* will be thrown in this thread.
def awaitTermination(): Unit = {
* Wait for the execution to stop. Any exceptions that occurs during the execution
* will be thrown in this thread.
* @param timeout time to wait in milliseconds
* @return `true` if it's stopped; or throw the reported error during the execution; or `false`
* if the waiting time elapsed before returning from the method.
def awaitTerminationOrTimeout(timeout: Long): Boolean = {
* Stop the execution of the streams. Will stop the associated JavaSparkContext as well.
def stop(): Unit = {
* Stop the execution of the streams.
* @param stopSparkContext Stop the associated SparkContext or not
def stop(stopSparkContext: Boolean): Unit = ssc.stop(stopSparkContext)
* Stop the execution of the streams.
* @param stopSparkContext Stop the associated SparkContext or not
* @param stopGracefully Stop gracefully by waiting for the processing of all
* received data to be completed
def stop(stopSparkContext: Boolean, stopGracefully: Boolean): Unit = {
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext, stopGracefully)
override def close(): Unit = stop()
* JavaStreamingContext object contains a number of utility functions.
object JavaStreamingContext {
* Either recreate a StreamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new StreamingContext.
* If checkpoint data exists in the provided `checkpointPath`, then StreamingContext will be
* recreated from the checkpoint data. If the data does not exist, then the provided factory
* will be used to create a JavaStreamingContext.
* @param checkpointPath Checkpoint directory used in an earlier JavaStreamingContext program
* @param creatingFunc Function to create a new JavaStreamingContext
def getOrCreate(
checkpointPath: String,
creatingFunc: JFunction0[JavaStreamingContext]
): JavaStreamingContext = {
val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointPath, () => {
new JavaStreamingContext(ssc)
* Either recreate a StreamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new StreamingContext.
* If checkpoint data exists in the provided `checkpointPath`, then StreamingContext will be
* recreated from the checkpoint data. If the data does not exist, then the provided factory
* will be used to create a JavaStreamingContext.
* @param checkpointPath Checkpoint directory used in an earlier StreamingContext program
* @param creatingFunc Function to create a new JavaStreamingContext
* @param hadoopConf Hadoop configuration if necessary for reading from any HDFS compatible
* file system
def getOrCreate(
checkpointPath: String,
creatingFunc: JFunction0[JavaStreamingContext],
hadoopConf: Configuration
): JavaStreamingContext = {
val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointPath, () => {
}, hadoopConf)
new JavaStreamingContext(ssc)
* Either recreate a StreamingContext from checkpoint data or create a new StreamingContext.
* If checkpoint data exists in the provided `checkpointPath`, then StreamingContext will be
* recreated from the checkpoint data. If the data does not exist, then the provided factory
* will be used to create a JavaStreamingContext.
* @param checkpointPath Checkpoint directory used in an earlier StreamingContext program
* @param creatingFunc Function to create a new JavaStreamingContext
* @param hadoopConf Hadoop configuration if necessary for reading from any HDFS compatible
* file system
* @param createOnError Whether to create a new JavaStreamingContext if there is an
* error in reading checkpoint data.
def getOrCreate(
checkpointPath: String,
creatingFunc: JFunction0[JavaStreamingContext],
hadoopConf: Configuration,
createOnError: Boolean
): JavaStreamingContext = {
val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointPath, () => {
}, hadoopConf, createOnError)
new JavaStreamingContext(ssc)
* Find the JAR from which a given class was loaded, to make it easy for users to pass
* their JARs to StreamingContext.
def jarOfClass(cls: Class[_]): Array[String] = SparkContext.jarOfClass(cls).toArray
spark JavaMapWithStateDStream 源码
spark JavaPairReceiverInputDStream 源码
spark JavaReceiverInputDStream 源码
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10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦