harmony 鸿蒙Video Playback (Video)

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (669)

Video Playback (Video)

The <Video> component is used to play a video and control its playback. It is usually used in video players and video list pages within applications. A video automatically plays once fully loaded. When the user clicks the video area, the video is paused and the playback progress bar is displayed. The user can drag the progress bar to the desired position. For details, see Video.

Creating a <Video> Component

You can create a <Video> component by calling the following API:

Video(value: {src?: string|Resource, currentProgressRate?: number|string|PlaybackSpeed, previewUri?: string|PixelMap|Resource, controller?: VideoController})

In this API, src indicates the path of the video source, currentProgressRate indicates the video playback speed, previewUri indicates the path of the preview image, and controller indicates the video controller . For details about how to load a video, see Loading Video.

Loading Video

The <Video> component supports both local and online videos.

Loading a Local Video

  • Common local video

To load a local video, specify the corresponding video file in the local rawfile directory, as shown in the following figure.


Use $rawfile() to reference the video resource.

  export struct VideoPlayer{
     private controller:VideoController|undefined;
     private previewUris: Resource = $r ('app.media.preview');
     private innerResource: Resource = $rawfile('videoTest.mp4');
       Column() {
           src: this.innerResource,
           previewUri: this.previewUris,
           controller: this.controller
  • Video provided by a DataAbility, whose path contains the dataability:// prefix
    Ensure that the corresponding video resource exists.
  export struct VideoPlayer{
     private controller:VideoController|undefined;
     private previewUris: Resource = $r ('app.media.preview');
     private videosrc: string= 'dataability://device_id/com.domainname.dataability.videodata/video/10'
       Column() {
           src: this.videosrc,
           previewUri: this.previewUris,
           controller: this.controller

Loading a Video in the Application Sandbox

To load a video in the application sandbox, use a string with the file:///data/storage prefix. Ensure that there are files in the specified path and the application has the read permission to the files.

export struct VideoPlayer {
  private controller: VideoController|undefined;
  private videosrc: string = 'file:///data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/show.mp4'

  build() {
    Column() {
        src: this.videosrc,
        controller: this.controller

Loading an Online Video

To load online videos, you must apply for the ohos.permission.INTERNET permission. For details about how to apply for the permission, see Declaring Permissions. In this scenario, the src attribute indicates the URL of the online video.

export struct VideoPlayer{
   private controller:VideoController|undefined;
   private previewUris: Resource = $r ('app.media.preview');
   private videosrc: string= 'https://www.example.com/example.mp4' // Replace the URL with that of the actual video to load.
     Column() {
         src: this.videosrc,
         previewUri: this.previewUris,
         controller: this.controller

Adding Attributes

Use the attributes of the <Video> component to control video playback. For example, you can set whether to mute the video and whether to display the video playback control bar.

export struct VideoPlayer {
  private controller: VideoController|undefined;

  build() {
    Column() {
        controller: this.controller
        .muted(false) // Set whether to mute the video.
        .controls(false) // Set whether to display the video playback control bar.
        .autoPlay(false) // Set whether to enable auto play.
        .loop(false) // Set whether to repeat the video.
        .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) // Set the video scale type.

Adding Events

The <Video> component supports various callback events in addition to the universal events. For details, see Events.

struct VideoPlayer{
  private controller:VideoController|undefined;
  private previewUris: Resource = $r ('app.media.preview');
  private innerResource: Resource = $rawfile('videoTest.mp4');
    Column() {
        src: this.innerResource,
        previewUri: this.previewUris,
        controller: this.controller
        .onUpdate((event) => {   // Triggered when the playback progress changes.
          console.info("Video update.");
        .onPrepared((event) => {  // Triggered when video preparation is complete.
          console.info("Video prepared.");
        .onError(() => {          // Triggered when the video playback fails.
          console.info("Video error.");

Using the Video Controller

The video controller is used to control video playback. For details, see VideoController.

  • Default controller

The default controller supports four basic features: start playback, pause playback, set the video playback position, and play the video in full screen.

  struct VideoGuide {
    @State videoSrc: Resource = $rawfile('videoTest.mp4')
    @State previewUri: string = 'common/videoIcon.png'
    @State curRate: PlaybackSpeed = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_1_00_X
      build() {
      Row() {
        Column() {
            src: this.videoSrc,
            previewUri: this.previewUri,
            currentProgressRate: this.curRate
  • Custom controller

To use a custom controller, disable the default controller, and then use components such as <Button> and <Slider> to customize the control and display. This type of controller is applicable to scenarios where customization requirements are involved.

  struct VideoGuide1 {
    @State videoSrc: Resource = $rawfile('videoTest.mp4')
    @State previewUri: string = 'common/videoIcon.png'
    @State curRate: PlaybackSpeed = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_1_00_X
    @State isAutoPlay: boolean = false
    @State showControls: boolean = true
    @State sliderStartTime: string = '';
    @State currentTime: number = 0;
    @State durationTime: number = 0;
    @State durationStringTime: string ='';
    controller: VideoController = new VideoController()

    build() {
      Row() {
        Column() {
            src: this.videoSrc,
            previewUri: this.previewUri,
            currentProgressRate: this.curRate,
            controller: this.controller
              this.durationTime = event.duration
              this.currentTime =event.time
          Row() {
            Text(JSON.stringify(this.currentTime) + 's')
              value: this.currentTime,
              min: 0,
              max: this.durationTime
            .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => {
            Text(JSON.stringify(this.durationTime) + 's')


The <Video> component has encapsulated the basic capabilities of video playback. You do not need to create video instances or set and obtain video information. Simply set the data source and basic information to play videos. To customize video playback, see Video Playback.


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