harmony 鸿蒙Mini System STM32F407 SoC Porting Case

  • 2023-02-03
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Mini System STM32F407 SoC Porting Case

This document describes how to port the OpenHarmony LiteOS-M mini system on the Talkweb Niobe407 development board based on the STM32F407IGT6 chip, to provide development board solutions for transportation and industrial fields. The porting architecture uses the Board and SoC separation solution and the Newlib C library of the arm gcc toolchain to implement adaptation of subsystems and components such as lwip, littlefs, and hdf. The matching application sample code is developed to support graphical configuration of compilation options through KConfig.

Preparing for Adaptation

  • Download the graphic tool stm32cubemx.

  • Prepare the Ubuntu 20.04 system environment and install the arm-none-eabi-gcc cross compilation toolchain.

    Generating an Available Project

Generate the Makefile project of the STM32F407IGT6 chip by using the STM32CubeMX tool. You are advised to complete configurations as follows:

  • Retain the default system settings.
  • Set SYSCLK to 168 MHz in the clock configuration, to maximize the chip performance.
  • Configure USART1 as the debugging serial port, to generate debugging information during adaptation.
  • Set Toolchain/IDE to Makefile in STM32CubeMX configurations.

The generated project directory is as follows:

├── Core
│   ├── Inc
│   │    ├── main.h
│   │    ├── stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h
│   │    └── stm32f4xx_it.h
│   └── Src
│        ├── main.c                --- Main function
│        ├── stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c   --- Weak function configuration file in the HAL library
│        ├── stm32f4xx_it.c        --- Interrupt callback function file
│        └── system_stm32f4xx.c    --- System
├── Drivers
│   ├── CMSIS                      --- CMSIS API
│   └── STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver       --- HAL library driver
├── Makefile                       --- Makefile compilation
├── STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld         --- Link file
├── startup_stm32f407xx.s          --- Startup file
└── stm32f407_output.ioc           --- STM32CubeMX project file

Verifying the Generated Project

Copy the generated project to Ubuntu, go to the project directory, and run the make command to compile the project. Ensure that the compilation is successful.

arm-none-eabi-gcc build/main.o build/stm32f4xx_it.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_rcc_ex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_flash.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_dma_ex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_dma.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_pwr.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_pwr_ex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.o build/stm32f4xx_hal.o build/stm32f4xx_hal_exti.o build/system_stm32f4xx.o build/startup_stm32f407xx.o -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -specs=nano.specs -TSTM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld  -lc -lm -lnosys  -Wl,-Map=build/stm32f407_output.map,--cref -Wl,--gc-sections -o build/stm32f407_output.elf
arm-none-eabi-size build/stm32f407_output.elf
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   5000      20    1636    6656    1a00 build/stm32f407_output.elf
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex build/stm32f407_output.elf build/stm32f407_output.hex
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary -S build/stm32f407_output.elf build/stm32f407_output.bin

After the compilation is complete, a .bin file is generated. To ensure that the program can run successfully on the development board, you need to initialize the serial port in the main function and output a string through the serial port. If the following information is generated during running, the development board is started successfully:

printf("hello world!!\r\n");

To generate logs using the printf function to the serial port, override the _write function. The sample code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int _write(int fd, char *ptr, int len)
      return HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)ptr, len, 0xFFFF); 

Recompile the code and burn it to the development board for verification.

Compilation and Building

Directory Planning

The chip adaptation directory is planned as follows:

├── board                                --- Board vendor directory
│   └── talkweb                          --- Board vendor: Talkweb
│       └── niobe407                     --- Board name, which is the same as the product name
└── soc									 --- SoC vendor directory
    └── st                               --- SoC vendor
        └── stm32f4xx					 --- SoC series: STM32F4xx, including SoC code

The planned product demo directory is as follows:

└── talkweb							     --- Vendor of the product sample
    └── niobe407         			     --- Product name: niobe407

Obtain the OpenHarmony source code and create directories as planned.

Precompilation Adaptation

This part describes adaptation using the hb set command to set environment variables such as the root directory, board directory, product directory, and board vendor, for subsequent adaptation compilation.

To be specific:

  1. Add the config.json file to the vendor/talkweb/niobe407 directory to describe the board and kernel information used by the product sample. The sample code is as follows:
  "product_name": "niobe407",           --- Product name displayed when using the **hb set** command.
  "type": "mini",                       --- System type, which can be mini, small, or standard.
  "version": "3.0",                     --- Version of the system, which can be 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0.
  "device_company": "talkweb",          --- Board vendor name, which is used to find the **/device/board/talkweb** directory during compilation.
  "board": "niobe407",                  --- Board name, which is used to find the **/device/board/talkweb/niobe407** directory during compilation.
  "kernel_type": "liteos_m",            --- Kernel type. The OpenHarmony supports multiple kernels, and one board may adapt multiple kernels. Therefore, you need to specify a kernel for compilation.
  "kernel_version": "3.0.0",            --- Kernel version. One board may adapt multiple Linux kernel versions. Therefore, you need to specify a kernel version for compilation.
  "subsystems": [ ]                     --- Subsystem to be built.
  1. Create the board directory under //device/board/talkweb/niobe407 and add the config.gni file to the created directory to describe the compilation configuration information of the product.
# Kernel type, e.g. "linux", "liteos_a", "liteos_m".
kernel_type = "liteos_m"                --- Kernel type, which corresponds to **kernel_type** in **config.json**.

# Kernel version.
kernel_version = "3.0.0"                --- Kernel version, which corresponds to **kernel_version** in **config.json**.
  1. Check whether the hb set configuration is correct. If the following information is displayed after you enter hb set, the configuration is correct.

hb set

  1. Run the hb env command to view the selected precompilation environment variables.

hb env

  1. Introduction to hb

hb is a Python script tool provided by OpenHarmony to facilitate code building and compilation. The source code of hb is stored in the //build/lite repository directory. When the hb set command is executed, the script traverses config.json in the //vendor/<product_company>/<product_name> directory and provides product compilation options. In the config.json file, product_name indicates the product name, and device_company and board are used to associate the //device/board/<device_company>/<board> directory and match the <any_dir_name>/config.gni file in the directory. The <any_dir_name> directory name can be any name, however, you are advised to name it as the adapted kernel name (for example, liteos_m, liteos_a, or linux). If multiple config.gni files are matched, the hb command matches the kernel_type and kernel_version fields with the fields in the config.json file in vendor/<device_company> to determine the config.gni file to be compiled.

So far, the precompilation adaptation is complete. However, the project cannot be compiled by running hb build. You need to prepare for the subsequent LiteOS-M kernel porting.

Kernel Porting

Kernel porting requires LiteOS-M Kconfig adaptation, gn compilation and building, and minimum kernel startup adaptation.

Kconfig File Adaptation

  1. Create the kernel_configs directory in //vendor/talkweb/niobe407 and create an empty file named debug.config.

  2. Open the //kernel/liteos_m/Kconfig file. Multiple Kconfig files in //device/board and //device/soc have been imported using the orsource command. You need to create and modify these files later.

orsource "../../device/board/*/Kconfig.liteos_m.shields"
orsource "../../device/board/$(BOARD_COMPANY)/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.boards"
orsource "../../device/board/$(BOARD_COMPANY)/Kconfig.liteos_m.boards"
orsource "../../device/soc/*/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig"
orsource "../../device/soc/*/Kconfig.liteos_m.series"
orsource "../../device/soc/*/Kconfig.liteos_m.soc"
  1. Create the Kconfig files in //device/board/talkweb by referring to the following directory structure:
├── Kconfig.liteos_m.boards
├── Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.boards
├── Kconfig.liteos_m.shields
└── niobe407
    ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.board                --- Board configuration items
    ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.board      --- Default board configuration items
    └── liteos_m
        └── config.gni
  1. Modify the Kconfig files.

    • Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/Kconfig.liteos_m.boards file:
     if SOC_STM32F407
            orsource "niobe407/Kconfig.liteos_m.board"    --- Load the definition of the specified board directory based on SoC definitions.
    • Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.boards file:
     orsource "*/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.board"
    • Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.boards file:
     orsource "shields/Kconfig.liteos_m.shields"
    • Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/Kconfig.liteos_m.board file:
     menuconfig BOARD_NIOBE407
         bool "select board niobe407"
         depends on SOC_STM32F407	 --- niobe407 uses the SoC of STM32F407. Only when the SoC is selected, the configuration items of niobe407 are available and can be selected.
    • Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.board file:
     if BOARD_NIOBE407
         							 --- Used to add the default configuration of BOARD_NIOBE407.
     endif #BOARD_NIOBE407
  2. Create Kconfig files in the //device/soc/st directory by referring to the following directory structure, and copy the Drivers directory in the project generated by STM32CubeMX to the stm32f4xx/sdk directory.

   ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig
   ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.series
   ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.soc
   └── stm32f4xx
       ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.series
       ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.stm32f4xx
       ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.series
       ├── Kconfig.liteos_m.soc
       └── sdk
           └── Drivers
               ├── CMSIS
               └── STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver
  1. Modify the Kconfig files.

    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig file:
     rsource "*/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.series"
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/Kconfig.liteos_m.series file:
     rsource "*/Kconfig.liteos_m.series"
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/Kconfig.liteos_m.soc file:
     config SOC_COMPANY
         default "st"
     rsource "*/Kconfig.liteos_m.soc"
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/stm32f4xx/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.series file:
     if SOC_SERIES_STM32F4xx
     rsource "Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.stm32f4xx"
     config SOC_SERIES
         default "stm32f4xx"
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/stm32f4xx/Kconfig.liteos_m.defconfig.stm32f4xx file:
     config SOC
         default "stm32f4xx"
         depends on SOC_STM32F4xx
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/stm32f4xx/Kconfig.liteos_m.series file:
     config SOC_SERIES_STM32F4xx
         bool "STMicroelectronics STM32F4xx series"
         select ARCH_ARM
         select CPU_CORTEX_M4
             Enable support for STMicroelectronics STM32F4xx series
    • Add the following information to the //device/soc/st/stm32f4xx/Kconfig.liteos_m.soc file:
         prompt "STMicroelectronics STM32F4xx series SoC"
         depends on SOC_SERIES_STM32F4xx
     config SOC_STM32F407
         bool "SoC STM32F407"
  2. Run the make menuconfig command in the kernel/liteos_m directory to select SoC Series.

    board make menuconfig

The result is automatically saved in $(PRODUCT_PATH)/kernel_configs/debug.config. The saved result will be exported when you run the make menuconfig command next time.

BUILD.gn File Adaptation

To quickly get familiar with gn compilation and adaptation, you are advised to read LiteOS-M Kernel BUILD.gn Compilation Guide.

(Note that no tab is allowed in the BUILD.gn file. All tabs are replaced with spaces.)

  1. In kernel/liteos_m/BUILD.gn, see that the compilation entries of Board and SoC are specified through deps.
   deps += [ "//device/board/$device_company" ]            --- Corresponds to **//device/board/talkweb**.
   deps += [ "//device/soc/$LOSCFG_SOC_COMPANY" ]          --- Corresponds to **//device/soc/st**.
  1. Add the following information to the //device/board/talkweb/BUILD.gn file:
   if (ohos_kernel_type == "liteos_m") {
       module_name = get_path_info(rebase_path("."), "name")
       module_group(module_name) {
          modules = [ "niobe407" ]
  1. Create a BUILD.gn file in the niobe407 directory. To facilitate management, use the directory name as the module name.
   module_name = get_path_info(rebase_path("."), "name")
   module_group(module_name) {
       modules = [ 
  1. Copy the files in the Core directory of the sample project generated by STM32CubeMX, startup_stm32f407xx.s, and STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld link file to the //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/ directory, create BUILD.gn in the directory, and add the following content:
   module_name = get_path_info(rebase_path("."), "name")
   kernel_module(module_name) {
       sources = [
       include_dirs = [ 
   config("public") {
       ldflags = [
           "-Wl,-T" + rebase_path("STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld"),
       libs = [
  1. Configure (Top) → Compat → Choose libc implementation in make menuconfig and select newlibc.

  2. The _write function has the same name as the kernel file operation function. As a result, the compilation fails. Use another method to adapt the printf function. In this example, the _write function is deleted from the main.c file, and the printf function is used to perform the serial port printing test as follows:

   uint8_t test[]={"hello niobe407!!\r\n"};
   int len = strlen(test);
   HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)test, len, 0xFFFF);
  1. The same is true for //device/soc/st/BUILD.gn. The file is included layer by layer based on the directory structure. The file to be compiled and compilation parameters are specified in //device/soc/st/stm32f4xx/sdk/BUILD.gn using the kernel_module template. The following is an example:
   module_name = "stm32f4xx_sdk"
   kernel_module(module_name) {
     asmflags = board_asmflags
     sources = [
   #Specify the global header file search path.
   config("public") {
       include_dirs = [

config.gni File Adaptation

In the precompilation phase, the config.gni file is created in the //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m directory. The config.gni file is the header file of the GN script and can be regarded as the global configuration file for project building. The file contains important information such as the CPU model, cross compilation toolchain, global compilation, and link parameters.

# Kernel type, e.g. "linux", "liteos_a", "liteos_m".
kernel_type = "liteos_m"

# Kernel version.
kernel_version = "3.0.0"

# Board CPU type, e.g. "cortex-a7", "riscv32".
board_cpu = "cortex-m4"

# Board arch, e.g.  "armv7-a", "rv32imac".
board_arch = ""

# Toolchain name used for system compiling.
# E.g. gcc-arm-none-eabi, arm-linux-harmonyeabi-gcc, ohos-clang,  riscv32-unknown-elf.
# Note: The default toolchain is "ohos-clang". It's not mandatory if you use the default toolchain.
board_toolchain = "arm-none-eabi-gcc"

use_board_toolchain = true

# The toolchain path installed, it's not mandatory if you have added toolchain path to your ~/.bashrc.
board_toolchain_path = ""

# Compiler prefix.
board_toolchain_prefix = "arm-none-eabi-"

# Compiler type, "gcc" or "clang".
board_toolchain_type = "gcc"

#Debug compiler optimization level options
board_opt_flags = [

# Board related common compile flags.
board_cflags = [
board_cflags += board_opt_flags

board_asmflags = [
board_asmflags += board_opt_flags

board_cxx_flags = board_cflags

board_ld_flags = board_opt_flags

# Board related headfiles search path.
board_include_dirs = [ "//utils/native/lite/include" ]

# Board adapter dir for OHOS components.
board_adapter_dir = ""

The settings of parameters such as board_opt_flags, board_cflags, and board_asmflags are defined as follows. You can extract the parameters from the Makefile file in the project generated by STM32CubeMX by referring to the following:

**board_opt_flags**: compiler-related options, such as the chip architecture, floating-point type, and compilation debugging optimization level.
**board_asmflags**: assembly compilation options, corresponding to the **ASFLAGS** variable in **Makefile**.
**board_cflags**: C code compilation options, corresponding to the **CFLAGS** variable in **Makefile**.
**board_cxx_flags**: C++ code compilation options, corresponding to the **CXXFLAGS** variable in **Makefile**.
**board_ld_flags**: link options, corresponding to the **LDFLAGS** variable in **Makefile**.

Kernel Subsystem Adaptation

Add the kernel subsystem and related configurations to the //vendor/talkweb/niobe407/config.json file as follows:

    "product_name": "niobe407",
    "type": "mini",
    "version": "3.0",
    "device_company": "talkweb",
    "board": "niobe407",
    "kernel_type": "liteos_m",
    "kernel_version": "3.0.0",
    "subsystems": [ 
            "subsystem": "kernel",
            "components": [
                    "component": "liteos_m"
    "product_adapter_dir": "",
    "third_party_dir": "//third_party"

config.gni File Adaptation

The //kernel/liteos_m/kernel/include/los_config.h file contains a header file named target_config.h. If this header file does not exist, a compilation error occurs.

This header file is used to define macros related to the SoC. You can create an empty header file and determine the macros to be defined based on the compilation error message. It has been verified that the kernel can be compiled successfully after the LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_RESPONSE_MAX macro is defined and the stm32f4xx.h header file is included for Cortex-M4 core adaptation.

If you do not know how to configure, see the //device/qemu/arm_mps2_an386/liteos_m/board/target_config.h configuration in the VM QEMU example.


#include "stm32f4xx.h"			// Contains a large number of macro definitions of the STM32f4.


The macro definition LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_RESPONSE_MAX is the configuration in the //device/qemu/arm_mps2_an386/liteos_m/board/target_config.h file, and //device/qemu/arm_mps2_an386 is the VM project of cortex-m4. These can be used as references.

Kernel Startup Adaptation

The kernel subsystem is compiled successfully, and the OHOS_Image.bin file is generated in the out directory. Burn the generated OHOS_Image.bin file to the development board to check whether the board can start and run properly. If the correct information output by the serial port in the main function can be printed, start kernel startup adaptation.

  1. Allocate memory for liteos_m and adapt the memory allocation function.

In the //kernel/liteos_m/kernel/src/mm/los_memory.c file, the OsMemSystemInit function initializes the memory through LOS_MemInit. Several key macros need to be specified. Add them to target_config.h.

   extern unsigned int __los_heap_addr_start__;
   extern unsigned int __los_heap_addr_end__;
   #define LOSCFG_SYS_HEAP_ADDR ((void *)&__los_heap_addr_start__)
   #define LOSCFG_SYS_HEAP_SIZE (((unsigned long)&__los_heap_addr_end__) - ((unsigned long)&__los_heap_addr_start__))

The __los_heap_addr_start__ and __los_heap_addr_end__ variables are defined in the STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld link file. Change the content in the braces of _user_heap_stack to the following:

   ._user_heap_stack :
       . = ALIGN(0x40);
       __los_heap_addr_start__ = .;
       __los_heap_addr_end__ = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM);
   } >RAM

In addition, adapt the memory allocation function. The memory allocation functions such as _malloc_r have been implemented in the kernel, so you need to replace the memory allocation function in the standard library with that in the kernel. Modify the board_ld_flags variable in //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/config.gni as follows:

   board_ld_flags = [
   board_ld_flags += board_opt_flags
  1. printf Function Adaptation

To facilitate subsequent debugging, the printf function needs to be adapted first. Only simple adaptation is performed here. For details, see the source code of other development boards.

Create the dprintf.c file in the same directory as main.c. The file content is as follows:

   #include <stdarg.h>
   #include "los_interrupt.h"
   #include <stdio.h>
   extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart1;
   INT32 UartPutc(INT32 ch, VOID *file)
       char RL = '\r';
       if (ch =='\n') {
           HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, &RL, 1, 0xFFFF);
       return HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 0xFFFF);
   static void dputs(char const *s, int (*pFputc)(int n, FILE *cookie), void *cookie)
       unsigned int intSave;
       intSave = LOS_IntLock();
       while (*s) {
           pFputc(*s++, cookie);
   int printf(char const  *fmt, ...)
       char buf[1024] = { 0 };
       va_list ap;
       va_start(ap, fmt);
       int len = vsnprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), 1024 - 1, fmt, ap);
       if (len > 0) {
           dputs(buf, UartPutc, 0);
       } else {
           dputs("printf error!\n", UartPutc, 0);
       return len;

Add the dprintf.c file to the BUILD.gn script for compilation.

   kernel_module(module_name) {
       sources = [
       sources += [

After the serial port is initialized, use the printf function to generate information and test whether the adaptation is successful.

  1. Call LOS_KernelInit to initialize the kernel and enter task scheduling.

After the serial port is initialized in the main function, call LOS_KernelInit for kernel initialization, create a task instance, and start task scheduling.

   #include "los_task.h"
   UINT32 ret;
   ret = LOS_KernelInit();  // Initialize the kernel.
   if (ret == LOS_OK) {
       TaskSample();  // Sample task function, in which a thread task is created.
       LOS_Start();   // Start task scheduling. Program execution is blocked here, and the kernel takes over the scheduling.

The content of the TaskSample() function is as follows:

   VOID TaskSampleEntry2(VOID)
       while (1) {
           printf("TaskSampleEntry2 running...\n");
           (VOID)LOS_TaskDelay(2000); /* 2000 millisecond */
   VOID TaskSampleEntry1(VOID)
       while (1) {
           printf("TaskSampleEntry1 running...\n");
           (VOID)LOS_TaskDelay(2000); /* 2000 millisecond */
   VOID TaskSample(VOID)
       UINT32 uwRet;
       UINT32 taskID1;
       UINT32 taskID2;
       TSK_INIT_PARAM_S stTask = {0};
       stTask.pfnTaskEntry = (TSK_ENTRY_FUNC)TaskSampleEntry1;
       stTask.uwStackSize = 0x1000;
       stTask.pcName = "TaskSampleEntry1";
       stTask.usTaskPrio = 6; /* Os task priority is 6 */
       uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate(&taskID1, &stTask);
       if (uwRet != LOS_OK) {
           printf("Task1 create failed\n");
       stTask.pfnTaskEntry = (TSK_ENTRY_FUNC)TaskSampleEntry2;
       stTask.uwStackSize = 0x1000;
       stTask.pcName = "TaskSampleEntry2";
       stTask.usTaskPrio = 7; /* Os task priority is 7 */
       uwRet = LOS_TaskCreate(&taskID2, &stTask);
       if (uwRet != LOS_OK) {
           printf("Task2 create failed\n");

After the kernel startup is adapted, you can view the following information generated by serial port debugging:


In the future, detailed adaptation verification needs to be performed on the entire basic kernel.

Basic Kernel Function Adaptation

The adaptation items of basic kernel functions include interrupt management, task management, memory management, kernel communication mechanism, time management, and software timer. You can verify basic kernel functions by referring to the programming samples in the links. If any problem is found during the verification, perform specific adaptation.

According to the information generation interval in the previous section, the delay time of the LOS_TaskDelay function is inaccurate. You can define the following macros in target_config.h to adapt the kernel clock:

  #define OS_SYS_CLOCK                                        168000000
  #define LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND                    (1000UL)

Most adaptation methods of other basic kernel functions are based on the macro definition in target_config.h. You need to explore the adaptation methods based on the source code in //kernel/liteos_m.

Porting and Adaptation of LittleFS

The Niobe407 development board is connected to an external 16 MB SPI flash. The Niobe407 performs LittleFS adaptation based on the SPI flash.

The kernel has adapted LittleFS. You only need to enable the configuration in Kconfig files and adapt the following LittleFS APIs:

  int32_t LittlefsRead(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block,
                          lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size)
      W25x_BufferRead(buffer, cfg->context + cfg->block_size * block + off, size);
      return LFS_ERR_OK;
  int32_t LittlefsProg(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block,
                          lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size)
      W25x_BufferWrite((uint8_t *)buffer,cfg->context + cfg->block_size * block + off,size);
      return LFS_ERR_OK;
  int32_t LittlefsErase(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block)
     W25x_SectorErase(cfg->context + cfg->block_size * block);
     return LFS_ERR_OK;
  int32_t LittlefsSync(const struct lfs_config *cfg)
      return LFS_ERR_OK;

Functions such as W25x_BufferRead are APIs for SPI flash reading and writing. The implementation varies according to the SPI flash model. For details about the implementation of the SPI flash operation of Niobe407, please refer to //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/drivers/spi_flash/src/w25qxx.c.

The SPI uses the HDF, and LittleFS depends on the SPI driver. To facilitate the configuration of the file system, you can add the LittleFS configuration to the .hcs file. For details, please refer to the //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/hdf_config/hdf_littlefs.hcs file.

misc {
        littlefs_config {
            match_attr = "littlefs_config";
            mount_points = ["/talkweb"];
            partitions = [0x800000];
            block_size = [4096];
            block_count = [256];

Board-Level Driver Porting

Driver adaptation files are stored in //drivers/adapter/platform, including gpio, i2c, pwm, spi, uart, and watchdog drivers. These files are loaded using the HDF mechanism. This section uses pwm as an example.

PWM Driver Adaptation

In the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF), the PWM module uses the independent service mode for API adaptation. In this mode, each device independently publishes a service to process external access requests. When receiving an access request, the HDF DeviceManager extracts parameters from the request to call the internal APIs of the target device. In the independent service mode, the HDF DeviceManager provides service management capabilities. However, you need to configure a node for each device.

  • API Description
  1. pwm open initialization function: DevHandle PwmOpen(uint32_t num);
          **num**: PWM device ID.
          **return**: PWM device handle if the operation is successful; **NULL** otherwise.
  2. pwm close deinitialization function: void PwmClose(DevHandle handle);
          **handle**: PWM device handle.
          **return**: none
  3. PWM device parameter set function: int32_t PwmSetConfig(DevHandle handle, struct PwmConfig *config);
          **handle**: PWM device handle.
          ***config**: parameter pointer.
          **return**: **0** if the setting is successful; negative number otherwise.
  • PWM HDF HCS Configuration File Parsing

The device_info.hcs file is stored in //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/hdf_config/device_info.hcs. The following example shows how to use the TIM2, TIM3, and TIM7 timers to output PWM signals:

device_pwm1 :: device {
    pwm1 :: deviceNode {
        policy = 2;
        priority = 100;
        moduleName = "ST_HDF_PLATFORM_PWM";
        serviceName = "HDF_PLATFORM_PWM_1";
        deviceMatchAttr = "config_pwm1";
device_pwm2 :: device {
    pwm2 :: deviceNode {
        policy = 2;
        priority = 100;
        moduleName = "ST_HDF_PLATFORM_PWM";
        serviceName = "HDF_PLATFORM_PWM_2";
        deviceMatchAttr = "config_pwm2";
device_pwm7 :: device {
    pwm7 :: deviceNode {
        policy = 2;
        priority = 100;
        moduleName = "ST_HDF_PLATFORM_PWM";
        serviceName = "HDF_PLATFORM_PWM_7";
        deviceMatchAttr = "config_pwm7";

The hdf.hcs file is stored in //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/hdf_config/hdf.hcs. You can configure the following information about the TIM timer in this file:

--- Note: The frequency of tim2-tim7 and tim12-tim14 is 84 MHz, and that of TIM1 and TIM8 to TIM11 is 168 MHz. tim6 and tim7 cannot output PWM signals.
--- tim1 to tim5 and tim8 have four channels, tim9 and tim12 have two channels, and tim10, tim11, tim13, and tim14 have only one channel.

pwm_config {
    pwm1_config {
        match_attr = "config_pwm1";
        pwmTim = 1; 		--- timer ID. It means tim2. (0: tim1, 1: tim2, ... tim6 and tim7 are unavailable.)
        pwmCh = 3; 			--- Number of channels. (0: ch1, 1: ch2, 2: ch3, 3: ch4)
        prescaler = 4199; 	--- prescaler. For example, if the tim2 frequency is 84 MHz, 20 kHz (84 MHz/(4199 + 1)) is used as the reference.
    pwm2_config {
        match_attr = "config_pwm2";
        pwmTim = 2;
        pwmCh = 0;
        prescaler = 8399;
    pwm3_config {
        match_attr = "config_pwm7";
        pwmTim = 7;
        pwmCh = 0;
        prescaler = 8399;

For details about the hdf pwm adaptation code, see //drivers/adapter/platform/pwm/pwm_stm32f4xx.c.

For details about the hdf pwm usage example, see //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/applications/206_hdf_pwm.

Subsystem Adaptation

The OpenHarmony subsystem adaptation consists of two parts:

  • Add the related subsystem and component to config.json, so that they can be included in compilation by the compilation system.
  • Perform hardware adaptation or optional software function adaptation for the HAL layer API of the component.

lwIP Adaptation

The LiteOS-M kernel can use the Kconfig configuration to enable the lwIP to participate in compilation and specify the lwip compilation adaptation directory in the kernel component. The sample code is as follows:

	"subsystem": "kernel",
	"components": [
            "component": "liteos_m",
            "features": [
                "ohos_kernel_liteos_m_lwip_path = \"//device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/lwip_adapter\"" --- Specify the adaptation path.

In the specified compilation adaptation directory, intrude and modify the header file configuration of the lwIP third-party library in #include_next "lwip/lwipopts.h" mode. The detailed adaptation procedure for wired Ethernet lwIP adaptation will be supplemented later.

Startup Subsystem Adaptation

For the startup subsystem, adapt the bootstrap_lite and syspara_lite components. Add the corresponding configuration items to the //vendor/talkweb/niobe407/config.json file, as shown below:

      "subsystem": "startup",
      "components": [
          "component": "bootstrap_lite",
          "features": []
          "component": "syspara_lite",
          "features": []

When adapting the bootstrap_lite component, manually add the following information to the link file //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld:

__zinitcall_bsp_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp4.init))
__zinitcall_bsp_end = .;
__zinitcall_device_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device4.init))
__zinitcall_device_end = .;
__zinitcall_core_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core4.init))
__zinitcall_core_end = .;
__zinitcall_sys_service_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service4.init))
__zinitcall_sys_service_end = .;
__zinitcall_sys_feature_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature4.init))
__zinitcall_sys_feature_end = .;
__zinitcall_run_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run4.init))
__zinitcall_run_end = .;
__zinitcall_app_service_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.service0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.service1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.service2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.service3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.service4.init))
__zinitcall_app_service_end = .;
__zinitcall_app_feature_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.feature0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.feature1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.feature2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.feature3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.app.feature4.init))
__zinitcall_app_feature_end = .;
__zinitcall_test_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test4.init))
__zinitcall_test_end = .;
__zinitcall_exit_start = .;
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit0.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit1.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit2.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit3.init))
KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit4.init))
__zinitcall_exit_end = .;

Adding the preceding content is because external APIs provided by bootstrap_init will be saved to the link segment. For details, see //utils/native/lite/include/ohos_init.h. The following table lists the automatic initialization macros of main services.

API Description
SYS_SERVICE_INIT(func) Entry for initializing and starting a core system service.
SYS_FEATURE_INIT(func) Entry for initializing and starting a core system feature.
APP_SERVICE_INIT(func) Entry for initializing and starting an application-layer service.
APP_FEATURE_INIT(func) Entry for initializing and starting an application-layer feature.

The lib file compiled using the loaded components needs to be manually add to the forcible link.

If the bootstrap_lite component is configured in the //vendor/talkweb/niobe407/config.json file:

      "subsystem": "startup",
      "components": [
          "component": "bootstrap_lite"

​ The bootstrap_lite component will compile the //base/startup/bootstrap_lite/services/source/bootstrap_service.c file. In this file, SYS_SERVICE_INIT is used to inject the Init function symbol to __zinitcall_sys_service_start and __zinitcall_sys_service_end. Since the Init function does not support explicit call, you need to forcibly link it to the final image. The sample code is as follows:

static void Init(void)
    static Bootstrap bootstrap;
    bootstrap.GetName = GetName;
    bootstrap.Initialize = Initialize;
    bootstrap.MessageHandle = MessageHandle;
    bootstrap.GetTaskConfig = GetTaskConfig;
    bootstrap.flag = FALSE;
    SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterService((Service *)&bootstrap);
SYS_SERVICE_INIT(Init);   --- Forcible link to the generated lib file is required if **SYS_INIT** is used for startup.

​ The //base/startup/bootstrap_lite/services/source/BUILD.gn file describes how to generate libbootstrap.a in //out/niobe407/niobe407/libs as follows:

static_library("bootstrap") {
  sources = [

When the syspara_lite component is adapted, system parameters will be written into the file for persistent storage. In the mini system, file operation APIs include POSIX and HalFiles.

For access to the file system in the kernel, use the POSIX API, which means you need to add enable_ohos_startup_syspara_lite_use_posix_file_api = true to the features field.

If you are using the HalFiles API, no modification is required.

DFX Subsystem Adaptation

To adapt the DFX subsystem, you need to add the hilog_lite and hievent_lite components to the config.json file.

    "subsystem": "hiviewdfx",
    "components": [
            "component": "hilog_lite",
            "features": []
            "component": "hievent_lite",
            "features": []

After the configuration is complete, you need to register the log output implementation function and add it for compilation.

bool HilogProc_Impl(const HiLogContent *hilogContent, uint32_t len)
    char tempOutStr[LOG_FMT_MAX_LEN];
    tempOutStr[0] = 0,tempOutStr[1] = 0;
    if (LogContentFmt(tempOutStr, sizeof(tempOutStr), hilogContent) > 0) {
    return true;


System Service Management Subsystem Adaptation

To adapt the system service management subsystem, you need to add the samgr_lite component to the config.json file.

      "subsystem": "systemabilitymgr",
      "components": [
          "component": "samgr_lite",
          "features": []

In the mini system, the default size of the shared task stack configured for the samgr_lite is 2048. During adaptation, you can use config_ohos_systemabilitymgr_samgr_lite_shared_task_size in features to reset the size of the shared task stack.

"config_ohos_systemabilitymgr_samgr_lite_shared_task_size = 4096"

Security Subsystem Adaptation

To adapt the security subsystem, you need to add the huks component to the config.json file.

      "subsystem": "security",
      "components": [
          "component": "huks",
          "features": [
            "huks_use_lite_storage = true",
            "huks_use_hardware_root_key = true",
            "huks_config_file = \"hks_config_lite.h\"",
            "huks_key_store_path = \"storage\""

During huks adaptation, the huks_key_store_path configuration item specifies the path for storing the key, and huks_config_file indicates the name of the configuration header file.

Utils Subsystem Adaptation

To adapt the utils subsystem, you need to add the kv_store, file, and os_dump components to the config.json file.

      "subsystem": "utils",
      "components": [
          "component": "file",
          "features": []
          "component": "kv_store",
          "features": [
            "enable_ohos_utils_native_lite_kv_store_use_posix_kv_api = false"
          "component": "os_dump",
          "features": []

Similar to the adaptation of the syspara_lite component, when the kv_store component is adapted, the key-value pair is written to the file. In the mini system, file operation APIs include POSIX and HalFiles. The POSIX API is used for access to the file system in the kernel, which means you need to add enable_ohos_utils_native_lite_kv_store_use_posix_kv_api = true to the features field. If you are using the HalFiles API, no modification is required.

HDF Subsystem Adaptation

Similar to startup subsystem adaptation, you need to manually add the following information to the link file //device/board/talkweb/niobe407/liteos_m/STM32F407IGTx_FLASH.ld:

_hdf_drivers_start = .;
_hdf_drivers_end = .;

After the kernel is initialized, call the DeviceManagerStart function. After the execution is complete, the HDF API can be called to control peripherals.

#include "devmgr_service_start.h" --- Note that this header file must be included.


The devmgr_service_start.h header file is stored in //drivers/framework/core/common/include/manager. To ensure that the header file can be found during compilation, add it to include_dirs.

Adaptation of the XTS Compatibility Test Subsystem

Product Compatibility Specifications

For details about the product compatibility specifications, see Introduction to Product Compatibility.

Adding an XTS Subsystem

For details about the XTS test reference, see XTS Reference. To adapt the XTS subsystem, you need to add the xts_acts and xts_tools components to the config.json file. The configuration is as follows:

      "subsystem": "xts",
      "components": [
          "component": "xts_acts",
          "features": []
          "component": "xts_tools",
          "features": []

You can specify the following attributes in the features array of the xts_acts component:

  • config_ohos_xts_acts_utils_lite_kv_store_data_path: name of the root directory of the mounted file system.
  • enable_ohos_test_xts_acts_use_thirdparty_lwip: If the source code in the thirdparty/lwip directory is used for compilation, set this parameter to true. Otherwise, set this parameter to false.

Compiling the XTS

After the config.json file is configured, hb build does not compile the XTS. The XTS is compiled only when the debug version is compiled. In addition, the suite static library to be tested needs to be forcibly linked.

Add the following content to the BUILD.gn script that contains kernel_module in //device/board/talkweb/liteos_m:

config("public") {
	if (build_xts) {
        lib_dirs = [ "$root_out_dir/libs" ]
        ldflags += [
        "-Wl,--whole-archive",     --- After whole-archive is enabled, functions and variables of the static library can be output to the dynamic library.

        # "-lmodule_ActsUtilsFileTest",
        # "-lmodule_ActsKvStoreTest",


        # "-lmodule_ActsBootstrapTest",
        # "-lmodule_ActsParameterTest",

        #Distributed scheduling
        # "-lmodule_ActsSamgrTest",

        "-Wl,--no-whole-archive",  --- Disable the whole-archive feature.

The memory of the Niobe407 board is limited. Therefore, the XTS test needs to be performed by suite. Run the following compilation command to generate the firmware that contains the XTS test:

hb build -f -b debug --gn-args build_xts=true

In addition, you need to modify the //vendor/talkweb/niobe407/hals/utils/sys_param/hal_sys_param.c file to correctly define these character strings.

static const char OHOS_DEVICE_TYPE[] = {"Evaluation Board"};
static const char OHOS_DISPLAY_VERSION[] = {"OpenHarmony 3.1"};
static const char OHOS_MANUFACTURE[] = {"Talkweb"};
static const char OHOS_BRAND[] = {"Talkweb"};
static const char OHOS_MARKET_NAME[] = {"Niobe"};
static const char OHOS_PRODUCT_SERIES[] = {"Niobe"};
static const char OHOS_PRODUCT_MODEL[] = {"Niobe407"};
static const char OHOS_SOFTWARE_MODEL[] = {"1.0.0"};
static const char OHOS_HARDWARE_MODEL[] = {"2.0.0"};
static const char OHOS_HARDWARE_PROFILE[] = {"RAM:192K,ROM:1M,ETH:true"};
static const char OHOS_BOOTLOADER_VERSION[] = {"twboot-v2022.03"};
static const char OHOS_ABI_LIST[] = {"armm4_hard_fpv4-sp-d16-liteos"};
static const char OHOS_SERIAL[] = {"1234567890"};  // provided by OEM.

Verifying the XTS

After the compilation is complete, burn the firmware to the board. After the XTS is executed, information such as xx Tests xx Failures xx Ignored is displayed. The following uses the Utils test as an example:


32 Tests 0 Failures 0 Ignored 
All the test suites finished!


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