harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (356)

ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 Change of the ScrollState Enum Rules

The table lists the rules for the ScrollState enums in API version 9 and earlier versions:

Name Description
Idle Idle. The list enters this state when an API in the controller is used to scroll the list or when the scrollbar is dragged.
Scroll Scrolling. The list enters this state when the user drags the list to scroll.
Fling Inertial scrolling. The list enters this state when inertial scrolling occurs or when the list bounces back after being released from a fling.

The table lists the rules for the ScrollState enums in API version 10 and later versions:

Name Description
Idle Idle. The list enters this state when it is not scrolling or an API in the controller that does not apply an animation is called.
Scroll Scrolling. The list enters this state when the user drags the list, scrollbar, or mouse wheel to scroll the list.
Fling Inertial scrolling. The list enters this state when: inertial scrolling occurs after a fling; the list bounces back after being released from a fling; inertial scrolling occurs after quick dragging of the built-in scrollbar; scrolling occurs after an API in the controller that applies an animation is called.

The table below lists the changes in the ScrollState enums.

Scenario API Version 9 and Earlier API Version 10 and Later
Finger dragging Scroll Scroll
Inertial scrolling Fling Fling
Cross-boundary bouncing Fling Fling
Scrolling by mouse wheel Idle Scroll
Scrollbar dragging Idle Scroll
Scrolling by the scrolling controller (with animation) Idle Fling
Scrolling by the scrolling controller (without animation) Idle Idle

Change Impact

  1. ScrollState is available since API version 7. The change is introduced in API version 10 and does not affect the use in API version 9 and earlier versions.
  2. Since API version 10, the use of ScrollState is affected in the onScroll event of the <List> component.

Key API/Component Changes

Adaptation Guide

When the <List> component is bound to the onScroll event and reports the scrolling status through the event, it must comply with the new rules since API version 10.

The code snippet is as follows:

// xxx.ets
struct ListExample {
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

  build() {
    Column() {
      List({ space: 20, initialIndex: 0 }) {
        ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
          ListItem() {
            Text('' + item)
        }, item => item)
      .listDirection(Axis.Vertical) // Arrangement direction
      .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring) // Set the edge scrolling effect to Spring.
      .onScroll((scrollOffset: number, scrollState: ScrollState) => {
        console.log(`onScroll scrollState = ${ScrollState[scrollState]}, scrollOffset = ${[scrollOffset]}`)
    .padding({ top: 5 })

cl.arkui.2 Change of Use Case Restrictions of ArkUI Built-in Components

Restricted the use of ArkUI built-in components to the build methods of structs, pageTransition method, or @Builder decorated functions.


struct Index {
  build() {
    Row() {

// ERROR:UI component 'Text' cannot be used in this place.
Text('Hello World')

Change Impact

A build error will occur if a built-in component is not used in a build method of a struct, pageTransition method, or any @Builder decorated function.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Use ArkUI built-in components only in build methods of structs, pageTransition methods, and @Builder decorated functions.

cl.arkui.3 <RowSplit> and <ColumnSplit> Component Layout and Behavior Changes

  1. Changed the default size of the <RowSplit> or <ColumnSplit> component on the cross axis from adapting to the parent component size to adapting to the child component size.

  2. Changed how the child components behave when the<RowSplit> or <ColumnSplit> component’s divider is dragged:

    • Before the change, the child components are translated without being compressed or stretched.

    • After the change, the child components are compressed and stretched.

  3. Changed the clipping area of child components for when the clip attribute is used to clip the child component content that exceeds the component area:

    • For <RowSplit>, the clipping area is changed from the right side to both the left and right sides of the child component area.

    • For <ColumnSplit>, the clipping area is changed from the bottom to both the top and bottom of the child component area.

Change Impact The preceding changes affect the <RowSplit> and <ColumnSplit> components in API version 10 and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes


cl.arkui.4 Changes in Layout and Behavior of <Search>, <TextInput>, and <TextArea> Components

  1. Changed the position of the edited text area in the <Search>, <TextInput>, and **