harmony 鸿蒙Location Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (244)

Location Subsystem Changelog

cl.location.1 Addition of APIs for Obtaining the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Scanning Result

APIs for obtaining the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning result are added to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts. They are all system APIs.

Change Impact

The system application can use the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning result obtained by these APIs for network positioning.

Key API/Component Changes

|Class|API Type|Declaration|Change Type| | –|–|–|–| |geoLocationManager|method|function on(type: ‘locatingRequiredDataChange’, config: LocatingRequiredDataConfig, callback: Callback<Array<LocatingRequiredData>>): void;|Added| |geoLocationManager|method|function off(type: ‘locatingRequiredDataChange’, callback?: Callback<Array<LocatingRequiredData>>): void;|Added| |geoLocationManager|method|function getLocatingRequiredData(config: LocatingRequiredDataConfig): Promise<Array<LocatingRequiredData>>;|Added|

Adaptation Guide

The following example shows how to obtain Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning information at a time:

  import geoLocationManager from '@ohos.geoLocationManager';
  let config = {'type': 1, 'needStartScan': true, 'scanInterval': 10000};
  try {
      geoLocationManager.getLocatingRequiredData(config).then((result) => {
          console.log('getLocatingRequiredData return: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
      .catch((error) => {
          console.log('promise, getLocatingRequiredData: error=' + JSON.stringify(error));
  } catch (err) {
      console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message);


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