spark Stage 源码
spark Stage 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.scheduler
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{DeterministicLevel, RDD}
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite
* A stage is a set of parallel tasks all computing the same function that need to run as part
* of a Spark job, where all the tasks have the same shuffle dependencies. Each DAG of tasks run
* by the scheduler is split up into stages at the boundaries where shuffle occurs, and then the
* DAGScheduler runs these stages in topological order.
* Each Stage can either be a shuffle map stage, in which case its tasks' results are input for
* other stage(s), or a result stage, in which case its tasks directly compute a Spark action
* (e.g. count(), save(), etc) by running a function on an RDD. For shuffle map stages, we also
* track the nodes that each output partition is on.
* Each Stage also has a firstJobId, identifying the job that first submitted the stage. When FIFO
* scheduling is used, this allows Stages from earlier jobs to be computed first or recovered
* faster on failure.
* Finally, a single stage can be re-executed in multiple attempts due to fault recovery. In that
* case, the Stage object will track multiple StageInfo objects to pass to listeners or the web UI.
* The latest one will be accessible through latestInfo.
* @param id Unique stage ID
* @param rdd RDD that this stage runs on: for a shuffle map stage, it's the RDD we run map tasks
* on, while for a result stage, it's the target RDD that we ran an action on
* @param numTasks Total number of tasks in stage; result stages in particular may not need to
* compute all partitions, e.g. for first(), lookup(), and take().
* @param parents List of stages that this stage depends on (through shuffle dependencies).
* @param firstJobId ID of the first job this stage was part of, for FIFO scheduling.
* @param callSite Location in the user program associated with this stage: either where the target
* RDD was created, for a shuffle map stage, or where the action for a result stage was called.
private[scheduler] abstract class Stage(
val id: Int,
val rdd: RDD[_],
val numTasks: Int,
val parents: List[Stage],
val firstJobId: Int,
val callSite: CallSite,
val resourceProfileId: Int)
extends Logging {
val numPartitions = rdd.partitions.length
/** Set of jobs that this stage belongs to. */
val jobIds = new HashSet[Int]
/** The ID to use for the next new attempt for this stage. */
private var nextAttemptId: Int = 0
val name: String = callSite.shortForm
val details: String = callSite.longForm
* Pointer to the [[StageInfo]] object for the most recent attempt. This needs to be initialized
* here, before any attempts have actually been created, because the DAGScheduler uses this
* StageInfo to tell SparkListeners when a job starts (which happens before any stage attempts
* have been created).
private var _latestInfo: StageInfo =
StageInfo.fromStage(this, nextAttemptId, resourceProfileId = resourceProfileId)
* Set of stage attempt IDs that have failed. We keep track of these failures in order to avoid
* endless retries if a stage keeps failing.
* We keep track of each attempt ID that has failed to avoid recording duplicate failures if
* multiple tasks from the same stage attempt fail (SPARK-5945).
val failedAttemptIds = new HashSet[Int]
private[scheduler] def clearFailures() : Unit = {
/** Creates a new attempt for this stage by creating a new StageInfo with a new attempt ID. */
def makeNewStageAttempt(
numPartitionsToCompute: Int,
taskLocalityPreferences: Seq[Seq[TaskLocation]] = Seq.empty): Unit = {
val metrics = new TaskMetrics
_latestInfo = StageInfo.fromStage(
this, nextAttemptId, Some(numPartitionsToCompute), metrics, taskLocalityPreferences,
resourceProfileId = resourceProfileId)
nextAttemptId += 1
/** Forward the nextAttemptId if skipped and get visited for the first time. */
def increaseAttemptIdOnFirstSkip(): Unit = {
if (nextAttemptId == 0) {
nextAttemptId = 1
/** Returns the StageInfo for the most recent attempt for this stage. */
def latestInfo: StageInfo = _latestInfo
override final def hashCode(): Int = id
override final def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case stage: Stage => stage != null && == id
case _ => false
/** Returns the sequence of partition ids that are missing (i.e. needs to be computed). */
def findMissingPartitions(): Seq[Int]
def isIndeterminate: Boolean = {
rdd.outputDeterministicLevel == DeterministicLevel.INDETERMINATE
spark BarrierJobAllocationFailed 源码
- 所属分类: 前端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦