tidb terror 源码
tidb terror 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package terror
import (
// ErrCode represents a specific error type in a error class.
// Same error code can be used in different error classes.
type ErrCode int
const (
// Executor error codes.
// CodeUnknown is for errors of unknown reason.
CodeUnknown ErrCode = -1
// CodeExecResultIsEmpty indicates execution result is empty.
CodeExecResultIsEmpty ErrCode = 3
// Expression error codes.
// CodeMissConnectionID indicates connection id is missing.
CodeMissConnectionID ErrCode = 1
// Special error codes.
// CodeResultUndetermined indicates the sql execution result is undetermined.
CodeResultUndetermined ErrCode = 2
// ErrClass represents a class of errors.
type ErrClass int
// Error implements error interface.
type Error = errors.Error
// Error classes.
var (
ClassAutoid = RegisterErrorClass(1, "autoid")
ClassDDL = RegisterErrorClass(2, "ddl")
ClassDomain = RegisterErrorClass(3, "domain")
ClassEvaluator = RegisterErrorClass(4, "evaluator")
ClassExecutor = RegisterErrorClass(5, "executor")
ClassExpression = RegisterErrorClass(6, "expression")
ClassAdmin = RegisterErrorClass(7, "admin")
ClassKV = RegisterErrorClass(8, "kv")
ClassMeta = RegisterErrorClass(9, "meta")
ClassOptimizer = RegisterErrorClass(10, "planner")
ClassParser = RegisterErrorClass(11, "parser")
ClassPerfSchema = RegisterErrorClass(12, "perfschema")
ClassPrivilege = RegisterErrorClass(13, "privilege")
ClassSchema = RegisterErrorClass(14, "schema")
ClassServer = RegisterErrorClass(15, "server")
ClassStructure = RegisterErrorClass(16, "structure")
ClassVariable = RegisterErrorClass(17, "variable")
ClassXEval = RegisterErrorClass(18, "xeval")
ClassTable = RegisterErrorClass(19, "table")
ClassTypes = RegisterErrorClass(20, "types")
ClassGlobal = RegisterErrorClass(21, "global")
ClassMockTikv = RegisterErrorClass(22, "mocktikv")
ClassJSON = RegisterErrorClass(23, "json")
ClassTiKV = RegisterErrorClass(24, "tikv")
ClassSession = RegisterErrorClass(25, "session")
ClassPlugin = RegisterErrorClass(26, "plugin")
ClassUtil = RegisterErrorClass(27, "util")
// Add more as needed.
var errClass2Desc = make(map[ErrClass]string)
var rfcCode2errClass = newCode2ErrClassMap()
type code2ErrClassMap struct {
data sync.Map
func newCode2ErrClassMap() *code2ErrClassMap {
return &code2ErrClassMap{
data: sync.Map{},
func (m *code2ErrClassMap) Get(key string) (ErrClass, bool) {
ret, have := m.data.Load(key)
if !have {
return ErrClass(-1), false
return ret.(ErrClass), true
func (m *code2ErrClassMap) Put(key string, err ErrClass) {
m.data.Store(key, err)
var registerFinish uint32
// RegisterFinish makes the register of new error panic.
// The use pattern should be register all the errors during initialization, and then call RegisterFinish.
func RegisterFinish() {
atomic.StoreUint32(®isterFinish, 1)
func frozen() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(®isterFinish) != 0
// RegisterErrorClass registers new error class for terror.
func RegisterErrorClass(classCode int, desc string) ErrClass {
errClass := ErrClass(classCode)
if _, exists := errClass2Desc[errClass]; exists {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate register ClassCode %d - %s", classCode, desc))
errClass2Desc[errClass] = desc
return errClass
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (ec ErrClass) String() string {
if s, exists := errClass2Desc[ec]; exists {
return s
return strconv.Itoa(int(ec))
// EqualClass returns true if err is *Error with the same class.
func (ec ErrClass) EqualClass(err error) bool {
e := errors.Cause(err)
if e == nil {
return false
if te, ok := e.(*Error); ok {
rfcCode := te.RFCCode()
if index := strings.Index(string(rfcCode), ":"); index > 0 {
if class, has := rfcCode2errClass.Get(string(rfcCode)[:index]); has {
return class == ec
return false
// NotEqualClass returns true if err is not *Error with the same class.
func (ec ErrClass) NotEqualClass(err error) bool {
return !ec.EqualClass(err)
func (ec ErrClass) initError(code ErrCode) string {
if frozen() {
panic("register error after initialized is prohibited")
clsMap, ok := ErrClassToMySQLCodes[ec]
if !ok {
clsMap = make(map[ErrCode]struct{})
ErrClassToMySQLCodes[ec] = clsMap
clsMap[code] = struct{}{}
class := errClass2Desc[ec]
rfcCode := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", class, code)
rfcCode2errClass.Put(class, ec)
return rfcCode
// New defines an *Error with an error code and an error message.
// Usually used to create base *Error.
// Attention:
// this method is not goroutine-safe and
// usually be used in global variable initializer
// Deprecated: use NewStd or NewStdErr instead.
func (ec ErrClass) New(code ErrCode, message string) *Error {
rfcCode := ec.initError(code)
err := errors.Normalize(message, errors.MySQLErrorCode(int(code)), errors.RFCCodeText(rfcCode))
return err
// NewStdErr defines an *Error with an error code, an error
// message and workaround to create standard error.
func (ec ErrClass) NewStdErr(code ErrCode, message *mysql.ErrMessage) *Error {
rfcCode := ec.initError(code)
err := errors.Normalize(message.Raw, errors.RedactArgs(message.RedactArgPos), errors.MySQLErrorCode(int(code)), errors.RFCCodeText(rfcCode))
return err
// NewStd calls New using the standard message for the error code
// Attention:
// this method is not goroutine-safe and
// usually be used in global variable initializer
func (ec ErrClass) NewStd(code ErrCode) *Error {
return ec.NewStdErr(code, mysql.MySQLErrName[uint16(code)])
// Synthesize synthesizes an *Error in the air
// it didn't register error into ErrClassToMySQLCodes
// so it's goroutine-safe
// and often be used to create Error came from other systems like TiKV.
func (ec ErrClass) Synthesize(code ErrCode, message string) *Error {
return errors.Normalize(message, errors.MySQLErrorCode(int(code)), errors.RFCCodeText(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", errClass2Desc[ec], code)))
// ToSQLError convert Error to mysql.SQLError.
func ToSQLError(e *Error) *mysql.SQLError {
code := getMySQLErrorCode(e)
return mysql.NewErrf(code, "%s", nil, e.GetMsg())
var defaultMySQLErrorCode uint16
func getMySQLErrorCode(e *Error) uint16 {
rfcCode := e.RFCCode()
var class ErrClass
if index := strings.Index(string(rfcCode), ":"); index > 0 {
ec, has := rfcCode2errClass.Get(string(rfcCode)[:index])
if !has {
log.Warn("Unknown error class", zap.String("class", string(rfcCode)[:index]))
return defaultMySQLErrorCode
class = ec
codeMap, ok := ErrClassToMySQLCodes[class]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Unknown error class", zap.Int("class", int(class)))
return defaultMySQLErrorCode
_, ok = codeMap[ErrCode(e.Code())]
if !ok {
log.Debug("Unknown error code", zap.Int("class", int(class)), zap.Int("code", int(e.Code())))
return defaultMySQLErrorCode
return uint16(e.Code())
var (
// ErrClassToMySQLCodes is the map of ErrClass to code-set.
ErrClassToMySQLCodes = make(map[ErrClass]map[ErrCode]struct{})
// ErrCritical is the critical error class.
ErrCritical = ClassGlobal.NewStdErr(CodeExecResultIsEmpty, mysql.Message("critical error %v", nil))
// ErrResultUndetermined is the error when execution result is unknown.
ErrResultUndetermined = ClassGlobal.NewStdErr(CodeResultUndetermined, mysql.Message("execution result undetermined", nil))
func init() {
defaultMySQLErrorCode = mysql.ErrUnknown
// ErrorEqual returns a boolean indicating whether err1 is equal to err2.
func ErrorEqual(err1, err2 error) bool {
e1 := errors.Cause(err1)
e2 := errors.Cause(err2)
if e1 == e2 {
return true
if e1 == nil || e2 == nil {
return e1 == e2
te1, ok1 := e1.(*Error)
te2, ok2 := e2.(*Error)
if ok1 && ok2 {
return te1.RFCCode() == te2.RFCCode()
return e1.Error() == e2.Error()
// ErrorNotEqual returns a boolean indicating whether err1 isn't equal to err2.
func ErrorNotEqual(err1, err2 error) bool {
return !ErrorEqual(err1, err2)
// MustNil cleans up and fatals if err is not nil.
func MustNil(err error, closeFuns ...func()) {
if err != nil {
for _, f := range closeFuns {
log.Fatal("unexpected error", zap.Error(err), zap.Stack("stack"))
// Call executes a function and checks the returned err.
func Call(fn func() error) {
err := fn()
if err != nil {
log.Error("function call errored", zap.Error(err), zap.Stack("stack"))
// Log logs the error if it is not nil.
func Log(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Error("encountered error", zap.Error(err), zap.Stack("stack"))
// GetErrClass returns the error class of the error.
func GetErrClass(e *Error) ErrClass {
rfcCode := e.RFCCode()
if index := strings.Index(string(rfcCode), ":"); index > 0 {
if class, has := rfcCode2errClass.Get(string(rfcCode)[:index]); has {
return class
return ErrClass(-1)
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