spark ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter 源码
spark ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.arrow.vector.{FieldVector, VectorSchemaRoot}
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.ArrowStreamWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.api.python.PythonSQLUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{GenericInternalRow, UnsafeRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.arrow.ArrowWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.arrow.ArrowWriter.createFieldWriter
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.GroupStateImpl
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BinaryType, BooleanType, IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
* This class abstracts the complexity on constructing Arrow RecordBatches for data and state with
* bin-packing and chunking. The caller only need to call the proper public methods of this class
* `startNewGroup`, `writeRow`, `finalizeGroup`, `finalizeData` and this class will write the data
* and state into Arrow RecordBatches with performing bin-pack and chunk internally.
* This class requires that the parameter `root` has been initialized with the Arrow schema like
* below:
* - data fields
* - state field
* - nested schema (Refer ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter.STATE_METADATA_SCHEMA)
* Please refer the code comment in the implementation to see how the writes of data and state
* against Arrow RecordBatch work with consideration of bin-packing and chunking.
class ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter(
root: VectorSchemaRoot,
writer: ArrowStreamWriter,
arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch: Int) {
import ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter._
// Unlike applyInPandas (and other PySpark operators), applyInPandasWithState requires to produce
// the additional data `state`, along with the input data.
// ArrowStreamWriter supports only single VectorSchemaRoot, which means all Arrow RecordBatches
// being sent out from ArrowStreamWriter should have same schema. That said, we have to construct
// "an" Arrow schema to contain both data and state, and also construct ArrowBatches to contain
// both data and state.
// To achieve this, we extend the schema for input data to have a column for state at the end.
// But also, we logically group the columns by family (data vs state) and initialize writer
// separately, since it's lot more easier and probably performant to write the row directly
// rather than projecting the row to match up with the overall schema.
// Although Arrow RecordBatch enables to write the data as columnar, we figure out it gives
// strange outputs if we don't ensure that all columns have the same number of values. Since
// there are at least one data for a grouping key (we ensure this for the case of handling timed
// out state as well) whereas there is only one state for a grouping key, we have to fill up the
// empty rows in state side to ensure both have the same number of rows.
private val arrowWriterForData = createArrowWriter(
private val arrowWriterForState = createArrowWriter(
// - Bin-packing
// We apply bin-packing the data from multiple groups into one Arrow RecordBatch to
// gain the performance. In many cases, the amount of data per grouping key is quite
// small, which does not seem to maximize the benefits of using Arrow.
// We have to split the record batch down to each group in Python worker to convert the
// data for group to Pandas, but hopefully, Arrow RecordBatch provides the way to split
// the range of data and give a view, say, "zero-copy". To help splitting the range for
// data, we provide the "start offset" and the "number of data" in the state metadata.
// We don't bin-pack all groups into a single record batch - we have a limit on the number
// of rows in the current Arrow RecordBatch to stop adding next group.
// - Chunking
// We also chunk the data from single group into multiple Arrow RecordBatch to ensure
// scalability. Note that we don't know the volume (number of rows, overall size) of data for
// specific group key before we read the entire data. The easiest approach to address both
// bin-pack and chunk is to check the number of rows in the current Arrow RecordBatch for each
// write of row.
// - Data and State
// Since we apply bin-packing and chunking, there should be the way to distinguish each chunk
// from the entire data part of Arrow RecordBatch. We leverage the state metadata to also
// contain the "metadata" of data part to distinguish the chunk from the entire data.
// As a result, state metadata has a 1-1 relationship with "chunk", instead of "grouping key".
// - Consideration
// Since the number of rows in Arrow RecordBatch does not represent the actual size (bytes),
// the limit should be set very conservatively. Using a small number of limit does not introduce
// correctness issues.
// variables for tracking current grouping key and state
private var currentGroupKeyRow: UnsafeRow = _
private var currentGroupState: GroupStateImpl[Row] = _
// variables for tracking the status of current batch
private var totalNumRowsForBatch = 0
private var totalNumStatesForBatch = 0
// variables for tracking the status of current chunk
private var startOffsetForCurrentChunk = 0
private var numRowsForCurrentChunk = 0
* Indicates writer to start with new grouping key.
* @param keyRow The grouping key row for current group.
* @param groupState The instance of GroupStateImpl for current group.
def startNewGroup(keyRow: UnsafeRow, groupState: GroupStateImpl[Row]): Unit = {
currentGroupKeyRow = keyRow
currentGroupState = groupState
* Indicates writer to write a row in the current group.
* @param dataRow The row to write in the current group.
def writeRow(dataRow: InternalRow): Unit = {
// If it exceeds the condition of batch (number of records) and there is more data for the
// same group, finalize and construct a new batch.
if (totalNumRowsForBatch >= arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch) {
finalizeCurrentChunk(isLastChunkForGroup = false)
numRowsForCurrentChunk += 1
totalNumRowsForBatch += 1
* Indicates writer that current group has finalized and there will be no further row bound to
* the current group.
def finalizeGroup(): Unit = {
finalizeCurrentChunk(isLastChunkForGroup = true)
// If it exceeds the condition of batch (number of records) once the all data is received for
// same group, finalize and construct a new batch.
if (totalNumRowsForBatch >= arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch) {
* Indicates writer that all groups have been processed.
def finalizeData(): Unit = {
if (totalNumRowsForBatch > 0) {
// We still have some rows in the current record batch. Need to finalize them as well.
private def createArrowWriter(fieldVectors: Seq[FieldVector]): ArrowWriter = {
val children = { vector =>
new ArrowWriter(root, children.toArray)
private def buildStateInfoRow(
keyRow: UnsafeRow,
groupState: GroupStateImpl[Row],
startOffset: Int,
numRows: Int,
isLastChunk: Boolean): InternalRow = {
// NOTE: see ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter.STATE_METADATA_SCHEMA
val stateUnderlyingRow = new GenericInternalRow(
new GenericInternalRow(Array[Any](stateUnderlyingRow))
private def finalizeCurrentChunk(isLastChunkForGroup: Boolean): Unit = {
val stateInfoRow = buildStateInfoRow(currentGroupKeyRow, currentGroupState,
startOffsetForCurrentChunk, numRowsForCurrentChunk, isLastChunkForGroup)
totalNumStatesForBatch += 1
// The start offset for next chunk would be same as the total number of rows for batch,
// unless the next chunk starts with new batch.
startOffsetForCurrentChunk = totalNumRowsForBatch
numRowsForCurrentChunk = 0
private def finalizeCurrentArrowBatch(): Unit = {
val remainingEmptyStateRows = totalNumRowsForBatch - totalNumStatesForBatch
(0 until remainingEmptyStateRows).foreach { _ =>
startOffsetForCurrentChunk = 0
numRowsForCurrentChunk = 0
totalNumRowsForBatch = 0
totalNumStatesForBatch = 0
object ApplyInPandasWithStateWriter {
// This schema contains both state metadata and the metadata of the chunk. Refer the code comment
// of "Data and State" for more details.
val STATE_METADATA_SCHEMA: StructType = StructType(
Metadata of the state
// properties of state instance (excluding state value) in json format
StructField("properties", StringType),
// key row as UnsafeRow, Python worker won't touch this value but send the value back to
// executor when sending an update of state
StructField("keyRowAsUnsafe", BinaryType),
// state value
StructField("object", BinaryType),
Metadata of the chunk
// start offset of the data chunk from entire data
StructField("startOffset", IntegerType),
// the number of rows for the data chunk
StructField("numRows", IntegerType),
// whether the current data chunk is the last one for current grouping key or not
StructField("isLastChunk", BooleanType)
// To avoid initializing a new row for empty state metadata row.
val EMPTY_STATE_METADATA_ROW = new GenericInternalRow(
Array[Any](null, null, null, null, null, null))
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- 所属分类: 前端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦