harmony 鸿蒙Common Library Subsystem Changelog
Common Library Subsystem Changelog
Compared with OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta4, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in the URL module of the common library subsystem.
cl.commonlibrary.1 URLParams Class Changes
The constructor function of the URLParams class in the URL module of the common library subsystem is changed.
Specifically, constructor(init?: string[][]|Record
You need to adapt your application.
Change Impacts
JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.
Key API/Component Changes
Module | Class | Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant | Change Type |
@ohos.url | URLParams | constructor(string[][] |Record<string, string> |string |URLSearchParams) | Deleted |
@ohos.url | URLParams | constructor(string[][] |Record<string, string> |string |URLParams) | Changed |
Adaptation Guide
The following illustrates how to create a URLParams object in your application.
import url from '@ohos.url'
try {
let params1 = new Url.URLParams('?user=abc&query=xyz')
let params2 = new Url.URLParams(params1)
var result= params2.toString()
console.log(result) //"user=abc&query=xyz"
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Fail to ceate URLParams.codeis${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
cl.commonlibrary.2 URL Attribute Changes of URLParams Class APIs
The URL attributes of the URL module in the common library subsystem are changed.
Specifically, the searchParams: URLSearchParams attribute is deprecated, and the params: URLParams attribute is added.
You need to adapt your application.
Change Impacts
JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.
Key API/Component Changes
Module | Class | Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant | Change Type |
@ohos.url | URL | searchParams: URLSearchParams; | Deprecated (in API version 9) |
@ohos.url | URL | params: URLParams; | Added |
Adaptation Guide
The following illustrates how to create a URLParams object in your application.
import url from '@ohos.url'
let that = new Url.URL('http://username:password@host:8080/directory/file?Hello=china#qwer=da')
let params = that.URLParams
var result = params.toString()
console.log(result) //%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD=china
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3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
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