harmony 鸿蒙cl.multimedia.av_session.001 Change of All av_session APIs to System APIs

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (591)

cl.multimedia.av_session.001 Change of All av_session APIs to System APIs

All av_session APIs are changed to system APIs.

Change Impacts

Non-system applications and applications without system API permission cannot call system APIs.

Key API/Component Changes

All APIs are changed to system APIs. The table below describes the APIs.

API, Enumeration, or Variable Type Is System API
SessionToken interface Yes
AVMetadata interface Yes
AVPlaybackState interface Yes
PlaybackPosition interface Yes
OutputDeviceInfo interface Yes
AVSessionDescriptor interface Yes
AVSessionController interface Yes
AVControlCommand interface Yes
createAVSession function Yes
getAllSessionDescriptors function Yes
createController function Yes
castAudio function Yes
on function Yes
off function Yes
sendSystemAVKeyEvent function Yes
sendSystemControlCommand function Yes
sessionId variable Yes
setAVMetadata function Yes
setAVPlaybackState function Yes
setLaunchAbility function Yes
getController function Yes
getOutputDevice function Yes
activate function Yes
deactivate function Yes
destroy function Yes
getAVPlaybackState function Yes
getAVMetadata function Yes
getOutputDevice function Yes
sendAVKeyEvent function Yes
getLaunchAbility function Yes
getRealPlaybackPositionSync function Yes
isActive function Yes
getValidCommands function Yes
sendControlCommand function Yes
AVSessionType type Yes
AVControlCommandType type Yes
LoopMode enum Yes
PlaybackState enum Yes
AVSessionErrorCode enum Yes


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