spark Utils 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark Utils 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.util

import java.lang.{Byte => JByte}
import{LockInfo, ManagementFactory, MonitorInfo, ThreadInfo}
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.math.{MathContext, RoundingMode}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.{Channels, FileChannel, WritableByteChannel}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.{Locale, Properties, Random, UUID}
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS
import{GZIPInputStream, ZipInputStream}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.control.{ControlThrowable, NonFatal}
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache}
import{ByteStreams, Files => GFiles}
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, FileUtil, Path}
import{CompressionCodecFactory, SplittableCompressionCodec}
import org.apache.hadoop.util.{RunJar, StringUtils}
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration
import org.apache.logging.log4j.{Level, LogManager}
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiException
import org.slf4j.Logger

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.internal.{config, Logging}
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Streaming._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Tests.IS_TESTING
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.UI._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Worker._
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher
import org.apache.spark.serializer.{DeserializationStream, SerializationStream, Serializer, SerializerInstance}
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.{StackTrace, ThreadStackTrace}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.{Utils => CUtils}

/** CallSite represents a place in user code. It can have a short and a long form. */
private[spark] case class CallSite(shortForm: String, longForm: String)

private[spark] object CallSite {
  val SHORT_FORM = "callSite.short"
  val LONG_FORM = "callSite.long"
  val empty = CallSite("", "")

 * Various utility methods used by Spark.
private[spark] object Utils extends Logging {
  val random = new Random()

  private val sparkUncaughtExceptionHandler = new SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler
  @volatile private var cachedLocalDir: String = ""

   * Define a default value for driver memory here since this value is referenced across the code
   * base and nearly all files already use Utils.scala

  @volatile private var localRootDirs: Array[String] = null

  /** Scheme used for files that are locally available on worker nodes in the cluster. */
  val LOCAL_SCHEME = "local"

  private val weakStringInterner = Interners.newWeakInterner[String]()

  private val PATTERN_FOR_COMMAND_LINE_ARG = "-D(.+?)=(.+)".r

  /** Serialize an object using Java serialization */
  def serialize[T](o: T): Array[Byte] = {
    val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
    val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)

  /** Deserialize an object using Java serialization */
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte]): T = {
    val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
    val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis)

  /** Deserialize an object using Java serialization and the given ClassLoader */
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte], loader: ClassLoader): T = {
    val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
    val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis) {
      override def resolveClass(desc: ObjectStreamClass): Class[_] = {
        // scalastyle:off classforname
        Class.forName(desc.getName, false, loader)
        // scalastyle:on classforname

  /** Deserialize a Long value (used for [[org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonPartitioner]]) */
  def deserializeLongValue(bytes: Array[Byte]) : Long = {
    // Note: we assume that we are given a Long value encoded in network (big-endian) byte order
    var result = bytes(7) & 0xFFL
    result = result + ((bytes(6) & 0xFFL) << 8)
    result = result + ((bytes(5) & 0xFFL) << 16)
    result = result + ((bytes(4) & 0xFFL) << 24)
    result = result + ((bytes(3) & 0xFFL) << 32)
    result = result + ((bytes(2) & 0xFFL) << 40)
    result = result + ((bytes(1) & 0xFFL) << 48)
    result + ((bytes(0) & 0xFFL) << 56)

  /** Serialize via nested stream using specific serializer */
  def serializeViaNestedStream(os: OutputStream, ser: SerializerInstance)(
      f: SerializationStream => Unit): Unit = {
    val osWrapper = ser.serializeStream(new OutputStream {
      override def write(b: Int): Unit = os.write(b)
      override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = os.write(b, off, len)
    try {
    } finally {

  /** Deserialize via nested stream using specific serializer */
  def deserializeViaNestedStream(is: InputStream, ser: SerializerInstance)(
      f: DeserializationStream => Unit): Unit = {
    val isWrapper = ser.deserializeStream(new InputStream {
      override def read(): Int =
      override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int =, off, len)
    try {
    } finally {

  /** String interning to reduce the memory usage. */
  def weakIntern(s: String): String = {

   * Get the ClassLoader which loaded Spark.
  def getSparkClassLoader: ClassLoader = getClass.getClassLoader

   * Get the Context ClassLoader on this thread or, if not present, the ClassLoader that
   * loaded Spark.
   * This should be used whenever passing a ClassLoader to Class.ForName or finding the currently
   * active loader when setting up ClassLoader delegation chains.
  def getContextOrSparkClassLoader: ClassLoader =

  /** Determines whether the provided class is loadable in the current thread. */
  def classIsLoadable(clazz: String): Boolean = {
    Try { classForName(clazz, initialize = false) }.isSuccess

  // scalastyle:off classforname
   * Preferred alternative to Class.forName(className), as well as
   * Class.forName(className, initialize, loader) with current thread's ContextClassLoader.
  def classForName[C](
      className: String,
      initialize: Boolean = true,
      noSparkClassLoader: Boolean = false): Class[C] = {
    if (!noSparkClassLoader) {
      Class.forName(className, initialize, getContextOrSparkClassLoader).asInstanceOf[Class[C]]
    } else {
      Class.forName(className, initialize, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader).
    // scalastyle:on classforname

   * Run a segment of code using a different context class loader in the current thread
  def withContextClassLoader[T](ctxClassLoader: ClassLoader)(fn: => T): T = {
    val oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
    try {
    } finally {

   * Primitive often used when writing [[java.nio.ByteBuffer]] to [[]]
  def writeByteBuffer(bb: ByteBuffer, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
    if (bb.hasArray) {
      out.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bb.remaining())
    } else {
      val originalPosition = bb.position()
      val bbval = new Array[Byte](bb.remaining())

   * Primitive often used when writing [[java.nio.ByteBuffer]] to [[]]
  def writeByteBuffer(bb: ByteBuffer, out: OutputStream): Unit = {
    if (bb.hasArray) {
      out.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bb.remaining())
    } else {
      val originalPosition = bb.position()
      val bbval = new Array[Byte](bb.remaining())

   * JDK equivalent of `chmod 700 file`.
   * @param file the file whose permissions will be modified
   * @return true if the permissions were successfully changed, false otherwise.
  def chmod700(file: File): Boolean = {
    file.setReadable(false, false) &&
    file.setReadable(true, true) &&
    file.setWritable(false, false) &&
    file.setWritable(true, true) &&
    file.setExecutable(false, false) &&
    file.setExecutable(true, true)

   * Create a directory given the abstract pathname
   * @return true, if the directory is successfully created; otherwise, return false.
  def createDirectory(dir: File): Boolean = {
    try {
      // SPARK-35907: The check was required by File.mkdirs() because it could sporadically
      // fail silently. After switching to Files.createDirectories(), ideally, there should
      // no longer be silent fails. But the check is kept for the safety concern. We can
      // remove the check when we're sure that Files.createDirectories() would never fail silently.
      if ( !dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory) {
        logError(s"Failed to create directory " + dir)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        logError(s"Failed to create directory " + dir, e)

   * Create a directory inside the given parent directory. The directory is guaranteed to be
   * newly created, and is not marked for automatic deletion.
  def createDirectory(root: String, namePrefix: String = "spark"): File = {
    JavaUtils.createDirectory(root, namePrefix)

   * Create a temporary directory inside the given parent directory. The directory will be
   * automatically deleted when the VM shuts down.
  def createTempDir(
      root: String = System.getProperty(""),
      namePrefix: String = "spark"): File = {
    JavaUtils.createTempDir(root, namePrefix)

   * Copy all data from an InputStream to an OutputStream. NIO way of file stream to file stream
   * copying is disabled by default unless explicitly set transferToEnabled as true,
   * the parameter transferToEnabled should be configured by spark.file.transferTo = [true|false].
  def copyStream(
      in: InputStream,
      out: OutputStream,
      closeStreams: Boolean = false,
      transferToEnabled: Boolean = false): Long = {
    tryWithSafeFinally {
      (in, out) match {
        case (input: FileInputStream, output: FileOutputStream) if transferToEnabled =>
          // When both streams are File stream, use transferTo to improve copy performance.
          val inChannel = input.getChannel
          val outChannel = output.getChannel
          val size = inChannel.size()
          copyFileStreamNIO(inChannel, outChannel, 0, size)
        case (input, output) =>
          var count = 0L
          val buf = new Array[Byte](8192)
          var n = 0
          while (n != -1) {
            n =
            if (n != -1) {
              output.write(buf, 0, n)
              count += n
    } {
      if (closeStreams) {
        try {
        } finally {

   * Copy the first `maxSize` bytes of data from the InputStream to an in-memory
   * buffer, primarily to check for corruption.
   * This returns a new InputStream which contains the same data as the original input stream.
   * It may be entirely on in-memory buffer, or it may be a combination of in-memory data, and then
   * continue to read from the original stream. The only real use of this is if the original input
   * stream will potentially detect corruption while the data is being read (e.g. from compression).
   * This allows for an eager check of corruption in the first maxSize bytes of data.
   * @return An InputStream which includes all data from the original stream (combining buffered
   *         data and remaining data in the original stream)
  def copyStreamUpTo(in: InputStream, maxSize: Long): InputStream = {
    var count = 0L
    val out = new ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream(64 * 1024, ByteBuffer.allocate)
    val fullyCopied = tryWithSafeFinally {
      val bufSize = Math.min(8192L, maxSize)
      val buf = new Array[Byte](bufSize.toInt)
      var n = 0
      while (n != -1 && count < maxSize) {
        n =, 0, Math.min(maxSize - count, bufSize).toInt)
        if (n != -1) {
          out.write(buf, 0, n)
          count += n
      count < maxSize
    } {
      try {
        if (count < maxSize) {
      } finally {
    if (fullyCopied) {
      out.toChunkedByteBuffer.toInputStream(dispose = true)
    } else {
      new SequenceInputStream( out.toChunkedByteBuffer.toInputStream(dispose = true), in)

  def copyFileStreamNIO(
      input: FileChannel,
      output: WritableByteChannel,
      startPosition: Long,
      bytesToCopy: Long): Unit = {
    val outputInitialState = output match {
      case outputFileChannel: FileChannel =>
        Some((outputFileChannel.position(), outputFileChannel))
      case _ => None
    var count = 0L
    // In case transferTo method transferred less data than we have required.
    while (count < bytesToCopy) {
      count += input.transferTo(count + startPosition, bytesToCopy - count, output)
    assert(count == bytesToCopy,
      s"request to copy $bytesToCopy bytes, but actually copied $count bytes.")

    // Check the position after transferTo loop to see if it is in the right position and
    // give user information if not.
    // Position will not be increased to the expected length after calling transferTo in
    // kernel version 2.6.32, this issue can be seen in
    // This will lead to stream corruption issue when using sort-based shuffle (SPARK-3948).
    outputInitialState.foreach { case (initialPos, outputFileChannel) =>
      val finalPos = outputFileChannel.position()
      val expectedPos = initialPos + bytesToCopy
      assert(finalPos == expectedPos,
           |Current position $finalPos do not equal to expected position $expectedPos
           |after transferTo, please check your kernel version to see if it is 2.6.32,
           |this is a kernel bug which will lead to unexpected behavior when using transferTo.
           |You can set spark.file.transferTo = false to disable this NIO feature.

   * A file name may contain some invalid URI characters, such as " ". This method will convert the
   * file name to a raw path accepted by ``.
   * Note: the file name must not contain "/" or "\"
  def encodeFileNameToURIRawPath(fileName: String): String = {
    require(!fileName.contains("/") && !fileName.contains("\\"))
    // `file` and `localhost` are not used. Just to prevent URI from parsing `fileName` as
    // scheme or host. The prefix "/" is required because URI doesn't accept a relative path.
    // We should remove it after we get the raw path.
    new URI("file", null, "localhost", -1, "/" + fileName, null, null).getRawPath.substring(1)

   * Get the file name from uri's raw path and decode it. If the raw path of uri ends with "/",
   * return the name before the last "/".
  def decodeFileNameInURI(uri: URI): String = {
    val rawPath = uri.getRawPath
    val rawFileName = rawPath.split("/").last
    new URI("file:///" + rawFileName).getPath.substring(1)

   * Download a file or directory to target directory. Supports fetching the file in a variety of
   * ways, including HTTP, Hadoop-compatible filesystems, and files on a standard filesystem, based
   * on the URL parameter. Fetching directories is only supported from Hadoop-compatible
   * filesystems.
   * If `useCache` is true, first attempts to fetch the file to a local cache that's shared
   * across executors running the same application. `useCache` is used mainly for
   * the executors, and not in local mode.
   * Throws SparkException if the target file already exists and has different contents than
   * the requested file.
   * If `shouldUntar` is true, it untars the given url if it is a tar.gz or tgz into `targetDir`.
   * This is a legacy behavior, and users should better use `spark.archives` configuration or
   * `SparkContext.addArchive`
  def fetchFile(
      url: String,
      targetDir: File,
      conf: SparkConf,
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      timestamp: Long,
      useCache: Boolean,
      shouldUntar: Boolean = true): File = {
    val fileName = decodeFileNameInURI(new URI(url))
    val targetFile = new File(targetDir, fileName)
    val fetchCacheEnabled = conf.getBoolean("spark.files.useFetchCache", defaultValue = true)
    if (useCache && fetchCacheEnabled) {
      val cachedFileName = s"${url.hashCode}${timestamp}_cache"
      val lockFileName = s"${url.hashCode}${timestamp}_lock"
      // Set the cachedLocalDir for the first time and re-use it later
      if (cachedLocalDir.isEmpty) {
        this.synchronized {
          if (cachedLocalDir.isEmpty) {
            cachedLocalDir = getLocalDir(conf)
      val localDir = new File(cachedLocalDir)
      val lockFile = new File(localDir, lockFileName)
      val lockFileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(lockFile, "rw").getChannel()
      // Only one executor entry.
      // The FileLock is only used to control synchronization for executors download file,
      // it's always safe regardless of lock type (mandatory or advisory).
      val lock = lockFileChannel.lock()
      val cachedFile = new File(localDir, cachedFileName)
      try {
        if (!cachedFile.exists()) {
          doFetchFile(url, localDir, cachedFileName, conf, hadoopConf)
      } finally {
        conf.getBoolean("spark.files.overwrite", false)
    } else {
      doFetchFile(url, targetDir, fileName, conf, hadoopConf)

    if (shouldUntar) {
      // Decompress the file if it's a .tar or .tar.gz
      if (fileName.endsWith(".tar.gz") || fileName.endsWith(".tgz")) {
          "Untarring behavior will be deprecated at spark.files and " +
            "SparkContext.addFile. Consider using spark.archives or SparkContext.addArchive " +
        logInfo("Untarring " + fileName)
        executeAndGetOutput(Seq("tar", "-xzf", fileName), targetDir)
      } else if (fileName.endsWith(".tar")) {
          "Untarring behavior will be deprecated at spark.files and " +
            "SparkContext.addFile. Consider using spark.archives or SparkContext.addArchive " +
        logInfo("Untarring " + fileName)
        executeAndGetOutput(Seq("tar", "-xf", fileName), targetDir)
    // Make the file executable - That's necessary for scripts
    FileUtil.chmod(targetFile.getAbsolutePath, "a+x")

    // Windows does not grant read permission by default to non-admin users
    // Add read permission to owner explicitly
    if (isWindows) {
      FileUtil.chmod(targetFile.getAbsolutePath, "u+r")


   * Unpacks an archive file into the specified directory. It expects .jar, .zip, .tar.gz, .tgz
   * and .tar files. This behaves same as Hadoop's archive in distributed cache. This method is
   * basically copied from `org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.FSDownload.unpack`.
  def unpack(source: File, dest: File): Unit = {
    if (!source.exists()) {
      throw new FileNotFoundException(source.getAbsolutePath)
    val lowerSrc = StringUtils.toLowerCase(source.getName)
    if (lowerSrc.endsWith(".jar")) {
      RunJar.unJar(source, dest, RunJar.MATCH_ANY)
    } else if (lowerSrc.endsWith(".zip")) {
      // TODO(SPARK-37677): should keep file permissions. Java implementation doesn't.
      FileUtil.unZip(source, dest)
    } else if (lowerSrc.endsWith(".tar.gz") || lowerSrc.endsWith(".tgz")) {
      FileUtil.unTar(source, dest)
    } else if (lowerSrc.endsWith(".tar")) {
      // TODO(SPARK-38632): should keep file permissions. Java implementation doesn't.
      unTarUsingJava(source, dest)
    } else {
      logWarning(s"Cannot unpack $source, just copying it to $dest.")
      copyRecursive(source, dest)

   * The method below was copied from `FileUtil.unTar` but uses Java-based implementation
   * to work around a security issue, see also SPARK-38631.
  private def unTarUsingJava(source: File, dest: File): Unit = {
    if (!dest.mkdirs && !dest.isDirectory) {
      throw new IOException(s"Mkdirs failed to create $dest")
    } else {
      try {
        // Should not fail because all Hadoop 2.1+ (from HADOOP-9264)
        // have 'unTarUsingJava'.
        val mth = classOf[FileUtil].getDeclaredMethod(
          "unTarUsingJava", classOf[File], classOf[File], classOf[Boolean])
        mth.invoke(null, source, dest, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)
      } catch {
        // Re-throw the original exception.
        case e: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException if e.getCause != null =>
          throw e.getCause

  /** Records the duration of running `body`. */
  def timeTakenMs[T](body: => T): (T, Long) = {
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    val result = body
    val endTime = System.nanoTime()
    (result, math.max(NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endTime - startTime), 0))

   * Download `in` to `tempFile`, then move it to `destFile`.
   * If `destFile` already exists:
   *   - no-op if its contents equal those of `sourceFile`,
   *   - throw an exception if `fileOverwrite` is false,
   *   - attempt to overwrite it otherwise.
   * @param url URL that `sourceFile` originated from, for logging purposes.
   * @param in InputStream to download.
   * @param destFile File path to move `tempFile` to.
   * @param fileOverwrite Whether to delete/overwrite an existing `destFile` that does not match
   *                      `sourceFile`
  private def downloadFile(
      url: String,
      in: InputStream,
      destFile: File,
      fileOverwrite: Boolean): Unit = {
    val tempFile = File.createTempFile("fetchFileTemp", null,
      new File(destFile.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath))
    logInfo(s"Fetching $url to $tempFile")

    try {
      val out = new FileOutputStream(tempFile)
      Utils.copyStream(in, out, closeStreams = true)
      copyFile(url, tempFile, destFile, fileOverwrite, removeSourceFile = true)
    } finally {
      // Catch-all for the couple of cases where for some reason we didn't move `tempFile` to
      // `destFile`.
      if (tempFile.exists()) {

   * Copy `sourceFile` to `destFile`.
   * If `destFile` already exists:
   *   - no-op if its contents equal those of `sourceFile`,
   *   - throw an exception if `fileOverwrite` is false,
   *   - attempt to overwrite it otherwise.
   * @param url URL that `sourceFile` originated from, for logging purposes.
   * @param sourceFile File path to copy/move from.
   * @param destFile File path to copy/move to.
   * @param fileOverwrite Whether to delete/overwrite an existing `destFile` that does not match
   *                      `sourceFile`
   * @param removeSourceFile Whether to remove `sourceFile` after / as part of moving/copying it to
   *                         `destFile`.
  private def copyFile(
      url: String,
      sourceFile: File,
      destFile: File,
      fileOverwrite: Boolean,
      removeSourceFile: Boolean = false): Unit = {

    if (destFile.exists) {
      if (!filesEqualRecursive(sourceFile, destFile)) {
        if (fileOverwrite) {
            s"File $destFile exists and does not match contents of $url, replacing it with $url"
          if (!destFile.delete()) {
            throw new SparkException(
              "Failed to delete %s while attempting to overwrite it with %s".format(
        } else {
          throw new SparkException(
            s"File $destFile exists and does not match contents of $url")
      } else {
        // Do nothing if the file contents are the same, i.e. this file has been copied
        // previously.
          "%s has been previously copied to %s".format(

    // The file does not exist in the target directory. Copy or move it there.
    if (removeSourceFile) {
      Files.move(sourceFile.toPath, destFile.toPath)
    } else {
      logInfo(s"Copying ${sourceFile.getAbsolutePath} to ${destFile.getAbsolutePath}")
      copyRecursive(sourceFile, destFile)

  private def filesEqualRecursive(file1: File, file2: File): Boolean = {
    if (file1.isDirectory && file2.isDirectory) {
      val subfiles1 = file1.listFiles()
      val subfiles2 = file2.listFiles()
      if (subfiles1.size != subfiles2.size) {
        return false
      subfiles1.sortBy(_.getName).zip(subfiles2.sortBy(_.getName)).forall {
        case (f1, f2) => filesEqualRecursive(f1, f2)
    } else if (file1.isFile && file2.isFile) {
      GFiles.equal(file1, file2)
    } else {

  private def copyRecursive(source: File, dest: File): Unit = {
    if (source.isDirectory) {
      if (!dest.mkdir()) {
        throw new IOException(s"Failed to create directory ${dest.getPath}")
      val subfiles = source.listFiles()
      subfiles.foreach(f => copyRecursive(f, new File(dest, f.getName)))
    } else {
      Files.copy(source.toPath, dest.toPath)

   * Download a file or directory to target directory. Supports fetching the file in a variety of
   * ways, including HTTP, Hadoop-compatible filesystems, and files on a standard filesystem, based
   * on the URL parameter. Fetching directories is only supported from Hadoop-compatible
   * filesystems.
   * Throws SparkException if the target file already exists and has different contents than
   * the requested file.
  def doFetchFile(
      url: String,
      targetDir: File,
      filename: String,
      conf: SparkConf,
      hadoopConf: Configuration): File = {
    val targetFile = new File(targetDir, filename)
    val uri = new URI(url)
    val fileOverwrite = conf.getBoolean("spark.files.overwrite", defaultValue = false)
    Option(uri.getScheme).getOrElse("file") match {
      case "spark" =>
        if (SparkEnv.get == null) {
          throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Cannot retrieve files with 'spark' scheme without an active SparkEnv.")
        val source = SparkEnv.get.rpcEnv.openChannel(url)
        val is = Channels.newInputStream(source)
        downloadFile(url, is, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
      case "http" | "https" | "ftp" =>
        val uc = new URL(url).openConnection()
        val timeoutMs =
          conf.getTimeAsSeconds("spark.files.fetchTimeout", "60s").toInt * 1000
        val in = uc.getInputStream()
        downloadFile(url, in, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
      case "file" =>
        // In the case of a local file, copy the local file to the target directory.
        // Note the difference between uri vs url.
        val sourceFile = if (uri.isAbsolute) new File(uri) else new File(uri.getPath)
        copyFile(url, sourceFile, targetFile, fileOverwrite)
      case _ =>
        val fs = getHadoopFileSystem(uri, hadoopConf)
        val path = new Path(uri)
        fetchHcfsFile(path, targetDir, fs, conf, hadoopConf, fileOverwrite,
                      filename = Some(filename))


   * Fetch a file or directory from a Hadoop-compatible filesystem.
   * Visible for testing
  private[spark] def fetchHcfsFile(
      path: Path,
      targetDir: File,
      fs: FileSystem,
      conf: SparkConf,
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      fileOverwrite: Boolean,
      filename: Option[String] = None): Unit = {
    if (!targetDir.exists() && !targetDir.mkdir()) {
      throw new IOException(s"Failed to create directory ${targetDir.getPath}")
    val dest = new File(targetDir, filename.getOrElse(path.getName))
    if (fs.isFile(path)) {
      val in =
      try {
        downloadFile(path.toString, in, dest, fileOverwrite)
      } finally {
    } else {
      fs.listStatus(path).foreach { fileStatus =>
        fetchHcfsFile(fileStatus.getPath(), dest, fs, conf, hadoopConf, fileOverwrite)

   * Validate that a given URI is actually a valid URL as well.
   * @param uri The URI to validate
  @throws[MalformedURLException]("when the URI is an invalid URL")
  def validateURL(uri: URI): Unit = {
    Option(uri.getScheme).getOrElse("file") match {
      case "http" | "https" | "ftp" =>
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: MalformedURLException =>
            val ex = new MalformedURLException(s"URI (${uri.toString}) is not a valid URL.")
            throw ex
      case _ => // will not be turned into a URL anyway

   * Get the path of a temporary directory.  Spark's local directories can be configured through
   * multiple settings, which are used with the following precedence:
   *   - If called from inside of a YARN container, this will return a directory chosen by YARN.
   *   - If the SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS environment variable is set, this will return a directory from it.
   *   - Otherwise, if the spark.local.dir is set, this will return a directory from it.
   *   - Otherwise, this will return
   * Some of these configuration options might be lists of multiple paths, but this method will
   * always return a single directory. The return directory is chosen randomly from the array
   * of directories it gets from getOrCreateLocalRootDirs.
  def getLocalDir(conf: SparkConf): String = {
    val localRootDirs = getOrCreateLocalRootDirs(conf)
    if (localRootDirs.isEmpty) {
      val configuredLocalDirs = getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf)
      throw new IOException(
        s"Failed to get a temp directory under [${configuredLocalDirs.mkString(",")}].")
    } else {

  private[spark] def isRunningInYarnContainer(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    // These environment variables are set by YARN.
    conf.getenv("CONTAINER_ID") != null

   * Returns if the current codes are running in a Spark task, e.g., in executors.
  def isInRunningSparkTask: Boolean = TaskContext.get() != null

   * Gets or creates the directories listed in spark.local.dir or SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS,
   * and returns only the directories that exist / could be created.
   * If no directories could be created, this will return an empty list.
   * This method will cache the local directories for the application when it's first invoked.
   * So calling it multiple times with a different configuration will always return the same
   * set of directories.
  private[spark] def getOrCreateLocalRootDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
    if (localRootDirs == null) {
      this.synchronized {
        if (localRootDirs == null) {
          localRootDirs = getOrCreateLocalRootDirsImpl(conf)

   * Return the configured local directories where Spark can write files. This
   * method does not create any directories on its own, it only encapsulates the
   * logic of locating the local directories according to deployment mode.
  def getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
    val shuffleServiceEnabled = conf.get(config.SHUFFLE_SERVICE_ENABLED)
    if (isRunningInYarnContainer(conf)) {
      // If we are in yarn mode, systems can have different disk layouts so we must set it
      // to what Yarn on this system said was available. Note this assumes that Yarn has
      // created the directories already, and that they are secured so that only the
      // user has access to them.
    } else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS") != null) {
    } else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS") != null) {
    } else if (conf.getenv("MESOS_SANDBOX") != null && !shuffleServiceEnabled) {
      // Mesos already creates a directory per Mesos task. Spark should use that directory
      // instead so all temporary files are automatically cleaned up when the Mesos task ends.
      // Note that we don't want this if the shuffle service is enabled because we want to
      // continue to serve shuffle files after the executors that wrote them have already exited.
    } else {
      if (conf.getenv("MESOS_SANDBOX") != null && shuffleServiceEnabled) {
        logInfo("MESOS_SANDBOX available but not using provided Mesos sandbox because " +
          s"${config.SHUFFLE_SERVICE_ENABLED.key} is enabled.")
      // In non-Yarn mode (or for the driver in yarn-client mode), we cannot trust the user
      // configuration to point to a secure directory. So create a subdirectory with restricted
      // permissions under each listed directory.
      conf.get("spark.local.dir", System.getProperty("")).split(",")

  private def getOrCreateLocalRootDirsImpl(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
    val configuredLocalDirs = getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf)
    val uris = configuredLocalDirs.filter { root =>
      // Here, we guess if the given value is a URI at its best - check if scheme is set.
      Try(new URI(root).getScheme != null).getOrElse(false)
    if (uris.nonEmpty) {
        "The configured local directories are not expected to be URIs; however, got suspicious " +
        s"values [${uris.mkString(", ")}]. Please check your configured local directories.")

    configuredLocalDirs.flatMap { root =>
      try {
        val rootDir = new File(root)
        if (rootDir.exists || rootDir.mkdirs()) {
          val dir = createTempDir(root)
        } else {
          logError(s"Failed to create dir in $root. Ignoring this directory.")
      } catch {
        case e: IOException =>
          logError(s"Failed to create local root dir in $root. Ignoring this directory.")

  /** Get the Yarn approved local directories. */
  private def getYarnLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): String = {
    val localDirs = Option(conf.getenv("LOCAL_DIRS")).getOrElse("")

    if (localDirs.isEmpty) {
      throw new Exception("Yarn Local dirs can't be empty")

  /** Used by unit tests. Do not call from other places. */
  private[spark] def clearLocalRootDirs(): Unit = {
    localRootDirs = null

   * Shuffle the elements of a collection into a random order, returning the
   * result in a new collection. Unlike scala.util.Random.shuffle, this method
   * uses a local random number generator, avoiding inter-thread contention.
  def randomize[T: ClassTag](seq: TraversableOnce[T]): Seq[T] = {

   * Shuffle the elements of an array into a random order, modifying the
   * original array. Returns the original array.
  def randomizeInPlace[T](arr: Array[T], rand: Random = new Random): Array[T] = {
    for (i <- (arr.length - 1) to 1 by -1) {
      val j = rand.nextInt(i + 1)
      val tmp = arr(j)
      arr(j) = arr(i)
      arr(i) = tmp

   * Get the local host's IP address in dotted-quad format (e.g.
   * Note, this is typically not used from within core spark.
  private lazy val localIpAddress: InetAddress = findLocalInetAddress()

  private def findLocalInetAddress(): InetAddress = {
    val defaultIpOverride = System.getenv("SPARK_LOCAL_IP")
    if (defaultIpOverride != null) {
    } else {
      val address = InetAddress.getLocalHost
      if (address.isLoopbackAddress) {
        // Address resolves to something like, which happens on Debian; try to find
        // a better address using the local network interfaces
        // getNetworkInterfaces returns ifs in reverse order compared to ifconfig output order
        // on unix-like system. On windows, it returns in index order.
        // It's more proper to pick ip address following system output order.
        val activeNetworkIFs = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces.asScala.toSeq
        val reOrderedNetworkIFs = if (isWindows) activeNetworkIFs else activeNetworkIFs.reverse

        for (ni <- reOrderedNetworkIFs) {
          val addresses = ni.getInetAddresses.asScala
            .filterNot(addr => addr.isLinkLocalAddress || addr.isLoopbackAddress).toSeq
          if (addresses.nonEmpty) {
            val addr = addresses.find(_.isInstanceOf[Inet4Address]).getOrElse(addresses.head)
            // because of Inet6Address.toHostName may add interface at the end if it knows about it
            val strippedAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(addr.getAddress)
            // We've found an address that looks reasonable!
            logWarning("Your hostname, " + InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName + " resolves to" +
              " a loopback address: " + address.getHostAddress + "; using " +
              strippedAddress.getHostAddress + " instead (on interface " + ni.getName + ")")
            logWarning("Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address")
            return strippedAddress
        logWarning("Your hostname, " + InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName + " resolves to" +
          " a loopback address: " + address.getHostAddress + ", but we couldn't find any" +
          " external IP address!")
        logWarning("Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address")

  private var customHostname: Option[String] = sys.env.get("SPARK_LOCAL_HOSTNAME")

   * Allow setting a custom host name because when we run on Mesos we need to use the same
   * hostname it reports to the master.
  def setCustomHostname(hostname: String): Unit = {
    // DEBUG code
    customHostname = Some(hostname)

   * Get the local machine's FQDN.
  def localCanonicalHostName(): String = {

   * Get the local machine's hostname.
   * In case of IPv6, getHostAddress may return '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1'.
  def localHostName(): String = {

   * Get the local machine's URI.
  def localHostNameForURI(): String = {

  private[spark] def addBracketsIfNeeded(addr: String): String = {
    if (addr.contains(":") && !addr.contains("[")) {
      "[" + addr + "]"
    } else {

   * Checks if the host contains only valid hostname/ip without port
   * NOTE: Incase of IPV6 ip it should be enclosed inside []
  def checkHost(host: String): Unit = {
    if (host != null && host.split(":").length > 2) {
      assert(host.startsWith("[") && host.endsWith("]"),
        s"Expected hostname or IPv6 IP enclosed in [] but got $host")
    } else {
      assert(host != null && host.indexOf(':') == -1, s"Expected hostname or IP but got $host")

  def checkHostPort(hostPort: String): Unit = {
    if (hostPort != null && hostPort.split(":").length > 2) {
      assert(hostPort != null && hostPort.indexOf("]:") != -1,
        s"Expected host and port but got $hostPort")
    } else {
      assert(hostPort != null && hostPort.indexOf(':') != -1,
        s"Expected host and port but got $hostPort")

  // Typically, this will be of order of number of nodes in cluster
  // If not, we should change it to LRUCache or something.
  private val hostPortParseResults = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, (String, Int)]()

  def parseHostPort(hostPort: String): (String, Int) = {
    // Check cache first.
    val cached = hostPortParseResults.get(hostPort)
    if (cached != null) {
      return cached

    def setDefaultPortValue: (String, Int) = {
      val retval = (hostPort, 0)
      hostPortParseResults.put(hostPort, retval)
    // checks if the hostport contains IPV6 ip and parses the host, port
    if (hostPort != null && hostPort.split(":").length > 2) {
      val index: Int = hostPort.lastIndexOf("]:")
      if (-1 == index) {
        return setDefaultPortValue
      val port = hostPort.substring(index + 2).trim()
      val retval = (hostPort.substring(0, index + 1).trim(), if (port.isEmpty) 0 else port.toInt)
      hostPortParseResults.putIfAbsent(hostPort, retval)
    } else {
      val index: Int = hostPort.lastIndexOf(':')
      if (-1 == index) {
        return setDefaultPortValue
      val port = hostPort.substring(index + 1).trim()
      val retval = (hostPort.substring(0, index).trim(), if (port.isEmpty) 0 else port.toInt)
      hostPortParseResults.putIfAbsent(hostPort, retval)


   * Return the string to tell how long has passed in milliseconds.
   * @param startTimeNs - a timestamp in nanoseconds returned by `System.nanoTime`.
  def getUsedTimeNs(startTimeNs: Long): String = {
    s"${TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTimeNs)} ms"

   * Lists files recursively.
  def recursiveList(f: File): Array[File] = {
    val result = f.listFiles.toBuffer
    val dirList = result.filter(_.isDirectory)
    while (dirList.nonEmpty) {
      val curDir = dirList.remove(0)
      val files = curDir.listFiles()
      result ++= files
      dirList ++= files.filter(_.isDirectory)

   * Delete a file or directory and its contents recursively.
   * Don't follow directories if they are symlinks.
   * Throws an exception if deletion is unsuccessful.
  def deleteRecursively(file: File): Unit = {
    if (file != null) {

   * Determines if a directory contains any files newer than cutoff seconds.
   * @param dir must be the path to a directory, or IllegalArgumentException is thrown
   * @param cutoff measured in seconds. Returns true if there are any files or directories in the
   *               given directory whose last modified time is later than this many seconds ago
  def doesDirectoryContainAnyNewFiles(dir: File, cutoff: Long): Boolean = {
    if (!dir.isDirectory) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$dir is not a directory!")
    val filesAndDirs = dir.listFiles()
    val cutoffTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis - (cutoff * 1000)

    filesAndDirs.exists(_.lastModified() > cutoffTimeInMillis) ||
      subdir => doesDirectoryContainAnyNewFiles(subdir, cutoff)

   * Convert a time parameter such as (50s, 100ms, or 250us) to milliseconds for internal use. If
   * no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in ms.
  def timeStringAsMs(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a time parameter such as (50s, 100ms, or 250us) to seconds for internal use. If
   * no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in seconds.
  def timeStringAsSeconds(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to bytes for internal use.
   * If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in bytes.
  def byteStringAsBytes(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to kibibytes for internal use.
   * If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in kibibytes.
  def byteStringAsKb(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m) to mebibytes for internal use.
   * If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in mebibytes.
  def byteStringAsMb(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a passed byte string (e.g. 50b, 100k, or 250m, 500g) to gibibytes for internal use.
   * If no suffix is provided, the passed number is assumed to be in gibibytes.
  def byteStringAsGb(str: String): Long = {

   * Convert a Java memory parameter passed to -Xmx (such as 300m or 1g) to a number of mebibytes.
  def memoryStringToMb(str: String): Int = {
    // Convert to bytes, rather than directly to MiB, because when no units are specified the unit
    // is assumed to be bytes
    (JavaUtils.byteStringAsBytes(str) / 1024 / 1024).toInt

   * Convert a quantity in bytes to a human-readable string such as "4.0 MiB".
  def bytesToString(size: Long): String = bytesToString(BigInt(size))

  def bytesToString(size: BigInt): String = {
    val EiB = 1L << 60
    val PiB = 1L << 50
    val TiB = 1L << 40
    val GiB = 1L << 30
    val MiB = 1L << 20
    val KiB = 1L << 10

    if (size >= BigInt(1L << 11) * EiB) {
      // The number is too large, show it in scientific notation.
      BigDecimal(size, new MathContext(3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)).toString() + " B"
    } else {
      val (value, unit) = {
        if (size >= 2 * EiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / EiB, "EiB")
        } else if (size >= 2 * PiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / PiB, "PiB")
        } else if (size >= 2 * TiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / TiB, "TiB")
        } else if (size >= 2 * GiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / GiB, "GiB")
        } else if (size >= 2 * MiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / MiB, "MiB")
        } else if (size >= 2 * KiB) {
          (BigDecimal(size) / KiB, "KiB")
        } else {
          (BigDecimal(size), "B")
      "%.1f %s".formatLocal(Locale.US, value, unit)

   * Returns a human-readable string representing a duration such as "35ms"
  def msDurationToString(ms: Long): String = {
    val second = 1000
    val minute = 60 * second
    val hour = 60 * minute
    val locale = Locale.US

    ms match {
      case t if t < second =>
        "%d ms".formatLocal(locale, t)
      case t if t < minute =>
        "%.1f s".formatLocal(locale, t.toFloat / second)
      case t if t < hour =>
        "%.1f m".formatLocal(locale, t.toFloat / minute)
      case t =>
        "%.2f h".formatLocal(locale, t.toFloat / hour)

   * Convert a quantity in megabytes to a human-readable string such as "4.0 MiB".
  def megabytesToString(megabytes: Long): String = {
    bytesToString(megabytes * 1024L * 1024L)

   * Execute a command and return the process running the command.
  def executeCommand(
      command: Seq[String],
      workingDir: File = new File("."),
      extraEnvironment: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
      redirectStderr: Boolean = true): Process = {
    val builder = new ProcessBuilder(command: _*).directory(workingDir)
    val environment = builder.environment()
    for ((key, value) <- extraEnvironment) {
      environment.put(key, value)
    val process = builder.start()
    if (redirectStderr) {
      val threadName = "redirect stderr for command " + command(0)
      def log(s: String): Unit = logInfo(s)
      processStreamByLine(threadName, process.getErrorStream, log)

   * Execute a command and get its output, throwing an exception if it yields a code other than 0.
  def executeAndGetOutput(
      command: Seq[String],
      workingDir: File = new File("."),
      extraEnvironment: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
      redirectStderr: Boolean = true): String = {
    val process = executeCommand(command, workingDir, extraEnvironment, redirectStderr)
    val output = new StringBuilder
    val threadName = "read stdout for " + command(0)
    def appendToOutput(s: String): Unit = output.append(s).append("\n")
    val stdoutThread = processStreamByLine(threadName, process.getInputStream, appendToOutput)
    val exitCode = process.waitFor()
    stdoutThread.join()   // Wait for it to finish reading output
    if (exitCode != 0) {
      logError(s"Process $command exited with code $exitCode: $output")
      throw new SparkException(s"Process $command exited with code $exitCode")

   * Return and start a daemon thread that processes the content of the input stream line by line.
  def processStreamByLine(
      threadName: String,
      inputStream: InputStream,
      processLine: String => Unit): Thread = {
    val t = new Thread(threadName) {
      override def run(): Unit = {
        for (line <- Source.fromInputStream(inputStream).getLines()) {

   * Execute a block of code that evaluates to Unit, forwarding any uncaught exceptions to the
   * default UncaughtExceptionHandler
   * NOTE: This method is to be called by the spark-started JVM process.
  def tryOrExit(block: => Unit): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: ControlThrowable => throw e
      case t: Throwable => sparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(t)

   * Execute a block of code that evaluates to Unit, stop SparkContext if there is any uncaught
   * exception
   * NOTE: This method is to be called by the driver-side components to avoid stopping the
   * user-started JVM process completely; in contrast, tryOrExit is to be called in the
   * spark-started JVM process .
  def tryOrStopSparkContext(sc: SparkContext)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: ControlThrowable => throw e
      case t: Throwable =>
        val currentThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName
        if (sc != null) {
          logError(s"uncaught error in thread $currentThreadName, stopping SparkContext", t)
        if (!NonFatal(t)) {
          logError(s"throw uncaught fatal error in thread $currentThreadName", t)
          throw t

   * Execute a block of code that returns a value, re-throwing any non-fatal uncaught
   * exceptions as IOException. This is used when implementing Externalizable and Serializable's
   * read and write methods, since Java's serializer will not report non-IOExceptions properly;
   * see SPARK-4080 for more context.
  def tryOrIOException[T](block: => T): T = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: IOException =>
        logError("Exception encountered", e)
        throw e
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logError("Exception encountered", e)
        throw new IOException(e)

  /** Executes the given block. Log non-fatal errors if any, and only throw fatal errors */
  def tryLogNonFatalError(block: => Unit): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(t) =>
        logError(s"Uncaught exception in thread ${Thread.currentThread().getName}", t)

   * Execute a block of code, then a finally block, but if exceptions happen in
   * the finally block, do not suppress the original exception.
   * This is primarily an issue with `finally { out.close() }` blocks, where
   * close needs to be called to clean up `out`, but if an exception happened
   * in `out.write`, it's likely `out` may be corrupted and `out.close` will
   * fail as well. This would then suppress the original/likely more meaningful
   * exception from the original `out.write` call.
  def tryWithSafeFinally[T](block: => T)(finallyBlock: => Unit): T = {
    var originalThrowable: Throwable = null
    try {
    } catch {
      case t: Throwable =>
        // Purposefully not using NonFatal, because even fatal exceptions
        // we don't want to have our finallyBlock suppress
        originalThrowable = t
        throw originalThrowable
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch {
        case t: Throwable if (originalThrowable != null && originalThrowable != t) =>
          logWarning(s"Suppressing exception in finally: ${t.getMessage}", t)
          throw originalThrowable

   * Execute a block of code and call the failure callbacks in the catch block. If exceptions occur
   * in either the catch or the finally block, they are appended to the list of suppressed
   * exceptions in original exception which is then rethrown.
   * This is primarily an issue with `catch { abort() }` or `finally { out.close() }` blocks,
   * where the abort/close needs to be called to clean up `out`, but if an exception happened
   * in `out.write`, it's likely `out` may be corrupted and `abort` or `out.close` will
   * fail as well. This would then suppress the original/likely more meaningful
   * exception from the original `out.write` call.
  def tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks[T](block: => T)
      (catchBlock: => Unit = (), finallyBlock: => Unit = ()): T = {
    var originalThrowable: Throwable = null
    try {
    } catch {
      case cause: Throwable =>
        // Purposefully not using NonFatal, because even fatal exceptions
        // we don't want to have our finallyBlock suppress
        originalThrowable = cause
        try {
          logError("Aborting task", originalThrowable)
          if (TaskContext.get() != null) {
        } catch {
          case t: Throwable =>
            if (originalThrowable != t) {
              logWarning(s"Suppressing exception in catch: ${t.getMessage}", t)
        throw originalThrowable
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch {
        case t: Throwable if (originalThrowable != null && originalThrowable != t) =>
          logWarning(s"Suppressing exception in finally: ${t.getMessage}", t)
          throw originalThrowable

  // A regular expression to match classes of the internal Spark API's
  // that we want to skip when finding the call site of a method.
  private val SPARK_CORE_CLASS_REGEX =
  private val SPARK_SQL_CLASS_REGEX = """^org\.apache\.spark\.sql.*""".r

  /** Default filtering function for finding call sites using `getCallSite`. */
  private def sparkInternalExclusionFunction(className: String): Boolean = {
    val SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX = "scala"
    val isSparkClass = SPARK_CORE_CLASS_REGEX.findFirstIn(className).isDefined ||
    val isScalaClass = className.startsWith(SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX)
    // If the class is a Spark internal class or a Scala class, then exclude.
    isSparkClass || isScalaClass

   * When called inside a class in the spark package, returns the name of the user code class
   * (outside the spark package) that called into Spark, as well as which Spark method they called.
   * This is used, for example, to tell users where in their code each RDD got created.
   * @param skipClass Function that is used to exclude non-user-code classes.
  def getCallSite(skipClass: String => Boolean = sparkInternalExclusionFunction): CallSite = {
    // Keep crawling up the stack trace until we find the first function not inside of the spark
    // package. We track the last (shallowest) contiguous Spark method. This might be an RDD
    // transformation, a SparkContext function (such as parallelize), or anything else that leads
    // to instantiation of an RDD. We also track the first (deepest) user method, file, and line.
    var lastSparkMethod = "<unknown>"
    var firstUserFile = "<unknown>"
    var firstUserLine = 0
    var insideSpark = true
    val callStack = new ArrayBuffer[String]() :+ "<unknown>"

    Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace().foreach { ste: StackTraceElement =>
      // When running under some profilers, the current stack trace might contain some bogus
      // frames. This is intended to ensure that we don't crash in these situations by
      // ignoring any frames that we can't examine.
      if (ste != null && ste.getMethodName != null
        && !ste.getMethodName.contains("getStackTrace")) {
        if (insideSpark) {
          if (skipClass(ste.getClassName)) {
            lastSparkMethod = if (ste.getMethodName == "<init>") {
              // Spark method is a constructor; get its class name
              ste.getClassName.substring(ste.getClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
            } else {
            callStack(0) = ste.toString // Put last Spark method on top of the stack trace.
          } else {
            if (ste.getFileName != null) {
              firstUserFile = ste.getFileName
              if (ste.getLineNumber >= 0) {
                firstUserLine = ste.getLineNumber
            callStack += ste.toString
            insideSpark = false
        } else {
          callStack += ste.toString

    val callStackDepth = System.getProperty("spark.callstack.depth", "20").toInt
    val shortForm =
      if (firstUserFile == "") {
        // To be more user friendly, show a nicer string for queries submitted from the JDBC
        // server.
        "Spark JDBC Server Query"
      } else {
        s"$lastSparkMethod at $firstUserFile:$firstUserLine"
    val longForm = callStack.take(callStackDepth).mkString("\n")

    CallSite(shortForm, longForm)

  private var compressedLogFileLengthCache: LoadingCache[String, java.lang.Long] = null
  private def getCompressedLogFileLengthCache(
      sparkConf: SparkConf): LoadingCache[String, java.lang.Long] = this.synchronized {
    if (compressedLogFileLengthCache == null) {
      val compressedLogFileLengthCacheSize = sparkConf.get(
      compressedLogFileLengthCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .build[String, java.lang.Long](new CacheLoader[String, java.lang.Long]() {
        override def load(path: String): java.lang.Long = {
          Utils.getCompressedFileLength(new File(path))

   * Return the file length, if the file is compressed it returns the uncompressed file length.
   * It also caches the uncompressed file size to avoid repeated decompression. The cache size is
   * read from workerConf.
  def getFileLength(file: File, workConf: SparkConf): Long = {
    if (file.getName.endsWith(".gz")) {
    } else {

  /** Return uncompressed file length of a compressed file. */
  private def getCompressedFileLength(file: File): Long = {
    var gzInputStream: GZIPInputStream = null
    try {
      // Uncompress .gz file to determine file size.
      var fileSize = 0L
      gzInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
      val bufSize = 1024
      val buf = new Array[Byte](bufSize)
      var numBytes =, buf, 0, bufSize)
      while (numBytes > 0) {
        fileSize += numBytes
        numBytes =, buf, 0, bufSize)
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        logError(s"Cannot get file length of ${file}", e)
        throw e
    } finally {
      if (gzInputStream != null) {

  /** Return a string containing part of a file from byte 'start' to 'end'. */
  def offsetBytes(path: String, length: Long, start: Long, end: Long): String = {
    val file = new File(path)
    val effectiveEnd = math.min(length, end)
    val effectiveStart = math.max(0, start)
    val buff = new Array[Byte]((effectiveEnd-effectiveStart).toInt)
    val stream = if (path.endsWith(".gz")) {
      new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
    } else {
      new FileInputStream(file)

    try {
      ByteStreams.skipFully(stream, effectiveStart)
      ByteStreams.readFully(stream, buff)
    } finally {

   * Return a string containing data across a set of files. The `startIndex`
   * and `endIndex` is based on the cumulative size of all the files take in
   * the given order. See figure below for more details.
  def offsetBytes(files: Seq[File], fileLengths: Seq[Long], start: Long, end: Long): String = {
    assert(files.length == fileLengths.length)
    val startIndex = math.max(start, 0)
    val endIndex = math.min(end, fileLengths.sum)
    val fileToLength = CUtils.toMap(files, fileLengths)

    logDebug("Log files: \n" + fileToLength.mkString("\n"))

    val stringBuffer = new StringBuffer((endIndex - startIndex).toInt)
    var sum = 0L { case (file, fileLength) =>
      val startIndexOfFile = sum
      val endIndexOfFile = sum + fileToLength(file)
      logDebug(s"Processing file $file, " +
        s"with start index = $startIndexOfFile, end index = $endIndex")

       range 1:                      |            |
                                     |   case A   |

       files:   |==== file 1 ====|====== file 2 ======|===== file 3 =====|

                     |   case B  .       case C       .    case D    |
       range 2:      |___________.____________________.______________|

      if (startIndex <= startIndexOfFile  && endIndex >= endIndexOfFile) {
        // Case C: read the whole file
        stringBuffer.append(offsetBytes(file.getAbsolutePath, fileLength, 0, fileToLength(file)))
      } else if (startIndex > startIndexOfFile && startIndex < endIndexOfFile) {
        // Case A and B: read from [start of required range] to [end of file / end of range]
        val effectiveStartIndex = startIndex - startIndexOfFile
        val effectiveEndIndex = math.min(endIndex - startIndexOfFile, fileToLength(file))
          file.getAbsolutePath, fileLength, effectiveStartIndex, effectiveEndIndex))
      } else if (endIndex > startIndexOfFile && endIndex < endIndexOfFile) {
        // Case D: read from [start of file] to [end of require range]
        val effectiveStartIndex = math.max(startIndex - startIndexOfFile, 0)
        val effectiveEndIndex = endIndex - startIndexOfFile
          file.getAbsolutePath, fileLength, effectiveStartIndex, effectiveEndIndex))
      sum += fileToLength(file)
      logDebug(s"After processing file $file, string built is ${stringBuffer.toString}")

   * Clone an object using a Spark serializer.
  def clone[T: ClassTag](value: T, serializer: SerializerInstance): T = {

  private def isSpace(c: Char): Boolean = {
    " \t\r\n".indexOf(c) != -1

   * Split a string of potentially quoted arguments from the command line the way that a shell
   * would do it to determine arguments to a command. For example, if the string is 'a "b c" d',
   * then it would be parsed as three arguments: 'a', 'b c' and 'd'.
  def splitCommandString(s: String): Seq[String] = {
    val buf = new ArrayBuffer[String]
    var inWord = false
    var inSingleQuote = false
    var inDoubleQuote = false
    val curWord = new StringBuilder
    def endWord(): Unit = {
      buf += curWord.toString
    var i = 0
    while (i < s.length) {
      val nextChar = s.charAt(i)
      if (inDoubleQuote) {
        if (nextChar == '"') {
          inDoubleQuote = false
        } else if (nextChar == '\\') {
          if (i < s.length - 1) {
            // Append the next character directly, because only " and \ may be escaped in
            // double quotes after the shell's own expansion
            curWord.append(s.charAt(i + 1))
            i += 1
        } else {
      } else if (inSingleQuote) {
        if (nextChar == '\'') {
          inSingleQuote = false
        } else {
        // Backslashes are not treated specially in single quotes
      } else if (nextChar == '"') {
        inWord = true
        inDoubleQuote = true
      } else if (nextChar == '\'') {
        inWord = true
        inSingleQuote = true
      } else if (!isSpace(nextChar)) {
        inWord = true
      } else if (inWord && isSpace(nextChar)) {
        inWord = false
      i += 1
    if (inWord || inDoubleQuote || inSingleQuote) {

 /* Calculates 'x' modulo 'mod', takes to consideration sign of x,
  * i.e. if 'x' is negative, than 'x' % 'mod' is negative too
  * so function return (x % mod) + mod in that case.
  def nonNegativeMod(x: Int, mod: Int): Int = {
    val rawMod = x % mod
    rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0)

  // Handles idiosyncrasies with hash (add more as required)
  // This method should be kept in sync with
  def nonNegativeHash(obj: AnyRef): Int = {

    // Required ?
    if (obj eq null) return 0

    val hash = obj.hashCode
    // math.abs fails for Int.MinValue
    val hashAbs = if (Int.MinValue != hash) math.abs(hash) else 0

    // Nothing else to guard against ?

   * Returns the system properties map that is thread-safe to iterator over. It gets the
   * properties which have been set explicitly, as well as those for which only a default value
   * has been defined.
  def getSystemProperties: Map[String, String] = {
      .map(key => (key, System.getProperty(key))).toMap

   * Method executed for repeating a task for side effects.
   * Unlike a for comprehension, it permits JVM JIT optimization
  def times(numIters: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    while (i < numIters) {
      i += 1

   * Timing method based on iterations that permit JVM JIT optimization.
   * @param numIters number of iterations
   * @param f function to be executed. If prepare is not None, the running time of each call to f
   *          must be an order of magnitude longer than one nanosecond for accurate timing.
   * @param prepare function to be executed before each call to f. Its running time doesn't count.
   * @return the total time across all iterations (not counting preparation time) in nanoseconds.
  def timeIt(numIters: Int)(f: => Unit, prepare: Option[() => Unit] = None): Long = {
    if (prepare.isEmpty) {
      val startNs = System.nanoTime()
      System.nanoTime() - startNs
    } else {
      var i = 0
      var sum = 0L
      while (i < numIters) {
        val startNs = System.nanoTime()
        sum += System.nanoTime() - startNs
        i += 1

   * Counts the number of elements of an iterator.
  def getIteratorSize(iterator: Iterator[_]): Long = Iterators.size(iterator)

   * Generate a zipWithIndex iterator, avoid index value overflowing problem
   * in scala's zipWithIndex
  def getIteratorZipWithIndex[T](iter: Iterator[T], startIndex: Long): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    new Iterator[(T, Long)] {
      require(startIndex >= 0, "startIndex should be >= 0.")
      var index: Long = startIndex - 1L
      def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext
      def next(): (T, Long) = {
        index += 1L
        (, index)

   * Creates a symlink.
   * @param src absolute path to the source
   * @param dst relative path for the destination
  def symlink(src: File, dst: File): Unit = {
    if (!src.isAbsolute()) {
      throw new IOException("Source must be absolute")
    if (dst.isAbsolute()) {
      throw new IOException("Destination must be relative")
    Files.createSymbolicLink(dst.toPath, src.toPath)

  /** Return the class name of the given object, removing all dollar signs */
  def getFormattedClassName(obj: AnyRef): String = {
    getSimpleName(obj.getClass).replace("$", "")

   * Return a Hadoop FileSystem with the scheme encoded in the given path.
  def getHadoopFileSystem(path: URI, conf: Configuration): FileSystem = {
    FileSystem.get(path, conf)

   * Return a Hadoop FileSystem with the scheme encoded in the given path.
  def getHadoopFileSystem(path: String, conf: Configuration): FileSystem = {
    getHadoopFileSystem(new URI(path), conf)

   * Whether the underlying operating system is Windows.
  val isWindows = SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS

   * Whether the underlying operating system is Mac OS X.
  val isMac = SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX

   * Whether the underlying operating system is Mac OS X and processor is Apple Silicon.
  val isMacOnAppleSilicon = SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX && SystemUtils.OS_ARCH.equals("aarch64")

   * Whether the underlying JVM prefer IPv6 addresses.
  val preferIPv6 = "true".equals(System.getProperty(""))

   * Pattern for matching a Windows drive, which contains only a single alphabet character.
  val windowsDrive = "([a-zA-Z])".r

   * Indicates whether Spark is currently running unit tests.
  def isTesting: Boolean = {
    // Scala's `sys.env` creates a ton of garbage by constructing Scala immutable maps, so
    // we directly use the Java APIs instead.
    System.getenv("SPARK_TESTING") != null || System.getProperty(IS_TESTING.key) != null

   * Terminates a process waiting for at most the specified duration.
   * @return the process exit value if it was successfully terminated, else None
  def terminateProcess(process: Process, timeoutMs: Long): Option[Int] = {
    // Politely destroy first
    if (process.waitFor(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
      // Successful exit
    } else {
      try {
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) => logWarning("Exception when attempting to kill process", e)
      // Wait, again, although this really should return almost immediately
      if (process.waitFor(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
      } else {
        logWarning("Timed out waiting to forcibly kill process")

   * Return the stderr of a process after waiting for the process to terminate.
   * If the process does not terminate within the specified timeout, return None.
  def getStderr(process: Process, timeoutMs: Long): Option[String] = {
    val terminated = process.waitFor(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    if (terminated) {
    } else {

   * Execute the given block, logging and re-throwing any uncaught exception.
   * This is particularly useful for wrapping code that runs in a thread, to ensure
   * that exceptions are printed, and to avoid having to catch Throwable.
  def logUncaughtExceptions[T](f: => T): T = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case ct: ControlThrowable =>
        throw ct
      case t: Throwable =>
        logError(s"Uncaught exception in thread ${Thread.currentThread().getName}", t)
        throw t

  /** Executes the given block in a Try, logging any uncaught exceptions. */
  def tryLog[T](f: => T): Try[T] = {
    try {
      val res = f
    } catch {
      case ct: ControlThrowable =>
        throw ct
      case t: Throwable =>
        logError(s"Uncaught exception in thread ${Thread.currentThread().getName}", t)

  /** Returns true if the given exception was fatal. See docs for scala.util.control.NonFatal. */
  def isFatalError(e: Throwable): Boolean = {
    e match {
      case NonFatal(_) |
           _: InterruptedException |
           _: NotImplementedError |
           _: ControlThrowable |
           _: LinkageError =>
      case _ =>

   * Return a well-formed URI for the file described by a user input string.
   * If the supplied path does not contain a scheme, or is a relative path, it will be
   * converted into an absolute path with a file:// scheme.
  def resolveURI(path: String): URI = {
    try {
      val uri = new URI(path)
      if (uri.getScheme() != null) {
        return uri
      // make sure to handle if the path has a fragment (applies to yarn
      // distributed cache)
      if (uri.getFragment() != null) {
        val absoluteURI = new File(uri.getPath()).getAbsoluteFile().toURI()
        return new URI(absoluteURI.getScheme(), absoluteURI.getHost(), absoluteURI.getPath(),
    } catch {
      case e: URISyntaxException =>
    new File(path).getCanonicalFile().toURI()

  /** Resolve a comma-separated list of paths. */
  def resolveURIs(paths: String): String = {
    if (paths == null || paths.trim.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      paths.split(",").filter(_.trim.nonEmpty).map { p => Utils.resolveURI(p) }.mkString(",")

  /** Check whether a path is an absolute URI. */
  def isAbsoluteURI(path: String): Boolean = {
    try {
      val uri = new URI(path: String)
    } catch {
      case _: URISyntaxException =>

  /** Return all non-local paths from a comma-separated list of paths. */
  def nonLocalPaths(paths: String, testWindows: Boolean = false): Array[String] = {
    val windows = isWindows || testWindows
    if (paths == null || paths.trim.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      paths.split(",").filter { p =>
        val uri = resolveURI(p)
        Option(uri.getScheme).getOrElse("file") match {
          case windowsDrive(d) if windows => false
          case "local" | "file" => false
          case _ => true

   * Load default Spark properties from the given file. If no file is provided,
   * use the common defaults file. This mutates state in the given SparkConf and
   * in this JVM's system properties if the config specified in the file is not
   * already set. Return the path of the properties file used.
  def loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf: SparkConf, filePath: String = null): String = {
    val path = Option(filePath).getOrElse(getDefaultPropertiesFile())
    Option(path).foreach { confFile =>
      getPropertiesFromFile(confFile).filter { case (k, v) =>
      }.foreach { case (k, v) =>
        conf.setIfMissing(k, v)
        sys.props.getOrElseUpdate(k, v)

   * Updates Spark config with properties from a set of Properties.
   * Provided properties have the highest priority.
  def updateSparkConfigFromProperties(
      conf: SparkConf,
      properties: Map[String, String]) : Unit = {
    properties.filter { case (k, v) =>
    }.foreach { case (k, v) =>
      conf.set(k, v)

   * Implements the same logic as JDK `java.lang.String#trim` by removing leading and trailing
   * non-printable characters less or equal to '\u0020' (SPACE) but preserves natural line
   * delimiters according to [[java.util.Properties]] load method. The natural line delimiters are
   * removed by JDK during load. Therefore any remaining ones have been specifically provided and
   * escaped by the user, and must not be ignored
   * @param str
   * @return the trimmed value of str
  private[util] def trimExceptCRLF(str: String): String = {
    val nonSpaceOrNaturalLineDelimiter: Char => Boolean = { ch =>
      ch > ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'

    val firstPos = str.indexWhere(nonSpaceOrNaturalLineDelimiter)
    val lastPos = str.lastIndexWhere(nonSpaceOrNaturalLineDelimiter)
    if (firstPos >= 0 && lastPos >= 0) {
      str.substring(firstPos, lastPos + 1)
    } else {

  /** Load properties present in the given file. */
  def getPropertiesFromFile(filename: String): Map[String, String] = {
    val file = new File(filename)
    require(file.exists(), s"Properties file $file does not exist")
    require(file.isFile(), s"Properties file $file is not a normal file")

    val inReader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    try {
      val properties = new Properties()
        .map { k => (k, trimExceptCRLF(properties.getProperty(k))) }

    } catch {
      case e: IOException =>
        throw new SparkException(s"Failed when loading Spark properties from $filename", e)
    } finally {

  /** Return the path of the default Spark properties file. */
  def getDefaultPropertiesFile(env: Map[String, String] = sys.env): String = {
      .orElse(env.get("SPARK_HOME").map { t => s"$t${File.separator}conf" })
      .map { t => new File(s"$t${File.separator}spark-defaults.conf")}

   * Return a nice string representation of the exception. It will call "printStackTrace" to
   * recursively generate the stack trace including the exception and its causes.
  def exceptionString(e: Throwable): String = {
    if (e == null) {
    } else {
      // Use e.printStackTrace here because e.getStackTrace doesn't include the cause
      val stringWriter = new StringWriter()
      e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter))

  private implicit class Lock(lock: LockInfo) {
    def lockString: String = {
      lock match {
        case monitor: MonitorInfo =>
        case _ =>

  /** Return a thread dump of all threads' stacktraces.  Used to capture dumps for the web UI */
  def getThreadDump(): Array[ThreadStackTrace] = {
    // We need to filter out null values here because dumpAllThreads() may return null array
    // elements for threads that are dead / don't exist.
    val threadInfos = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads(true, true).filter(_ != null)
    threadInfos.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) =>
        val v1 = if (threadTrace1.getThreadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
        val v2 = if (threadTrace2.getThreadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0
        if (v1 == v2) {
          val name1 = threadTrace1.getThreadName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
          val name2 = threadTrace2.getThreadName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
          val nameCmpRes = name1.compareTo(name2)
          if (nameCmpRes == 0) {
            threadTrace1.getThreadId < threadTrace2.getThreadId
          } else {
            nameCmpRes < 0
        } else {
          v1 > v2

  def getThreadDumpForThread(threadId: Long): Option[ThreadStackTrace] = {
    if (threadId <= 0) {
    } else {
      // The Int.MaxValue here requests the entire untruncated stack trace of the thread:
      val threadInfo =
        Option(ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(threadId, Int.MaxValue))

  private def threadInfoToThreadStackTrace(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): ThreadStackTrace = {
    val monitors = => m.getLockedStackFrame -> m).toMap
    val stackTrace = StackTrace( { frame =>
      monitors.get(frame) match {
        case Some(monitor) =>
          monitor.getLockedStackFrame.toString + s" => holding ${monitor.lockString}"
        case None =>

    // use a set to dedup re-entrant locks that are held at multiple places
    val heldLocks =
      (threadInfo.getLockedSynchronizers ++ threadInfo.getLockedMonitors).map(_.lockString).toSet

      threadId = threadInfo.getThreadId,
      threadName = threadInfo.getThreadName,
      threadState = threadInfo.getThreadState,
      stackTrace = stackTrace,
      blockedByThreadId =
        if (threadInfo.getLockOwnerId < 0) None else Some(threadInfo.getLockOwnerId),
      blockedByLock = Option(threadInfo.getLockInfo).map(_.lockString).getOrElse(""),
      holdingLocks = heldLocks.toSeq)

   * Convert all spark properties set in the given SparkConf to a sequence of java options.
  def sparkJavaOpts(conf: SparkConf, filterKey: (String => Boolean) = _ => true): Seq[String] = {
      .filter { case (k, _) => filterKey(k) }
      .map { case (k, v) => s"-D$k=$v" }

   * Maximum number of retries when binding to a port before giving up.
  def portMaxRetries(conf: SparkConf): Int = {
    val maxRetries = conf.getOption("spark.port.maxRetries").map(_.toInt)
    if (conf.contains(IS_TESTING)) {
      // Set a higher number of retries for tests...
    } else {

   * Returns the user port to try when trying to bind a service. Handles wrapping and skipping
   * privileged ports.
  def userPort(base: Int, offset: Int): Int = {
    (base + offset - 1024) % (65536 - 1024) + 1024

   * Attempt to start a service on the given port, or fail after a number of attempts.
   * Each subsequent attempt uses 1 + the port used in the previous attempt (unless the port is 0).
   * @param startPort The initial port to start the service on.
   * @param startService Function to start service on a given port.
   *                     This is expected to throw on port collision.
   * @param conf A SparkConf used to get the maximum number of retries when binding to a port.
   * @param serviceName Name of the service.
   * @return (service: T, port: Int)
  def startServiceOnPort[T](
      startPort: Int,
      startService: Int => (T, Int),
      conf: SparkConf,
      serviceName: String = ""): (T, Int) = {

    require(startPort == 0 || (1024 <= startPort && startPort < 65536),
      "startPort should be between 1024 and 65535 (inclusive), or 0 for a random free port.")

    val serviceString = if (serviceName.isEmpty) "" else s" '$serviceName'"
    val maxRetries = portMaxRetries(conf)
    for (offset <- 0 to maxRetries) {
      // Do not increment port if startPort is 0, which is treated as a special port
      val tryPort = if (startPort == 0) {
      } else {
        userPort(startPort, offset)
      try {
        val (service, port) = startService(tryPort)
        logInfo(s"Successfully started service$serviceString on port $port.")
        return (service, port)
      } catch {
        case e: Exception if isBindCollision(e) =>
          if (offset >= maxRetries) {
            val exceptionMessage = if (startPort == 0) {
              s"${e.getMessage}: Service$serviceString failed after " +
                s"$maxRetries retries (on a random free port)! " +
                s"Consider explicitly setting the appropriate binding address for " +
                s"the service$serviceString (for example ${DRIVER_BIND_ADDRESS.key} " +
                s"for SparkDriver) to the correct binding address."
            } else {
              s"${e.getMessage}: Service$serviceString failed after " +
                s"$maxRetries retries (starting from $startPort)! Consider explicitly setting " +
                s"the appropriate port for the service$serviceString (for example spark.ui.port " +
                s"for SparkUI) to an available port or increasing spark.port.maxRetries."
            val exception = new BindException(exceptionMessage)
            // restore original stack trace
            throw exception
          if (startPort == 0) {
            // As startPort 0 is for a random free port, it is most possibly binding address is
            // not correct.
            logWarning(s"Service$serviceString could not bind on a random free port. " +
              "You may check whether configuring an appropriate binding address.")
          } else {
            logWarning(s"Service$serviceString could not bind on port $tryPort. " +
              s"Attempting port ${tryPort + 1}.")
    // Should never happen
    throw new SparkException(s"Failed to start service$serviceString on port $startPort")

   * Return whether the exception is caused by an address-port collision when binding.
  def isBindCollision(exception: Throwable): Boolean = {
    exception match {
      case e: BindException =>
        if (e.getMessage != null) {
          return true
      case e: MultiException =>
      case e: NativeIoException =>
        (e.getMessage != null && e.getMessage.startsWith("bind() failed: ")) ||
      case e: Exception => isBindCollision(e.getCause)
      case _ => false

   * configure a new log4j level
  def setLogLevel(l: Level): Unit = {
    val ctx = LogManager.getContext(false).asInstanceOf[LoggerContext]
    val config = ctx.getConfiguration()
    val loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(LogManager.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME)

    // Setting threshold to null as rootLevel will define log level for spark-shell
    Logging.sparkShellThresholdLevel = null

   * Return the current system LD_LIBRARY_PATH name
  def libraryPathEnvName: String = {
    if (isWindows) {
    } else if (isMac) {
    } else {

   * Return the prefix of a command that appends the given library paths to the
   * system-specific library path environment variable. On Unix, for instance,
   * this returns the string LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path1:path2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH".
  def libraryPathEnvPrefix(libraryPaths: Seq[String]): String = {
    val libraryPathScriptVar = if (isWindows) {
    } else {
      "$" + libraryPathEnvName
    val libraryPath = (libraryPaths :+ libraryPathScriptVar).mkString("\"",
      File.pathSeparator, "\"")
    val ampersand = if (Utils.isWindows) {
      " &"
    } else {

   * Return the value of a config either through the SparkConf or the Hadoop configuration.
   * We Check whether the key is set in the SparkConf before look at any Hadoop configuration.
   * If the key is set in SparkConf, no matter whether it is running on YARN or not,
   * gets the value from SparkConf.
   * Only when the key is not set in SparkConf and running on YARN,
   * gets the value from Hadoop configuration.
  def getSparkOrYarnConfig(conf: SparkConf, key: String, default: String): String = {
    if (conf.contains(key)) {
      conf.get(key, default)
    } else if (conf.get(SparkLauncher.SPARK_MASTER, null) == "yarn") {
      new YarnConfiguration(SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(conf)).get(key, default)
    } else {

   * Return a pair of host and port extracted from the `sparkUrl`.
   * A spark url (`spark://host:port`) is a special URI that its scheme is `spark` and only contains
   * host and port.
   * @throws org.apache.spark.SparkException if sparkUrl is invalid.
  def extractHostPortFromSparkUrl(sparkUrl: String): (String, Int) = {
    try {
      val uri = new
      val host = uri.getHost
      val port = uri.getPort
      if (uri.getScheme != "spark" ||
        host == null ||
        port < 0 ||
        (uri.getPath != null && !uri.getPath.isEmpty) || // uri.getPath returns "" instead of null
        uri.getFragment != null ||
        uri.getQuery != null ||
        uri.getUserInfo != null) {
        throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + sparkUrl)
      (host, port)
    } catch {
      case e: =>
        throw new SparkException("Invalid master URL: " + sparkUrl, e)

   * Returns the current user name. This is the currently logged in user, unless that's been
   * overridden by the `SPARK_USER` environment variable.
  def getCurrentUserName(): String = {

  val EMPTY_USER_GROUPS = Set.empty[String]

  // Returns the groups to which the current user belongs.
  def getCurrentUserGroups(sparkConf: SparkConf, username: String): Set[String] = {
    val groupProviderClassName = sparkConf.get(USER_GROUPS_MAPPING)
    if (groupProviderClassName != "") {
      try {
        val groupMappingServiceProvider = classForName(groupProviderClassName).
        val currentUserGroups = groupMappingServiceProvider.getGroups(username)
        return currentUserGroups
      } catch {
        case e: Exception => logError(s"Error getting groups for user=$username", e)

   * Split the comma delimited string of master URLs into a list.
   * For instance, "spark://abc,def" becomes [spark://abc, spark://def].
  def parseStandaloneMasterUrls(masterUrls: String): Array[String] = {
    masterUrls.stripPrefix("spark://").split(",").map("spark://" + _)

  /** An identifier that backup masters use in their responses. */
  val BACKUP_STANDALONE_MASTER_PREFIX = "Current state is not alive"

  /** Return true if the response message is sent from a backup Master on standby. */
  def responseFromBackup(msg: String): Boolean = {

   * To avoid calling `Utils.getCallSite` for every single RDD we create in the body,
   * set a dummy call site that RDDs use instead. This is for performance optimization.
  def withDummyCallSite[T](sc: SparkContext)(body: => T): T = {
    val oldShortCallSite = sc.getLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM)
    val oldLongCallSite = sc.getLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM)
    try {
      sc.setLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM, "")
      sc.setLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM, "")
    } finally {
      // Restore the old ones here
      sc.setLocalProperty(CallSite.SHORT_FORM, oldShortCallSite)
      sc.setLocalProperty(CallSite.LONG_FORM, oldLongCallSite)

   * Return whether the specified file is a parent directory of the child file.
  def isInDirectory(parent: File, child: File): Boolean = {
    if (child == null || parent == null) {
      return false
    if (!child.exists() || !parent.exists() || !parent.isDirectory()) {
      return false
    if (parent.equals(child)) {
      return true
    isInDirectory(parent, child.getParentFile)

   * @return whether it is local mode
  def isLocalMaster(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    val master = conf.get("spark.master", "")
    master == "local" || master.startsWith("local[")

   * Push based shuffle can only be enabled when below conditions are met:
   *   - the application is submitted to run in YARN mode
   *   - external shuffle service enabled
   *   - IO encryption disabled
   *   - serializer(such as KryoSerializer) supports relocation of serialized objects
  def isPushBasedShuffleEnabled(conf: SparkConf,
      isDriver: Boolean,
      checkSerializer: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
    val pushBasedShuffleEnabled = conf.get(PUSH_BASED_SHUFFLE_ENABLED)
    if (pushBasedShuffleEnabled) {
      val canDoPushBasedShuffle = {
        val isTesting = conf.get(IS_TESTING).getOrElse(false)
        val isShuffleServiceAndYarn = conf.get(SHUFFLE_SERVICE_ENABLED) &&
            conf.get(SparkLauncher.SPARK_MASTER, null) == "yarn"
        lazy val serializerIsSupported = {
          if (checkSerializer) {
              .filter(_ != null)
              .getOrElse(instantiateSerializerFromConf[Serializer](SERIALIZER, conf, isDriver))
          } else {
            // if no need to check Serializer, always set serializerIsSupported as true
        // TODO: [SPARK-36744] needs to support IO encryption for push-based shuffle
        val ioEncryptionDisabled = !conf.get(IO_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)
        (isShuffleServiceAndYarn || isTesting) && ioEncryptionDisabled && serializerIsSupported
      if (!canDoPushBasedShuffle) {
        logWarning("Push-based shuffle can only be enabled when the application is submitted " +
          "to run in YARN mode, with external shuffle service enabled, IO encryption disabled, " +
          "and relocation of serialized objects supported.")

    } else {

  // Create an instance of Serializer or ShuffleManager with the given name,
  // possibly initializing it with our conf
  def instantiateSerializerOrShuffleManager[T](className: String,
      conf: SparkConf,
      isDriver: Boolean): T = {
    val cls = Utils.classForName(className)
    // Look for a constructor taking a SparkConf and a boolean isDriver, then one taking just
    // SparkConf, then one taking no arguments
    try {
      cls.getConstructor(classOf[SparkConf], java.lang.Boolean.TYPE)
        .newInstance(conf, java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(isDriver))
    } catch {
      case _: NoSuchMethodException =>
        try {
        } catch {
          case _: NoSuchMethodException =>

  // Create an instance of Serializer named by the given SparkConf property
  // if the property is not set, possibly initializing it with our conf
  def instantiateSerializerFromConf[T](propertyName: ConfigEntry[String],
      conf: SparkConf,
      isDriver: Boolean): T = {
      conf.get(propertyName), conf, isDriver)

   * Return whether dynamic allocation is enabled in the given conf.
  def isDynamicAllocationEnabled(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    val dynamicAllocationEnabled = conf.get(DYN_ALLOCATION_ENABLED)
    dynamicAllocationEnabled &&
      (!isLocalMaster(conf) || conf.get(DYN_ALLOCATION_TESTING))

  def isStreamingDynamicAllocationEnabled(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    val streamingDynamicAllocationEnabled = conf.get(STREAMING_DYN_ALLOCATION_ENABLED)
    streamingDynamicAllocationEnabled &&
      (!isLocalMaster(conf) || conf.get(STREAMING_DYN_ALLOCATION_TESTING))

   * Return the initial number of executors for dynamic allocation.
  def getDynamicAllocationInitialExecutors(conf: SparkConf): Int = {
      logWarning(s"${DYN_ALLOCATION_INITIAL_EXECUTORS.key} less than " +
        s"${DYN_ALLOCATION_MIN_EXECUTORS.key} is invalid, ignoring its setting, " +
          "please update your configs.")

    if (conf.get(EXECUTOR_INSTANCES).getOrElse(0) < conf.get(DYN_ALLOCATION_MIN_EXECUTORS)) {
      logWarning(s"${EXECUTOR_INSTANCES.key} less than " +
        s"${DYN_ALLOCATION_MIN_EXECUTORS.key} is invalid, ignoring its setting, " +
          "please update your configs.")

    val initialExecutors = Seq(

    logInfo(s"Using initial executors = $initialExecutors, max of " +

  def tryWithResource[R <: Closeable, T](createResource: => R)(f: R => T): T = {
    val resource = createResource
    try f.apply(resource) finally resource.close()

   * Returns a path of temporary file which is in the same directory with `path`.
  def tempFileWith(path: File): File = {
    new File(path.getAbsolutePath + "." + UUID.randomUUID())

   * Returns the name of this JVM process. This is OS dependent but typically (OSX, Linux, Windows),
   * this is formatted as PID@hostname.
  def getProcessName(): String = {

   * Utility function that should be called early in `main()` for daemons to set up some common
   * diagnostic state.
  def initDaemon(log: Logger): Unit = {"Started daemon with process name: ${Utils.getProcessName()}")

   * Return the jar files pointed by the "spark.jars" property. Spark internally will distribute
   * these jars through file server. In the YARN mode, it will return an empty list, since YARN
   * has its own mechanism to distribute jars.
  def getUserJars(conf: SparkConf): Seq[String] = {

   * Return the local jar files which will be added to REPL's classpath. These jar files are
   * specified by --jars (spark.jars) or --packages, remote jars will be downloaded to local by
   * SparkSubmit at first.
  def getLocalUserJarsForShell(conf: SparkConf): Seq[String] = {
    val localJars = conf.getOption("spark.repl.local.jars")",")).map(_.filter(_.nonEmpty)).toSeq.flatten

  private[spark] val REDACTION_REPLACEMENT_TEXT = "*********(redacted)"

   * Redact the sensitive values in the given map. If a map key matches the redaction pattern then
   * its value is replaced with a dummy text.
  def redact(conf: SparkConf, kvs: Seq[(String, String)]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
    val redactionPattern = conf.get(SECRET_REDACTION_PATTERN)
    redact(redactionPattern, kvs)

   * Redact the sensitive values in the given map. If a map key matches the redaction pattern then
   * its value is replaced with a dummy text.
  def redact[K, V](regex: Option[Regex], kvs: Seq[(K, V)]): Seq[(K, V)] = {
    regex match {
      case None => kvs
      case Some(r) => redact(r, kvs)

   * Redact the sensitive information in the given string.
  def redact(regex: Option[Regex], text: String): String = {
    regex match {
      case None => text
      case Some(r) =>
        if (text == null || text.isEmpty) {
        } else {
          r.replaceAllIn(text, REDACTION_REPLACEMENT_TEXT)

  private def redact[K, V](redactionPattern: Regex, kvs: Seq[(K, V)]): Seq[(K, V)] = {
    // If the sensitive information regex matches with either the key or the value, redact the value
    // While the original intent was to only redact the value if the key matched with the regex,
    // we've found that especially in verbose mode, the value of the property may contain sensitive
    // information like so:
    // "":"org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit ... \
    // --conf spark.executorEnv.HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD=secret_password ...
    // And, in such cases, simply searching for the sensitive information regex in the key name is
    // not sufficient. The values themselves have to be searched as well and redacted if matched.
    // This does mean we may be accounting more false positives - for example, if the value of an
    // arbitrary property contained the term 'password', we may redact the value from the UI and
    // logs. In order to work around it, user would have to make the spark.redaction.regex property
    // more specific. {
      case (key: String, value: String) =>
          .map { _ => (key, REDACTION_REPLACEMENT_TEXT) }
          .getOrElse((key, value))
      case (key, value: String) =>
          .map { _ => (key, REDACTION_REPLACEMENT_TEXT) }
          .getOrElse((key, value))
      case (key, value) =>
        (key, value)
    }.asInstanceOf[Seq[(K, V)]]

   * Looks up the redaction regex from within the key value pairs and uses it to redact the rest
   * of the key value pairs. No care is taken to make sure the redaction property itself is not
   * redacted. So theoretically, the property itself could be configured to redact its own value
   * when printing.
  def redact(kvs: Map[String, String]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
    val redactionPattern = kvs.getOrElse(
    redact(redactionPattern, kvs.toArray)

  def redactCommandLineArgs(conf: SparkConf, commands: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
    val redactionPattern = conf.get(SECRET_REDACTION_PATTERN) {
      case PATTERN_FOR_COMMAND_LINE_ARG(key, value) =>
        val (_, newValue) = redact(redactionPattern, Seq((key, value))).head

      case cmd => cmd

  def stringToSeq(str: String): Seq[String] = {

   * Create instances of extension classes.
   * The classes in the given list must:
   * - Be sub-classes of the given base class.
   * - Provide either a no-arg constructor, or a 1-arg constructor that takes a SparkConf.
   * The constructors are allowed to throw "UnsupportedOperationException" if the extension does not
   * want to be registered; this allows the implementations to check the Spark configuration (or
   * other state) and decide they do not need to be added. A log message is printed in that case.
   * Other exceptions are bubbled up.
  def loadExtensions[T <: AnyRef](
      extClass: Class[T], classes: Seq[String], conf: SparkConf): Seq[T] = {
    classes.flatMap { name =>
      try {
        val klass = classForName[T](name)
          s"$name is not a subclass of ${extClass.getName()}.")

        val ext = Try(klass.getConstructor(classOf[SparkConf])) match {
          case Success(ctor) =>

          case Failure(_) =>

      } catch {
        case _: NoSuchMethodException =>
          throw new SparkException(
            s"$name did not have a zero-argument constructor or a" +
              " single-argument constructor that accepts SparkConf. Note: if the class is" +
              " defined inside of another Scala class, then its constructors may accept an" +
              " implicit parameter that references the enclosing class; in this case, you must" +
              " define the class as a top-level class in order to prevent this extra" +
              " parameter from breaking Spark's ability to find a valid constructor.")

        case e: InvocationTargetException =>
          e.getCause() match {
            case uoe: UnsupportedOperationException =>
              logDebug(s"Extension $name not being initialized.", uoe)
              logInfo(s"Extension $name not being initialized.")

            case null => throw e

            case cause => throw cause

   * Check the validity of the given Kubernetes master URL and return the resolved URL. Prefix
   * "k8s://" is appended to the resolved URL as the prefix is used by KubernetesClusterManager
   * in canCreate to determine if the KubernetesClusterManager should be used.
  def checkAndGetK8sMasterUrl(rawMasterURL: String): String = {
      "Kubernetes master URL must start with k8s://.")
    val masterWithoutK8sPrefix = rawMasterURL.substring("k8s://".length)

    // To handle master URLs, e.g., k8s://host:port.
    if (!masterWithoutK8sPrefix.contains("://")) {
      val resolvedURL = s"https://$masterWithoutK8sPrefix"
      logInfo("No scheme specified for kubernetes master URL, so defaulting to https. Resolved " +
        s"URL is $resolvedURL.")
      return s"k8s://$resolvedURL"

    val masterScheme = new URI(masterWithoutK8sPrefix).getScheme

    val resolvedURL = Option(masterScheme).map(_.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) match {
      case Some("https") =>
      case Some("http") =>
        logWarning("Kubernetes master URL uses HTTP instead of HTTPS.")
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Kubernetes master scheme: " + masterScheme
          + " found in URL: " + masterWithoutK8sPrefix)


   * Replaces all the {{EXECUTOR_ID}} occurrences with the Executor Id
   * and {{APP_ID}} occurrences with the App Id.
  def substituteAppNExecIds(opt: String, appId: String, execId: String): String = {
    opt.replace("{{APP_ID}}", appId).replace("{{EXECUTOR_ID}}", execId)

   * Replaces all the {{APP_ID}} occurrences with the App Id.
  def substituteAppId(opt: String, appId: String): String = {
    opt.replace("{{APP_ID}}", appId)

  def createSecret(conf: SparkConf): String = {
    val bits = conf.get(AUTH_SECRET_BIT_LENGTH)
    val rnd = new SecureRandom()
    val secretBytes = new Array[Byte](bits / JByte.SIZE)

   * Returns true if and only if the underlying class is a member class.
   * Note: jdk8u throws a "Malformed class name" error if a given class is a deeply-nested
   * inner class (See SPARK-34607 for details). This issue has already been fixed in jdk9+, so
   * we can remove this helper method safely if we drop the support of jdk8u.
  def isMemberClass(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case _: InternalError =>
        // We emulate jdk8u `Class.isMemberClass` below:
        //   public boolean isMemberClass() {
        //     return getSimpleBinaryName() != null && !isLocalOrAnonymousClass();
        //   }
        // `getSimpleBinaryName()` returns null if a given class is a top-level class,
        // so we replace it with `cls.getEnclosingClass != null`. The second condition checks
        // if a given class is not a local or an anonymous class, so we replace it with
        // `cls.getEnclosingMethod == null` because `cls.getEnclosingMethod()` return a value
        // only in either case (JVM Spec 4.8.6).
        // Note: The newer jdk evaluates `!isLocalOrAnonymousClass()` first,
        // we reorder the conditions to follow it.
        cls.getEnclosingMethod == null && cls.getEnclosingClass != null

   * Safer than Class obj's getSimpleName which may throw Malformed class name error in scala.
   * This method mimics scalatest's getSimpleNameOfAnObjectsClass.
  def getSimpleName(cls: Class[_]): String = {
    try {
    } catch {
      // TODO: the value returned here isn't even quite right; it returns simple names
      // like UtilsSuite$MalformedClassObject$MalformedClass instead of MalformedClass
      // The exact value may not matter much as it's used in log statements
      case _: InternalError =>

   * Remove the packages from full qualified class name
  private def stripPackages(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = {

   * Remove trailing dollar signs from qualified class name,
   * and return the trailing part after the last dollar sign in the middle
  def stripDollars(s: String): String = {
    val lastDollarIndex = s.lastIndexOf('$')
    if (lastDollarIndex < s.length - 1) {
      // The last char is not a dollar sign
      if (lastDollarIndex == -1 || !s.contains("$iw")) {
        // The name does not have dollar sign or is not an interpreter
        // generated class, so we should return the full string
      } else {
        // The class name is interpreter generated,
        // return the part after the last dollar sign
        // This is the same behavior as getClass.getSimpleName
        s.substring(lastDollarIndex + 1)
    else {
      // The last char is a dollar sign
      // Find last non-dollar char
      val lastNonDollarChar = s.reverse.find(_ != '$')
      lastNonDollarChar match {
        case None => s
        case Some(c) =>
          val lastNonDollarIndex = s.lastIndexOf(c)
          if (lastNonDollarIndex == -1) {
          } else {
            // Strip the trailing dollar signs
            // Invoke stripDollars again to get the simple name
            stripDollars(s.substring(0, lastNonDollarIndex + 1))

   * Regular expression matching full width characters.
   * Looked at all the 0x0000-0xFFFF characters (unicode) and showed them under Xshell.
   * Found all the full width characters, then get the regular expression.
  private val fullWidthRegex = ("""[""" +
    // scalastyle:off nonascii
    "\u1100-\u115F" +
    "\u2E80-\uA4CF" +
    "\uAC00-\uD7A3" +
    "\uF900-\uFAFF" +
    "\uFE10-\uFE19" +
    "\uFE30-\uFE6F" +
    "\uFF00-\uFF60" +
    "\uFFE0-\uFFE6" +
    // scalastyle:on nonascii

   * Return the number of half widths in a given string. Note that a full width character
   * occupies two half widths.
   * For a string consisting of 1 million characters, the execution of this method requires
   * about 50ms.
  def stringHalfWidth(str: String): Int = {
    if (str == null) 0 else str.length + fullWidthRegex.findAllIn(str).size

  def sanitizeDirName(str: String): String = {
    str.replaceAll("[ :/]", "-").replaceAll("[.${}'\"]", "_").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)

  def isClientMode(conf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    "client".equals(conf.get(SparkLauncher.DEPLOY_MODE, "client"))

  /** Returns whether the URI is a "local:" URI. */
  def isLocalUri(uri: String): Boolean = {

  /** Check whether the file of the path is splittable. */
  def isFileSplittable(path: Path, codecFactory: CompressionCodecFactory): Boolean = {
    val codec = codecFactory.getCodec(path)
    codec == null || codec.isInstanceOf[SplittableCompressionCodec]

  /** Create a new properties object with the same values as `props` */
  def cloneProperties(props: Properties): Properties = {
    if (props == null) {
      return props
    val resultProps = new Properties()
    props.forEach((k, v) => resultProps.put(k, v))

   * Convert a sequence of `Path`s to a metadata string. When the length of metadata string
   * exceeds `stopAppendingThreshold`, stop appending paths for saving memory.
  def buildLocationMetadata(paths: Seq[Path], stopAppendingThreshold: Int): String = {
    val metadata = new StringBuilder(s"(${paths.length} paths)[")
    var index: Int = 0
    while (index < paths.length && metadata.length < stopAppendingThreshold) {
      if (index > 0) {
        metadata.append(", ")
      index += 1
    if (paths.length > index) {
      if (index > 0) {
        metadata.append(", ")

   * Convert MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE to MB Unit, return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
  def executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(sparkConf: SparkConf): Int = {
    val sizeInMB = Utils.memoryStringToMb(sparkConf.get(MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE).toString)
    checkOffHeapEnabled(sparkConf, sizeInMB).toInt

   * return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
  def checkOffHeapEnabled(sparkConf: SparkConf, offHeapSize: Long): Long = {
    if (sparkConf.get(MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED)) {
      require(offHeapSize > 0,
        s"${MEMORY_OFFHEAP_SIZE.key} must be > 0 when ${MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED.key} == true")
    } else {

  /** Returns a string message about delegation token generation failure */
  def createFailedToGetTokenMessage(serviceName: String, e: scala.Throwable): String = {
    val message = "Failed to get token from service %s due to %s. " +
      "If %s is not used, set to false."
    message.format(serviceName, e, serviceName, serviceName)

   * Decompress a zip file into a local dir. File names are read from the zip file. Note, we skip
   * addressing the directory here. Also, we rely on the caller side to address any exceptions.
  def unzipFilesFromFile(fs: FileSystem, dfsZipFile: Path, localDir: File): Seq[File] = {
    val files = new ArrayBuffer[File]()
    val in = new ZipInputStream(
    var out: OutputStream = null
    try {
      var entry = in.getNextEntry()
      while (entry != null) {
        if (!entry.isDirectory) {
          val fileName = localDir.toPath.resolve(entry.getName).getFileName.toString
          val outFile = new File(localDir, fileName)
          files += outFile
          out = new FileOutputStream(outFile)
          IOUtils.copy(in, out)
        entry = in.getNextEntry()
      in.close() // so that any error in closing does not get ignored
      logInfo(s"Unzipped from $dfsZipFile\n\t${files.mkString("\n\t")}")
    } finally {
      // Close everything no matter what happened

   * Return the median number of a long array
   * @param sizes
   * @param alreadySorted
   * @return
  def median(sizes: Array[Long], alreadySorted: Boolean): Long = {
    val len = sizes.length
    val sortedSize = if (alreadySorted) sizes else sizes.sorted
    len match {
      case _ if (len % 2 == 0) =>
        math.max((sortedSize(len / 2) + sortedSize(len / 2 - 1)) / 2, 1)
      case _ => math.max(sortedSize(len / 2), 1)

private[util] object CallerContext extends Logging {
  val callerContextSupported: Boolean = {
    SparkHadoopUtil.get.conf.getBoolean("hadoop.caller.context.enabled", false) && {
      try {
      } catch {
        case _: ClassNotFoundException =>
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          logWarning("Fail to load the CallerContext class", e)

 * An utility class used to set up Spark caller contexts to HDFS and Yarn. The `context` will be
 * constructed by parameters passed in.
 * When Spark applications run on Yarn and HDFS, its caller contexts will be written into Yarn RM
 * audit log and hdfs-audit.log. That can help users to better diagnose and understand how
 * specific applications impacting parts of the Hadoop system and potential problems they may be
 * creating (e.g. overloading NN). As HDFS mentioned in HDFS-9184, for a given HDFS operation, it's
 * very helpful to track which upper level job issues it.
 * @param from who sets up the caller context (TASK, CLIENT, APPMASTER)
 * The parameters below are optional:
 * @param upstreamCallerContext caller context the upstream application passes in
 * @param appId id of the app this task belongs to
 * @param appAttemptId attempt id of the app this task belongs to
 * @param jobId id of the job this task belongs to
 * @param stageId id of the stage this task belongs to
 * @param stageAttemptId attempt id of the stage this task belongs to
 * @param taskId task id
 * @param taskAttemptNumber task attempt id
private[spark] class CallerContext(
  from: String,
  upstreamCallerContext: Option[String] = None,
  appId: Option[String] = None,
  appAttemptId: Option[String] = None,
  jobId: Option[Int] = None,
  stageId: Option[Int] = None,
  stageAttemptId: Option[Int] = None,
  taskId: Option[Long] = None,
  taskAttemptNumber: Option[Int] = None) extends Logging {

  private val context = prepareContext("SPARK_" +
    from +"_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_JId_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_SId_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_TId_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_" + _).getOrElse("") +"_" + _).getOrElse(""))

  private def prepareContext(context: String): String = {
    // The default max size of Hadoop caller context is 128
    lazy val len = SparkHadoopUtil.get.conf.getInt("hadoop.caller.context.max.size", 128)
    if (context == null || context.length <= len) {
    } else {
      val finalContext = context.substring(0, len)
      logWarning(s"Truncated Spark caller context from $context to $finalContext")

   * Set up the caller context [[context]] by invoking Hadoop CallerContext API of
   * [[org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallerContext]], which was added in hadoop 2.8.
  def setCurrentContext(): Unit = {
    if (CallerContext.callerContextSupported) {
      try {
        val callerContext = Utils.classForName("org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallerContext")
        val builder: Class[AnyRef] =
        val builderInst = builder.getConstructor(classOf[String]).newInstance(context)
        val hdfsContext = builder.getMethod("build").invoke(builderInst)
        callerContext.getMethod("setCurrent", callerContext).invoke(null, hdfsContext)
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          logWarning("Fail to set Spark caller context", e)

 * A utility class to redirect the child process's stdout or stderr.
private[spark] class RedirectThread(
    in: InputStream,
    out: OutputStream,
    name: String,
    propagateEof: Boolean = false)
  extends Thread(name) {

  override def run(): Unit = {
    scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
      // FIXME: We copy the stream on the level of bytes to avoid encoding problems.
      Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
        val buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
        var len =
        while (len != -1) {
          out.write(buf, 0, len)
          len =
      } {
        if (propagateEof) {

 * An [[OutputStream]] that will store the last 10 kilobytes (by default) written to it
 * in a circular buffer. The current contents of the buffer can be accessed using
 * the toString method.
private[spark] class CircularBuffer(sizeInBytes: Int = 10240) extends {
  private var pos: Int = 0
  private var isBufferFull = false
  private val buffer = new Array[Byte](sizeInBytes)

  def write(input: Int): Unit = {
    buffer(pos) = input.toByte
    pos = (pos + 1) % buffer.length
    isBufferFull = isBufferFull || (pos == 0)

  override def toString: String = {
    if (!isBufferFull) {
      return new String(buffer, 0, pos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

    val nonCircularBuffer = new Array[Byte](sizeInBytes)
    System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, nonCircularBuffer, 0, buffer.length - pos)
    System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, nonCircularBuffer, buffer.length - pos, pos)
    new String(nonCircularBuffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)


spark 源码目录


spark AccumulatorV2 源码

spark ByteBufferInputStream 源码

spark ByteBufferOutputStream 源码

spark CausedBy 源码

spark Clock 源码

spark ClosureCleaner 源码

spark CollectionsUtils 源码

spark CommandLineUtils 源码

spark CompletionIterator 源码

spark DependencyUtils 源码

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