spark ClosureCleaner 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark ClosureCleaner 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.util

import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import java.lang.invoke.{MethodHandleInfo, SerializedLambda}
import java.lang.reflect.{Field, Modifier}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, Set, Stack}

import org.apache.commons.lang3.{ClassUtils, JavaVersion, SystemUtils}
import org.apache.xbean.asm9.{ClassReader, ClassVisitor, Handle, MethodVisitor, Type}
import org.apache.xbean.asm9.Opcodes._
import org.apache.xbean.asm9.tree.{ClassNode, MethodNode}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

 * A cleaner that renders closures serializable if they can be done so safely.
private[spark] object ClosureCleaner extends Logging {

  // Get an ASM class reader for a given class from the JAR that loaded it
  private[util] def getClassReader(cls: Class[_]): ClassReader = {
    // Copy data over, before delegating to ClassReader - else we can run out of open file handles.
    val className = cls.getName.replaceFirst("^.*\\.", "") + ".class"
    val resourceStream = cls.getResourceAsStream(className)
    if (resourceStream == null) {
    } else {
      val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(128)
      Utils.copyStream(resourceStream, baos, true)
      new ClassReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray))

  // Check whether a class represents a Scala closure
  private def isClosure(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {

  // Get a list of the outer objects and their classes of a given closure object, obj;
  // the outer objects are defined as any closures that obj is nested within, plus
  // possibly the class that the outermost closure is in, if any. We stop searching
  // for outer objects beyond that because cloning the user's object is probably
  // not a good idea (whereas we can clone closure objects just fine since we
  // understand how all their fields are used).
  private def getOuterClassesAndObjects(obj: AnyRef): (List[Class[_]], List[AnyRef]) = {
    for (f <- obj.getClass.getDeclaredFields if f.getName == "$outer") {
      val outer = f.get(obj)
      // The outer pointer may be null if we have cleaned this closure before
      if (outer != null) {
        if (isClosure(f.getType)) {
          val recurRet = getOuterClassesAndObjects(outer)
          return (f.getType :: recurRet._1, outer :: recurRet._2)
        } else {
          return (f.getType :: Nil, outer :: Nil) // Stop at the first $outer that is not a closure
    (Nil, Nil)
   * Return a list of classes that represent closures enclosed in the given closure object.
  private def getInnerClosureClasses(obj: AnyRef): List[Class[_]] = {
    val seen = Set[Class[_]](obj.getClass)
    val stack = Stack[Class[_]](obj.getClass)
    while (!stack.isEmpty) {
      val cr = getClassReader(stack.pop())
      if (cr != null) {
        val set = Set.empty[Class[_]]
        cr.accept(new InnerClosureFinder(set), 0)
        for (cls <- set -- seen) {
          seen += cls
    (seen - obj.getClass).toList

  /** Initializes the accessed fields for outer classes and their super classes. */
  private def initAccessedFields(
      accessedFields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]],
      outerClasses: Seq[Class[_]]): Unit = {
    for (cls <- outerClasses) {
      var currentClass = cls
      assert(currentClass != null, "The outer class can't be null.")

      while (currentClass != null) {
        accessedFields(currentClass) = Set.empty[String]
        currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass()

  /** Sets accessed fields for given class in clone object based on given object. */
  private def setAccessedFields(
      outerClass: Class[_],
      clone: AnyRef,
      obj: AnyRef,
      accessedFields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]]): Unit = {
    for (fieldName <- accessedFields(outerClass)) {
      val field = outerClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
      val value = field.get(obj)
      field.set(clone, value)

  /** Clones a given object and sets accessed fields in cloned object. */
  private def cloneAndSetFields(
      parent: AnyRef,
      obj: AnyRef,
      outerClass: Class[_],
      accessedFields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]]): AnyRef = {
    val clone = instantiateClass(outerClass, parent)

    var currentClass = outerClass
    assert(currentClass != null, "The outer class can't be null.")

    while (currentClass != null) {
      setAccessedFields(currentClass, clone, obj, accessedFields)
      currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass()


   * Clean the given closure in place.
   * More specifically, this renders the given closure serializable as long as it does not
   * explicitly reference unserializable objects.
   * @param closure the closure to clean
   * @param checkSerializable whether to verify that the closure is serializable after cleaning
   * @param cleanTransitively whether to clean enclosing closures transitively
  def clean(
      closure: AnyRef,
      checkSerializable: Boolean = true,
      cleanTransitively: Boolean = true): Unit = {
    clean(closure, checkSerializable, cleanTransitively, Map.empty)

   * Helper method to clean the given closure in place.
   * The mechanism is to traverse the hierarchy of enclosing closures and null out any
   * references along the way that are not actually used by the starting closure, but are
   * nevertheless included in the compiled anonymous classes. Note that it is unsafe to
   * simply mutate the enclosing closures in place, as other code paths may depend on them.
   * Instead, we clone each enclosing closure and set the parent pointers accordingly.
   * By default, closures are cleaned transitively. This means we detect whether enclosing
   * objects are actually referenced by the starting one, either directly or transitively,
   * and, if not, sever these closures from the hierarchy. In other words, in addition to
   * nulling out unused field references, we also null out any parent pointers that refer
   * to enclosing objects not actually needed by the starting closure. We determine
   * transitivity by tracing through the tree of all methods ultimately invoked by the
   * inner closure and record all the fields referenced in the process.
   * For instance, transitive cleaning is necessary in the following scenario:
   *   class SomethingNotSerializable {
   *     def someValue = 1
   *     def scope(name: String)(body: => Unit) = body
   *     def someMethod(): Unit = scope("one") {
   *       def x = someValue
   *       def y = 2
   *       scope("two") { println(y + 1) }
   *     }
   *   }
   * In this example, scope "two" is not serializable because it references scope "one", which
   * references SomethingNotSerializable. Note that, however, the body of scope "two" does not
   * actually depend on SomethingNotSerializable. This means we can safely null out the parent
   * pointer of a cloned scope "one" and set it the parent of scope "two", such that scope "two"
   * no longer references SomethingNotSerializable transitively.
   * @param func the starting closure to clean
   * @param checkSerializable whether to verify that the closure is serializable after cleaning
   * @param cleanTransitively whether to clean enclosing closures transitively
   * @param accessedFields a map from a class to a set of its fields that are accessed by
   *                       the starting closure
  private def clean(
      func: AnyRef,
      checkSerializable: Boolean,
      cleanTransitively: Boolean,
      accessedFields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]]): Unit = {

    // indylambda check. Most likely to be the case with 2.12, 2.13
    // so we check first
    // non LMF-closures should be less frequent from now on
    val maybeIndylambdaProxy = IndylambdaScalaClosures.getSerializationProxy(func)

    if (!isClosure(func.getClass) && maybeIndylambdaProxy.isEmpty) {
      logDebug(s"Expected a closure; got ${func.getClass.getName}")

    // TODO: clean all inner closures first. This requires us to find the inner objects.
    // TODO: cache outerClasses / innerClasses / accessedFields

    if (func == null) {

    if (maybeIndylambdaProxy.isEmpty) {
      logDebug(s"+++ Cleaning closure $func (${func.getClass.getName}) +++")

      // A list of classes that represents closures enclosed in the given one
      val innerClasses = getInnerClosureClasses(func)

      // A list of enclosing objects and their respective classes, from innermost to outermost
      // An outer object at a given index is of type outer class at the same index
      val (outerClasses, outerObjects) = getOuterClassesAndObjects(func)

      // For logging purposes only
      val declaredFields = func.getClass.getDeclaredFields
      val declaredMethods = func.getClass.getDeclaredMethods

      if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
        logDebug(s" + declared fields: ${declaredFields.size}")
        declaredFields.foreach { f => logDebug(s"     $f") }
        logDebug(s" + declared methods: ${declaredMethods.size}")
        declaredMethods.foreach { m => logDebug(s"     $m") }
        logDebug(s" + inner classes: ${innerClasses.size}")
        innerClasses.foreach { c => logDebug(s"     ${c.getName}") }
        logDebug(s" + outer classes: ${outerClasses.size}" )
        outerClasses.foreach { c => logDebug(s"     ${c.getName}") }

      // Fail fast if we detect return statements in closures
      getClassReader(func.getClass).accept(new ReturnStatementFinder(), 0)

      // If accessed fields is not populated yet, we assume that
      // the closure we are trying to clean is the starting one
      if (accessedFields.isEmpty) {
        logDebug(" + populating accessed fields because this is the starting closure")
        // Initialize accessed fields with the outer classes first
        // This step is needed to associate the fields to the correct classes later
        initAccessedFields(accessedFields, outerClasses)

        // Populate accessed fields by visiting all fields and methods accessed by this and
        // all of its inner closures. If transitive cleaning is enabled, this may recursively
        // visits methods that belong to other classes in search of transitively referenced fields.
        for (cls <- func.getClass :: innerClasses) {
          getClassReader(cls).accept(new FieldAccessFinder(accessedFields, cleanTransitively), 0)

      logDebug(s" + fields accessed by starting closure: ${accessedFields.size} classes")
      accessedFields.foreach { f => logDebug("     " + f) }

      // List of outer (class, object) pairs, ordered from outermost to innermost
      // Note that all outer objects but the outermost one (first one in this list) must be closures
      var outerPairs: List[(Class[_], AnyRef)] =
      var parent: AnyRef = null
      if (outerPairs.nonEmpty) {
        val outermostClass = outerPairs.head._1
        val outermostObject = outerPairs.head._2

        if (isClosure(outermostClass)) {
          logDebug(s" + outermost object is a closure, so we clone it: ${outermostClass}")
        } else if (outermostClass.getName.startsWith("$line")) {
          // SPARK-14558: if the outermost object is a REPL line object, we should clone
          // and clean it as it may carry a lot of unnecessary information,
          // e.g. hadoop conf, spark conf, etc.
          logDebug(s" + outermost object is a REPL line object, so we clone it:" +
            s" ${outermostClass}")
        } else {
          // The closure is ultimately nested inside a class; keep the object of that
          // class without cloning it since we don't want to clone the user's objects.
          // Note that we still need to keep around the outermost object itself because
          // we need it to clone its child closure later (see below).
          logDebug(s" + outermost object is not a closure or REPL line object," +
            s" so do not clone it: ${outermostClass}")
          parent = outermostObject // e.g. SparkContext
          outerPairs = outerPairs.tail
      } else {
        logDebug(" + there are no enclosing objects!")

      // Clone the closure objects themselves, nulling out any fields that are not
      // used in the closure we're working on or any of its inner closures.
      for ((cls, obj) <- outerPairs) {
        logDebug(s" + cloning instance of class ${cls.getName}")
        // We null out these unused references by cloning each object and then filling in all
        // required fields from the original object. We need the parent here because the Java
        // language specification requires the first constructor parameter of any closure to be
        // its enclosing object.
        val clone = cloneAndSetFields(parent, obj, cls, accessedFields)

        // If transitive cleaning is enabled, we recursively clean any enclosing closure using
        // the already populated accessed fields map of the starting closure
        if (cleanTransitively && isClosure(clone.getClass)) {
          logDebug(s" + cleaning cloned closure recursively (${cls.getName})")
          // No need to check serializable here for the outer closures because we're
          // only interested in the serializability of the starting closure
          clean(clone, checkSerializable = false, cleanTransitively, accessedFields)
        parent = clone

      // Update the parent pointer ($outer) of this closure
      if (parent != null) {
        val field = func.getClass.getDeclaredField("$outer")
        // If the starting closure doesn't actually need our enclosing object, then just null it out
        if (accessedFields.contains(func.getClass) &&
          !accessedFields(func.getClass).contains("$outer")) {
          logDebug(s" + the starting closure doesn't actually need $parent, so we null it out")
          field.set(func, null)
        } else {
          // Update this closure's parent pointer to point to our enclosing object,
          // which could either be a cloned closure or the original user object
          field.set(func, parent)

      logDebug(s" +++ closure $func (${func.getClass.getName}) is now cleaned +++")
    } else {
      val lambdaProxy = maybeIndylambdaProxy.get
      val implMethodName = lambdaProxy.getImplMethodName

      logDebug(s"Cleaning indylambda closure: $implMethodName")

      // capturing class is the class that declared this lambda
      val capturingClassName = lambdaProxy.getCapturingClass.replace('/', '.')
      val classLoader = func.getClass.getClassLoader // this is the safest option
      // scalastyle:off classforname
      val capturingClass = Class.forName(capturingClassName, false, classLoader)
      // scalastyle:on classforname

      // Fail fast if we detect return statements in closures
      val capturingClassReader = getClassReader(capturingClass)
      capturingClassReader.accept(new ReturnStatementFinder(Option(implMethodName)), 0)

      val isClosureDeclaredInScalaRepl = capturingClassName.startsWith("$line") &&
      val outerThisOpt = if (lambdaProxy.getCapturedArgCount > 0) {
      } else {

      // only need to clean when there is an enclosing "this" captured by the closure, and it
      // should be something cleanable, i.e. a Scala REPL line object
      val needsCleaning = isClosureDeclaredInScalaRepl &&
        outerThisOpt.isDefined && outerThisOpt.get.getClass.getName == capturingClassName

      if (needsCleaning) {
        // indylambda closures do not reference enclosing closures via an `$outer` chain, so no
        // transitive cleaning on the `$outer` chain is needed.
        // Thus clean() shouldn't be recursively called with a non-empty accessedFields.

        initAccessedFields(accessedFields, Seq(capturingClass))
          lambdaProxy, classLoader, accessedFields, cleanTransitively)

        logDebug(s" + fields accessed by starting closure: ${accessedFields.size} classes")
        accessedFields.foreach { f => logDebug("     " + f) }

        if (accessedFields(capturingClass).size < capturingClass.getDeclaredFields.length) {
          // clone and clean the enclosing `this` only when there are fields to null out

          val outerThis = outerThisOpt.get

          logDebug(s" + cloning instance of REPL class $capturingClassName")
          val clonedOuterThis = cloneAndSetFields(
            parent = null, outerThis, capturingClass, accessedFields)

          val outerField = func.getClass.getDeclaredField("arg$1")
          // SPARK-37072: When Java 17 is used and `outerField` is read-only,
          // the content of `outerField` cannot be set by reflect api directly.
          // But we can remove the `final` modifier of `outerField` before set value
          // and reset the modifier after set value.
          val modifiersField = getFinalModifiersFieldForJava17(outerField)
            .foreach(m => m.setInt(outerField, outerField.getModifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL))
          outerField.set(func, clonedOuterThis)
            .foreach(m => m.setInt(outerField, outerField.getModifiers | Modifier.FINAL))

      logDebug(s" +++ indylambda closure ($implMethodName) is now cleaned +++")

    if (checkSerializable) {

   * This method is used to get the final modifier field when on Java 17.
  private def getFinalModifiersFieldForJava17(field: Field): Option[Field] = {
    if (SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion.JAVA_17) &&
        Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers)) {
      val methodGetDeclaredFields0 = classOf[Class[_]]
        .getDeclaredMethod("getDeclaredFields0", classOf[Boolean])
      val fields = methodGetDeclaredFields0.invoke(classOf[Field], false.asInstanceOf[Object])
      val modifiersFieldOption = fields.find(field => "modifiers".equals(field.getName))
    } else None

  private def ensureSerializable(func: AnyRef): Unit = {
    try {
      if (SparkEnv.get != null) {
    } catch {
      case ex: Exception => throw new SparkException("Task not serializable", ex)

  private def instantiateClass(
      cls: Class[_],
      enclosingObject: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
    // Use reflection to instantiate object without calling constructor
    val rf = sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory()
    val parentCtor = classOf[java.lang.Object].getDeclaredConstructor()
    val newCtor = rf.newConstructorForSerialization(cls, parentCtor)
    val obj = newCtor.newInstance().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
    if (enclosingObject != null) {
      val field = cls.getDeclaredField("$outer")
      field.set(obj, enclosingObject)

private[spark] object IndylambdaScalaClosures extends Logging {
  // internal name of java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory
  val LambdaMetafactoryClassName = "java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory"
  // the method that Scala indylambda use for bootstrap method
  val LambdaMetafactoryMethodName = "altMetafactory"
  val LambdaMetafactoryMethodDesc = "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;" +
    "Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;[Ljava/lang/Object;)" +

   * Check if the given reference is a indylambda style Scala closure.
   * If so (e.g. for Scala 2.12+ closures), return a non-empty serialization proxy
   * (SerializedLambda) of the closure;
   * otherwise (e.g. for Scala 2.11 closures) return None.
   * @param maybeClosure the closure to check.
  def getSerializationProxy(maybeClosure: AnyRef): Option[SerializedLambda] = {
    def isClosureCandidate(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {
      // TODO: maybe lift this restriction to support other functional interfaces in the future
      val implementedInterfaces = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(cls).asScala

    maybeClosure.getClass match {
      // shortcut the fast check:
      // 1. indylambda closure classes are generated by Java's LambdaMetafactory, and they're
      //    always synthetic.
      // 2. We only care about Serializable closures, so let's check that as well
      case c if !c.isSynthetic || !maybeClosure.isInstanceOf[Serializable] => None

      case c if isClosureCandidate(c) =>
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            logDebug("The given reference is not an indylambda Scala closure.", e)

      case _ => None

  def isIndylambdaScalaClosure(lambdaProxy: SerializedLambda): Boolean = {
    lambdaProxy.getImplMethodKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic &&

  def inspect(closure: AnyRef): SerializedLambda = {
    val writeReplace = closure.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace")

   * Check if the handle represents the LambdaMetafactory that indylambda Scala closures
   * use for creating the lambda class and getting a closure instance.
  def isLambdaMetafactory(bsmHandle: Handle): Boolean = {
    bsmHandle.getOwner == LambdaMetafactoryClassName &&
      bsmHandle.getName == LambdaMetafactoryMethodName &&
      bsmHandle.getDesc == LambdaMetafactoryMethodDesc

   * Check if the handle represents a target method that is:
   * - a STATIC method that implements a Scala lambda body in the indylambda style
   * - captures the enclosing `this`, i.e. the first argument is a reference to the same type as
   *   the owning class.
   * Returns true if both criteria above are met.
  def isLambdaBodyCapturingOuter(handle: Handle, ownerInternalName: String): Boolean = {
    handle.getTag == H_INVOKESTATIC &&
      handle.getName.contains("$anonfun$") &&
      handle.getOwner == ownerInternalName &&

   * Check if the callee of a call site is a inner class constructor.
   * - A constructor has to be invoked via INVOKESPECIAL
   * - A constructor's internal name is "&lt;init&gt;" and the return type is "V" (void)
   * - An inner class' first argument in the signature has to be a reference to the
   *   enclosing "this", aka `$outer` in Scala.
  def isInnerClassCtorCapturingOuter(
      op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, callerInternalName: String): Boolean = {
    op == INVOKESPECIAL && name == "<init>" && desc.startsWith(s"(L$callerInternalName;")

   * Scans an indylambda Scala closure, along with its lexically nested closures, and populate
   * the accessed fields info on which fields on the outer object are accessed.
   * This is equivalent to getInnerClosureClasses() + InnerClosureFinder + FieldAccessFinder fused
   * into one for processing indylambda closures. The traversal order along the call graph is the
   * same for all three combined, so they can be fused together easily while maintaining the same
   * ordering as the existing implementation.
   * Precondition: this function expects the `accessedFields` to be populated with all known
   *               outer classes and their super classes to be in the map as keys, e.g.
   *               initializing via ClosureCleaner.initAccessedFields.
  // scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  // Example: run the following code snippet in a Spark Shell w/ Scala 2.12+:
  //   val topLevelValue = "someValue"; val closure = (j: Int) => {
  //     class InnerFoo {
  //       val innerClosure = (x: Int) => (1 to x).map { y => y + topLevelValue }
  //     }
  //     val innerFoo = new InnerFoo
  //     (1 to j).flatMap(innerFoo.innerClosure)
  //   }
  //   sc.parallelize(0 to 2).map(closure).collect
  // produces the following trace-level logs:
  // (slightly simplified:
  //   - omitting the "ignoring ..." lines;
  //   - "$iw" is actually "$line14.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw";
  //   - "invokedynamic" lines are simplified to just show the name+desc, omitting the bsm info)
  //   Cleaning indylambda closure: $anonfun$closure$1$adapted
  //     scanning $iw.$anonfun$closure$1$adapted(L$iw;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //       found intra class call to $iw.$anonfun$closure$1(L$iw;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //     scanning $iw.$anonfun$closure$1(L$iw;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //       found inner class $iw$InnerFoo$1
  //         found method innerClosure()Lscala/Function1;
  //         found method $anonfun$innerClosure$2(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Ljava/lang/String;
  //         found method $anonfun$innerClosure$1(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //         found method <init>(L$iw;)V
  //         found method $anonfun$innerClosure$2$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
  //         found method $anonfun$innerClosure$1$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //         found method $deserializeLambda$(Ljava/lang/invoke/SerializedLambda;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  //       found call to outer $iw$InnerFoo$1.innerClosure()Lscala/Function1;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.innerClosure()Lscala/Function1;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$deserializeLambda$(Ljava/lang/invoke/SerializedLambda;)Ljava/lang/Object;
  //       invokedynamic: lambdaDeserialize(Ljava/lang/invoke/SerializedLambda;)Ljava/lang/Object;, bsm...)
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$1$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //       found intra class call to $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$1(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$1(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //       invokedynamic: apply(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;)Lscala/Function1;, bsm...)
  //       found inner closure $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; (6)
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
  //       found intra class call to $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Ljava/lang/String;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Ljava/lang/String;
  //       found call to outer $iw.topLevelValue()Ljava/lang/String;
  //     scanning $iw.topLevelValue()Ljava/lang/String;
  //       found field access topLevelValue on $iw
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
  //       found intra class call to $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Ljava/lang/String;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.<init>(L$iw;)V
  //       invokedynamic: apply(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;)Lscala/Function1;, bsm...)
  //       found inner closure $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$1$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq; (6)
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$1(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Lscala/collection/immutable/IndexedSeq;
  //       invokedynamic: apply(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;)Lscala/Function1;, bsm...)
  //       found inner closure $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2$adapted(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; (6)
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.$anonfun$innerClosure$2(L$iw$InnerFoo$1;I)Ljava/lang/String;
  //       found call to outer $iw.topLevelValue()Ljava/lang/String;
  //     scanning $iw$InnerFoo$1.innerClosure()Lscala/Function1;
  //    + fields accessed by starting closure: 2 classes
  //        (class java.lang.Object,Set())
  //        (class $iw,Set(topLevelValue))
  //    + cloning instance of REPL class $iw
  //    +++ indylambda closure ($anonfun$closure$1$adapted) is now cleaned +++
  // scalastyle:on line.size.limit
  def findAccessedFields(
      lambdaProxy: SerializedLambda,
      lambdaClassLoader: ClassLoader,
      accessedFields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]],
      findTransitively: Boolean): Unit = {

    // We may need to visit the same class multiple times for different methods on it, and we'll
    // need to lookup by name. So we use ASM's Tree API and cache the ClassNode/MethodNode.
    val classInfoByInternalName = Map.empty[String, (Class[_], ClassNode)]
    val methodNodeById = Map.empty[MethodIdentifier[_], MethodNode]
    def getOrUpdateClassInfo(classInternalName: String): (Class[_], ClassNode) = {
      val classInfo = classInfoByInternalName.getOrElseUpdate(classInternalName, {
        val classExternalName = classInternalName.replace('/', '.')
        // scalastyle:off classforname
        val clazz = Class.forName(classExternalName, false, lambdaClassLoader)
        // scalastyle:on classforname
        val classNode = new ClassNode()
        val classReader = ClosureCleaner.getClassReader(clazz)
        classReader.accept(classNode, 0)

        for (m <- classNode.methods.asScala) {
          methodNodeById(MethodIdentifier(clazz,, m.desc)) = m

        (clazz, classNode)

    val implClassInternalName = lambdaProxy.getImplClass
    val (implClass, _) = getOrUpdateClassInfo(implClassInternalName)

    val implMethodId = MethodIdentifier(
      implClass, lambdaProxy.getImplMethodName, lambdaProxy.getImplMethodSignature)

    // The set internal names of classes that we would consider following the calls into.
    // Candidates are: known outer class which happens to be the starting closure's impl class,
    // and all inner classes discovered below.
    // Note that code in an inner class can make calls to methods in any of its enclosing classes,
    // e.g.
    //   starting closure (in class T)
    //     inner class A
    //        inner class B
    //          inner closure
    // we need to track calls from "inner closure" to outer classes relative to it (class T, A, B)
    // to better find and track field accesses.
    val trackedClassInternalNames = Set[String](implClassInternalName)

    // Depth-first search for inner closures and track the fields that were accessed in them.
    // Start from the lambda body's implementation method, follow method invocations
    val visited = Set.empty[MethodIdentifier[_]]
    val stack = Stack[MethodIdentifier[_]](implMethodId)
    def pushIfNotVisited(methodId: MethodIdentifier[_]): Unit = {
      if (!visited.contains(methodId)) {

    while (!stack.isEmpty) {
      val currentId = stack.pop
      visited += currentId

      val currentClass = currentId.cls
      val currentMethodNode = methodNodeById(currentId)
      logTrace(s"  scanning ${currentId.cls.getName}.${}${currentId.desc}")
      currentMethodNode.accept(new MethodVisitor(ASM9) {
        val currentClassName = currentClass.getName
        val currentClassInternalName = currentClassName.replace('.', '/')

        // Find and update the accessedFields info. Only fields on known outer classes are tracked.
        // This is the FieldAccessFinder equivalent.
        override def visitFieldInsn(op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = {
          if (op == GETFIELD || op == PUTFIELD) {
            val ownerExternalName = owner.replace('/', '.')
            for (cl <- accessedFields.keys if cl.getName == ownerExternalName) {
              logTrace(s"    found field access $name on $ownerExternalName")
              accessedFields(cl) += name

        override def visitMethodInsn(
            op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
          val ownerExternalName = owner.replace('/', '.')
          if (owner == currentClassInternalName) {
            logTrace(s"    found intra class call to $ownerExternalName.$name$desc")
            // could be invoking a helper method or a field accessor method, just follow it.
            pushIfNotVisited(MethodIdentifier(currentClass, name, desc))
          } else if (isInnerClassCtorCapturingOuter(
              op, owner, name, desc, currentClassInternalName)) {
            // Discover inner classes.
            // This this the InnerClassFinder equivalent for inner classes, which still use the
            // `$outer` chain. So this is NOT controlled by the `findTransitively` flag.
            logDebug(s"    found inner class $ownerExternalName")
            val innerClassInfo = getOrUpdateClassInfo(owner)
            val innerClass = innerClassInfo._1
            val innerClassNode = innerClassInfo._2
            trackedClassInternalNames += owner
            // We need to visit all methods on the inner class so that we don't missing anything.
            for (m <- innerClassNode.methods.asScala) {
              logTrace(s"      found method ${}${m.desc}")
              pushIfNotVisited(MethodIdentifier(innerClass,, m.desc))
          } else if (findTransitively && trackedClassInternalNames.contains(owner)) {
            logTrace(s"    found call to outer $ownerExternalName.$name$desc")
            val (calleeClass, _) = getOrUpdateClassInfo(owner) // make sure MethodNodes are cached
            pushIfNotVisited(MethodIdentifier(calleeClass, name, desc))
          } else {
            // keep the same behavior as the original ClosureCleaner
            logTrace(s"    ignoring call to $ownerExternalName.$name$desc")

        // Find the lexically nested closures
        // This is the InnerClosureFinder equivalent for indylambda nested closures
        override def visitInvokeDynamicInsn(
            name: String, desc: String, bsmHandle: Handle, bsmArgs: Object*): Unit = {
          logTrace(s"    invokedynamic: $name$desc, bsmHandle=$bsmHandle, bsmArgs=$bsmArgs")

          // fast check: we only care about Scala lambda creation
          // TODO: maybe lift this restriction and support other functional interfaces
          if (!name.startsWith("apply")) return
          if (!Type.getReturnType(desc).getDescriptor.startsWith("Lscala/Function")) return

          if (isLambdaMetafactory(bsmHandle)) {
            // OK we're in the right bootstrap method for serializable Java 8 style lambda creation
            val targetHandle = bsmArgs(1).asInstanceOf[Handle]
            if (isLambdaBodyCapturingOuter(targetHandle, currentClassInternalName)) {
              // this is a lexically nested closure that also captures the enclosing `this`
              logDebug(s"    found inner closure $targetHandle")
              val calleeMethodId =
                MethodIdentifier(currentClass, targetHandle.getName, targetHandle.getDesc)

private[spark] class ReturnStatementInClosureException
  extends SparkException("Return statements aren't allowed in Spark closures")

private class ReturnStatementFinder(targetMethodName: Option[String] = None)
  extends ClassVisitor(ASM9) {
  override def visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String,
      sig: String, exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = {

    // $anonfun$ covers indylambda closures
    if (name.contains("apply") || name.contains("$anonfun$")) {
      // A method with suffix "$adapted" will be generated in cases like
      // { _:Int => return; Seq()} but not { _:Int => return; true}
      // closure passed is $anonfun$t$1$adapted while actual code resides in $anonfun$s$1
      // visitor will see only $anonfun$s$1$adapted, so we remove the suffix, see
      val isTargetMethod = targetMethodName.isEmpty ||
        name == targetMethodName.get || name == targetMethodName.get.stripSuffix("$adapted")

      new MethodVisitor(ASM9) {
        override def visitTypeInsn(op: Int, tp: String): Unit = {
          if (op == NEW && tp.contains("scala/runtime/NonLocalReturnControl") && isTargetMethod) {
            throw new ReturnStatementInClosureException
    } else {
      new MethodVisitor(ASM9) {}

/** Helper class to identify a method. */
private case class MethodIdentifier[T](cls: Class[T], name: String, desc: String)

 * Find the fields accessed by a given class.
 * The resulting fields are stored in the mutable map passed in through the constructor.
 * This map is assumed to have its keys already populated with the classes of interest.
 * @param fields the mutable map that stores the fields to return
 * @param findTransitively if true, find fields indirectly referenced through method calls
 * @param specificMethod if not empty, visit only this specific method
 * @param visitedMethods a set of visited methods to avoid cycles
private[util] class FieldAccessFinder(
    fields: Map[Class[_], Set[String]],
    findTransitively: Boolean,
    specificMethod: Option[MethodIdentifier[_]] = None,
    visitedMethods: Set[MethodIdentifier[_]] = Set.empty)
  extends ClassVisitor(ASM9) {

  override def visitMethod(
      access: Int,
      name: String,
      desc: String,
      sig: String,
      exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = {

    // If we are told to visit only a certain method and this is not the one, ignore it
    if (specificMethod.isDefined &&
        ( != name || specificMethod.get.desc != desc)) {
      return null

    new MethodVisitor(ASM9) {
      override def visitFieldInsn(op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = {
        if (op == GETFIELD) {
          for (cl <- fields.keys if cl.getName == owner.replace('/', '.')) {
            fields(cl) += name

      override def visitMethodInsn(
          op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
        for (cl <- fields.keys if cl.getName == owner.replace('/', '.')) {
          // Check for calls a getter method for a variable in an interpreter wrapper object.
          // This means that the corresponding field will be accessed, so we should save it.
          if (op == INVOKEVIRTUAL && owner.endsWith("$iwC") && !name.endsWith("$outer")) {
            fields(cl) += name
          // Optionally visit other methods to find fields that are transitively referenced
          if (findTransitively) {
            val m = MethodIdentifier(cl, name, desc)
            if (!visitedMethods.contains(m)) {
              // Keep track of visited methods to avoid potential infinite cycles
              visitedMethods += m

              var currentClass = cl
              assert(currentClass != null, "The outer class can't be null.")

              while (currentClass != null) {
                  new FieldAccessFinder(fields, findTransitively, Some(m), visitedMethods), 0)
                currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass()

private class InnerClosureFinder(output: Set[Class[_]]) extends ClassVisitor(ASM9) {
  var myName: String = null

  // TODO: Recursively find inner closures that we indirectly reference, e.g.
  //   val closure1 = () = { () => 1 }
  //   val closure2 = () => { (1 to 5).map(closure1) }
  // The second closure technically has two inner closures, but this finder only finds one

  override def visit(version: Int, access: Int, name: String, sig: String,
      superName: String, interfaces: Array[String]): Unit = {
    myName = name

  override def visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String,
      sig: String, exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = {
    new MethodVisitor(ASM9) {
      override def visitMethodInsn(
          op: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
        val argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc)
        if (op == INVOKESPECIAL && name == "<init>" && argTypes.length > 0
            && argTypes(0).toString.startsWith("L") // is it an object?
            && argTypes(0).getInternalName == myName) {
          output += Utils.classForName(owner.replace('/', '.'),
            initialize = false, noSparkClassLoader = true)


spark 源码目录


spark AccumulatorV2 源码

spark ByteBufferInputStream 源码

spark ByteBufferOutputStream 源码

spark CausedBy 源码

spark Clock 源码

spark CollectionsUtils 源码

spark CommandLineUtils 源码

spark CompletionIterator 源码

spark DependencyUtils 源码

spark Distribution 源码

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