spark TaskSetManager 源码

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spark TaskSetManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, TimeUnit}

import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet}
import scala.math.max
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.InternalAccumulator
import org.apache.spark.InternalAccumulator.{input, shuffleRead}
import org.apache.spark.TaskState.TaskState
import org.apache.spark.errors.SparkCoreErrors
import org.apache.spark.internal.{config, Logging}
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.resource.ResourceInformation
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode._
import org.apache.spark.util.{AccumulatorV2, Clock, LongAccumulator, SystemClock, Utils}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.MedianHeap

 * Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the TaskSchedulerImpl. This class keeps track of
 * each task, retries tasks if they fail (up to a limited number of times), and
 * handles locality-aware scheduling for this TaskSet via delay scheduling. The main interfaces
 * to it are resourceOffer, which asks the TaskSet whether it wants to run a task on one node,
 * and handleSuccessfulTask/handleFailedTask, which tells it that one of its tasks changed state
 *  (e.g. finished/failed).
 * THREADING: This class is designed to only be called from code with a lock on the
 * TaskScheduler (e.g. its event handlers). It should not be called from other threads.
 * @param sched           the TaskSchedulerImpl associated with the TaskSetManager
 * @param taskSet         the TaskSet to manage scheduling for
 * @param maxTaskFailures if any particular task fails this number of times, the entire
 *                        task set will be aborted
private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
    sched: TaskSchedulerImpl,
    val taskSet: TaskSet,
    val maxTaskFailures: Int,
    healthTracker: Option[HealthTracker] = None,
    clock: Clock = new SystemClock()) extends Schedulable with Logging {

  private val conf =

  // SPARK-21563 make a copy of the jars/files so they are consistent across the TaskSet
  private val addedJars = HashMap[String, Long]( _*)
  private val addedFiles = HashMap[String, Long]( _*)
  private val addedArchives = HashMap[String, Long]( _*)

  val maxResultSize = conf.get(config.MAX_RESULT_SIZE)

  // Serializer for closures and tasks.
  val env = SparkEnv.get
  val ser = env.closureSerializer.newInstance()

  val tasks = taskSet.tasks
  private val isShuffleMapTasks = tasks(0).isInstanceOf[ShuffleMapTask]
  private[scheduler] val partitionToIndex = tasks.zipWithIndex
    .map { case (t, idx) => t.partitionId -> idx }.toMap
  val numTasks = tasks.length
  val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)

  val speculationEnabled = conf.get(SPECULATION_ENABLED)
  private val efficientTaskProcessMultiplier =
  private val efficientTaskDurationFactor = conf.get(SPECULATION_EFFICIENCY_TASK_DURATION_FACTOR)

  // Quantile of tasks at which to start speculation
  val speculationQuantile = conf.get(SPECULATION_QUANTILE)
  val speculationMultiplier = conf.get(SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER)
  val minFinishedForSpeculation = math.max((speculationQuantile * numTasks).floor.toInt, 1)
  // User provided threshold for speculation regardless of whether the quantile has been reached
  val speculationTaskDurationThresOpt = conf.get(SPECULATION_TASK_DURATION_THRESHOLD)
  private val isSpeculationThresholdSpecified = speculationTaskDurationThresOpt.exists(_ > 0)
  // SPARK-29976: Only when the total number of tasks in the stage is less than or equal to the
  // number of slots on a single executor, would the task manager speculative run the tasks if
  // their duration is longer than the given threshold. In this way, we wouldn't speculate too
  // aggressively but still handle basic cases.
  // SPARK-30417: #cores per executor might not be set in spark conf for standalone mode, then
  // the value of the conf would 1 by default. However, the executor would use all the cores on
  // the worker. Therefore, CPUS_PER_TASK is okay to be greater than 1 without setting #cores.
  // To handle this case, we set slots to 1 when we don't know the executor cores.
  // TODO: use the actual number of slots for standalone mode.
  val speculationTasksLessEqToSlots = {
    val rpId = taskSet.resourceProfileId
    val resourceProfile =
    val slots = if (!resourceProfile.isCoresLimitKnown) {
    } else {
    numTasks <= slots

  private val executorDecommissionKillInterval =

  private[scheduler] val taskProcessRateCalculator =
    if (sched.efficientTaskCalcualtionEnabled) {
      Some(new TaskProcessRateCalculator())
    } else {

  // For each task, tracks whether a copy of the task has succeeded. A task will also be
  // marked as "succeeded" if it failed with a fetch failure, in which case it should not
  // be re-run because the missing map data needs to be regenerated first.
  val successful = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
  private val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)

  // Add the tid of task into this HashSet when the task is killed by other attempt tasks.
  // This happened while we set the `spark.speculation` to true. The task killed by others
  // should not resubmit while executor lost.
  private val killedByOtherAttempt = new HashSet[Long]

  val taskAttempts = Array.fill[List[TaskInfo]](numTasks)(Nil)
  private[scheduler] var tasksSuccessful = 0

  val weight = 1
  val minShare = 0
  var priority = taskSet.priority
  val stageId = taskSet.stageId
  val name = "TaskSet_" +
  var parent: Pool = null
  private var totalResultSize = 0L
  private var calculatedTasks = 0

  private[scheduler] val taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt: Option[TaskSetExcludelist] = { { _ =>
      new TaskSetExcludelist(, conf, stageId, taskSet.stageAttemptId, clock)

  private[scheduler] val runningTasksSet = new HashSet[Long]

  override def runningTasks: Int = runningTasksSet.size

  def someAttemptSucceeded(tid: Long): Boolean = {

  // True once no more tasks should be launched for this task set manager. TaskSetManagers enter
  // the zombie state once at least one attempt of each task has completed successfully, or if the
  // task set is aborted (for example, because it was killed).  TaskSetManagers remain in the zombie
  // state until all tasks have finished running; we keep TaskSetManagers that are in the zombie
  // state in order to continue to track and account for the running tasks.
  // TODO: We should kill any running task attempts when the task set manager becomes a zombie.
  private[scheduler] var isZombie = false

  // Whether the taskSet run tasks from a barrier stage. Spark must launch all the tasks at the
  // same time for a barrier stage.
  private[scheduler] def isBarrier = taskSet.tasks.nonEmpty && taskSet.tasks(0).isBarrier

  // Barrier tasks that are pending to launch in a single resourceOffers round. Tasks will only get
  // launched when all tasks are added to this pending list in a single round. Otherwise, we'll
  // revert everything we did during task scheduling.
  private[scheduler] val barrierPendingLaunchTasks = new HashMap[Int, BarrierPendingLaunchTask]()

  // Record the last log time of the barrier TaskSetManager that failed to get all tasks launched.
  private[scheduler] var lastResourceOfferFailLogTime = clock.getTimeMillis()

  // Store tasks waiting to be scheduled by locality preferences
  private[scheduler] val pendingTasks = new PendingTasksByLocality()

  // Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
  // tasks, we'll just hold them in a HashSet. The HashSet here ensures that we do not add
  // duplicate speculatable tasks.
  private[scheduler] val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]

  // Store speculatable tasks by locality preferences
  private[scheduler] val pendingSpeculatableTasks = new PendingTasksByLocality()

  // Task index, start and finish time for each task attempt (indexed by task ID)
  private[scheduler] val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]

  // Use a MedianHeap to record durations of successful tasks so we know when to launch
  // speculative tasks. This is only used when speculation is enabled, to avoid the overhead
  // of inserting into the heap when the heap won't be used.
  val successfulTaskDurations = new MedianHeap()

  // How frequently to reprint duplicate exceptions in full, in milliseconds
    conf.getLong("spark.logging.exceptionPrintInterval", 10000)

  // Map of recent exceptions (identified by string representation and top stack frame) to
  // duplicate count (how many times the same exception has appeared) and time the full exception
  // was printed. This should ideally be an LRU map that can drop old exceptions automatically.
  private val recentExceptions = HashMap[String, (Int, Long)]()

  // Figure out the current map output tracker epoch and set it on all tasks
  val epoch = sched.mapOutputTracker.getEpoch
  logDebug("Epoch for " + taskSet + ": " + epoch)
  for (t <- tasks) {
    t.epoch = epoch

  // Add all our tasks to the pending lists. We do this in reverse order
  // of task index so that tasks with low indices get launched first.

  private def addPendingTasks(): Unit = {
    val (_, duration) = Utils.timeTakenMs {
      for (i <- (0 until numTasks).reverse) {
        addPendingTask(i, resolveRacks = false)
      // Resolve the rack for each host. This can be slow, so de-dupe the list of hosts,
      // and assign the rack to all relevant task indices.
      val (hosts, indicesForHosts) = pendingTasks.forHost.toSeq.unzip
      val racks = sched.getRacksForHosts(hosts) {
        case (Some(rack), indices) =>
          pendingTasks.forRack.getOrElseUpdate(rack, new ArrayBuffer) ++= indices
        case (None, _) => // no rack, nothing to do
    logDebug(s"Adding pending tasks took $duration ms")

   * Track the set of locality levels which are valid given the tasks locality preferences and
   * the set of currently available executors.  This is updated as executors are added and removed.
   * This allows a performance optimization, of skipping levels that aren't relevant (e.g., skip
   * PROCESS_LOCAL if no tasks could be run PROCESS_LOCAL for the current set of executors).
  private[scheduler] var myLocalityLevels = computeValidLocalityLevels()

  // Delay scheduling variables: we keep track of our current locality level and the time we
  // last reset the locality wait timer, and move up a level when localityWaits[curLevel] expires.
  // We then move down if we manage to launch a "more local" task when resetting the timer
  private val legacyLocalityWaitReset = conf.get(LEGACY_LOCALITY_WAIT_RESET)
  private var currentLocalityIndex = 0 // Index of our current locality level in validLocalityLevels
  private var lastLocalityWaitResetTime = clock.getTimeMillis()  // Time we last reset locality wait

  // Time to wait at each level
  private[scheduler] var localityWaits =

  override def schedulableQueue: ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Schedulable] = null

  override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE

  private[scheduler] var emittedTaskSizeWarning = false

  /** Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on. */
  private[spark] def addPendingTask(
      index: Int,
      resolveRacks: Boolean = true,
      speculatable: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    // A zombie TaskSetManager may reach here while handling failed task.
    if (isZombie) return
    val pendingTaskSetToAddTo = if (speculatable) pendingSpeculatableTasks else pendingTasks
    for (loc <- tasks(index).preferredLocations) {
      loc match {
        case e: ExecutorCacheTaskLocation =>
          pendingTaskSetToAddTo.forExecutor.getOrElseUpdate(e.executorId, new ArrayBuffer) += index
        case e: HDFSCacheTaskLocation =>
          val exe = sched.getExecutorsAliveOnHost(
          exe match {
            case Some(set) =>
              for (e <- set) {
                pendingTaskSetToAddTo.forExecutor.getOrElseUpdate(e, new ArrayBuffer) += index
              logInfo(s"Pending task $index has a cached location at ${} " +
                ", where there are executors " + set.mkString(","))
            case None => logDebug(s"Pending task $index has a cached location at ${} " +
              ", but there are no executors alive there.")
        case _ =>
      pendingTaskSetToAddTo.forHost.getOrElseUpdate(, new ArrayBuffer) += index

      if (resolveRacks) {
        sched.getRackForHost( { rack =>
          pendingTaskSetToAddTo.forRack.getOrElseUpdate(rack, new ArrayBuffer) += index

    if (tasks(index).preferredLocations == Nil) {
      pendingTaskSetToAddTo.noPrefs += index

    pendingTaskSetToAddTo.all += index

   * Dequeue a pending task from the given list and return its index.
   * Return None if the list is empty.
   * This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
   * been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
  private def dequeueTaskFromList(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      list: ArrayBuffer[Int],
      speculative: Boolean = false): Option[Int] = {
    var indexOffset = list.size
    while (indexOffset > 0) {
      indexOffset -= 1
      val index = list(indexOffset)
      if (!isTaskExcludededOnExecOrNode(index, execId, host) &&
          !(speculative && hasAttemptOnHost(index, host))) {
        // This should almost always be list.trimEnd(1) to remove tail
        // Speculatable task should only be launched when at most one copy of the
        // original task is running
        if (!successful(index)) {
          if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !barrierPendingLaunchTasks.contains(index)) {
            return Some(index)
          } else if (speculative && copiesRunning(index) == 1) {
            return Some(index)

  /** Check whether a task once ran an attempt on a given host */
  private def hasAttemptOnHost(taskIndex: Int, host: String): Boolean = {
    taskAttempts(taskIndex).exists( == host)

  private def isTaskExcludededOnExecOrNode(index: Int, execId: String, host: String): Boolean = {
    taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt.exists { excludeList =>
      excludeList.isNodeExcludedForTask(host, index) ||
        excludeList.isExecutorExcludedForTask(execId, index)

   * Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index and locality level.
   * Only search for tasks matching the given locality constraint.
   * @return An option containing (task index within the task set, locality, is speculative?)
  private def dequeueTask(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      maxLocality: TaskLocality.Value): Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value, Boolean)] = {
    // Tries to schedule a regular task first; if it returns None, then schedules
    // a speculative task
    dequeueTaskHelper(execId, host, maxLocality, false).orElse(
      dequeueTaskHelper(execId, host, maxLocality, true))

  protected def dequeueTaskHelper(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      maxLocality: TaskLocality.Value,
      speculative: Boolean): Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value, Boolean)] = {
    if (speculative && speculatableTasks.isEmpty) {
      return None
    val pendingTaskSetToUse = if (speculative) pendingSpeculatableTasks else pendingTasks
    def dequeue(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
      val task = dequeueTaskFromList(execId, host, list, speculative)
      if (speculative && task.isDefined) {
        speculatableTasks -= task.get

    dequeue(pendingTaskSetToUse.forExecutor.getOrElse(execId, ArrayBuffer())).foreach { index =>
      return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL, speculative))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)) {
      dequeue(pendingTaskSetToUse.forHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())).foreach { index =>
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL, speculative))

    // Look for noPref tasks after NODE_LOCAL for minimize cross-rack traffic
    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.NO_PREF)) {
      dequeue(pendingTaskSetToUse.noPrefs).foreach { index =>
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL, speculative))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
      for {
        rack <- sched.getRackForHost(host)
        index <- dequeue(pendingTaskSetToUse.forRack.getOrElse(rack, ArrayBuffer()))
      } {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL, speculative))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(maxLocality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
      dequeue(pendingTaskSetToUse.all).foreach { index =>
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.ANY, speculative))

  private[scheduler] def resetDelayScheduleTimer(
      minLocality: Option[TaskLocality.TaskLocality]): Unit = {
    lastLocalityWaitResetTime = clock.getTimeMillis()
    for (locality <- minLocality) {
      currentLocalityIndex = getLocalityIndex(locality)

   * Respond to an offer of a single executor from the scheduler by finding a task
   * NOTE: this function is either called with a maxLocality which
   * would be adjusted by delay scheduling algorithm or it will be with a special
   * NO_PREF locality which will be not modified
   * @param execId the executor Id of the offered resource
   * @param host  the host Id of the offered resource
   * @param maxLocality the maximum locality we want to schedule the tasks at
   * @param taskCpus the number of CPUs for the task
   * @param taskResourceAssignments the resource assignments for the task
   * @return Triple containing:
   *         (TaskDescription of launched task if any,
   *         rejected resource due to delay scheduling?,
   *         dequeued task index)
  def resourceOffer(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      maxLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality,
      taskCpus: Int = sched.CPUS_PER_TASK,
      taskResourceAssignments: Map[String, ResourceInformation] = Map.empty)
    : (Option[TaskDescription], Boolean, Int) =
    val offerExcluded = taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt.exists { excludeList =>
      excludeList.isNodeExcludedForTaskSet(host) ||
    if (!isZombie && !offerExcluded) {
      val curTime = clock.getTimeMillis()

      var allowedLocality = maxLocality

      if (maxLocality != TaskLocality.NO_PREF) {
        allowedLocality = getAllowedLocalityLevel(curTime)
        if (allowedLocality > maxLocality) {
          // We're not allowed to search for farther-away tasks
          allowedLocality = maxLocality

      var dequeuedTaskIndex: Option[Int] = None
      val taskDescription =
        dequeueTask(execId, host, allowedLocality)
          .map { case (index, taskLocality, speculative) =>
            dequeuedTaskIndex = Some(index)
            if (legacyLocalityWaitReset && maxLocality != TaskLocality.NO_PREF) {
            if (isBarrier) {
              barrierPendingLaunchTasks(index) =
              // return null since the TaskDescription for the barrier task is not ready yet
            } else {
      val hasPendingTasks = pendingTasks.all.nonEmpty || pendingSpeculatableTasks.all.nonEmpty
      val hasScheduleDelayReject =
        taskDescription.isEmpty &&
          maxLocality == TaskLocality.ANY &&
      (taskDescription, hasScheduleDelayReject, dequeuedTaskIndex.getOrElse(-1))
    } else {
      (None, false, -1)

  def prepareLaunchingTask(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      index: Int,
      taskLocality: TaskLocality.Value,
      speculative: Boolean,
      taskCpus: Int,
      taskResourceAssignments: Map[String, ResourceInformation],
      launchTime: Long): TaskDescription = {
    // Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a task description
    val task = tasks(index)
    val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
    // Do various bookkeeping
    copiesRunning(index) += 1
    val attemptNum = taskAttempts(index).size
    val info = new TaskInfo(
      taskId, index, attemptNum, task.partitionId, launchTime,
      execId, host, taskLocality, speculative)
    taskInfos(taskId) = info
    taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
    // Serialize and return the task
    val serializedTask: ByteBuffer = try {
    } catch {
      // If the task cannot be serialized, then there's no point to re-attempt the task,
      // as it will always fail. So just abort the whole task-set.
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        val msg = s"Failed to serialize task $taskId, not attempting to retry it."
        logError(msg, e)
        abort(s"$msg Exception during serialization: $e")
        throw SparkCoreErrors.failToSerializeTaskError(e)
    if (serializedTask.limit() > TaskSetManager.TASK_SIZE_TO_WARN_KIB * 1024 &&
      !emittedTaskSizeWarning) {
      emittedTaskSizeWarning = true
      logWarning(s"Stage ${task.stageId} contains a task of very large size " +
        s"(${serializedTask.limit() / 1024} KiB). The maximum recommended task size is " +
        s"${TaskSetManager.TASK_SIZE_TO_WARN_KIB} KiB.")

    // We used to log the time it takes to serialize the task, but task size is already
    // a good proxy to task serialization time.
    // val timeTaken = clock.getTime() - startTime
    val tName = taskName(taskId)
    logInfo(s"Starting $tName ($host, executor ${info.executorId}, " +
      s"partition ${task.partitionId}, $taskLocality, ${serializedTask.limit()} bytes) " +
      (if (taskResourceAssignments.nonEmpty) s"taskResourceAssignments ${taskResourceAssignments}"
      else ""))

    sched.dagScheduler.taskStarted(task, info)
    new TaskDescription(

  def taskName(tid: Long): String = {
    val info = taskInfos.get(tid)
    assert(info.isDefined, s"Can not find TaskInfo for task (TID $tid)")
    s"task ${} in stage ${} (TID $tid)"

  private def maybeFinishTaskSet(): Unit = {
    if (isZombie && runningTasks == 0) {
      if (tasksSuccessful == numTasks) {

   * Get the level we can launch tasks according to delay scheduling, based on current wait time.
  private def getAllowedLocalityLevel(curTime: Long): TaskLocality.TaskLocality = {
    // Remove the scheduled or finished tasks lazily
    def tasksNeedToBeScheduledFrom(pendingTaskIds: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Boolean = {
      var indexOffset = pendingTaskIds.size
      while (indexOffset > 0) {
        indexOffset -= 1
        val index = pendingTaskIds(indexOffset)
        if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !successful(index)) {
          return true
        } else {
    // Walk through the list of tasks that can be scheduled at each location and returns true
    // if there are any tasks that still need to be scheduled. Lazily cleans up tasks that have
    // already been scheduled.
    def moreTasksToRunIn(pendingTasks: HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]): Boolean = {
      val emptyKeys = new ArrayBuffer[String]
      val hasTasks = pendingTasks.exists {
        case (id: String, tasks: ArrayBuffer[Int]) =>
          if (tasksNeedToBeScheduledFrom(tasks)) {
          } else {
            emptyKeys += id
      // The key could be executorId, host or rackId
      emptyKeys.foreach(id => pendingTasks.remove(id))

    while (currentLocalityIndex < myLocalityLevels.length - 1) {
      val moreTasks = myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex) match {
        case TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL => moreTasksToRunIn(pendingTasks.forExecutor)
        case TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL => moreTasksToRunIn(pendingTasks.forHost)
        case TaskLocality.NO_PREF => pendingTasks.noPrefs.nonEmpty
        case TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL => moreTasksToRunIn(pendingTasks.forRack)
      if (!moreTasks) {
        // This is a performance optimization: if there are no more tasks that can
        // be scheduled at a particular locality level, there is no point in waiting
        // for the locality wait timeout (SPARK-4939).
        lastLocalityWaitResetTime = curTime
        logDebug(s"No tasks for locality level ${myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex)}, " +
          s"so moving to locality level ${myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex + 1)}")
        currentLocalityIndex += 1
      } else if (curTime - lastLocalityWaitResetTime >= localityWaits(currentLocalityIndex)) {
        // Jump to the next locality level, and reset lastLocalityWaitResetTime so that the next
        // locality wait timer doesn't immediately expire
        lastLocalityWaitResetTime += localityWaits(currentLocalityIndex)
        logDebug(s"Moving to ${myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex + 1)} after waiting for " +
        currentLocalityIndex += 1
      } else {
        return myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex)

   * Find the index in myLocalityLevels for a given locality. This is also designed to work with
   * localities that are not in myLocalityLevels (in case we somehow get those) by returning the
   * next-biggest level we have. Uses the fact that the last value in myLocalityLevels is ANY.
  def getLocalityIndex(locality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Int = {
    var index = 0
    while (locality > myLocalityLevels(index)) {
      index += 1

   * Check whether the given task set has been excluded to the point that it can't run anywhere.
   * It is possible that this taskset has become impossible to schedule *anywhere* due to the
   * failures that lead executors being excluded from the ones we can run on. The most common
   * scenario would be if there are fewer executors than spark.task.maxFailures.
   * We need to detect this so we can avoid the job from being hung. We try to acquire new
   * executor/s by killing an existing idle excluded executor.
   * There's a tradeoff here: we could make sure all tasks in the task set are schedulable, but that
   * would add extra time to each iteration of the scheduling loop. Here, we take the approach of
   * making sure at least one of the unscheduled tasks is schedulable. This means we may not detect
   * the hang as quickly as we could have, but we'll always detect the hang eventually, and the
   * method is faster in the typical case. In the worst case, this method can take
   * O(maxTaskFailures + numTasks) time, but it will be faster when there haven't been any task
   * failures (this is because the method picks one unscheduled task, and then iterates through each
   * executor until it finds one that the task isn't excluded on).
  private[scheduler] def getCompletelyExcludedTaskIfAny(
      hostToExecutors: HashMap[String, HashSet[String]]): Option[Int] = {
    taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt.flatMap { taskSetExcludelist =>
      val appHealthTracker = healthTracker.get
      // Only look for unschedulable tasks when at least one executor has registered. Otherwise,
      // task sets will be (unnecessarily) aborted in cases when no executors have registered yet.
      if (hostToExecutors.nonEmpty) {
        // find any task that needs to be scheduled
        val pendingTask: Option[Int] = {
          // usually this will just take the last pending task, but because of the lazy removal
          // from each list, we may need to go deeper in the list.  We poll from the end because
          // failed tasks are put back at the end of allPendingTasks, so we're more likely to find
          // an unschedulable task this way.
          val indexOffset = pendingTasks.all.lastIndexWhere { indexInTaskSet =>
            copiesRunning(indexInTaskSet) == 0 && !successful(indexInTaskSet)
          if (indexOffset == -1) {
          } else {

        pendingTask.find { indexInTaskSet =>
          // try to find some executor this task can run on.  Its possible that some *other*
          // task isn't schedulable anywhere, but we will discover that in some later call,
          // when that unschedulable task is the last task remaining.
          hostToExecutors.forall { case (host, execsOnHost) =>
            // Check if the task can run on the node
            val nodeExcluded =
              appHealthTracker.isNodeExcluded(host) ||
                taskSetExcludelist.isNodeExcludedForTaskSet(host) ||
                taskSetExcludelist.isNodeExcludedForTask(host, indexInTaskSet)
            if (nodeExcluded) {
            } else {
              // Check if the task can run on any of the executors
              execsOnHost.forall { exec =>
                appHealthTracker.isExecutorExcluded(exec) ||
                  taskSetExcludelist.isExecutorExcludedForTaskSet(exec) ||
                  taskSetExcludelist.isExecutorExcludedForTask(exec, indexInTaskSet)
      } else {

  private[scheduler] def abortSinceCompletelyExcludedOnFailure(indexInTaskSet: Int): Unit = {
    taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt.foreach { taskSetExcludelist =>
      val partition = tasks(indexInTaskSet).partitionId
         |Aborting $taskSet because task $indexInTaskSet (partition $partition)
         |cannot run anywhere due to node and executor excludeOnFailure.
         |Most recent failure:
         |ExcludeOnFailure behavior can be configured via spark.excludeOnFailure.*.

   * Marks the task as getting result and notifies the DAG Scheduler
  def handleTaskGettingResult(tid: Long): Unit = {
    val info = taskInfos(tid)

   * Check whether has enough quota to fetch the result with `size` bytes.
   * This check does not apply to shuffle map tasks as they return map status and metrics updates,
   * which will be discarded by the driver after being processed.
  def canFetchMoreResults(size: Long): Boolean = sched.synchronized {
    totalResultSize += size
    calculatedTasks += 1
    if (!isShuffleMapTasks && maxResultSize > 0 && totalResultSize > maxResultSize) {
      val msg = s"Total size of serialized results of ${calculatedTasks} tasks " +
        s"(${Utils.bytesToString(totalResultSize)}) is bigger than ${config.MAX_RESULT_SIZE.key} " +
    } else {

   * Marks a task as successful and notifies the DAGScheduler that the task has ended.
  def handleSuccessfulTask(tid: Long, result: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit = {
    val info = taskInfos(tid)
    // SPARK-37300: when the task was already finished state, just ignore it,
    // so that there won't cause successful and tasksSuccessful wrong result.
    if(info.finished) {
    val index = info.index
    // Check if any other attempt succeeded before this and this attempt has not been handled
    if (successful(index) && killedByOtherAttempt.contains(tid)) {
      // Undo the effect on calculatedTasks and totalResultSize made earlier when
      // checking if can fetch more results
      calculatedTasks -= 1
      val resultSizeAcc = result.accumUpdates.find(a => == Some(InternalAccumulator.RESULT_SIZE))
      if (resultSizeAcc.isDefined) {
        totalResultSize -= resultSizeAcc.get.asInstanceOf[LongAccumulator].value

      // Handle this task as a killed task
      handleFailedTask(tid, TaskState.KILLED,
        TaskKilled("Finish but did not commit due to another attempt succeeded"))

    info.markFinished(TaskState.FINISHED, clock.getTimeMillis())
    if (speculationEnabled) {
      taskProcessRateCalculator.foreach(_.updateAvgTaskProcessRate(tid, result))

    // Kill any other attempts for the same task (since those are unnecessary now that one
    // attempt completed successfully).
    for (attemptInfo <- taskAttempts(index) if attemptInfo.running) {
      logInfo(s"Killing attempt ${attemptInfo.attemptNumber} for ${taskName(attemptInfo.taskId)}" +
        s" on ${} as the attempt ${info.attemptNumber} succeeded on ${}")
      killedByOtherAttempt += attemptInfo.taskId
        interruptThread = true,
        reason = "another attempt succeeded")
    if (!successful(index)) {
      tasksSuccessful += 1
      logInfo(s"Finished ${taskName(info.taskId)} in ${info.duration} ms " +
        s"on ${} (executor ${info.executorId}) ($tasksSuccessful/$numTasks)")
      // Mark successful and stop if all the tasks have succeeded.
      successful(index) = true
      numFailures(index) = 0
      if (tasksSuccessful == numTasks) {
        isZombie = true
    } else {
      logInfo(s"Ignoring task-finished event for ${taskName(info.taskId)} " +
        s"because it has already completed successfully")
    // This method is called by "TaskSchedulerImpl.handleSuccessfulTask" which holds the
    // "TaskSchedulerImpl" lock until exiting. To avoid the SPARK-7655 issue, we should not
    // "deserialize" the value when holding a lock to avoid blocking other threads. So we call
    // "result.value()" in "TaskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask" before reaching here.
    // Note: "result.value()" only deserializes the value when it's called at the first time, so
    // here "result.value()" just returns the value and won't block other threads.
    sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value(), result.accumUpdates,
      result.metricPeaks, info)

  private[scheduler] def markPartitionCompleted(partitionId: Int): Unit = {
    partitionToIndex.get(partitionId).foreach { index =>
      if (!successful(index)) {
        tasksSuccessful += 1
        successful(index) = true
        numFailures(index) = 0
        if (tasksSuccessful == numTasks) {
          isZombie = true

   * Marks the task as failed, re-adds it to the list of pending tasks, and notifies the
   * DAG Scheduler.
  def handleFailedTask(tid: Long, state: TaskState, reason: TaskFailedReason): Unit = {
    val info = taskInfos(tid)
    // SPARK-37300: when the task was already finished state, just ignore it,
    // so that there won't cause copiesRunning wrong result.
    if (info.finished) {
    info.markFinished(state, clock.getTimeMillis())
    val index = info.index
    copiesRunning(index) -= 1
    var accumUpdates: Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]] = Seq.empty
    var metricPeaks: Array[Long] = Array.empty
    val failureReason = s"Lost ${taskName(tid)} (${} " +
      s"executor ${info.executorId}): ${reason.toErrorString}"
    val failureException: Option[Throwable] = reason match {
      case fetchFailed: FetchFailed =>
        if (!successful(index)) {
          successful(index) = true
          tasksSuccessful += 1
        isZombie = true

        if (fetchFailed.bmAddress != null) {
  , fetchFailed.bmAddress.executorId))


      case ef: ExceptionFailure =>
        // ExceptionFailure's might have accumulator updates
        accumUpdates = ef.accums
        metricPeaks = ef.metricPeaks.toArray
        val task = taskName(tid)
        if (ef.className == classOf[NotSerializableException].getName) {
          // If the task result wasn't serializable, there's no point in trying to re-execute it.
          logError(s"$task had a not serializable result: ${ef.description}; not retrying")
          sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), reason, null, accumUpdates, metricPeaks, info)
          abort(s"$task had a not serializable result: ${ef.description}")
        if (ef.className == classOf[TaskOutputFileAlreadyExistException].getName) {
          // If we can not write to output file in the task, there's no point in trying to
          // re-execute it.
          logError("Task %s in stage %s (TID %d) can not write to output file: %s; not retrying"
            .format(,, tid, ef.description))
          sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), reason, null, accumUpdates, metricPeaks, info)
          abort("Task %s in stage %s (TID %d) can not write to output file: %s".format(
  ,, tid, ef.description))
        val key = ef.description
        val now = clock.getTimeMillis()
        val (printFull, dupCount) = {
          if (recentExceptions.contains(key)) {
            val (dupCount, printTime) = recentExceptions(key)
            if (now - printTime > EXCEPTION_PRINT_INTERVAL) {
              recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
              (true, 0)
            } else {
              recentExceptions(key) = (dupCount + 1, printTime)
              (false, dupCount + 1)
          } else {
            recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
            (true, 0)
        if (printFull) {
        } else {
            s"Lost $task on ${}, executor ${info.executorId}: " +
              s"${ef.className} (${ef.description}) [duplicate $dupCount]")

      case tk: TaskKilled =>
        // TaskKilled might have accumulator updates
        accumUpdates = tk.accums
        metricPeaks = tk.metricPeaks.toArray

      case e: ExecutorLostFailure if !e.exitCausedByApp =>
        logInfo(s"${taskName(tid)} failed because while it was being computed, its executor " +
          "exited for a reason unrelated to the task. Not counting this failure towards the " +
          "maximum number of failures for the task.")

      case e: TaskFailedReason =>  // TaskResultLost and others

    if (tasks(index).isBarrier) {
      isZombie = true

    sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), reason, null, accumUpdates, metricPeaks, info)

    if (!isZombie && reason.countTowardsTaskFailures) {
      assert (null != failureReason)
      taskSetExcludelistHelperOpt.foreach(_.updateExcludedForFailedTask(, info.executorId, index, failureReason))
      numFailures(index) += 1
      if (numFailures(index) >= maxTaskFailures) {
        logError("Task %d in stage %s failed %d times; aborting job".format(
          index,, maxTaskFailures))
        abort("Task %d in stage %s failed %d times, most recent failure: %s\nDriver stacktrace:"
          .format(index,, maxTaskFailures, failureReason), failureException)

    if (successful(index)) {
      logInfo(s"${taskName(info.taskId)} failed, but the task will not" +
        " be re-executed (either because the task failed with a shuffle data fetch failure," +
        " so the previous stage needs to be re-run, or because a different copy of the task" +
        " has already succeeded).")
    } else {


  def abort(message: String, exception: Option[Throwable] = None): Unit = sched.synchronized {
    // TODO: Kill running tasks if we were not terminated due to a Mesos error
    sched.dagScheduler.taskSetFailed(taskSet, message, exception)
    isZombie = true

  /** If the given task ID is not in the set of running tasks, adds it.
   * Used to keep track of the number of running tasks, for enforcing scheduling policies.
  def addRunningTask(tid: Long): Unit = {
    if (runningTasksSet.add(tid) && parent != null) {

  /** If the given task ID is in the set of running tasks, removes it. */
  def removeRunningTask(tid: Long): Unit = {
    if (runningTasksSet.remove(tid) && parent != null) {

  override def getSchedulableByName(name: String): Schedulable = {

  override def isSchedulable: Boolean = !isZombie &&
    (pendingTasks.all.nonEmpty || pendingSpeculatableTasks.all.nonEmpty)

  override def addSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit = {}

  override def removeSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit = {}

  override def getSortedTaskSetQueue(): ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager] = {
    val sortedTaskSetQueue = new ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]()
    sortedTaskSetQueue += this

  /** Called by TaskScheduler when an executor is lost so we can re-enqueue our tasks */
  override def executorLost(execId: String, host: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {
    // Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed executor if this is a shuffle map stage,
    // and we are not using an external shuffle server which could serve the shuffle outputs.
    // The reason is the next stage wouldn't be able to fetch the data from this dead executor
    // so we would need to rerun these tasks on other executors.
    if (isShuffleMapTasks && !env.blockManager.externalShuffleServiceEnabled && !isZombie) {
      for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.executorId == execId) {
        val index = info.index
        // We may have a running task whose partition has been marked as successful,
        // this partition has another task completed in another stage attempt.
        // We treat it as a running task and will call handleFailedTask later.
        if (successful(index) && !info.running && !killedByOtherAttempt.contains(tid)) {
          successful(index) = false
          copiesRunning(index) -= 1
          tasksSuccessful -= 1
          // Tell the DAGScheduler that this task was resubmitted so that it doesn't think our
          // stage finishes when a total of tasks.size tasks finish.
            tasks(index), Resubmitted, null, Seq.empty, Array.empty, info)
    for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && info.executorId == execId) {
      val exitCausedByApp: Boolean = reason match {
        case ExecutorExited(_, false, _) => false
        case ExecutorKilled | ExecutorDecommission(_, _) => false
        case ExecutorProcessLost(_, _, false) => false
        // If the task is launching, this indicates that Driver has sent LaunchTask to Executor,
        // but Executor has not sent StatusUpdate(TaskState.RUNNING) to Driver. Hence, we assume
        // that the task is not running, and it is NetworkFailure rather than TaskFailure.
        case _ => !info.launching
      handleFailedTask(tid, TaskState.FAILED, ExecutorLostFailure(info.executorId, exitCausedByApp,
    // recalculate valid locality levels and waits when executor is lost

   * Check if the task associated with the given tid has past the time threshold and should be
   * speculative run.
  private def checkAndSubmitSpeculatableTasks(
      currentTimeMillis: Long,
      threshold: Double,
      customizedThreshold: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
    var foundTasksResult = false
    for (tid <- runningTasksSet) {
      val info = taskInfos(tid)
      val index = info.index
      if (!successful(index) && copiesRunning(index) == 1 && !speculatableTasks.contains(index)) {
        val runtimeMs = info.timeRunning(currentTimeMillis)

        def checkMaySpeculate(): Boolean = {
          if (customizedThreshold || taskProcessRateCalculator.isEmpty) {
          } else {

        def isInefficient(): Boolean = {
          (runtimeMs > efficientTaskDurationFactor * threshold) || taskProcessRateIsInefficient()

        def taskProcessRateIsInefficient(): Boolean = {
          taskProcessRateCalculator.forall(calculator => {
            calculator.getRunningTasksProcessRate(tid) <
              calculator.getAvgTaskProcessRate() * efficientTaskProcessMultiplier

        def shouldSpeculateForExecutorDecommissioning(): Boolean = {
          !customizedThreshold && executorDecommissionKillInterval.isDefined &&
            !successfulTaskDurations.isEmpty() &&
            sched.getExecutorDecommissionState(info.executorId).exists { decomState =>
              // Check if this task might finish after this executor is decommissioned.
              // We estimate the task's finish time by using the median task duration.
              // Whereas the time when the executor might be decommissioned is estimated using the
              // config executorDecommissionKillInterval. If the task is going to finish after
              // decommissioning, then we will eagerly speculate the task.
              val taskEndTimeBasedOnMedianDuration =
                info.launchTime + successfulTaskDurations.median
              val executorDecomTime = decomState.startTime + executorDecommissionKillInterval.get
              executorDecomTime < taskEndTimeBasedOnMedianDuration
        val speculated = (runtimeMs > threshold) && checkMaySpeculate() ||
        if (speculated) {
          addPendingTask(index, speculatable = true)
            ("Marking task %d in stage %s (on %s) as speculatable because it ran more" +
              " than %.0f ms(%d speculatable tasks in this taskset now)")
              .format(index,,, threshold, speculatableTasks.size + 1))
          speculatableTasks += index
        foundTasksResult |= speculated

   * Check for tasks to be speculated and return true if there are any. This is called periodically
   * by the TaskScheduler.
  override def checkSpeculatableTasks(minTimeToSpeculation: Long): Boolean = {
    // No need to speculate if the task set is zombie or is from a barrier stage. If there is only
    // one task we don't speculate since we don't have metrics to decide whether it's taking too
    // long or not, unless a task duration threshold is explicitly provided.
    if (isZombie || isBarrier || (numTasks == 1 && !isSpeculationThresholdSpecified)) {
      return false
    var foundTasks = false
    logDebug("Checking for speculative tasks: minFinished = " + minFinishedForSpeculation)

    // It's possible that a task is marked as completed by the scheduler, then the size of
    // `successfulTaskDurations` may not equal to `tasksSuccessful`. Here we should only count the
    // tasks that are submitted by this `TaskSetManager` and are completed successfully.
    val numSuccessfulTasks = successfulTaskDurations.size()
    val timeMs = clock.getTimeMillis()
    if (numSuccessfulTasks >= minFinishedForSpeculation) {
      val medianDuration = successfulTaskDurations.median
      val threshold = max(speculationMultiplier * medianDuration, minTimeToSpeculation)
      // TODO: Threshold should also look at standard deviation of task durations and have a lower
      // bound based on that.
      logDebug("Task length threshold for speculation: " + threshold)
      foundTasks = checkAndSubmitSpeculatableTasks(timeMs, threshold)
    } else if (isSpeculationThresholdSpecified && speculationTasksLessEqToSlots) {
      val threshold = speculationTaskDurationThresOpt.get
      logDebug(s"Tasks taking longer time than provided speculation threshold: $threshold")
      foundTasks = checkAndSubmitSpeculatableTasks(timeMs, threshold, customizedThreshold = true)
    // avoid more warning logs.
    if (foundTasks) {
      val elapsedMs = clock.getTimeMillis() - timeMs
      if (elapsedMs > minTimeToSpeculation) {
        logWarning(s"Time to checkSpeculatableTasks ${elapsedMs}ms > ${minTimeToSpeculation}ms")

  private def getLocalityWait(level: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Long = {
    if (legacyLocalityWaitReset && isBarrier) return 0

    val localityWait = level match {
      case TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL => config.LOCALITY_WAIT_PROCESS
      case TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL => config.LOCALITY_WAIT_NODE
      case TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL => config.LOCALITY_WAIT_RACK
      case _ => null

    if (localityWait != null) {
    } else {

   * Compute the locality levels used in this TaskSet. Assumes that all tasks have already been
   * added to queues using addPendingTask.
  private def computeValidLocalityLevels(): Array[TaskLocality.TaskLocality] = {
    val levels = new ArrayBuffer[TaskLocality.TaskLocality]
    if (!pendingTasks.forExecutor.isEmpty &&
        pendingTasks.forExecutor.keySet.exists(sched.isExecutorAlive(_))) {
      levels += PROCESS_LOCAL
    if (!pendingTasks.forHost.isEmpty &&
        pendingTasks.forHost.keySet.exists(sched.hasExecutorsAliveOnHost(_))) {
      levels += NODE_LOCAL
    if (!pendingTasks.noPrefs.isEmpty) {
      levels += NO_PREF
    if (!pendingTasks.forRack.isEmpty &&
        pendingTasks.forRack.keySet.exists(sched.hasHostAliveOnRack(_))) {
      levels += RACK_LOCAL
    levels += ANY
    logDebug("Valid locality levels for " + taskSet + ": " + levels.mkString(", "))

  def executorDecommission(execId: String): Unit = {

  def recomputeLocality(): Unit = {
    // A zombie TaskSetManager may reach here while executorLost happens
    if (isZombie) return
    val previousLocalityIndex = currentLocalityIndex
    val previousLocalityLevel = myLocalityLevels(currentLocalityIndex)
    val previousMyLocalityLevels = myLocalityLevels
    myLocalityLevels = computeValidLocalityLevels()
    localityWaits =
    currentLocalityIndex = getLocalityIndex(previousLocalityLevel)
    if (currentLocalityIndex > previousLocalityIndex) {
      // SPARK-31837: If the new level is more local, shift to the new most local locality
      // level in terms of better data locality. For example, say the previous locality
      // levels are [PROCESS, NODE, ANY] and current level is ANY. After recompute, the
      // locality levels are [PROCESS, NODE, RACK, ANY]. Then, we'll shift to RACK level.
      currentLocalityIndex = getLocalityIndex(myLocalityLevels.diff(previousMyLocalityLevels).head)

  def executorAdded(): Unit = {

   * A class for checking inefficient tasks to be speculated, a task is inefficient when its data
   * process rate is less than the average data process rate of all successful tasks in the stage
   * multiplied by a multiplier.
  private[TaskSetManager] class TaskProcessRateCalculator {
    private var totalRecordsRead = 0L
    private var totalExecutorRunTime = 0L
    private var avgTaskProcessRate = Double.MaxValue
    private val runningTasksProcessRate = new ConcurrentHashMap[Long, Double]()

    private[TaskSetManager] def getAvgTaskProcessRate(): Double = {

    private[TaskSetManager] def getRunningTasksProcessRate(taskId: Long): Double = {
      runningTasksProcessRate.getOrDefault(taskId, 0.0)

    private[TaskSetManager] def updateAvgTaskProcessRate(
        taskId: Long,
        result: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit = {
      var recordsRead = 0L
      var executorRunTime = 0L
      result.accumUpdates.foreach { a =>
        if ( == Some(shuffleRead.RECORDS_READ) ||
 == Some(input.RECORDS_READ)) {
          val acc = a.asInstanceOf[LongAccumulator]
          recordsRead += acc.value
        } else if ( == Some(InternalAccumulator.EXECUTOR_RUN_TIME)) {
          val acc = a.asInstanceOf[LongAccumulator]
          executorRunTime = acc.value
      totalRecordsRead += recordsRead
      totalExecutorRunTime += executorRunTime
      if (totalRecordsRead > 0 && totalExecutorRunTime > 0) {
        avgTaskProcessRate = sched.getTaskProcessRate(totalRecordsRead, totalExecutorRunTime)

    private[scheduler] def updateRunningTaskProcessRate(
        taskId: Long,
        taskProcessRate: Double): Unit = {
      runningTasksProcessRate.put(taskId, taskProcessRate)

private[spark] object TaskSetManager {
  // The user will be warned if any stages contain a task that has a serialized size greater than
  // this.
  val TASK_SIZE_TO_WARN_KIB = 1000

  // 1 minute

 * Set of pending tasks for various levels of locality: executor, host, rack,
 * noPrefs and anyPrefs. These collections are actually
 * treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
 * ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
 * tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
 * back at the head of the stack. These collections may contain duplicates
 * for two reasons:
 * (1): Tasks are only removed lazily; when a task is launched, it remains
 * in all the pending lists except the one that it was launched from.
 * (2): Tasks may be re-added to these lists multiple times as a result
 * of failures.
 * Duplicates are handled in dequeueTaskFromList, which ensures that a
 * task hasn't already started running before launching it.
private[scheduler] class PendingTasksByLocality {

  // Set of pending tasks for each executor.
  val forExecutor = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
  // Set of pending tasks for each host. Similar to pendingTasksForExecutor, but at host level.
  val forHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
  // Set containing pending tasks with no locality preferences.
  val noPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
  // Set of pending tasks for each rack -- similar to the above.
  val forRack = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
  // Set containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above).
  val all = new ArrayBuffer[Int]

private[scheduler] case class BarrierPendingLaunchTask(
    execId: String,
    host: String,
    index: Int,
    taskLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality,
    assignedResources: Map[String, ResourceInformation]) {
  // Stored the corresponding index of the WorkerOffer which is responsible to launch the task.
  // Used to revert the assigned resources (e.g., cores, custome resources) when the barrier
  // task set doesn't launch successfully in a single resourceOffers round.
  var assignedOfferIndex: Int = _
  var assignedCores: Int = 0


spark 源码目录


spark AccumulableInfo 源码

spark ActiveJob 源码

spark AsyncEventQueue 源码

spark BarrierJobAllocationFailed 源码

spark DAGScheduler 源码

spark DAGSchedulerEvent 源码

spark DAGSchedulerSource 源码

spark EventLoggingListener 源码

spark ExecutorDecommissionInfo 源码

spark ExecutorFailuresInTaskSet 源码

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