harmony 鸿蒙FAQs

  • 2022-10-28
  • 浏览 (1368)


Common Build Problems and Solutions

“usr/sbin/ninja: invalid option – w”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “usr/sbin/ninja: invalid option – w” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    The Ninja version in use does not support the –w option.

  • Solution
    Uninstall Ninja and GN, and install Ninja and GN of the required version.

”/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    The ncurses library is not available.

  • Solution

  sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5-dev

“line 77: mcopy: command not found”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “line 77: mcopy: command not found” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    mcopy is not available.

  • Solution

  sudo apt-get install dosfstools mtools

“riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc: error trying to exec ‘cc1’: execvp: No such file or directory”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc: error trying to exec ‘cc1’: execvp: No such file or directory” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    You do not have the permission to access files in the RISC-V compiler directory.

  • Solution
    1. Run the following command to locate gcc_riscv32.

  which riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc
  1. Run the chmod command to change the permission for the directory to 755.

“No module named ‘Crypto’”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “No module named’Crypto’” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    Crypto is not installed in Python3.

  • Solution

    1. Run the following command to query the Python version:
     python3 --version
    1. Ensure that Python 3.9.2 or later is installed, and then run the following command to install PyCryptodome:
     sudo pip3 install pycryptodome

“xx.sh: xx unexpected operator”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “ xx.sh [: xx unexpected operator” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    The build environment shell is not bash.

  • Solution

  sudo rm -rf /bin/sh
  sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

“some services are not authenticated. Listed as follow”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “ some services are not authenticated. Listed as follow” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    In the .cfg file of the processes listed in the error message, uid is set to root or system. However, these processes are not high-privilege processes defined by the product.

  • Solution

Modify the process .cfg file to reduce the privilege level. Do not set uid to root or system unless necessary.

If a process must have the root or system privilege due to service requirements, modify the high_privilege_process_list.json file with the approval of the security experts. The high_privilege_process_list.json file is located in vendor/*{company_name}/{product_name }*/security_config.

For example, the file for rk3586 is //vendor/hihope/rk3568/security_config/high_privilege_process_list.json.

“Error: some services do not match with critical whitelist”

  • Symptom
    The build fails, and “Error: some services do not match with critical whitelist” is displayed.

  • Possible Causes
    In the .cfg file of the processes listed in the error message, the critical field is defined and enabled. However, the critical field is not allowed for the processes, or the critical setting does not match the settings in the whitelist.

  • Solution

    Remove the critical field or set the first bit of the critical field to 0 in the .cfg file of the processes. Do not enable the critical field unless necessary.

    For details about how to use the critical field, see Service Management. If critical needs to be enabled for a process due to service requirements, modify the //vendor/{company_name}/{product_name}/security_config/critical_reboot_process_list.json file with the approval of the security experts.

    For example, the critical_reboot process control whitelist of rk3586 is //vendor/hihope/rk3568/security_config/critical_reboot_process_list.json.


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