harmony 鸿蒙ChangeLog of NFC JS API Changes in the Communication Subsystem

  • 2023-02-17
  • 浏览 (748)

ChangeLog of NFC JS API Changes in the Communication Subsystem

Compared with OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta4, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in the distributed data management subsystem.

cl.nfc.1 API Change

Some NFC JS APIs in API versions 6 to 8 cannot throw error codes and need to be deprecated and deleted, and then APIs in API version 9 are used instead.

You need to adapt your application based on the following information.

Change Impacts

Some JS APIs in API versions 6 to 8 are affected. Your application needs to adapt new APIs so that it can properly implement functions in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
api/@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation.d.ts cardEmulation FeatureType Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation.d.ts cardEmulation isSupported Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation.d.ts cardEmulation hasHceCapability Added
api/@ohos.nfc.controller.d.ts nfcController isNfcAvailable Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.controller.d.ts nfcController openNfc Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.controller.d.ts nfcController closeNfc Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.controller.d.ts nfcController enableNfc Added
api/@ohos.nfc.controller.d.ts nfcController disableNfc Added
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcATag Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcBTag Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcFTag Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcVTag Deprecated
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcA Added
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcB Added
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcF Added
api/@ohos.nfc.tag.d.ts tag getNfcV Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession getTagInfo Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession connectTag Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession reset Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession isTagConnected Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession setSendDataTimeout Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession getSendDataTimeout Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession sendData Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession getMaxSendLength Deprecated
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession connect Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession resetConnection Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession isConnected Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession setTimeout Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession getTimeout Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession transmit Added
api/tag/tagSession.d.ts TagSession getMaxTransmitSize Added

Adaptation Guide

View the following API references: @ohos.nfc.cardEmulation (Standard NFC Card Emulation)

@ohos.nfc.controller (Standard NFC)

@ohos.nfc.tag (Standard NFC Tags)

tagSession (Standard NFC Tag Session)


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