harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (658)

Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.bundlemanager.1 Name Change of the Bundle Manager Distributed Query Module

The name of the bundle manager distributed query module in API version 9 is changed from ohos.bundle.distributedBundle to ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager. The APIs remain unchanged.

Change Impacts

There is no impact on applications that use the APIs of versions earlier than 9. The applications that use the APIs of version 9 need to adapt the new module.

Key API/Component Changes

The name of the bundle manager distributed query module is changed from ohos.bundle.distributedBundle to ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager. The APIs remain unchanged.

Adaptation Guide

Change the module to import from @ohos.bundle.distributedBundle to @ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager.

import distributedBundle form '@ohos.bundle.distributedBundleManager';


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