spark tables 源码
spark tables 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command
import{URI, URISyntaxException}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileContext, FsConstants, Path}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.{AclEntry, AclEntryScope, AclEntryType, FsAction, FsPermission}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{SQLConfHelper, TableIdentifier}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedAttribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTableType._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTypes.TablePartitionSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.DescribeCommandSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{escapeSingleQuotedString, quoteIfNeeded, CaseInsensitiveMap, CharVarcharUtils, DateTimeUtils, ResolveDefaultColumns}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Implicits.TableIdentifierHelper
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryExecutionErrors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.csv.CSVDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.json.JsonDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.orc.OrcDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.parquet.ParquetDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.{HiveSerDe, SQLConf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.PartitioningUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.SchemaUtils
* A command to create a table with the same definition of the given existing table.
* In the target table definition, the table comment is always empty but the column comments
* are identical to the ones defined in the source table.
* The CatalogTable attributes copied from the source table are storage(inputFormat, outputFormat,
* serde, compressed, properties), schema, provider, partitionColumnNames, bucketSpec by default.
* Use "CREATE TABLE t1 LIKE t2 USING file_format" to specify new provider for t1.
* For Hive compatibility, use "CREATE TABLE t1 LIKE t2 STORED AS hiveFormat"
* to specify new file storage format (inputFormat, outputFormat, serde) for t1.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name
* LIKE [other_db_name.]existing_table_name
* [USING provider |
* [
* [ROW FORMAT row_format]
* [STORED AS file_format] [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...)]
* ]
* ]
* [locationSpec]
* [TBLPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]
* }}}
case class CreateTableLikeCommand(
targetTable: TableIdentifier,
sourceTable: TableIdentifier,
fileFormat: CatalogStorageFormat,
provider: Option[String],
properties: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
ifNotExists: Boolean) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val sourceTableDesc = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(sourceTable)
val newProvider = if (provider.isDefined) {
if (!DDLUtils.isHiveTable(provider)) {
// check the validation of provider input, invalid provider will throw
// AnalysisException, ClassNotFoundException, or NoClassDefFoundError
DataSource.lookupDataSource(provider.get, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
} else if (fileFormat.inputFormat.isDefined) {
} else if (sourceTableDesc.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
} else {
val newStorage = if (fileFormat.inputFormat.isDefined) {
} else { = fileFormat.locationUri)
// If the location is specified, we create an external table internally.
// Otherwise create a managed table.
val tblType = if (newStorage.locationUri.isEmpty) {
} else {
val newTableSchema = CharVarcharUtils.getRawSchema(
sourceTableDesc.schema, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
val newTableDesc =
identifier = targetTable,
tableType = tblType,
storage = newStorage,
schema = newTableSchema,
provider = newProvider,
partitionColumnNames = sourceTableDesc.partitionColumnNames,
bucketSpec = sourceTableDesc.bucketSpec,
properties = properties,
tracksPartitionsInCatalog = sourceTableDesc.tracksPartitionsInCatalog)
catalog.createTable(newTableDesc, ifNotExists)
// TODO: move the rest of the table commands from ddl.scala to this file
* A command to create a table.
* Note: This is currently used only for creating Hive tables.
* This is not intended for temporary tables.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name
* [(col1 data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)]
* [COMMENT table_comment]
* [PARTITIONED BY (col3 data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)]
* [CLUSTERED BY (col1, ...) [SORTED BY (col1 [ASC|DESC], ...)] INTO num_buckets BUCKETS]
* [SKEWED BY (col1, col2, ...) ON ((col_value, col_value, ...), ...)
* [ROW FORMAT row_format]
* [STORED AS file_format | STORED BY storage_handler_class [WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...)]]
* [LOCATION path]
* [TBLPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]
* [AS select_statement];
* }}}
case class CreateTableCommand(
table: CatalogTable,
ignoreIfExists: Boolean) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.createTable(table, ignoreIfExists)
* A command that renames a table/view.
* The syntax of this command is:
* {{{
* ALTER TABLE table1 RENAME TO table2;
* ALTER VIEW view1 RENAME TO view2;
* }}}
case class AlterTableRenameCommand(
oldName: TableIdentifier,
newName: TableIdentifier,
isView: Boolean)
extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
// If this is a temp view, just rename the view.
// Otherwise, if this is a real table, we also need to uncache and invalidate the table.
if (catalog.isTempView(oldName)) {
catalog.renameTable(oldName, newName)
} else {
val table = catalog.getTableMetadata(oldName)
DDLUtils.verifyAlterTableType(catalog, table, isView)
// If `optStorageLevel` is defined, the old table was cached.
val optCachedData = sparkSession.sharedState.cacheManager.lookupCachedData(
val optStorageLevel =
if (optStorageLevel.isDefined) {
CommandUtils.uncacheTableOrView(sparkSession, oldName.unquotedString)
// Invalidate the table last, otherwise uncaching the table would load the logical plan
// back into the hive metastore cache
catalog.renameTable(oldName, newName)
optStorageLevel.foreach { storageLevel =>
sparkSession.catalog.cacheTable(newName.unquotedString, storageLevel)
* A command that add columns to a table
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* ALTER TABLE table_identifier
* ADD COLUMNS (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...);
* }}}
case class AlterTableAddColumnsCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
colsToAdd: Seq[StructField]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val catalogTable = verifyAlterTableAddColumn(sparkSession.sessionState.conf, catalog, table)
val colsWithProcessedDefaults =
constantFoldCurrentDefaultsToExistDefaults(sparkSession, catalogTable.provider)
CommandUtils.uncacheTableOrView(sparkSession, table.quotedString)
(colsWithProcessedDefaults ++ catalogTable.schema).map(,
"in the table definition of " + table.identifier,
DDLUtils.checkTableColumns(catalogTable, StructType(colsWithProcessedDefaults))
val existingSchema = CharVarcharUtils.getRawSchema(catalogTable.dataSchema)
catalog.alterTableDataSchema(table, StructType(existingSchema ++ colsWithProcessedDefaults))
* ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS command does not support temporary view/table,
* view, or datasource table with text, orc formats or external provider.
* For datasource table, it currently only supports parquet, json, csv, orc.
private def verifyAlterTableAddColumn(
conf: SQLConf,
catalog: SessionCatalog,
table: TableIdentifier): CatalogTable = {
val catalogTable = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(table)
if (catalogTable.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.alterAddColNotSupportViewError(table)
if (DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(catalogTable)) {
DataSource.lookupDataSource(catalogTable.provider.get, conf).
getConstructor().newInstance() match {
// For datasource table, this command can only support the following File format.
// TextFileFormat only default to one column "value"
// Hive type is already considered as hive serde table, so the logic will not
// come in here.
case _: CSVFileFormat | _: JsonFileFormat | _: ParquetFileFormat =>
case _: JsonDataSourceV2 | _: CSVDataSourceV2 |
_: OrcDataSourceV2 | _: ParquetDataSourceV2 =>
case s if s.getClass.getCanonicalName.endsWith("OrcFileFormat") =>
case s =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.alterAddColNotSupportDatasourceTableError(s, table)
* ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS commands may optionally specify a DEFAULT expression for any column.
* In that case, this method evaluates its originally specified value and then stores the result
* in a separate column metadata entry, then returns the updated column definitions.
private def constantFoldCurrentDefaultsToExistDefaults(
sparkSession: SparkSession, tableProvider: Option[String]): Seq[StructField] = { { col: StructField =>
if (col.metadata.contains(ResolveDefaultColumns.CURRENT_DEFAULT_COLUMN_METADATA_KEY)) {
val foldedStructType = ResolveDefaultColumns.constantFoldCurrentDefaultsToExistDefaults(
StructType(Seq(col)), tableProvider, "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS", true)
} else {
* A command that loads data into a Hive table.
* The syntax of this command is:
* {{{
* [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]
* }}}
case class LoadDataCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
path: String,
isLocal: Boolean,
isOverwrite: Boolean,
partition: Option[TablePartitionSpec]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val targetTable = catalog.getTableMetadata(table)
val tableIdentWithDB = targetTable.identifier.quotedString
val normalizedSpec = { spec =>
if (DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(targetTable)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.loadDataNotSupportedForDatasourceTablesError(tableIdentWithDB)
if (targetTable.partitionColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
if (partition.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.loadDataWithoutPartitionSpecProvidedError(tableIdentWithDB)
if (targetTable.partitionColumnNames.size != partition.get.size) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.loadDataPartitionSizeNotMatchNumPartitionColumnsError(
tableIdentWithDB, partition.get.size, targetTable.partitionColumnNames.size)
} else {
if (partition.nonEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors
val loadPath = {
if (isLocal) {
val localFS = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext()
LoadDataCommand.makeQualified(FsConstants.LOCAL_FS_URI, localFS.getWorkingDirectory(),
new Path(path))
} else {
val loadPath = new Path(path)
// Follow Hive's behavior:
// If no schema or authority is provided with non-local inpath,
// we will use hadoop configuration "fs.defaultFS".
val defaultFSConf = sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf().get("fs.defaultFS")
val defaultFS = if (defaultFSConf == null) new URI("") else new URI(defaultFSConf)
// Follow Hive's behavior:
// If LOCAL is not specified, and the path is relative,
// then the path is interpreted relative to "/user/<username>"
val uriPath = new Path(s"/user/${System.getProperty("")}/")
// makeQualified() will ignore the query parameter part while creating a path, so the
// entire string will be considered while making a Path instance,this is mainly done
// by considering the wild card scenario in per old logic query param is
// been considered while creating URI instance and if path contains wild card char '?'
// the remaining characters after '?' will be removed while forming URI instance
LoadDataCommand.makeQualified(defaultFS, uriPath, loadPath)
val fs = loadPath.getFileSystem(sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf())
// This handling is because while resolving the invalid URLs starting with file:///
// system throws IllegalArgumentException from globStatus API,so in order to handle
// such scenarios this code is added in try catch block and after catching the
// runtime exception a generic error will be displayed to the user.
try {
val fileStatus = fs.globStatus(loadPath)
if (fileStatus == null || fileStatus.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.loadDataInputPathNotExistError(path)
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
log.warn(s"Exception while validating the load path $path ", e)
throw QueryCompilationErrors.loadDataInputPathNotExistError(path)
if (partition.nonEmpty) {
inheritTableSpecs = true,
isSrcLocal = isLocal)
} else {
isSrcLocal = isLocal)
// Refresh the data and metadata cache to ensure the data visible to the users
CommandUtils.updateTableStats(sparkSession, targetTable)
object LoadDataCommand {
* Returns a qualified path object. Method ported from org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path class.
* @param defaultUri default uri corresponding to the filesystem provided.
* @param workingDir the working directory for the particular child path wd-relative names.
* @param path Path instance based on the path string specified by the user.
* @return qualified path object
private[sql] def makeQualified(defaultUri: URI, workingDir: Path, path: Path): Path = {
val newPath = new Path(workingDir, path)
val pathUri = if (path.isAbsolute()) path.toUri() else newPath.toUri()
if (pathUri.getScheme == null || pathUri.getAuthority == null &&
defaultUri.getAuthority != null) {
val scheme = if (pathUri.getScheme == null) defaultUri.getScheme else pathUri.getScheme
val authority = if (pathUri.getAuthority == null) {
if (defaultUri.getAuthority == null) "" else defaultUri.getAuthority
} else {
try {
val newUri = new URI(scheme, authority, pathUri.getPath, null, pathUri.getFragment)
new Path(newUri)
} catch {
case e: URISyntaxException =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e)
} else {
* A command to truncate table.
* The syntax of this command is:
* {{{
* TRUNCATE TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]
* }}}
case class TruncateTableCommand(
tableName: TableIdentifier,
partitionSpec: Option[TablePartitionSpec]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(spark: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = spark.sessionState.catalog
val table = catalog.getTableMetadata(tableName)
val tableIdentWithDB = table.identifier.quotedString
if (table.tableType == CatalogTableType.EXTERNAL) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.truncateTableOnExternalTablesError(tableIdentWithDB)
if (table.partitionColumnNames.isEmpty && partitionSpec.isDefined) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.truncateTablePartitionNotSupportedForNotPartitionedTablesError(
if (partitionSpec.isDefined) {
DDLUtils.verifyPartitionProviderIsHive(spark, table, "TRUNCATE TABLE ... PARTITION")
val partCols = table.partitionColumnNames
val locations =
if (partCols.isEmpty) {
} else {
val normalizedSpec = { spec =>
val partLocations =
catalog.listPartitions(table.identifier, normalizedSpec).map(
// Fail if the partition spec is fully specified (not partial) and the partition does not
// exist.
for (spec <- partitionSpec if partLocations.isEmpty && spec.size == partCols.length) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.noSuchPartitionError(table.database,
table.identifier.table, spec)
val hadoopConf = spark.sessionState.newHadoopConf()
val ignorePermissionAcl = conf.truncateTableIgnorePermissionAcl
locations.foreach { location =>
if (location.isDefined) {
val path = new Path(location.get)
try {
val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
// Not all fs impl. support these APIs.
var optPermission: Option[FsPermission] = None
var optAcls: Option[java.util.List[AclEntry]] = None
if (!ignorePermissionAcl) {
try {
val fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(path)
optPermission = Some(fileStatus.getPermission())
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => // do nothing
try {
optAcls = Some(fs.getAclStatus(path).getEntries)
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => // do nothing
fs.delete(path, true)
// We should keep original permission/acl of the path.
// For owner/group, only super-user can set it, for example on HDFS. Because
// current user can delete the path, we assume the user/group is correct or not an issue.
if (!ignorePermissionAcl) {
optPermission.foreach { permission =>
try {
fs.setPermission(path, permission)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.failToSetOriginalPermissionBackError(
permission, path, e)
optAcls.foreach { acls =>
val aclEntries = acls.asScala.filter(_.getName != null).asJava
// If the path doesn't have default ACLs, `setAcl` API will throw an error
// as it expects user/group/other permissions must be in ACL entries.
// So we need to add tradition user/group/other permission
// in the form of ACL. { permission =>
AclEntryType.USER, permission.getUserAction()))
AclEntryType.GROUP, permission.getGroupAction()))
AclEntryType.OTHER, permission.getOtherAction()))
try {
fs.setAcl(path, aclEntries)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw QueryExecutionErrors.failToSetOriginalACLBackError(aclEntries.toString,
path, e)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.failToTruncateTableWhenRemovingDataError(tableIdentWithDB,
path, e)
// After deleting the data, refresh the table to make sure we don't keep around a stale
// file relation in the metastore cache and cached table data in the cache manager.
CommandUtils.updateTableStats(spark, table)
private def newAclEntry(
scope: AclEntryScope,
aclType: AclEntryType,
permission: FsAction): AclEntry = {
new AclEntry.Builder()
abstract class DescribeCommandBase extends LeafRunnableCommand {
protected def describeSchema(
schema: StructType,
buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row],
header: Boolean): Unit = {
if (header) {
append(buffer, s"# ${}", output(1).name, output(2).name)
schema.foreach { column =>
append(buffer,, column.dataType.simpleString, column.getComment().orNull)
protected def append(
buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row], column: String, dataType: String, comment: String): Unit = {
buffer += Row(column, dataType, comment)
* Command that looks like
* {{{
* DESCRIBE [EXTENDED|FORMATTED] table_name partitionSpec?;
* }}}
case class DescribeTableCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
partitionSpec: TablePartitionSpec,
isExtended: Boolean,
override val output: Seq[Attribute])
extends DescribeCommandBase {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val result = new ArrayBuffer[Row]
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
if (catalog.isTempView(table)) {
if (partitionSpec.nonEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.descPartitionNotAllowedOnTempView(table.identifier)
val schema = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(table).schema
describeSchema(schema, result, header = false)
} else {
val metadata = catalog.getTableRawMetadata(table)
if (metadata.schema.isEmpty) {
// In older version(prior to 2.1) of Spark, the table schema can be empty and should be
// inferred at runtime. We should still support it.
describeSchema(sparkSession.table(metadata.identifier).schema, result, header = false)
} else {
describeSchema(metadata.schema, result, header = false)
describePartitionInfo(metadata, result)
if (partitionSpec.nonEmpty) {
// Outputs the partition-specific info for the DDL command:
// "DESCRIBE [EXTENDED|FORMATTED] table_name PARTITION (partitionVal*)"
describeDetailedPartitionInfo(sparkSession, catalog, metadata, result)
} else if (isExtended) {
describeFormattedTableInfo(metadata, result)
private def describePartitionInfo(table: CatalogTable, buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit = {
if (table.partitionColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
append(buffer, "# Partition Information", "", "")
describeSchema(table.partitionSchema, buffer, header = true)
private def describeFormattedTableInfo(table: CatalogTable, buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit = {
// The following information has been already shown in the previous outputs
val excludedTableInfo = Seq(
"Partition Columns",
append(buffer, "", "", "")
append(buffer, "# Detailed Table Information", "", "")
table.toLinkedHashMap.filterKeys(!excludedTableInfo.contains(_)).foreach {
s => append(buffer, s._1, s._2, "")
private def describeDetailedPartitionInfo(
spark: SparkSession,
catalog: SessionCatalog,
metadata: CatalogTable,
result: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit = {
if (metadata.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.descPartitionNotAllowedOnView(table.identifier)
DDLUtils.verifyPartitionProviderIsHive(spark, metadata, "DESC PARTITION")
val normalizedPartSpec = PartitioningUtils.normalizePartitionSpec(
val partition = catalog.getPartition(table, normalizedPartSpec)
if (isExtended) describeFormattedDetailedPartitionInfo(table, metadata, partition, result)
private def describeFormattedDetailedPartitionInfo(
tableIdentifier: TableIdentifier,
table: CatalogTable,
partition: CatalogTablePartition,
buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit = {
append(buffer, "", "", "")
append(buffer, "# Detailed Partition Information", "", "")
append(buffer, "Database", table.database, "")
append(buffer, "Table", tableIdentifier.table, "")
partition.toLinkedHashMap.foreach(s => append(buffer, s._1, s._2, ""))
append(buffer, "", "", "")
append(buffer, "# Storage Information", "", "")
table.bucketSpec match {
case Some(spec) =>
spec.toLinkedHashMap.foreach(s => append(buffer, s._1, s._2, ""))
case _ =>
} => append(buffer, s._1, s._2, ""))
* Command that looks like
* {{{
* DESCRIBE [QUERY] statement
* }}}
* Parameter 'statement' can be one of the following types :
* 1. SELECT statements
* 2. SELECT statements inside set operators (UNION, INTERSECT etc)
* 3. VALUES statement.
* 4. TABLE statement. Example : TABLE table_name
* 5. statements of the form 'FROM table SELECT *'
* 6. Multi select statements of the following form:
* select * from (from a select * select *)
* 7. Common table expressions (CTEs)
case class DescribeQueryCommand(queryText: String, plan: LogicalPlan)
extends DescribeCommandBase {
override val output = DescribeCommandSchema.describeTableAttributes()
override def simpleString(maxFields: Int): String = s"$nodeName $queryText".trim
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val result = new ArrayBuffer[Row]
val queryExecution = sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(plan)
describeSchema(queryExecution.analyzed.schema, result, header = false)
* A command to list the info for a column, including name, data type, comment and column stats.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* DESCRIBE [EXTENDED|FORMATTED] table_name column_name;
* }}}
case class DescribeColumnCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
colNameParts: Seq[String],
isExtended: Boolean,
override val output: Seq[Attribute])
extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val resolver = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.resolver
val relation = sparkSession.table(table).queryExecution.analyzed
val colName = UnresolvedAttribute(colNameParts).name
val field = {
relation.resolve(colNameParts, resolver).getOrElse {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.columnDoesNotExistError(colName)
if (!field.isInstanceOf[Attribute]) {
// If the field is not an attribute after `resolve`, then it's a nested field.
throw QueryCompilationErrors.commandNotSupportNestedColumnError(
val catalogTable = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(table)
val colStatsMap =
val colStats = if (conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) colStatsMap else CaseInsensitiveMap(colStatsMap)
val cs = colStats.get(
val comment = if (field.metadata.contains("comment")) {
} else {
val dataType = CharVarcharUtils.getRawType(field.metadata)
val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Row](
Row("data_type", dataType),
Row("comment", comment.getOrElse("NULL"))
if (isExtended) {
// Show column stats when EXTENDED or FORMATTED is specified.
buffer += Row("min", cs.flatMap(
toZoneAwareExternalString(_,, field.dataType))).getOrElse("NULL"))
buffer += Row("max", cs.flatMap(
toZoneAwareExternalString(_,, field.dataType))).getOrElse("NULL"))
buffer += Row("num_nulls", cs.flatMap("NULL"))
buffer += Row("distinct_count",
buffer += Row("avg_col_len", cs.flatMap("NULL"))
buffer += Row("max_col_len", cs.flatMap("NULL"))
val histDesc = for {
c <- cs
hist <- c.histogram
} yield histogramDescription(hist)
buffer ++= histDesc.getOrElse(Seq(Row("histogram", "NULL")))
private def toZoneAwareExternalString(
valueStr: String,
name: String,
dataType: DataType): String = {
dataType match {
case TimestampType =>
// When writing to metastore, we always format timestamp value in the default UTC time zone.
// So here we need to first convert to internal value, then format it using the current
// time zone.
val internalValue =
CatalogColumnStat.fromExternalString(valueStr, name, dataType, CatalogColumnStat.VERSION)
val curZoneId = DateTimeUtils.getZoneId(SQLConf.get.sessionLocalTimeZone)
isParsing = false, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS Z", zoneId = curZoneId)
case _ =>
private def histogramDescription(histogram: Histogram): Seq[Row] = {
val header = Row("histogram",
s"height: ${histogram.height}, num_of_bins: ${histogram.bins.length}")
val bins = {
case (bin, index) =>
s"lower_bound: ${bin.lo}, upper_bound: ${bin.hi}, distinct_count: ${bin.ndv}")
header +: bins
* A command for users to get tables in the given database.
* If a databaseName is not given, the current database will be used.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW TABLES [(IN|FROM) database_name] [[LIKE] 'identifier_with_wildcards'];
* SHOW TABLE EXTENDED [(IN|FROM) database_name] LIKE 'identifier_with_wildcards'
* [PARTITION(partition_spec)];
* }}}
case class ShowTablesCommand(
databaseName: Option[String],
tableIdentifierPattern: Option[String],
override val output: Seq[Attribute],
isExtended: Boolean = false,
partitionSpec: Option[TablePartitionSpec] = None) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
// Since we need to return a Seq of rows, we will call getTables directly
// instead of calling tables in sparkSession.
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val db = databaseName.getOrElse(catalog.getCurrentDatabase)
if (partitionSpec.isEmpty) {
// Show the information of tables.
val tables =, _)).getOrElse(catalog.listTables(db)) { tableIdent =>
val database = tableIdent.database.getOrElse("")
val tableName = tableIdent.table
val isTemp = catalog.isTempView(tableIdent)
if (isExtended) {
val information = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(tableIdent).simpleString
Row(database, tableName, isTemp, s"$information\n")
} else {
Row(database, tableName, isTemp)
} else {
// Show the information of partitions.
// Note: tableIdentifierPattern should be non-empty, otherwise a [[ParseException]]
// should have been thrown by the sql parser.
val table = catalog.getTableMetadata(TableIdentifier(tableIdentifierPattern.get, Some(db)))
DDLUtils.verifyPartitionProviderIsHive(sparkSession, table, "SHOW TABLE EXTENDED")
val tableIdent = table.identifier
val normalizedSpec = PartitioningUtils.normalizePartitionSpec(
val partition = catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, normalizedSpec)
val database = tableIdent.database.getOrElse("")
val tableName = tableIdent.table
val isTemp = catalog.isTempView(tableIdent)
val information = partition.simpleString
Seq(Row(database, tableName, isTemp, s"$information\n"))
* A command for users to list the properties for a table. If propertyKey is specified, the value
* for the propertyKey is returned. If propertyKey is not specified, all the keys and their
* corresponding values are returned.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW TBLPROPERTIES table_name[('propertyKey')];
* }}}
case class ShowTablePropertiesCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
propertyKey: Option[String],
override val output: Seq[Attribute]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
if (catalog.isTempView(table)) {
} else {
val catalogTable = catalog.getTableMetadata(table)
val properties = conf.redactOptions(
propertyKey match {
case Some(p) =>
val propValue = properties
.getOrElse(p, s"Table ${catalogTable.qualifiedName} does not have property: $p")
if (output.length == 1) {
} else {
Seq(Row(p, propValue))
case None =>
.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(p => Row(p._1, p._2)).toSeq
* A command to list the column names for a table.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW COLUMNS (FROM | IN) table_identifier [(FROM | IN) database];
* }}}
case class ShowColumnsCommand(
databaseName: Option[String],
tableName: TableIdentifier,
override val output: Seq[Attribute]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val lookupTable = databaseName match {
case None => tableName
case Some(db) => TableIdentifier(tableName.identifier, Some(db))
val table = catalog.getTempViewOrPermanentTableMetadata(lookupTable) { c =>
* A command to list the partition names of a table. If the partition spec is specified,
* partitions that match the spec are returned. [[AnalysisException]] exception is thrown under
* the following conditions:
* 1. If the command is called for a non partitioned table.
* 2. If the partition spec refers to the columns that are not defined as partitioning columns.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW PARTITIONS [db_name.]table_name [PARTITION(partition_spec)]
* }}}
case class ShowPartitionsCommand(
tableName: TableIdentifier,
override val output: Seq[Attribute],
spec: Option[TablePartitionSpec]) extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val table = catalog.getTableMetadata(tableName)
val tableIdentWithDB = table.identifier.quotedString
* Validate and throws an [[AnalysisException]] exception under the following conditions:
* 1. If the table is not partitioned.
* 2. If it is a datasource table.
if (table.partitionColumnNames.isEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showPartitionNotAllowedOnTableNotPartitionedError(
DDLUtils.verifyPartitionProviderIsHive(sparkSession, table, "SHOW PARTITIONS")
* Normalizes the partition spec w.r.t the partition columns and case sensitivity settings,
* and validates the spec by making sure all the referenced columns are
* defined as partitioning columns in table definition. An AnalysisException exception is
* thrown if the partitioning spec is invalid.
val normalizedSpec = => PartitioningUtils.normalizePartitionSpec(
val partNames = catalog.listPartitionNames(tableName, normalizedSpec)
* Provides common utilities between `ShowCreateTableCommand` and `ShowCreateTableAsSparkCommand`.
trait ShowCreateTableCommandBase extends SQLConfHelper {
protected val table: TableIdentifier
protected def showTableLocation(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
if (metadata.tableType == EXTERNAL) { { location =>
builder ++= s"LOCATION '${escapeSingleQuotedString(CatalogUtils.URIToString(location))}'\n"
protected def showTableComment(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
.map("COMMENT '" + escapeSingleQuotedString(_) + "'\n")
protected def showTableProperties(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
if ( {
val props =
.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map { case (key, value) =>
s"'${escapeSingleQuotedString(key)}' = '${escapeSingleQuotedString(value)}'"
builder ++= "TBLPROPERTIES "
builder ++= concatByMultiLines(props)
protected def concatByMultiLines(iter: Iterable[String]): String = {
iter.mkString("(\n ", ",\n ", ")\n")
protected def showCreateView(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
showViewDataColumns(metadata, builder)
showTableComment(metadata, builder)
showViewProperties(metadata, builder)
showViewText(metadata, builder)
private def showViewDataColumns(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
if (metadata.schema.nonEmpty) {
val viewColumns = { f =>
val comment = f.getComment()
.map(" COMMENT '" + _ + "'")
// view columns shouldn't have data type info
builder ++= concatByMultiLines(viewColumns)
private def showViewProperties(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val viewProps =!_.startsWith(CatalogTable.VIEW_PREFIX))
if (viewProps.nonEmpty) {
val props = viewProps.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map { case (key, value) =>
s"'${escapeSingleQuotedString(key)}' = '${escapeSingleQuotedString(value)}'"
builder ++= s"TBLPROPERTIES ${concatByMultiLines(props)}"
private def showViewText(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
builder ++= metadata.viewText.mkString("AS ", "", "\n")
* A command that shows the Spark DDL syntax that can be used to create a given table.
* For Hive serde table, this command will generate Spark DDL that can be used to
* create corresponding Spark table.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW CREATE TABLE [db_name.]table_name
* }}}
case class ShowCreateTableCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
override val output: Seq[Attribute])
extends LeafRunnableCommand with ShowCreateTableCommandBase {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
if (catalog.isTempView(table)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableNotSupportedOnTempView(table.identifier)
} else {
val tableMetadata = catalog.getTableRawMetadata(table)
// TODO: [SPARK-28692] unify this after we unify the
// CREATE TABLE syntax for hive serde and data source table.
val metadata = if (DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableMetadata)) {
} else {
// For a Hive serde table, we try to convert it to Spark DDL.
if (tableMetadata.unsupportedFeatures.nonEmpty) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableFailToExecuteUnsupportedFeatureError(
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase("transactional", "false"))) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableNotSupportTransactionalHiveTableError(
if (tableMetadata.tableType == VIEW) {
} else {
val builder = new StringBuilder
val stmt = if (tableMetadata.tableType == VIEW) {
builder ++= s"CREATE VIEW ${table.quoted} "
showCreateView(metadata, builder)
} else {
builder ++= s"CREATE TABLE ${table.quoted} "
showCreateDataSourceTable(metadata, builder)
private def convertTableMetadata(tableMetadata: CatalogTable): CatalogTable = {
val hiveSerde = HiveSerDe(
serde =,
inputFormat =,
outputFormat =
// Looking for Spark data source that maps to to the Hive serde.
// TODO: some Hive fileformat + row serde might be mapped to Spark data source, e.g. CSV.
val source = HiveSerDe.serdeToSource(hiveSerde)
if (source.isEmpty) {
val builder = new StringBuilder
hiveSerde.serde.foreach { serde =>
builder ++= s" SERDE: $serde"
hiveSerde.inputFormat.foreach { format =>
builder ++= s" INPUTFORMAT: $format"
hiveSerde.outputFormat.foreach { format =>
builder ++= s" OUTPUTFORMAT: $format"
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableFailToExecuteUnsupportedConfError(table, builder)
} else {
// TODO: should we keep Hive serde properties?
val newStorage = = Map.empty)
tableMetadata.copy(provider = source, storage = newStorage)
private def showDataSourceTableDataColumns(
metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val columns =
builder ++= concatByMultiLines(columns)
private def showDataSourceTableOptions(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
// For datasource table, there is a provider there in the metadata.
// If it is a Hive table, we already convert its metadata and fill in a provider.
builder ++= s"USING ${metadata.provider.get}\n"
val dataSourceOptions = conf.redactOptions( {
case (key, value) =>
s"'${escapeSingleQuotedString(key)}' = '${escapeSingleQuotedString(value)}'"
if (dataSourceOptions.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= "OPTIONS "
builder ++= concatByMultiLines(dataSourceOptions)
private def showDataSourceTableNonDataColumns(
metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val partCols = metadata.partitionColumnNames
if (partCols.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= s"PARTITIONED BY ${partCols.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}\n"
metadata.bucketSpec.foreach { spec =>
if (spec.bucketColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= s"CLUSTERED BY ${spec.bucketColumnNames.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}\n"
if (spec.sortColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= s"SORTED BY ${spec.sortColumnNames.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}\n"
builder ++= s"INTO ${spec.numBuckets} BUCKETS\n"
private def showCreateDataSourceTable(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
showDataSourceTableDataColumns(metadata, builder)
showDataSourceTableOptions(metadata, builder)
showDataSourceTableNonDataColumns(metadata, builder)
showTableComment(metadata, builder)
showTableLocation(metadata, builder)
showTableProperties(metadata, builder)
* This commands generates the DDL for Hive serde table.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* SHOW CREATE TABLE table_identifier AS SERDE;
* }}}
case class ShowCreateTableAsSerdeCommand(
table: TableIdentifier,
override val output: Seq[Attribute])
extends LeafRunnableCommand with ShowCreateTableCommandBase {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
val tableMetadata = catalog.getTableRawMetadata(table)
val stmt = if (DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableMetadata)) {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableAsSerdeNotAllowedOnSparkDataSourceTableError(
} else {
private def showCreateHiveTable(metadata: CatalogTable): String = {
def reportUnsupportedError(features: Seq[String]): Unit = {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.showCreateTableOrViewFailToExecuteUnsupportedFeatureError(
metadata, features)
if (metadata.unsupportedFeatures.nonEmpty) {
val builder = new StringBuilder
val tableTypeString = metadata.tableType match {
case VIEW => " VIEW"
case MANAGED => " TABLE"
case t =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unknown table type is found at showCreateHiveTable: $t")
builder ++= s"CREATE$tableTypeString ${table.quoted} "
if (metadata.tableType == VIEW) {
showCreateView(metadata, builder)
} else {
showHiveTableHeader(metadata, builder)
showTableComment(metadata, builder)
showHiveTableNonDataColumns(metadata, builder)
showHiveTableStorageInfo(metadata, builder)
showTableLocation(metadata, builder)
showTableProperties(metadata, builder)
private def showHiveTableHeader(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val columns = metadata.schema.filterNot { column =>
if (columns.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= concatByMultiLines(columns)
private def showHiveTableNonDataColumns(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
if (metadata.partitionColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
val partCols =
builder ++= partCols.mkString("PARTITIONED BY (", ", ", ")\n")
if (metadata.bucketSpec.isDefined) {
val bucketSpec = metadata.bucketSpec.get
builder ++= s"CLUSTERED BY (${bucketSpec.bucketColumnNames.mkString(", ")})\n"
if (bucketSpec.sortColumnNames.nonEmpty) {
builder ++= s"SORTED BY (${ + " ASC").mkString(", ")})\n"
builder ++= s"INTO ${bucketSpec.numBuckets} BUCKETS\n"
private def showHiveTableStorageInfo(metadata: CatalogTable, builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val storage =
storage.serde.foreach { serde =>
builder ++= s"ROW FORMAT SERDE '$serde'\n"
val serdeProps = conf.redactOptions( {
case (key, value) =>
s"'${escapeSingleQuotedString(key)}' = '${escapeSingleQuotedString(value)}'"
builder ++= s"WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ${concatByMultiLines(serdeProps)}"
if (storage.inputFormat.isDefined || storage.outputFormat.isDefined) {
builder ++= "STORED AS\n"
storage.inputFormat.foreach { format =>
builder ++= s" INPUTFORMAT '${escapeSingleQuotedString(format)}'\n"
storage.outputFormat.foreach { format =>
builder ++= s" OUTPUTFORMAT '${escapeSingleQuotedString(format)}'\n"
* A command to refresh all cached entries associated with the table.
* The syntax of using this command in SQL is:
* {{{
* REFRESH TABLE [db_name.]table_name
* }}}
case class RefreshTableCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier)
extends LeafRunnableCommand {
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
// Refresh the given table's metadata. If this table is cached as an InMemoryRelation,
// drop the original cached version and make the new version cached lazily.
spark AnalyzePartitionCommand 源码
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