spark CommandUtils 源码
spark CommandUtils 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path, PathFilter}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{InternalRow, TableIdentifier}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogStatistics, CatalogTable, CatalogTablePartition, CatalogTableType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayData, GenericArrayData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{DataSourceUtils, InMemoryFileIndex}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.{SessionState, SQLConf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* For the purpose of calculating total directory sizes, use this filter to
* ignore some irrelevant files.
* @param stagingDir hive staging dir
class PathFilterIgnoreNonData(stagingDir: String) extends PathFilter with Serializable {
override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
val fileName = path.getName
!fileName.startsWith(stagingDir) && DataSourceUtils.isDataFile(fileName)
object CommandUtils extends Logging {
/** Change statistics after changing data by commands. */
def updateTableStats(sparkSession: SparkSession, table: CatalogTable): Unit = {
val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.autoSizeUpdateEnabled) {
val newTable = catalog.getTableMetadata(table.identifier)
val (newSize, newPartitions) = CommandUtils.calculateTotalSize(sparkSession, newTable)
val isNewStats = != _.sizeInBytes).getOrElse(true)
if (isNewStats) {
val newStats = CatalogStatistics(sizeInBytes = newSize)
catalog.alterTableStats(table.identifier, Some(newStats))
if (newPartitions.nonEmpty) {
catalog.alterPartitions(table.identifier, newPartitions)
} else if (table.stats.nonEmpty) {
catalog.alterTableStats(table.identifier, None)
} else {
// In other cases, we still need to invalidate the table relation cache.
def calculateTotalSize(
spark: SparkSession,
catalogTable: CatalogTable): (BigInt, Seq[CatalogTablePartition]) = {
val sessionState = spark.sessionState
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val (totalSize, newPartitions) = if (catalogTable.partitionColumnNames.isEmpty) {
(calculateSingleLocationSize(sessionState, catalogTable.identifier,, Seq())
} else {
// Calculate table size as a sum of the visible partitions. See SPARK-21079
val partitions = sessionState.catalog.listPartitions(catalogTable.identifier)
logInfo(s"Starting to calculate sizes for ${partitions.length} partitions.")
val paths =
val sizes = calculateMultipleLocationSizes(spark, catalogTable.identifier, paths)
val newPartitions = partitions.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (p, idx) =>
val newStats = CommandUtils.compareAndGetNewStats(p.stats, sizes(idx), None) => p.copy(stats = newStats))
(sizes.sum, newPartitions)
logInfo(s"It took ${(System.nanoTime() - startTime) / (1000 * 1000)} ms to calculate" +
s" the total size for table ${catalogTable.identifier}.")
(totalSize, newPartitions)
def calculateSingleLocationSize(
sessionState: SessionState,
identifier: TableIdentifier,
locationUri: Option[URI]): Long = {
// This method is mainly based on
// org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.stats.StatsUtils.getFileSizeForTable(HiveConf, Table)
// in Hive 0.13 (except that we do not use fs.getContentSummary).
// TODO: Generalize statistics collection.
// TODO: Why fs.getContentSummary returns wrong size on Jenkins?
// Can we use fs.getContentSummary in future?
// Seems fs.getContentSummary returns wrong table size on Jenkins. So we use
// countFileSize to count the table size.
val stagingDir = sessionState.conf.getConfString("hive.exec.stagingdir", ".hive-staging")
def getPathSize(fs: FileSystem, fileStatus: FileStatus): Long = {
val size = if (fileStatus.isDirectory) {
.map { status =>
if (isDataPath(status.getPath, stagingDir)) {
getPathSize(fs, status)
} else {
} else {
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val size = { p =>
val path = new Path(p)
try {
val fs = path.getFileSystem(sessionState.newHadoopConf())
getPathSize(fs, fs.getFileStatus(path))
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
s"Failed to get the size of table ${identifier.table} in the " +
s"database ${identifier.database} because of ${e.toString}", e)
val durationInMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / (1000 * 1000)
logDebug(s"It took $durationInMs ms to calculate the total file size under path $locationUri.")
def calculateMultipleLocationSizes(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
tid: TableIdentifier,
paths: Seq[Option[URI]]): Seq[Long] = {
if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.parallelFileListingInStatsComputation) {
calculateMultipleLocationSizesInParallel(sparkSession, Path(_))))
} else { => calculateSingleLocationSize(sparkSession.sessionState, tid, p))
* Launch a Job to list all leaf files in `paths` and compute the total size
* for each path.
* @param sparkSession the [[SparkSession]]
* @param paths the Seq of [[Option[Path]]]s
* @return a Seq of same size as `paths` where i-th element is total size of `paths(i)` or 0
* if `paths(i)` is None
def calculateMultipleLocationSizesInParallel(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
paths: Seq[Option[Path]]): Seq[Long] = {
val stagingDir = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
.getConfString("hive.exec.stagingdir", ".hive-staging")
val filter = new PathFilterIgnoreNonData(stagingDir)
val sizes = InMemoryFileIndex.bulkListLeafFiles(paths.flatten,
sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf(), filter, sparkSession).map {
case (_, files) =>
// the size is 0 where paths(i) is not defined and sizes(i) where it is defined { case (p, idx) => => sizes(idx)).getOrElse(0L) }
def compareAndGetNewStats(
oldStats: Option[CatalogStatistics],
newTotalSize: BigInt,
newRowCount: Option[BigInt]): Option[CatalogStatistics] = {
val oldTotalSize =
val oldRowCount = oldStats.flatMap(_.rowCount).getOrElse(BigInt(-1))
var newStats: Option[CatalogStatistics] = None
if (newTotalSize >= 0 && newTotalSize != oldTotalSize) {
newStats = Some(CatalogStatistics(sizeInBytes = newTotalSize))
// We only set rowCount when noscan is false, because otherwise:
// 1. when total size is not changed, we don't need to alter the table;
// 2. when total size is changed, `oldRowCount` becomes invalid.
// This is to make sure that we only record the right statistics.
if (newRowCount.isDefined) {
if (newRowCount.get >= 0 && newRowCount.get != oldRowCount) {
newStats = if (newStats.isDefined) { = newRowCount))
} else {
Some(CatalogStatistics(sizeInBytes = oldTotalSize, rowCount = newRowCount))
def analyzeTable(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
tableIdent: TableIdentifier,
noScan: Boolean): Unit = {
val sessionState = sparkSession.sessionState
val db = tableIdent.database.getOrElse(sessionState.catalog.getCurrentDatabase)
val tableIdentWithDB = TableIdentifier(tableIdent.table, Some(db))
val tableMeta = sessionState.catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdentWithDB)
if (tableMeta.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) {
// Analyzes a catalog view if the view is cached
val table = sparkSession.table(tableIdent.quotedString)
val cacheManager = sparkSession.sharedState.cacheManager
if (cacheManager.lookupCachedData(table.logicalPlan).isDefined) {
if (!noScan) {
// To collect table stats, materializes an underlying columnar RDD
} else {
throw QueryCompilationErrors.analyzeTableNotSupportedOnViewsError()
} else {
// Compute stats for the whole table
val (newTotalSize, _) = CommandUtils.calculateTotalSize(sparkSession, tableMeta)
val newRowCount =
if (noScan) None else Some(BigInt(sparkSession.table(tableIdentWithDB).count()))
// Update the metastore if the above statistics of the table are different from those
// recorded in the metastore.
val newStats = CommandUtils.compareAndGetNewStats(tableMeta.stats, newTotalSize, newRowCount)
if (newStats.isDefined) {
sessionState.catalog.alterTableStats(tableIdentWithDB, newStats)
* Compute stats for the given columns.
* @return (row count, map from column name to CatalogColumnStats)
private[sql] def computeColumnStats(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
relation: LogicalPlan,
columns: Seq[Attribute]): (Long, Map[Attribute, ColumnStat]) = {
val conf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
// Collect statistics per column.
// If no histogram is required, we run a job to compute basic column stats such as
// min, max, ndv, etc. Otherwise, besides basic column stats, histogram will also be
// generated. Currently we only support equi-height histogram.
// To generate an equi-height histogram, we need two jobs:
// 1. compute percentiles p(0), p(1/n) ... p((n-1)/n), p(1).
// 2. use the percentiles as value intervals of bins, e.g. [p(0), p(1/n)],
// [p(1/n), p(2/n)], ..., [p((n-1)/n), p(1)], and then count ndv in each bin.
// Basic column stats will be computed together in the second job.
val attributePercentiles = computePercentiles(columns, sparkSession, relation)
// The first element in the result will be the overall row count, the following elements
// will be structs containing all column stats.
// The layout of each struct follows the layout of the ColumnStats.
val expressions = Count(Literal(1)).toAggregateExpression() +:, conf, attributePercentiles))
val namedExpressions = => Alias(e, e.toString)())
val statsRow = new QueryExecution(sparkSession, Aggregate(Nil, namedExpressions, relation))
val rowCount = statsRow.getLong(0)
val columnStats = { case (attr, i) =>
// according to `statExprs`, the stats struct always have 7 fields.
(attr, rowToColumnStat(statsRow.getStruct(i + 1, 7), attr, rowCount,
(rowCount, columnStats)
/** Computes percentiles for each attribute. */
private def computePercentiles(
attributesToAnalyze: Seq[Attribute],
sparkSession: SparkSession,
relation: LogicalPlan): AttributeMap[ArrayData] = {
val conf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
val attrsToGenHistogram = if (conf.histogramEnabled) {
attributesToAnalyze.filter(a => supportsHistogram(a.dataType))
} else {
val attributePercentiles = mutable.HashMap[Attribute, ArrayData]()
if (attrsToGenHistogram.nonEmpty) {
val percentiles = (0 to conf.histogramNumBins)
.map(i => i.toDouble / conf.histogramNumBins).toArray
val namedExprs = { attr =>
val aggFunc =
new ApproximatePercentile(attr,
Literal(new GenericArrayData(percentiles), ArrayType(DoubleType, false)),
val expr = aggFunc.toAggregateExpression()
Alias(expr, expr.toString)()
val percentilesRow = new QueryExecution(sparkSession, Aggregate(Nil, namedExprs, relation))
attrsToGenHistogram.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (attr, i) =>
val percentiles = percentilesRow.getArray(i)
// When there is no non-null value, `percentiles` is null. In such case, there is no
// need to generate histogram.
if (percentiles != null) {
attributePercentiles += attr -> percentiles
/** Returns true iff the we support gathering histogram on column of the given type. */
private def supportsHistogram(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match {
case _: IntegralType => true
case _: DecimalType => true
case DoubleType | FloatType => true
case DateType => true
case TimestampType => true
case _ => false
* Constructs an expression to compute column statistics for a given column.
* The expression should create a single struct column with the following schema:
* distinctCount: Long, min: T, max: T, nullCount: Long, avgLen: Long, maxLen: Long,
* distinctCountsForIntervals: Array[Long]
* Together with [[rowToColumnStat]], this function is used to create [[ColumnStat]] and
* as a result should stay in sync with it.
private def statExprs(
col: Attribute,
conf: SQLConf,
colPercentiles: AttributeMap[ArrayData]): CreateNamedStruct = {
def struct(exprs: Expression*): CreateNamedStruct = CreateStruct( { expr =>
expr.transformUp { case af: AggregateFunction => af.toAggregateExpression() }
val one = Literal(1.toLong, LongType)
// the approximate ndv (num distinct value) should never be larger than the number of rows
val numNonNulls = if (col.nullable) Count(col) else Count(one)
val ndv = Least(Seq(HyperLogLogPlusPlus(col, conf.ndvMaxError), numNonNulls))
val numNulls = Subtract(Count(one), numNonNulls)
val defaultSize = Literal(col.dataType.defaultSize.toLong, LongType)
val nullArray = Literal(null, ArrayType(LongType))
def fixedLenTypeStruct: CreateNamedStruct = {
val genHistogram =
supportsHistogram(col.dataType) && colPercentiles.contains(col)
val intervalNdvsExpr = if (genHistogram) {
Literal(colPercentiles(col), ArrayType(col.dataType)), conf.ndvMaxError)
} else {
// For fixed width types, avg size should be the same as max size.
struct(ndv, Cast(Min(col), col.dataType), Cast(Max(col), col.dataType), numNulls,
defaultSize, defaultSize, intervalNdvsExpr)
col.dataType match {
case _: IntegralType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case _: DecimalType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case DoubleType | FloatType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case BooleanType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case DateType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case TimestampType => fixedLenTypeStruct
case BinaryType | StringType =>
// For string and binary type, we don't compute min, max or histogram
val nullLit = Literal(null, col.dataType)
ndv, nullLit, nullLit, numNulls,
// Set avg/max size to default size if all the values are null or there is no value.
Coalesce(Seq(Ceil(Average(Length(col))), defaultSize)),
Coalesce(Seq(Cast(Max(Length(col)), LongType), defaultSize)),
case _ =>
throw QueryCompilationErrors.analyzingColumnStatisticsNotSupportedForColumnTypeError(, col.dataType)
* Convert a struct for column stats (defined in `statExprs`) into
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.ColumnStat]].
private def rowToColumnStat(
row: InternalRow,
attr: Attribute,
rowCount: Long,
percentiles: Option[ArrayData]): ColumnStat = {
// The first 6 fields are basic column stats, the 7th is ndvs for histogram bins.
val cs = ColumnStat(
distinctCount = Option(BigInt(row.getLong(0))),
// for string/binary min/max, get should return null
min = Option(row.get(1, attr.dataType)),
max = Option(row.get(2, attr.dataType)),
nullCount = Option(BigInt(row.getLong(3))),
avgLen = Option(row.getLong(4)),
maxLen = Option(row.getLong(5))
if (row.isNullAt(6) || cs.nullCount.isEmpty) {
} else {
val ndvs = row.getArray(6).toLongArray()
assert(percentiles.get.numElements() == ndvs.length + 1)
val endpoints = percentiles.get.toArray[Any](attr.dataType).map(_.toString.toDouble)
// Construct equi-height histogram
val bins = { case (ndv, i) =>
HistogramBin(endpoints(i), endpoints(i + 1), ndv)
val nonNullRows = rowCount - cs.nullCount.get
val histogram = Histogram(nonNullRows.toDouble / ndvs.length, bins)
cs.copy(histogram = Some(histogram))
private def isDataPath(path: Path, stagingDir: String): Boolean = {
!path.getName.startsWith(stagingDir) && DataSourceUtils.isDataPath(path)
def uncacheTableOrView(sparkSession: SparkSession, name: String): Unit = {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(s"Exception when attempting to uncache $name", e)
spark AnalyzePartitionCommand 源码
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