harmony 鸿蒙Configuration and Installation of Pre-installed Applications

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (833)

Configuration and Installation of Pre-installed Applications

Pre-installed applications are applications that are natively installed on a device from factory setup. OpenHarmony supports differentiated configuration of pr-installed applications on different devices.

Configuring Pre-installed Applications

  1. Before the configuration, run the following command to query the directories for pre-installed applications supported by the system:
   hdc shell param get const.cust.config_dir_layer

The query result includes system, chipset, sys_prod, chip_prod, and more. The directories are listed in ascending order of priority. For example, chip_prod has higher priority than system. This document uses /system/etc/app/ as an example.

  1. Configure the HAP path on the device in the install_list.json file.
hdc shell mount -o rw,remount /
hdc file recv /system/etc/app/install_list.json .
  1. Configure install_list.
    "install_list" : [
            "app_dir":"system/app/xxxx/yyyy", // HAP path on the device. If the directory does not exist, create it and push HAP to this directory.
            "removable":true // Whether the application can be uninstalled. The value true means the application can be uninstalled; the value false means the opposite.
  1. Transfer the install_list.json file to the device, and restart the device for the modification to take effect.
    hdc shell mount -o rw,remount /
    hdc file send install_list.json /system/etc/app/install_list.json
    hdc shell reboot

Updating Pre-installed Applications

After the pre-installed applications are updated, use either of the following methods to reinstall them:

  • Method 1: Clear /data and restart the device. The applications will be automatically installed.
    hdc shell mount -o rw,remount / 
    hdc shell rm /data/* -rf
    hdc shell sync
    hdc shell /system/bin/udevadm trigger
    hdc shell reboot
  • Method 2: Run the following command to restart the device. The applications will be installed.

    If an application has been installed, the application version No. (versionCode configured in app.json5 for the stage model or code in the configuration file for the FA model) sent to the /system/app/ directory must be later than the version number of the application installed.

    hdc shell mount -o rw,remount /
    hdc shell param set persist.bms.test-upgrade true
    hdc shell reboot

Configuring Applications Not Installed

The uninstall_list.json has higher configuration priority than install_list.json. The applications added to uninstall_list.json will not be installed.

Example 1

    "uninstall_list": ["/system/app/Hiworld"], // Hiworld will not be installed.
    "recover_list" : []

Example 2

    "uninstall_list" : ["/system/app/Hiworld"],
    "recover_list" : []

    "uninstall_list" : [],
    "recover_list": ["/system/app/Hiworld"] // Hiworld will be installed.


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