kafka SslTransportLayer 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka SslTransportLayer 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.common.network;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException;

import java.security.Principal;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.Status;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSession;

import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SslAuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.KafkaPrincipal;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.ByteUtils;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.ByteBufferUnmapper;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

 * Transport layer for SSL communication
 * TLS v1.3 notes:
 *   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.6 : Post-Handshake Messages
 *   "TLS also allows other messages to be sent after the main handshake.
 *   These messages use a handshake content type and are encrypted under
 *   the appropriate application traffic key."
public class SslTransportLayer implements TransportLayer {
    private enum State {
        // Initial state
        // SSLEngine is in handshake mode
        // SSL handshake failed, connection will be terminated
        // SSLEngine has completed handshake, post-handshake messages may be pending for TLSv1.3
        // SSLEngine has completed handshake, any post-handshake messages have been processed for TLSv1.3
        // For TLSv1.3, we move the channel to READY state when incoming data is processed after handshake
        // Channel is being closed

    private static final String TLS13 = "TLSv1.3";

    private final String channelId;
    private final SSLEngine sslEngine;
    private final SelectionKey key;
    private final SocketChannel socketChannel;
    private final ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry;
    private final Logger log;

    private HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus;
    private SSLEngineResult handshakeResult;
    private State state;
    private SslAuthenticationException handshakeException;
    private ByteBuffer netReadBuffer;
    private ByteBuffer netWriteBuffer;
    private ByteBuffer appReadBuffer;
    private ByteBuffer fileChannelBuffer;
    private boolean hasBytesBuffered;

    public static SslTransportLayer create(String channelId, SelectionKey key, SSLEngine sslEngine,
                                           ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry) throws IOException {
        return new SslTransportLayer(channelId, key, sslEngine, metadataRegistry);

    // Prefer `create`, only use this in tests
    SslTransportLayer(String channelId, SelectionKey key, SSLEngine sslEngine,
                      ChannelMetadataRegistry metadataRegistry) {
        this.channelId = channelId;
        this.key = key;
        this.socketChannel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
        this.sslEngine = sslEngine;
        this.state = State.NOT_INITIALIZED;
        this.metadataRegistry = metadataRegistry;

        final LogContext logContext = new LogContext(String.format("[SslTransportLayer channelId=%s key=%s] ", channelId, key));
        this.log = logContext.logger(getClass());

    // Visible for testing
    protected void startHandshake() throws IOException {
        if (state != State.NOT_INITIALIZED)
            throw new IllegalStateException("startHandshake() can only be called once, state " + state);

        this.netReadBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(netReadBufferSize());
        this.netWriteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(netWriteBufferSize());
        this.appReadBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(applicationBufferSize());

        state = State.HANDSHAKE;
        //initiate handshake
        handshakeStatus = sslEngine.getHandshakeStatus();

    public boolean ready() {
        return state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE || state == State.READY;

     * does socketChannel.finishConnect()
    public boolean finishConnect() throws IOException {
        boolean connected = socketChannel.finishConnect();
        if (connected)
            key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT | SelectionKey.OP_READ);
        return connected;

     * disconnects selectionKey.
    public void disconnect() {

    public SocketChannel socketChannel() {
        return socketChannel;

    public SelectionKey selectionKey() {
        return key;

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return socketChannel.isOpen();

    public boolean isConnected() {
        return socketChannel.isConnected();

    * Sends an SSL close message and closes socketChannel.
    public void close() throws IOException {
        State prevState = state;
        if (state == State.CLOSING) return;
        state = State.CLOSING;
        try {
            if (prevState != State.NOT_INITIALIZED && isConnected()) {
                if (!flush(netWriteBuffer)) {
                    throw new IOException("Remaining data in the network buffer, can't send SSL close message.");
                //prep the buffer for the close message
                //perform the close, since we called sslEngine.closeOutbound
                SSLEngineResult wrapResult = sslEngine.wrap(ByteUtils.EMPTY_BUF, netWriteBuffer);
                //we should be in a close state
                if (wrapResult.getStatus() != SSLEngineResult.Status.CLOSED) {
                    throw new IOException("Unexpected status returned by SSLEngine.wrap, expected CLOSED, received " +
                            wrapResult.getStatus() + ". Will not send close message to peer.");
        } catch (IOException ie) {
            log.debug("Failed to send SSL Close message", ie);
        } finally {
            netReadBuffer = null;
            netWriteBuffer = null;
            appReadBuffer = null;
            if (fileChannelBuffer != null) {
                ByteBufferUnmapper.unmap("fileChannelBuffer", fileChannelBuffer);
                fileChannelBuffer = null;

     * returns true if there are any pending contents in netWriteBuffer
    public boolean hasPendingWrites() {
        return netWriteBuffer.hasRemaining();

     * Reads available bytes from socket channel to `netReadBuffer`.
     * Visible for testing.
     * @return  number of bytes read
    protected int readFromSocketChannel() throws IOException {
        return socketChannel.read(netReadBuffer);

    * Flushes the buffer to the network, non blocking.
    * Visible for testing.
    * @param buf ByteBuffer
    * @return boolean true if the buffer has been emptied out, false otherwise
    * @throws IOException
    protected boolean flush(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
        int remaining = buf.remaining();
        if (remaining > 0) {
            int written = socketChannel.write(buf);
            return written >= remaining;
        return true;

    * Performs SSL handshake, non blocking.
    * Before application data (kafka protocols) can be sent client & kafka broker must
    * perform ssl handshake.
    * During the handshake SSLEngine generates encrypted data that will be transported over socketChannel.
    * Each SSLEngine operation generates SSLEngineResult , of which SSLEngineResult.handshakeStatus field is used to
    * determine what operation needs to occur to move handshake along.
    * A typical handshake might look like this.
    * +-------------+----------------------------------+-------------+
    * |  client     |  SSL/TLS message                 | HSStatus    |
    * +-------------+----------------------------------+-------------+
    * | wrap()      | ClientHello                      | NEED_UNWRAP |
    * | unwrap()    | ServerHello/Cert/ServerHelloDone | NEED_WRAP   |
    * | wrap()      | ClientKeyExchange                | NEED_WRAP   |
    * | wrap()      | ChangeCipherSpec                 | NEED_WRAP   |
    * | wrap()      | Finished                         | NEED_UNWRAP |
    * | unwrap()    | ChangeCipherSpec                 | NEED_UNWRAP |
    * | unwrap()    | Finished                         | FINISHED    |
    * +-------------+----------------------------------+-------------+
    * @throws IOException if read/write fails
    * @throws SslAuthenticationException if handshake fails with an {@link SSLException}
    public void handshake() throws IOException {
        if (state == State.NOT_INITIALIZED) {
            try {
            } catch (SSLException e) {
                maybeProcessHandshakeFailure(e, false, null);
        if (ready())
            throw renegotiationException();
        if (state == State.CLOSING)
            throw closingException();

        int read = 0;
        boolean readable = key.isReadable();
        try {
            // Read any available bytes before attempting any writes to ensure that handshake failures
            // reported by the peer are processed even if writes fail (since peer closes connection
            // if handshake fails)
            if (readable)
                read = readFromSocketChannel();

            if (ready())
        } catch (SSLException e) {
            maybeProcessHandshakeFailure(e, true, null);
        } catch (IOException e) {

            // This exception could be due to a write. If there is data available to unwrap in the buffer, or data available
            // in the socket channel to read and unwrap, process the data so that any SSL handshake exceptions are reported.
            try {
                do {
                    log.trace("Process any available bytes from peer, netReadBuffer {} netWriterBuffer {} handshakeStatus {} readable? {}",
                        netReadBuffer, netWriteBuffer, handshakeStatus, readable);
                    handshakeUnwrap(false, true);
                } while (readable && readFromSocketChannel() > 0);
            } catch (SSLException e1) {
                maybeProcessHandshakeFailure(e1, false, e);

            // If we get here, this is not a handshake failure, throw the original IOException
            throw e;

        // Read from socket failed, so throw any pending handshake exception or EOF exception.
        if (read == -1) {
            throw new EOFException("EOF during handshake, handshake status is " + handshakeStatus);

    private void doHandshake() throws IOException {
        boolean read = key.isReadable();
        boolean write = key.isWritable();
        handshakeStatus = sslEngine.getHandshakeStatus();
        if (!flush(netWriteBuffer)) {
            key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
        // Throw any pending handshake exception since `netWriteBuffer` has been flushed

        switch (handshakeStatus) {
            case NEED_TASK:
                log.trace("SSLHandshake NEED_TASK channelId {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {}",
                          channelId, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());
                handshakeStatus = runDelegatedTasks();
            case NEED_WRAP:
                log.trace("SSLHandshake NEED_WRAP channelId {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {}",
                          channelId, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());
                handshakeResult = handshakeWrap(write);
                if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                    int currentNetWriteBufferSize = netWriteBufferSize();
                    netWriteBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(netWriteBuffer, currentNetWriteBufferSize);
                    if (netWriteBuffer.limit() >= currentNetWriteBufferSize) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer overflow when available data size (" + netWriteBuffer.limit() +
                                                        ") >= network buffer size (" + currentNetWriteBufferSize + ")");
                } else if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have received BUFFER_UNDERFLOW during handshake WRAP.");
                } else if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                    throw new EOFException();
                log.trace("SSLHandshake NEED_WRAP channelId {}, handshakeResult {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {}",
                       channelId, handshakeResult, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());
                //if handshake status is not NEED_UNWRAP or unable to flush netWriteBuffer contents
                //we will break here otherwise we can do need_unwrap in the same call.
                if (handshakeStatus != HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP || !flush(netWriteBuffer)) {
                    key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
            case NEED_UNWRAP:
                log.trace("SSLHandshake NEED_UNWRAP channelId {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {}",
                          channelId, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());
                do {
                    handshakeResult = handshakeUnwrap(read, false);
                    if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                        int currentAppBufferSize = applicationBufferSize();
                        appReadBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(appReadBuffer, currentAppBufferSize);
                        if (appReadBuffer.position() > currentAppBufferSize) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer underflow when available data size (" + appReadBuffer.position() +
                                                           ") > packet buffer size (" + currentAppBufferSize + ")");
                } while (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
                if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
                    int currentNetReadBufferSize = netReadBufferSize();
                    netReadBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(netReadBuffer, currentNetReadBufferSize);
                    if (netReadBuffer.position() >= currentNetReadBufferSize) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer underflow when there is available data");
                } else if (handshakeResult.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                    throw new EOFException("SSL handshake status CLOSED during handshake UNWRAP");
                log.trace("SSLHandshake NEED_UNWRAP channelId {}, handshakeResult {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {}",
                          channelId, handshakeResult, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());

                //if handshakeStatus completed than fall-through to finished status.
                //after handshake is finished there is no data left to read/write in socketChannel.
                //so the selector won't invoke this channel if we don't go through the handshakeFinished here.
                if (handshakeStatus != HandshakeStatus.FINISHED) {
                    if (handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP) {
                        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
                    } else if (handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP) {
                        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
            case FINISHED:
            case NOT_HANDSHAKING:
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unexpected status [%s]", handshakeStatus));

    private SSLHandshakeException renegotiationException() {
        return new SSLHandshakeException("Renegotiation is not supported");

    private IllegalStateException closingException() {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Channel is in closing state");

     * Executes the SSLEngine tasks needed.
     * @return HandshakeStatus
    private HandshakeStatus runDelegatedTasks() {
        for (;;) {
            Runnable task = delegatedTask();
            if (task == null) {
        return sslEngine.getHandshakeStatus();

     * Checks if the handshake status is finished
     * Sets the interestOps for the selectionKey.
    private void handshakeFinished() throws IOException {
        // SSLEngine.getHandshakeStatus is transient and it doesn't record FINISHED status properly.
        // It can move from FINISHED status to NOT_HANDSHAKING after the handshake is completed.
        // Hence we also need to check handshakeResult.getHandshakeStatus() if the handshake finished or not
        if (handshakeResult.getHandshakeStatus() == HandshakeStatus.FINISHED) {
            //we are complete if we have delivered the last packet
            //remove OP_WRITE if we are complete, otherwise we still have data to write
            if (netWriteBuffer.hasRemaining())
                key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
            else {
                SSLSession session = sslEngine.getSession();
                state = session.getProtocol().equals(TLS13) ? State.POST_HANDSHAKE : State.READY;
                key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
                log.debug("SSL handshake completed successfully with peerHost '{}' peerPort {} peerPrincipal '{}' protocol '{}' cipherSuite '{}'",
                        session.getPeerHost(), session.getPeerPort(), peerPrincipal(), session.getProtocol(), session.getCipherSuite());
                    new CipherInformation(session.getCipherSuite(),  session.getProtocol()));

            log.trace("SSLHandshake FINISHED channelId {}, appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {} ",
                      channelId, appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position());
        } else {
            throw new IOException("NOT_HANDSHAKING during handshake");

    * Performs the WRAP function
    * @param doWrite boolean
    * @return SSLEngineResult
    * @throws IOException
    private SSLEngineResult handshakeWrap(boolean doWrite) throws IOException {
        log.trace("SSLHandshake handshakeWrap {}", channelId);
        if (netWriteBuffer.hasRemaining())
            throw new IllegalStateException("handshakeWrap called with netWriteBuffer not empty");
        //this should never be called with a network buffer that contains data
        //so we can clear it here.
        SSLEngineResult result;
        try {
            result = sslEngine.wrap(ByteUtils.EMPTY_BUF, netWriteBuffer);
        } finally {
            //prepare the results to be written
        handshakeStatus = result.getHandshakeStatus();
        if (result.getStatus() == SSLEngineResult.Status.OK &&
            result.getHandshakeStatus() == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {
            handshakeStatus = runDelegatedTasks();

        if (doWrite) flush(netWriteBuffer);
        return result;

     * Perform handshake unwrap
     * @param doRead boolean If true, read more from the socket channel
     * @param ignoreHandshakeStatus If true, continue to unwrap if data available regardless of handshake status
     * @return SSLEngineResult
     * @throws IOException
    private SSLEngineResult handshakeUnwrap(boolean doRead, boolean ignoreHandshakeStatus) throws IOException {
        log.trace("SSLHandshake handshakeUnwrap {}", channelId);
        SSLEngineResult result;
        int read = 0;
        if (doRead)
            read = readFromSocketChannel();
        boolean cont;
        do {
            //prepare the buffer with the incoming data
            int position = netReadBuffer.position();
            result = sslEngine.unwrap(netReadBuffer, appReadBuffer);
            handshakeStatus = result.getHandshakeStatus();
            if (result.getStatus() == SSLEngineResult.Status.OK &&
                result.getHandshakeStatus() == HandshakeStatus.NEED_TASK) {
                handshakeStatus = runDelegatedTasks();
            cont = (result.getStatus() == SSLEngineResult.Status.OK &&
                    handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP) ||
                    (ignoreHandshakeStatus && netReadBuffer.position() != position);
            log.trace("SSLHandshake handshakeUnwrap: handshakeStatus {} status {}", handshakeStatus, result.getStatus());
        } while (netReadBuffer.position() != 0 && cont);

        // Throw EOF exception for failed read after processing already received data
        // so that handshake failures are reported correctly
        if (read == -1)
            throw new EOFException("EOF during handshake, handshake status is " + handshakeStatus);

        return result;

    * Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer. Reads as much as possible
    * until either the dst buffer is full or there is no more data in the socket.
    * @param dst The buffer into which bytes are to be transferred
    * @return The number of bytes read, possible zero or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream
    *         and no more data is available
    * @throws IOException if some other I/O error occurs
    public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
        if (state == State.CLOSING) return -1;
        else if (!ready()) return 0;

        //if we have unread decrypted data in appReadBuffer read that into dst buffer.
        int read = 0;
        if (appReadBuffer.position() > 0) {
            read = readFromAppBuffer(dst);

        boolean readFromNetwork = false;
        boolean isClosed = false;
        // Each loop reads at most once from the socket.
        while (dst.remaining() > 0) {
            int netread = 0;
            netReadBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(netReadBuffer, netReadBufferSize());
            if (netReadBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
                netread = readFromSocketChannel();
                if (netread > 0)
                    readFromNetwork = true;

            while (netReadBuffer.position() > 0) {
                SSLEngineResult unwrapResult;
                try {
                    unwrapResult = sslEngine.unwrap(netReadBuffer, appReadBuffer);
                    if (state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE && appReadBuffer.position() != 0) {
                        // For TLSv1.3, we have finished processing post-handshake messages since we are now processing data
                        state = State.READY;
                } catch (SSLException e) {
                    // For TLSv1.3, handle SSL exceptions while processing post-handshake messages as authentication exceptions
                    if (state == State.POST_HANDSHAKE) {
                        state = State.HANDSHAKE_FAILED;
                        throw new SslAuthenticationException("Failed to process post-handshake messages", e);
                    } else
                        throw e;
                // reject renegotiation if TLS < 1.3, key updates for TLS 1.3 are allowed
                if (unwrapResult.getHandshakeStatus() != HandshakeStatus.NOT_HANDSHAKING &&
                        unwrapResult.getHandshakeStatus() != HandshakeStatus.FINISHED &&
                        unwrapResult.getStatus() == Status.OK &&
                        !sslEngine.getSession().getProtocol().equals(TLS13)) {
                    log.error("Renegotiation requested, but it is not supported, channelId {}, " +
                        "appReadBuffer pos {}, netReadBuffer pos {}, netWriteBuffer pos {} handshakeStatus {}", channelId,
                        appReadBuffer.position(), netReadBuffer.position(), netWriteBuffer.position(), unwrapResult.getHandshakeStatus());
                    throw renegotiationException();

                if (unwrapResult.getStatus() == Status.OK) {
                    read += readFromAppBuffer(dst);
                } else if (unwrapResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                    int currentApplicationBufferSize = applicationBufferSize();
                    appReadBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(appReadBuffer, currentApplicationBufferSize);
                    if (appReadBuffer.position() >= currentApplicationBufferSize) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer overflow when available data size (" + appReadBuffer.position() +
                                                        ") >= application buffer size (" + currentApplicationBufferSize + ")");

                    // appReadBuffer will extended upto currentApplicationBufferSize
                    // we need to read the existing content into dst before we can do unwrap again. If there are no space in dst
                    // we can break here.
                    if (dst.hasRemaining())
                        read += readFromAppBuffer(dst);
                } else if (unwrapResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
                    int currentNetReadBufferSize = netReadBufferSize();
                    netReadBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(netReadBuffer, currentNetReadBufferSize);
                    if (netReadBuffer.position() >= currentNetReadBufferSize) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Buffer underflow when available data size (" + netReadBuffer.position() +
                                                        ") > packet buffer size (" + currentNetReadBufferSize + ")");
                } else if (unwrapResult.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                    // If data has been read and unwrapped, return the data. Close will be handled on the next poll.
                    if (appReadBuffer.position() == 0 && read == 0)
                        throw new EOFException();
                    else {
                        isClosed = true;
            if (read == 0 && netread < 0)
                throw new EOFException("EOF during read");
            if (netread <= 0 || isClosed)
        updateBytesBuffered(readFromNetwork || read > 0);
        // If data has been read and unwrapped, return the data even if end-of-stream, channel will be closed
        // on a subsequent poll.
        return read;

     * Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffers.
     * @param dsts - The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred.
     * @return The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream.
     * @throws IOException if some other I/O error occurs
    public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts) throws IOException {
        return read(dsts, 0, dsts.length);

     * Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
     * @param dsts - The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred
     * @param offset - The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer into which bytes are to be transferred; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length.
     * @param length - The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length - offset
     * @return The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream.
     * @throws IOException if some other I/O error occurs
    public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
        if ((offset < 0) || (length < 0) || (offset > dsts.length - length))
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        int totalRead = 0;
        int i = offset;
        while (i < length) {
            if (dsts[i].hasRemaining()) {
                int read = read(dsts[i]);
                if (read > 0)
                    totalRead += read;
            if (!dsts[i].hasRemaining()) {
        return totalRead;

    * Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.
    * @param src The buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved
    * @return The number of bytes read from src, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream
    * @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
    public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
        if (state == State.CLOSING)
            throw closingException();
        if (!ready())
            return 0;

        int written = 0;
        while (flush(netWriteBuffer) && src.hasRemaining()) {
            SSLEngineResult wrapResult = sslEngine.wrap(src, netWriteBuffer);

            // reject renegotiation if TLS < 1.3, key updates for TLS 1.3 are allowed
            if (wrapResult.getHandshakeStatus() != HandshakeStatus.NOT_HANDSHAKING &&
                    wrapResult.getStatus() == Status.OK &&
                    !sslEngine.getSession().getProtocol().equals(TLS13)) {
                throw renegotiationException();

            if (wrapResult.getStatus() == Status.OK) {
                written += wrapResult.bytesConsumed();
            } else if (wrapResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
                // BUFFER_OVERFLOW means that the last `wrap` call had no effect, so we expand the buffer and try again
                netWriteBuffer = Utils.ensureCapacity(netWriteBuffer, netWriteBufferSize());
            } else if (wrapResult.getStatus() == Status.BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("SSL BUFFER_UNDERFLOW during write");
            } else if (wrapResult.getStatus() == Status.CLOSED) {
                throw new EOFException();
        return written;

    * Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the subsequence of the given buffers.
    * @param srcs The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved
    * @param offset The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length.
    * @param length - The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length - offset.
    * @return returns no.of bytes written , possibly zero.
    * @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
    public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
        if ((offset < 0) || (length < 0) || (offset > srcs.length - length))
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        int totalWritten = 0;
        int i = offset;
        while (i < length) {
            if (srcs[i].hasRemaining() || hasPendingWrites()) {
                int written = write(srcs[i]);
                if (written > 0) {
                    totalWritten += written;
            if (!srcs[i].hasRemaining() && !hasPendingWrites()) {
            } else {
                // if we are unable to write the current buffer to socketChannel we should break,
                // as we might have reached max socket send buffer size.
        return totalWritten;

    * Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffers.
    * @param srcs The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved
    * @return returns no.of bytes consumed by SSLEngine.wrap , possibly zero.
    * @throws IOException If some other I/O error occurs
    public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs) throws IOException {
        return write(srcs, 0, srcs.length);

     * SSLSession's peerPrincipal for the remote host.
     * @return Principal
    public Principal peerPrincipal() {
        try {
            return sslEngine.getSession().getPeerPrincipal();
        } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException se) {
            log.debug("SSL peer is not authenticated, returning ANONYMOUS instead");
            return KafkaPrincipal.ANONYMOUS;

     * returns an SSL Session after the handshake is established
     * throws IllegalStateException if the handshake is not established
    public SSLSession sslSession() throws IllegalStateException {
        return sslEngine.getSession();

     * Adds interestOps to SelectionKey of the TransportLayer
     * @param ops SelectionKey interestOps
    public void addInterestOps(int ops) {
        if (!key.isValid())
            throw new CancelledKeyException();
        else if (!ready())
            throw new IllegalStateException("handshake is not completed");

        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | ops);

     * removes interestOps to SelectionKey of the TransportLayer
     * @param ops SelectionKey interestOps
    public void removeInterestOps(int ops) {
        if (!key.isValid())
            throw new CancelledKeyException();
        else if (!ready())
            throw new IllegalStateException("handshake is not completed");

        key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~ops);

     * returns delegatedTask for the SSLEngine.
    protected Runnable delegatedTask() {
        return sslEngine.getDelegatedTask();

     * transfers appReadBuffer contents (decrypted data) into dst bytebuffer
     * @param dst ByteBuffer
    private int readFromAppBuffer(ByteBuffer dst) {
        int remaining = Math.min(appReadBuffer.remaining(), dst.remaining());
        if (remaining > 0) {
            int limit = appReadBuffer.limit();
            appReadBuffer.limit(appReadBuffer.position() + remaining);
        return remaining;

    protected int netReadBufferSize() {
        return sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();

    protected int netWriteBufferSize() {
        return sslEngine.getSession().getPacketBufferSize();

    protected int applicationBufferSize() {
        return sslEngine.getSession().getApplicationBufferSize();

    protected ByteBuffer netReadBuffer() {
        return netReadBuffer;

    // Visibility for testing
    protected ByteBuffer appReadBuffer() {
        return appReadBuffer;

     * SSL exceptions are propagated as authentication failures so that clients can avoid
     * retries and report the failure. If `flush` is true, exceptions are propagated after
     * any pending outgoing bytes are flushed to ensure that the peer is notified of the failure.
    private void handshakeFailure(SSLException sslException, boolean flush) throws IOException {
        //Release all resources such as internal buffers that SSLEngine is managing
        log.debug("SSL Handshake failed", sslException);
        try {
        } catch (SSLException e) {
            log.debug("SSLEngine.closeInBound() raised an exception.", e);

        state = State.HANDSHAKE_FAILED;
        handshakeException = new SslAuthenticationException("SSL handshake failed", sslException);

        // Attempt to flush any outgoing bytes. If flush doesn't complete, delay exception handling until outgoing bytes
        // are flushed. If write fails because remote end has closed the channel, log the I/O exception and  continue to
        // handle the handshake failure as an authentication exception.
        if (!flush || handshakeWrapAfterFailure(flush))
            throw handshakeException;
            log.debug("Delay propagation of handshake exception till {} bytes remaining are flushed", netWriteBuffer.remaining());

    // SSL handshake failures are typically thrown as SSLHandshakeException, SSLProtocolException,
    // SSLPeerUnverifiedException or SSLKeyException if the cause is known. These exceptions indicate
    // authentication failures (e.g. configuration errors) which should not be retried. But the SSL engine
    // may also throw exceptions using the base class SSLException in a few cases:
    //   a) If there are no matching ciphers or TLS version or the private key is invalid, client will be
    //      unable to process the server message and an SSLException is thrown:
    //      javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
    //   b) If server closes the connection gracefully during handshake, client may receive close_notify
    //      and and an SSLException is thrown:
    //      javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received close_notify during handshake
    // We want to handle a) as a non-retriable SslAuthenticationException and b) as a retriable IOException.
    // To do this we need to rely on the exception string. Since it is safer to throw a retriable exception
    // when we are not sure, we will treat only the first exception string as a handshake exception.
    private void maybeProcessHandshakeFailure(SSLException sslException, boolean flush, IOException ioException) throws IOException {
        if (sslException instanceof SSLHandshakeException || sslException instanceof SSLProtocolException ||
                sslException instanceof SSLPeerUnverifiedException || sslException instanceof SSLKeyException ||
                sslException.getMessage().contains("Unrecognized SSL message") ||
                sslException.getMessage().contains("Received fatal alert: "))
            handshakeFailure(sslException, flush);
        else if (ioException == null)
            throw sslException;
        else {
            log.debug("SSLException while unwrapping data after IOException, original IOException will be propagated", sslException);
            throw ioException;

    // If handshake has already failed, throw the authentication exception.
    private void maybeThrowSslAuthenticationException() {
        if (handshakeException != null)
            throw handshakeException;

     * Perform handshake wrap after an SSLException or any IOException.
     * If `doWrite=false`, we are processing IOException after peer has disconnected, so we
     * cannot send any more data. We perform any pending wraps so that we can unwrap any
     * peer data that is already available.
     * If `doWrite=true`, we are processing SSLException, we perform wrap and flush
     * any data to notify the peer of the handshake failure.
     * Returns true if no more wrap is required and any data is flushed or discarded.
    private boolean handshakeWrapAfterFailure(boolean doWrite) {
        try {
            log.trace("handshakeWrapAfterFailure status {} doWrite {}", handshakeStatus, doWrite);
            while (handshakeStatus == HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP && (!doWrite || flush(netWriteBuffer))) {
                if (!doWrite)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.debug("Failed to wrap and flush all bytes before closing channel", e);
        if (!doWrite)
        return !netWriteBuffer.hasRemaining();

    private void clearWriteBuffer() {
        if (netWriteBuffer.hasRemaining())
            log.debug("Discarding write buffer {} since peer has disconnected", netWriteBuffer);

    public boolean isMute() {
        return key.isValid() && (key.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == 0;

    public boolean hasBytesBuffered() {
        return hasBytesBuffered;

    // Update `hasBytesBuffered` status. If any bytes were read from the network or
    // if data was returned from read, `hasBytesBuffered` is set to true if any buffered
    // data is still remaining. If not, `hasBytesBuffered` is set to false since no progress
    // can be made until more data is available to read from the network.
    private void updateBytesBuffered(boolean madeProgress) {
        if (madeProgress)
            hasBytesBuffered = netReadBuffer.position() != 0 || appReadBuffer.position() != 0;
            hasBytesBuffered = false;

    public long transferFrom(FileChannel fileChannel, long position, long count) throws IOException {
        if (state == State.CLOSING)
            throw closingException();
        if (state != State.READY)
            return 0;

        if (!flush(netWriteBuffer))
            return 0;

        long channelSize = fileChannel.size();
        if (position > channelSize)
            return 0;
        int totalBytesToWrite = (int) Math.min(Math.min(count, channelSize - position), Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        if (fileChannelBuffer == null) {
            // Pick a size that allows for reasonably efficient disk reads, keeps the memory overhead per connection
            // manageable and can typically be drained in a single `write` call. The `netWriteBuffer` is typically 16k
            // and the socket send buffer is 100k by default, so 32k is a good number given the mentioned trade-offs.
            int transferSize = 32768;
            // Allocate a direct buffer to avoid one heap to heap buffer copy. SSLEngine copies the source
            // buffer (fileChannelBuffer) to the destination buffer (netWriteBuffer) and then encrypts in-place.
            // FileChannel.read() to a heap buffer requires a copy from a direct buffer to a heap buffer, which is not
            // useful here.
            fileChannelBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(transferSize);
            // The loop below drains any remaining bytes from the buffer before reading from disk, so we ensure there
            // are no remaining bytes in the empty buffer

        int totalBytesWritten = 0;
        long pos = position;
        try {
            while (totalBytesWritten < totalBytesToWrite) {
                if (!fileChannelBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                    int bytesRemaining = totalBytesToWrite - totalBytesWritten;
                    if (bytesRemaining < fileChannelBuffer.limit())
                    int bytesRead = fileChannel.read(fileChannelBuffer, pos);
                    if (bytesRead <= 0)
                int networkBytesWritten = write(fileChannelBuffer);
                totalBytesWritten += networkBytesWritten;
                // In the case of a partial write we only return the written bytes to the caller. As a result, the
                // `position` passed in the next `transferFrom` call won't include the bytes remaining in
                // `fileChannelBuffer`. By draining `fileChannelBuffer` first, we ensure we update `pos` before
                // we invoke `fileChannel.read`.
                if (fileChannelBuffer.hasRemaining())
                pos += networkBytesWritten;
            return totalBytesWritten;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (totalBytesWritten > 0)
                return totalBytesWritten;
            throw e;


kafka 源码目录


kafka Authenticator 源码

kafka ByteBufferSend 源码

kafka ChannelBuilder 源码

kafka ChannelBuilders 源码

kafka ChannelMetadataRegistry 源码

kafka ChannelState 源码

kafka CipherInformation 源码

kafka ClientInformation 源码

kafka DefaultChannelMetadataRegistry 源码

kafka DelayedResponseAuthenticationException 源码

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