harmony 鸿蒙Using Cargo2gn
Using Cargo2gn
Rust uses Cargo as its build system and package manager. Cargo.toml is the manifest file of Cargo. It contains metadata such as the name, version, and dependencies for crates (packages) in Rust.
When used in OpenHarmony, Cargo.toml needs to be converted into BUILD.gn rules. cargo2gn is the tool that can achieve this purpose. It can convert one or more Rust libraries.
Converting a Single Library
Go to the directory of the rust library to be converted, for example, bindgen.
cd openharmony/third_party/rust/bindgen
Create the configuration file cargo2gn.json.
{ "copy-out": true, "run": true, "add-workspace": true, "cargo-bin": "/mnt/xxx/openharmony/prebuilts/rustc/linux-x86_64/current/bin" }
Run the following command to perform the conversion:
python3 /mnt/xxx/openharmony/build/scripts/cargo2gn.py --config cargo2gn.json
The conversion result is as follows:
ohos_cargo_crate("lib") {
crate_name = "bindgen"
crate_type = "rlib"
crate_root = "./lib.rs"
sources = ["./lib.rs"]
edition = "2018"
cargo_pkg_version = "0.64.0"
cargo_pkg_authors = "Jyun-Yan You <jyyou.tw@gmail.com>, Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emilio@crisal.io>, Nick Fitzgerald <fitzgen@gmail.com>, The Servo project developers"
cargo_pkg_name = "bindgen"
cargo_pkg_description = "Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries."
deps = [
features = [
build_root = "build.rs"
build_sources = ["build.rs"]
build_script_outputs = ["host-target.txt"]
Converting Multiple Libraries in Batches
- Go to the rust directory.
cd openharmony/third_party/rust
Add all the rust libraries to be converted to [workspace] in Cargo.toml in the rust directory.
[workspace] members = [ "aho-corasick", "memchr", ]
Perform steps 2 and 3 in section “Converting a Single Library”.
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