harmony(鸿蒙)Ability Assistant Usage

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (807)

Ability Assistant Usage

The ability assistant enables you to start applications, atomic services, and test cases and debug applications. By using this tool, you can send commands in the hdc shell to perform various system operations, such as starting abilities, forcibly stopping processes, and printing ability information.

Query-related Commands

  • help

Displays help information for the ability assistant.

Return value

Returns the help information.


  aa help

Ability-related Commands

  • start

Starts an ability.

Name Description
-h/–help Help information.
-d Device ID. This parameter is optional.
-a Ability name. This parameter is mandatory.
-b Bundle name. This parameter is mandatory.
-D Debugging mode. This parameter is optional.

Return value

Returns “start ability successfully.” if the ability is started; returns “error: failed to start ability.” otherwise.


  aa start [-d <device-id>] -a <ability-name> -b <bundle-name> [-D]
  • stop-service

Stops a Service ability.

Name Description
-h/–help Help information.
-d Device ID. This parameter is optional.
-a Ability name. This parameter is mandatory.
-b Bundle name. This parameter is mandatory.

Return value

Returns “stop service ability successfully.” if the Service ability is stopped; returns “error: failed to stop service ability.” otherwise.


  aa stop-service [-d <device-id>] -a <ability-name> -b <bundle-name>
  • dump

Prints ability-related information.

Name Level-2 Parameter Description
-h/–help - Prints help information.
-a/–all - Prints ability information in all missions.
-l/–mission-list type (All logs are printed if this parameter is left unspecified.) Prints mission stack information.
The following values are available for type:
-e/–extension elementName Prints extended component information.
-u/–userId UserId Prints stack information of a specified user ID. This parameter must be used together with other parameters.
Example commands: aa dump -a -u 100 and aa dump -d -u 100.
-d/–data - Prints Data ability information.
-i/–ability AbilityRecord ID Prints detailed information about a specified ability.
-c/–client - Prints detailed ability information. This parameter must be used together with other parameters.
Example commands: aa dump -a -c and aa dump -i 21 -c.


  aa dump -a


  aa dump -l


  aa dump -i 12

aa-dump-i - force-stop

Forcibly stops a process based on the bundle name.

Return value

Returns “force stop process successfully.” if the process is forcibly stopped; returns “error: failed to force stop process.” otherwise.


  aa force-stop <bundle-name>


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