spark BitSet 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark BitSet 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.util.collection

import java.util.Arrays

 * A simple, fixed-size bit set implementation. This implementation is fast because it avoids
 * safety/bound checking.
class BitSet(numBits: Int) extends Serializable {

  private val words = new Array[Long](bit2words(numBits))
  private val numWords = words.length

   * Compute the capacity (number of bits) that can be represented
   * by this bitset.
  def capacity: Int = numWords * 64

   * Clear all set bits.
  def clear(): Unit = Arrays.fill(words, 0)

   * Set all the bits up to a given index
  def setUntil(bitIndex: Int): Unit = {
    val wordIndex = bitIndex >> 6 // divide by 64
    Arrays.fill(words, 0, wordIndex, -1)
    if(wordIndex < words.length) {
      // Set the remaining bits (note that the mask could still be zero)
      val mask = ~(-1L << (bitIndex & 0x3f))
      words(wordIndex) |= mask

   * Clear all the bits up to a given index
  def clearUntil(bitIndex: Int): Unit = {
    val wordIndex = bitIndex >> 6 // divide by 64
    Arrays.fill(words, 0, wordIndex, 0)
    if(wordIndex < words.length) {
      // Clear the remaining bits
      val mask = -1L << (bitIndex & 0x3f)
      words(wordIndex) &= mask

   * Compute the bit-wise AND of the two sets returning the
   * result.
  def &(other: BitSet): BitSet = {
    val newBS = new BitSet(math.max(capacity, other.capacity))
    val smaller = math.min(numWords, other.numWords)
    assert(newBS.numWords >= numWords)
    assert(newBS.numWords >= other.numWords)
    var ind = 0
    while( ind < smaller ) {
      newBS.words(ind) = words(ind) & other.words(ind)
      ind += 1

   * Compute the bit-wise OR of the two sets returning the
   * result.
  def |(other: BitSet): BitSet = {
    val newBS = new BitSet(math.max(capacity, other.capacity))
    assert(newBS.numWords >= numWords)
    assert(newBS.numWords >= other.numWords)
    val smaller = math.min(numWords, other.numWords)
    var ind = 0
    while( ind < smaller ) {
      newBS.words(ind) = words(ind) | other.words(ind)
      ind += 1
    while( ind < numWords ) {
      newBS.words(ind) = words(ind)
      ind += 1
    while( ind < other.numWords ) {
      newBS.words(ind) = other.words(ind)
      ind += 1

   * Compute the symmetric difference by performing bit-wise XOR of the two sets returning the
   * result.
  def ^(other: BitSet): BitSet = {
    val newBS = new BitSet(math.max(capacity, other.capacity))
    val smaller = math.min(numWords, other.numWords)
    var ind = 0
    while (ind < smaller) {
      newBS.words(ind) = words(ind) ^ other.words(ind)
      ind += 1
    if (ind < numWords) {
      Array.copy( words, ind, newBS.words, ind, numWords - ind )
    if (ind < other.numWords) {
      Array.copy( other.words, ind, newBS.words, ind, other.numWords - ind )

   * Compute the difference of the two sets by performing bit-wise AND-NOT returning the
   * result.
  def andNot(other: BitSet): BitSet = {
    val newBS = new BitSet(capacity)
    val smaller = math.min(numWords, other.numWords)
    var ind = 0
    while (ind < smaller) {
      newBS.words(ind) = words(ind) & ~other.words(ind)
      ind += 1
    if (ind < numWords) {
      Array.copy( words, ind, newBS.words, ind, numWords - ind )

   * Sets the bit at the specified index to true.
   * @param index the bit index
  def set(index: Int): Unit = {
    val bitmask = 1L << (index & 0x3f)  // mod 64 and shift
    words(index >> 6) |= bitmask        // div by 64 and mask

  def unset(index: Int): Unit = {
    val bitmask = 1L << (index & 0x3f)  // mod 64 and shift
    words(index >> 6) &= ~bitmask        // div by 64 and mask

   * Return the value of the bit with the specified index. The value is true if the bit with
   * the index is currently set in this BitSet; otherwise, the result is false.
   * @param index the bit index
   * @return the value of the bit with the specified index
  def get(index: Int): Boolean = {
    val bitmask = 1L << (index & 0x3f)   // mod 64 and shift
    (words(index >> 6) & bitmask) != 0  // div by 64 and mask

   * Get an iterator over the set bits.
  def iterator: Iterator[Int] = new Iterator[Int] {
    var ind = nextSetBit(0)
    override def hasNext: Boolean = ind >= 0
    override def next(): Int = {
      val tmp = ind
      ind = nextSetBit(ind + 1)

  /** Return the number of bits set to true in this BitSet. */
  def cardinality(): Int = {
    var sum = 0
    var i = 0
    while (i < numWords) {
      sum += java.lang.Long.bitCount(words(i))
      i += 1

   * Returns the index of the first bit that is set to true that occurs on or after the
   * specified starting index. If no such bit exists then -1 is returned.
   * To iterate over the true bits in a BitSet, use the following loop:
   *  for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
   *    // operate on index i here
   *  }
   * @param fromIndex the index to start checking from (inclusive)
   * @return the index of the next set bit, or -1 if there is no such bit
  def nextSetBit(fromIndex: Int): Int = {
    var wordIndex = fromIndex >> 6
    if (wordIndex >= numWords) {
      return -1

    // Try to find the next set bit in the current word
    val subIndex = fromIndex & 0x3f
    var word = words(wordIndex) >> subIndex
    if (word != 0) {
      return (wordIndex << 6) + subIndex + java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word)

    // Find the next set bit in the rest of the words
    wordIndex += 1
    while (wordIndex < numWords) {
      word = words(wordIndex)
      if (word != 0) {
        return (wordIndex << 6) + java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word)
      wordIndex += 1


   * Compute bit-wise union with another BitSet and overwrite bits in this BitSet with the result.
  def union(other: BitSet): Unit = {
    require(this.numWords <= other.numWords)
    var ind = 0
    while( ind < this.numWords ) {
      this.words(ind) = this.words(ind) | other.words(ind)
      ind += 1

  /** Return the number of longs it would take to hold numBits. */
  private def bit2words(numBits: Int) = ((numBits - 1) >> 6) + 1

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case otherSet: BitSet => Arrays.equals(words, otherSet.words)
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = {


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