tidb privileges 源码
tidb privileges 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package privileges
import (
// SkipWithGrant causes the server to start without using the privilege system at all.
var SkipWithGrant = false
var _ privilege.Manager = (*UserPrivileges)(nil)
var dynamicPrivs = []string{
"DASHBOARD_CLIENT", // Can login to the TiDB-Dashboard.
"RESTRICTED_TABLES_ADMIN", // Can see system tables when SEM is enabled
"RESTRICTED_STATUS_ADMIN", // Can see all status vars when SEM is enabled.
"RESTRICTED_VARIABLES_ADMIN", // Can see all variables when SEM is enabled
"RESTRICTED_USER_ADMIN", // User can not have their access revoked by SUPER users.
"RESTRICTED_REPLICA_WRITER_ADMIN", // Can write to the sever even when tidb_restriced_read_only is turned on.
var dynamicPrivLock sync.Mutex
// UserPrivileges implements privilege.Manager interface.
// This is used to check privilege for the current user.
type UserPrivileges struct {
user string
host string
// RequestDynamicVerificationWithUser implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) RequestDynamicVerificationWithUser(privName string, grantable bool, user *auth.UserIdentity) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
if user == nil {
return false
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
roles := mysqlPriv.getDefaultRoles(user.Username, user.Hostname)
return mysqlPriv.RequestDynamicVerification(roles, user.Username, user.Hostname, privName, grantable)
// HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege checks if a user has a DYNAMIC privilege
// without accepting SUPER privilege as a fallback.
func (p *UserPrivileges) HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, privName string, grantable bool) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
if p.user == "" && p.host == "" {
return true
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
return mysqlPriv.HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege(activeRoles, p.user, p.host, privName, grantable)
// RequestDynamicVerification implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, privName string, grantable bool) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
if p.user == "" && p.host == "" {
return true
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
return mysqlPriv.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, p.user, p.host, privName, grantable)
// RequestVerification implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) RequestVerification(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, db, table, column string, priv mysql.PrivilegeType) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
if p.user == "" && p.host == "" {
return true
// Skip check for system databases.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema.html
dbLowerName := strings.ToLower(db)
tblLowerName := strings.ToLower(table)
// If SEM is enabled and the user does not have the RESTRICTED_TABLES_ADMIN privilege
// There are some hard rules which overwrite system tables and schemas as read-only at most.
if sem.IsEnabled() && !p.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, "RESTRICTED_TABLES_ADMIN", false) {
if sem.IsInvisibleTable(dbLowerName, tblLowerName) {
return false
if util.IsMemOrSysDB(dbLowerName) {
switch priv {
case mysql.CreatePriv, mysql.AlterPriv, mysql.DropPriv, mysql.IndexPriv, mysql.CreateViewPriv,
mysql.InsertPriv, mysql.UpdatePriv, mysql.DeletePriv:
return false
if util.IsMemDB(dbLowerName) {
switch priv {
case mysql.CreatePriv, mysql.AlterPriv, mysql.DropPriv, mysql.IndexPriv, mysql.CreateViewPriv,
mysql.InsertPriv, mysql.UpdatePriv, mysql.DeletePriv, mysql.ReferencesPriv, mysql.ExecutePriv,
mysql.ShowViewPriv, mysql.LockTablesPriv:
return false
if dbLowerName == util.InformationSchemaName.L {
return true
} else if dbLowerName == util.MetricSchemaName.L {
// PROCESS is the same with SELECT for metrics_schema.
if priv == mysql.SelectPriv && infoschema.IsMetricTable(table) {
priv |= mysql.ProcessPriv
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
return mysqlPriv.RequestVerification(activeRoles, p.user, p.host, db, table, column, priv)
// RequestVerificationWithUser implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) RequestVerificationWithUser(db, table, column string, priv mysql.PrivilegeType, user *auth.UserIdentity) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
if user == nil {
return false
// Skip check for INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema.html
if strings.EqualFold(db, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA") {
return true
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
roles := mysqlPriv.getDefaultRoles(user.Username, user.Hostname)
return mysqlPriv.RequestVerification(roles, user.Username, user.Hostname, db, table, column, priv)
func (p *UserPrivileges) isValidHash(record *UserRecord) bool {
pwd := record.AuthenticationString
if pwd == "" {
return true
if record.AuthPlugin == mysql.AuthNativePassword {
if len(pwd) == mysql.PWDHashLen+1 {
return true
logutil.BgLogger().Error("the password from the mysql.user table does not match the definition of a mysql_native_password", zap.String("user", record.User), zap.String("plugin", record.AuthPlugin), zap.Int("hash_length", len(pwd)))
return false
if record.AuthPlugin == mysql.AuthCachingSha2Password {
if len(pwd) == mysql.SHAPWDHashLen {
return true
logutil.BgLogger().Error("the password from the mysql.user table does not match the definition of a caching_sha2_password", zap.String("user", record.User), zap.String("plugin", record.AuthPlugin), zap.Int("hash_length", len(pwd)))
return false
if record.AuthPlugin == mysql.AuthTiDBSM3Password {
if len(pwd) == mysql.SM3PWDHashLen {
return true
logutil.BgLogger().Error("the password from the mysql.user table does not match the definition of a tidb_sm3_password", zap.String("user", record.User), zap.String("plugin", record.AuthPlugin), zap.Int("hash_length", len(pwd)))
return false
if record.AuthPlugin == mysql.AuthSocket {
return true
logutil.BgLogger().Error("user password from the mysql.user table not like a known hash format", zap.String("user", record.User), zap.String("plugin", record.AuthPlugin), zap.Int("hash_length", len(pwd)))
return false
// GetEncodedPassword implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) GetEncodedPassword(user, host string) string {
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
record := mysqlPriv.connectionVerification(user, host)
if record == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("get user privilege record fail",
zap.String("user", user), zap.String("host", host))
return ""
if p.isValidHash(record) {
return record.AuthenticationString
return ""
// GetAuthPlugin gets the authentication plugin for the account identified by the user and host
func (p *UserPrivileges) GetAuthPlugin(user, host string) (string, error) {
if SkipWithGrant {
return mysql.AuthNativePassword, nil
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
record := mysqlPriv.connectionVerification(user, host)
if record == nil {
return "", errors.New("Failed to get user record")
// zero-length auth string means no password for native and caching_sha2 auth.
// but for auth_socket it means there should be a 1-to-1 mapping between the TiDB user
// and the OS user.
if record.AuthenticationString == "" && record.AuthPlugin != mysql.AuthSocket {
return "", nil
if p.isValidHash(record) {
return record.AuthPlugin, nil
return "", errors.New("Failed to get plugin for user")
// MatchIdentity implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) MatchIdentity(user, host string, skipNameResolve bool) (u string, h string, success bool) {
if SkipWithGrant {
return user, host, true
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
record := mysqlPriv.matchIdentity(user, host, skipNameResolve)
if record != nil {
return record.User, record.Host, true
return "", "", false
// GetAuthWithoutVerification implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) GetAuthWithoutVerification(user, host string) (success bool) {
if SkipWithGrant {
p.user = user
p.host = host
success = true
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
record := mysqlPriv.connectionVerification(user, host)
if record == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("get user privilege record fail",
zap.String("user", user), zap.String("host", host))
p.user = user
p.host = record.Host
success = true
// ConnectionVerification implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) ConnectionVerification(user *auth.UserIdentity, authUser, authHost string, authentication, salt []byte, tlsState *tls.ConnectionState) error {
hasPassword := "YES"
if len(authentication) == 0 {
hasPassword = "NO"
if SkipWithGrant {
p.user = authUser
p.host = authHost
return nil
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
record := mysqlPriv.connectionVerification(authUser, authHost)
if record == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("get authUser privilege record fail",
zap.String("authUser", authUser), zap.String("authHost", authHost))
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
globalPriv := mysqlPriv.matchGlobalPriv(authUser, authHost)
if globalPriv != nil {
if !p.checkSSL(globalPriv, tlsState) {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("global priv check ssl fail",
zap.String("authUser", authUser), zap.String("authHost", authHost))
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
pwd := record.AuthenticationString
if !p.isValidHash(record) {
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
if len(pwd) > 0 && len(authentication) > 0 {
switch record.AuthPlugin {
case mysql.AuthNativePassword:
hpwd, err := auth.DecodePassword(pwd)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("decode password string failed", zap.Error(err))
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
if !auth.CheckScrambledPassword(salt, hpwd, authentication) {
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
case mysql.AuthCachingSha2Password, mysql.AuthTiDBSM3Password:
authok, err := auth.CheckHashingPassword([]byte(pwd), string(authentication), record.AuthPlugin)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("Failed to check caching_sha2_password", zap.Error(err))
if !authok {
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
case mysql.AuthSocket:
if string(authentication) != authUser && string(authentication) != pwd {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("Failed socket auth", zap.String("authUser", authUser),
zap.String("socket_user", string(authentication)),
zap.String("authentication_string", pwd))
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
logutil.BgLogger().Error("unknown authentication plugin", zap.String("authUser", authUser), zap.String("plugin", record.AuthPlugin))
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
} else if len(pwd) > 0 || len(authentication) > 0 {
if record.AuthPlugin != mysql.AuthSocket {
return ErrAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname, hasPassword)
// Login a locked account is not allowed.
locked := record.AccountLocked
if locked {
logutil.BgLogger().Error(fmt.Sprintf("Access denied for authUser '%s'@'%s'. Account is locked.", authUser, authHost))
return errAccountHasBeenLocked.FastGenByArgs(user.Username, user.Hostname)
p.user = authUser
p.host = record.Host
return nil
type checkResult int
const (
notCheck checkResult = iota
func (p *UserPrivileges) checkSSL(priv *globalPrivRecord, tlsState *tls.ConnectionState) bool {
if priv.Broken {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, due to broken global_priv record",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return false
switch priv.Priv.SSLType {
case SslTypeNotSpecified, SslTypeNone:
return true
case SslTypeAny:
r := tlsState != nil
if !r {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, require ssl but not use ssl",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return r
case SslTypeX509:
if tlsState == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, require x509 but not use ssl",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return false
hasCert := false
for _, chain := range tlsState.VerifiedChains {
if len(chain) > 0 {
hasCert = true
if !hasCert {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, require x509 but no verified cert",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return hasCert
case SslTypeSpecified:
if tlsState == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, require subject/issuer/cipher but not use ssl",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return false
if len(priv.Priv.SSLCipher) > 0 && priv.Priv.SSLCipher != util.TLSCipher2String(tlsState.CipherSuite) {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure for cipher", zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host),
zap.String("require", priv.Priv.SSLCipher), zap.String("given", util.TLSCipher2String(tlsState.CipherSuite)))
return false
var (
hasCert = false
matchIssuer checkResult
matchSubject checkResult
matchSAN checkResult
for _, chain := range tlsState.VerifiedChains {
if len(chain) == 0 {
cert := chain[0]
if len(priv.Priv.X509Issuer) > 0 {
given := util.X509NameOnline(cert.Issuer)
if priv.Priv.X509Issuer == given {
matchIssuer = pass
} else if matchIssuer == notCheck {
matchIssuer = fail
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure for issuer", zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host),
zap.String("require", priv.Priv.X509Issuer), zap.String("given", given))
if len(priv.Priv.X509Subject) > 0 {
given := util.X509NameOnline(cert.Subject)
if priv.Priv.X509Subject == given {
matchSubject = pass
} else if matchSubject == notCheck {
matchSubject = fail
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure for subject", zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host),
zap.String("require", priv.Priv.X509Subject), zap.String("given", given))
if len(priv.Priv.SANs) > 0 {
matchOne := checkCertSAN(priv, cert, priv.Priv.SANs)
if matchOne {
matchSAN = pass
} else if matchSAN == notCheck {
matchSAN = fail
hasCert = true
checkResult := hasCert && matchIssuer != fail && matchSubject != fail && matchSAN != fail
if !checkResult && !hasCert {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure, require issuer/subject/SAN but no verified cert",
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
return checkResult
panic(fmt.Sprintf("support ssl_type: %d", priv.Priv.SSLType))
func checkCertSAN(priv *globalPrivRecord, cert *x509.Certificate, sans map[util.SANType][]string) (r bool) {
r = true
for typ, requireOr := range sans {
var (
unsupported bool
given []string
switch typ {
case util.URI:
for _, uri := range cert.URIs {
given = append(given, uri.String())
case util.DNS:
given = cert.DNSNames
case util.IP:
for _, ip := range cert.IPAddresses {
given = append(given, ip.String())
unsupported = true
if unsupported {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("skip unsupported SAN type", zap.String("type", string(typ)),
zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host))
var givenMatchOne bool
for _, req := range requireOr {
for _, give := range given {
if req == give {
givenMatchOne = true
if !givenMatchOne {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("ssl check failure for subject", zap.String("user", priv.User), zap.String("host", priv.Host),
zap.String("require", priv.Priv.SAN), zap.Strings("given", given), zap.String("type", string(typ)))
r = false
// DBIsVisible implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) DBIsVisible(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, db string) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true
// If SEM is enabled, respect hard rules about certain schemas being invisible
// Before checking if the user has permissions granted to them.
if sem.IsEnabled() && !p.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, "RESTRICTED_TABLES_ADMIN", false) {
if sem.IsInvisibleSchema(db) {
return false
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
if mysqlPriv.DBIsVisible(p.user, p.host, db) {
return true
allRoles := mysqlPriv.FindAllUserEffectiveRoles(p.user, p.host, activeRoles)
for _, role := range allRoles {
if mysqlPriv.DBIsVisible(role.Username, role.Hostname, db) {
return true
return false
// UserPrivilegesTable implements the Manager interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) UserPrivilegesTable(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, user, host string) [][]types.Datum {
mysqlPriv := p.Handle.Get()
return mysqlPriv.UserPrivilegesTable(activeRoles, user, host)
// ShowGrants implements privilege.Manager ShowGrants interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) ShowGrants(ctx sessionctx.Context, user *auth.UserIdentity, roles []*auth.RoleIdentity) (grants []string, err error) {
if SkipWithGrant {
return nil, ErrNonexistingGrant.GenWithStackByArgs("root", "%")
mysqlPrivilege := p.Handle.Get()
u := user.Username
h := user.Hostname
if len(user.AuthUsername) > 0 && len(user.AuthHostname) > 0 {
u = user.AuthUsername
h = user.AuthHostname
grants = mysqlPrivilege.showGrants(u, h, roles)
if len(grants) == 0 {
err = ErrNonexistingGrant.GenWithStackByArgs(u, h)
// ActiveRoles implements privilege.Manager ActiveRoles interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) ActiveRoles(ctx sessionctx.Context, roleList []*auth.RoleIdentity) (bool, string) {
if SkipWithGrant {
return true, ""
mysqlPrivilege := p.Handle.Get()
u := p.user
h := p.host
for _, r := range roleList {
ok := mysqlPrivilege.FindRole(u, h, r)
if !ok {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("find role failed", zap.Stringer("role", r))
return false, r.String()
ctx.GetSessionVars().ActiveRoles = roleList
return true, ""
// FindEdge implements privilege.Manager FindRelationship interface.
func (p *UserPrivileges) FindEdge(ctx sessionctx.Context, role *auth.RoleIdentity, user *auth.UserIdentity) bool {
if SkipWithGrant {
return false
mysqlPrivilege := p.Handle.Get()
ok := mysqlPrivilege.FindRole(user.Username, user.Hostname, role)
if !ok {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("find role failed", zap.Stringer("role", role))
return false
return true
// GetDefaultRoles returns all default roles for certain user.
func (p *UserPrivileges) GetDefaultRoles(user, host string) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
if SkipWithGrant {
return make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0, 10)
mysqlPrivilege := p.Handle.Get()
ret := mysqlPrivilege.getDefaultRoles(user, host)
return ret
// GetAllRoles return all roles of user.
func (p *UserPrivileges) GetAllRoles(user, host string) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
if SkipWithGrant {
return make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0, 10)
mysqlPrivilege := p.Handle.Get()
return mysqlPrivilege.getAllRoles(user, host)
// IsDynamicPrivilege returns true if the DYNAMIC privilege is built-in or has been registered by a plugin
func (p *UserPrivileges) IsDynamicPrivilege(privName string) bool {
privNameInUpper := strings.ToUpper(privName)
for _, priv := range dynamicPrivs {
if privNameInUpper == priv {
return true
return false
// RegisterDynamicPrivilege is used by plugins to add new privileges to TiDB
func RegisterDynamicPrivilege(privName string) error {
privNameInUpper := strings.ToUpper(privName)
if len(privNameInUpper) > 32 {
return errors.New("privilege name is longer than 32 characters")
defer dynamicPrivLock.Unlock()
for _, priv := range dynamicPrivs {
if privNameInUpper == priv {
return errors.New("privilege is already registered")
dynamicPrivs = append(dynamicPrivs, privNameInUpper)
return nil
// GetDynamicPrivileges returns the list of registered DYNAMIC privileges
// for use in meta data commands (i.e. SHOW PRIVILEGES)
func GetDynamicPrivileges() []string {
defer dynamicPrivLock.Unlock()
privCopy := make([]string, len(dynamicPrivs))
copy(privCopy, dynamicPrivs)
return privCopy
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