tidb cache 源码
tidb cache 代码
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package privileges
import (
var (
userTablePrivilegeMask = computePrivMask(mysql.AllGlobalPrivs)
dbTablePrivilegeMask = computePrivMask(mysql.AllDBPrivs)
tablePrivMask = computePrivMask(mysql.AllTablePrivs)
const globalDBVisible = mysql.CreatePriv | mysql.SelectPriv | mysql.InsertPriv | mysql.UpdatePriv | mysql.DeletePriv | mysql.ShowDBPriv | mysql.DropPriv | mysql.AlterPriv | mysql.IndexPriv | mysql.CreateViewPriv | mysql.ShowViewPriv | mysql.GrantPriv | mysql.TriggerPriv | mysql.ReferencesPriv | mysql.ExecutePriv
const (
sqlLoadGlobalPrivTable = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,User,Priv FROM mysql.global_priv"
sqlLoadDBTable = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,DB,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv,Grant_priv,Index_priv,References_priv,Lock_tables_priv,Create_tmp_table_priv,Event_priv,Create_routine_priv,Alter_routine_priv,Alter_priv,Execute_priv,Create_view_priv,Show_view_priv,Trigger_priv FROM mysql.db ORDER BY host, db, user"
sqlLoadTablePrivTable = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,DB,User,Table_name,Grantor,Timestamp,Table_priv,Column_priv FROM mysql.tables_priv"
sqlLoadColumnsPrivTable = "SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,DB,User,Table_name,Column_name,Timestamp,Column_priv FROM mysql.columns_priv"
// list of privileges from mysql.Priv2UserCol
sqlLoadUserTable = `SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,User,authentication_string,
Create_priv, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv,
account_locked,plugin FROM mysql.user`
sqlLoadGlobalGrantsTable = `SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY Host,User,Priv,With_Grant_Option FROM mysql.global_grants`
func computePrivMask(privs []mysql.PrivilegeType) mysql.PrivilegeType {
var mask mysql.PrivilegeType
for _, p := range privs {
mask |= p
return mask
// baseRecord is used to represent a base record in privilege cache,
// it only store Host and User field, and it should be nested in other record type.
type baseRecord struct {
Host string // max length 60, primary key
User string // max length 32, primary key
// patChars is compiled from Host, cached for pattern match performance.
patChars []byte
patTypes []byte
// IPv4 with netmask, cached for host match performance.
hostIPNet *net.IPNet
// UserRecord is used to represent a user record in privilege cache.
type UserRecord struct {
AuthenticationString string
Privileges mysql.PrivilegeType
AccountLocked bool // A role record when this field is true
AuthPlugin string
// NewUserRecord return a UserRecord, only use for unit test.
func NewUserRecord(host, user string) UserRecord {
return UserRecord{
baseRecord: baseRecord{
Host: host,
User: user,
type globalPrivRecord struct {
Priv GlobalPrivValue
Broken bool
type dynamicPrivRecord struct {
PrivilegeName string
GrantOption bool
// SSLType is enum value for GlobalPrivValue.SSLType.
// the value is compatible with MySQL storage json value.
type SSLType int
const (
// SslTypeNotSpecified indicates .
SslTypeNotSpecified SSLType = iota - 1
// SslTypeNone indicates not require use ssl.
// SslTypeAny indicates require use ssl but not validate cert.
// SslTypeX509 indicates require use ssl and validate cert.
// SslTypeSpecified indicates require use ssl and validate cert's subject or issuer.
// GlobalPrivValue is store json format for priv column in mysql.global_priv.
type GlobalPrivValue struct {
SSLType SSLType `json:"ssl_type,omitempty"`
SSLCipher string `json:"ssl_cipher,omitempty"`
X509Issuer string `json:"x509_issuer,omitempty"`
X509Subject string `json:"x509_subject,omitempty"`
SAN string `json:"san,omitempty"`
SANs map[util.SANType][]string `json:"-"`
// RequireStr returns describe string after `REQUIRE` clause.
func (g *GlobalPrivValue) RequireStr() string {
require := "NONE"
switch g.SSLType {
case SslTypeAny:
require = "SSL"
case SslTypeX509:
require = "X509"
case SslTypeSpecified:
var s []string
if len(g.SSLCipher) > 0 {
s = append(s, "CIPHER")
s = append(s, "'"+g.SSLCipher+"'")
if len(g.X509Issuer) > 0 {
s = append(s, "ISSUER")
s = append(s, "'"+g.X509Issuer+"'")
if len(g.X509Subject) > 0 {
s = append(s, "SUBJECT")
s = append(s, "'"+g.X509Subject+"'")
if len(g.SAN) > 0 {
s = append(s, "SAN")
s = append(s, "'"+g.SAN+"'")
if len(s) > 0 {
require = strings.Join(s, " ")
return require
type dbRecord struct {
DB string
Privileges mysql.PrivilegeType
dbPatChars []byte
dbPatTypes []byte
type tablesPrivRecord struct {
DB string
TableName string
Grantor string
Timestamp time.Time
TablePriv mysql.PrivilegeType
ColumnPriv mysql.PrivilegeType
type columnsPrivRecord struct {
DB string
TableName string
ColumnName string
Timestamp time.Time
ColumnPriv mysql.PrivilegeType
// defaultRoleRecord is used to cache mysql.default_roles
type defaultRoleRecord struct {
DefaultRoleUser string
DefaultRoleHost string
// roleGraphEdgesTable is used to cache relationship between and role.
type roleGraphEdgesTable struct {
roleList map[string]*auth.RoleIdentity
// Find method is used to find role from table
func (g roleGraphEdgesTable) Find(user, host string) bool {
if host == "" {
host = "%"
key := user + "@" + host
if g.roleList == nil {
return false
_, ok := g.roleList[key]
return ok
// MySQLPrivilege is the in-memory cache of mysql privilege tables.
type MySQLPrivilege struct {
// In MySQL, a user identity consists of a user + host.
// Either portion of user or host can contain wildcards,
// requiring the privileges system to use a list-like
// structure instead of a hash.
// TiDB contains a sensible behavior difference from MySQL,
// which is that usernames can not contain wildcards.
// This means that DB-records are organized in both a
// slice (p.DB) and a Map (p.DBMap).
// This helps in the case that there are a number of users with
// non-full privileges (i.e. user.db entries).
User []UserRecord
UserMap map[string][]UserRecord // Accelerate User searching
Global map[string][]globalPrivRecord
Dynamic map[string][]dynamicPrivRecord
DB []dbRecord
DBMap map[string][]dbRecord // Accelerate DB searching
TablesPriv []tablesPrivRecord
TablesPrivMap map[string][]tablesPrivRecord // Accelerate TablesPriv searching
ColumnsPriv []columnsPrivRecord
DefaultRoles []defaultRoleRecord
RoleGraph map[string]roleGraphEdgesTable
// FindAllUserEffectiveRoles is used to find all effective roles grant to this user.
// This method will filter out the roles that are not granted to the user but are still in activeRoles
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) FindAllUserEffectiveRoles(user, host string, activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
grantedActiveRoles := make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0, len(activeRoles))
for _, role := range activeRoles {
if p.FindRole(user, host, role) {
grantedActiveRoles = append(grantedActiveRoles, role)
return p.FindAllRole(grantedActiveRoles)
// FindAllRole is used to find all roles grant to this user.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) FindAllRole(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
queue, head := make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0, len(activeRoles)), 0
queue = append(queue, activeRoles...)
// Using breadth first search to find all roles grant to this user.
visited, ret := make(map[string]bool), make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0)
for head < len(queue) {
role := queue[head]
if _, ok := visited[role.String()]; !ok {
visited[role.String()] = true
ret = append(ret, role)
key := role.Username + "@" + role.Hostname
if edgeTable, ok := p.RoleGraph[key]; ok {
for _, v := range edgeTable.roleList {
if _, ok := visited[v.String()]; !ok {
queue = append(queue, v)
return ret
// FindRole is used to detect whether there is edges between users and roles.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) FindRole(user string, host string, role *auth.RoleIdentity) bool {
rec := p.matchUser(user, host)
r := p.matchUser(role.Username, role.Hostname)
if rec != nil && r != nil {
key := rec.User + "@" + rec.Host
return p.RoleGraph[key].Find(role.Username, role.Hostname)
return false
// LoadAll loads the tables from database to memory.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadAll(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
err := p.LoadUserTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.user fail", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.user")
err = p.LoadGlobalPrivTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = p.LoadGlobalGrantsTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = p.LoadDBTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !noSuchTable(err) {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.db fail", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.db")
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("mysql.db maybe missing")
err = p.LoadTablesPrivTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !noSuchTable(err) {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.tables_priv fail", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.tables_priv")
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("mysql.tables_priv missing")
err = p.LoadDefaultRoles(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !noSuchTable(err) {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.roles", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.roles")
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("mysql.default_roles missing")
err = p.LoadColumnsPrivTable(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !noSuchTable(err) {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.columns_priv", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.columns_priv")
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("mysql.columns_priv missing")
err = p.LoadRoleGraph(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !noSuchTable(err) {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("load mysql.role_edges", zap.Error(err))
return errLoadPrivilege.FastGen("mysql.role_edges")
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("mysql.role_edges missing")
return nil
func noSuchTable(err error) bool {
e1 := errors.Cause(err)
if e2, ok := e1.(*terror.Error); ok {
if terror.ErrCode(e2.Code()) == terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrNoSuchTable) {
return true
return false
// LoadRoleGraph loads the mysql.role_edges table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadRoleGraph(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
p.RoleGraph = make(map[string]roleGraphEdgesTable)
err := p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadRoleGraph, p.decodeRoleEdgesTable)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// LoadUserTable loads the mysql.user table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadUserTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
err := p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadUserTable, p.decodeUserTableRow)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/connection-access.html
// When multiple matches are possible, the server must determine which of them to use. It resolves this issue as follows:
// 1. Whenever the server reads the user table into memory, it sorts the rows.
// 2. When a client attempts to connect, the server looks through the rows in sorted order.
// 3. The server uses the first row that matches the client host name and user name.
// The server uses sorting rules that order rows with the most-specific Host values first.
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) buildUserMap() {
userMap := make(map[string][]UserRecord, len(p.User))
for _, record := range p.User {
userMap[record.User] = append(userMap[record.User], record)
p.UserMap = userMap
type sortedUserRecord []UserRecord
func (s sortedUserRecord) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s sortedUserRecord) Less(i, j int) bool {
x := s[i]
y := s[j]
// Compare two item by user's host first.
c1 := compareHost(x.Host, y.Host)
if c1 < 0 {
return true
if c1 > 0 {
return false
// Then, compare item by user's name value.
return x.User < y.User
// compareHost compares two host string using some special rules, return value 1, 0, -1 means > = <.
// TODO: Check how MySQL do it exactly, instead of guess its rules.
func compareHost(x, y string) int {
// The more-specific, the smaller it is.
// The pattern '%' means “any host” and is least specific.
if y == `%` {
if x == `%` {
return 0
return -1
// The empty string '' also means “any host” but sorts after '%'.
if y == "" {
if x == "" {
return 0
return -1
// One of them end with `%`.
xEnd := strings.HasSuffix(x, `%`)
yEnd := strings.HasSuffix(y, `%`)
if xEnd || yEnd {
switch {
case !xEnd && yEnd:
return -1
case xEnd && !yEnd:
return 1
case xEnd && yEnd:
// 192.168.199.% smaller than 192.168.%
// A not very accurate comparison, compare them by length.
if len(x) > len(y) {
return -1
return 0
// For other case, the order is nondeterministic.
switch x < y {
case true:
return -1
case false:
return 1
return 0
func (s sortedUserRecord) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
// SortUserTable sorts p.User in the MySQLPrivilege struct.
func (p MySQLPrivilege) SortUserTable() {
// LoadGlobalPrivTable loads the mysql.global_priv table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadGlobalPrivTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
return p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadGlobalPrivTable, p.decodeGlobalPrivTableRow)
// LoadGlobalGrantsTable loads the mysql.global_priv table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadGlobalGrantsTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
return p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadGlobalGrantsTable, p.decodeGlobalGrantsTableRow)
// LoadDBTable loads the mysql.db table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadDBTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
err := p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadDBTable, p.decodeDBTableRow)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) buildDBMap() {
dbMap := make(map[string][]dbRecord, len(p.DB))
for _, record := range p.DB {
dbMap[record.User] = append(dbMap[record.User], record)
p.DBMap = dbMap
// LoadTablesPrivTable loads the mysql.tables_priv table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadTablesPrivTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
err := p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadTablePrivTable, p.decodeTablesPrivTableRow)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) buildTablesPrivMap() {
tablesPrivMap := make(map[string][]tablesPrivRecord, len(p.TablesPriv))
for _, record := range p.TablesPriv {
tablesPrivMap[record.User] = append(tablesPrivMap[record.User], record)
p.TablesPrivMap = tablesPrivMap
// LoadColumnsPrivTable loads the mysql.columns_priv table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadColumnsPrivTable(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
return p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadColumnsPrivTable, p.decodeColumnsPrivTableRow)
// LoadDefaultRoles loads the mysql.columns_priv table from database.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) LoadDefaultRoles(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
return p.loadTable(ctx, sqlLoadDefaultRoles, p.decodeDefaultRoleTableRow)
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) loadTable(sctx sessionctx.Context, sql string,
decodeTableRow func(chunk.Row, []*ast.ResultField) error) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnPrivilege)
rs, err := sctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rs.Close)
fs := rs.Fields()
req := rs.NewChunk(nil)
for {
err = rs.Next(context.TODO(), req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
return nil
it := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for row := it.Begin(); row != it.End(); row = it.Next() {
err = decodeTableRow(row, fs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// NOTE: decodeTableRow decodes data from a chunk Row, that is a shallow copy.
// The result will reference memory in the chunk, so the chunk must not be reused
// here, otherwise some werid bug will happen!
req = chunk.Renew(req, sctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize)
// parseHostIPNet parses an IPv4 address and its subnet mask (e.g. ``),
// return the `IPNet` struct which represent the IP range info (e.g. ` ~`).
// `IPNet` is used to check if a giving IP (e.g. ``) is in its IP range by call `IPNet.Contains(ip)`.
func parseHostIPNet(s string) *net.IPNet {
i := strings.IndexByte(s, '/')
if i < 0 {
return nil
hostIP := net.ParseIP(s[:i]).To4()
if hostIP == nil {
return nil
maskIP := net.ParseIP(s[i+1:]).To4()
if maskIP == nil {
return nil
mask := net.IPv4Mask(maskIP[0], maskIP[1], maskIP[2], maskIP[3])
// We must ensure that: <host_ip> & <netmask> == <host_ip>
// e.g. `` is an illegal string,
// because `` & `` == ``, but != ``
// see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html
if !hostIP.Equal(hostIP.Mask(mask)) {
return nil
return &net.IPNet{
IP: hostIP,
Mask: mask,
func (record *baseRecord) assignUserOrHost(row chunk.Row, i int, f *ast.ResultField) {
switch f.ColumnAsName.L {
case "user":
record.User = row.GetString(i)
case "host":
record.Host = row.GetString(i)
record.patChars, record.patTypes = stringutil.CompilePatternBytes(record.Host, '\\')
record.hostIPNet = parseHostIPNet(record.Host)
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeUserTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value UserRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "authentication_string":
value.AuthenticationString = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "account_locked":
if row.GetEnum(i).String() == "Y" {
value.AccountLocked = true
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "plugin":
if row.GetString(i) != "" {
value.AuthPlugin = row.GetString(i)
} else {
value.AuthPlugin = mysql.AuthNativePassword
case f.Column.GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum:
if row.GetEnum(i).String() != "Y" {
priv, ok := mysql.Col2PrivType[f.ColumnAsName.O]
if !ok {
return errInvalidPrivilegeType.GenWithStack(f.ColumnAsName.O)
value.Privileges |= priv
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
p.User = append(p.User, value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeGlobalPrivTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value globalPrivRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "priv":
privData := row.GetString(i)
if len(privData) > 0 {
var privValue GlobalPrivValue
err := json.Unmarshal(hack.Slice(privData), &privValue)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("one user global priv data is broken, forbidden login until data be fixed",
zap.String("user", value.User), zap.String("host", value.Host))
value.Broken = true
} else {
value.Priv.SSLType = privValue.SSLType
value.Priv.SSLCipher = privValue.SSLCipher
value.Priv.X509Issuer = privValue.X509Issuer
value.Priv.X509Subject = privValue.X509Subject
value.Priv.SAN = privValue.SAN
if len(value.Priv.SAN) > 0 {
value.Priv.SANs, err = util.ParseAndCheckSAN(value.Priv.SAN)
if err != nil {
value.Broken = true
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
if p.Global == nil {
p.Global = make(map[string][]globalPrivRecord)
p.Global[value.User] = append(p.Global[value.User], value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeGlobalGrantsTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value dynamicPrivRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "priv":
value.PrivilegeName = strings.ToUpper(row.GetString(i))
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "with_grant_option":
value.GrantOption = row.GetEnum(i).String() == "Y"
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
if p.Dynamic == nil {
p.Dynamic = make(map[string][]dynamicPrivRecord)
p.Dynamic[value.User] = append(p.Dynamic[value.User], value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeDBTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value dbRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "db":
value.DB = row.GetString(i)
value.dbPatChars, value.dbPatTypes = stringutil.CompilePatternBytes(strings.ToUpper(value.DB), '\\')
case f.Column.GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum:
if row.GetEnum(i).String() != "Y" {
priv, ok := mysql.Col2PrivType[f.ColumnAsName.O]
if !ok {
return errInvalidPrivilegeType.GenWithStack("Unknown Privilege Type!")
value.Privileges |= priv
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
p.DB = append(p.DB, value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeTablesPrivTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value tablesPrivRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "db":
value.DB = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "table_name":
value.TableName = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "table_priv":
value.TablePriv = decodeSetToPrivilege(row.GetSet(i))
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "column_priv":
value.ColumnPriv = decodeSetToPrivilege(row.GetSet(i))
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
p.TablesPriv = append(p.TablesPriv, value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeRoleEdgesTable(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var fromUser, fromHost, toHost, toUser string
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "from_host":
fromHost = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "from_user":
fromUser = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "to_host":
toHost = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "to_user":
toUser = row.GetString(i)
fromKey := fromUser + "@" + fromHost
toKey := toUser + "@" + toHost
roleGraph, ok := p.RoleGraph[toKey]
if !ok {
roleGraph = roleGraphEdgesTable{roleList: make(map[string]*auth.RoleIdentity)}
p.RoleGraph[toKey] = roleGraph
roleGraph.roleList[fromKey] = &auth.RoleIdentity{Username: fromUser, Hostname: fromHost}
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeDefaultRoleTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value defaultRoleRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "default_role_host":
value.DefaultRoleHost = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "default_role_user":
value.DefaultRoleUser = row.GetString(i)
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
p.DefaultRoles = append(p.DefaultRoles, value)
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) decodeColumnsPrivTableRow(row chunk.Row, fs []*ast.ResultField) error {
var value columnsPrivRecord
for i, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "db":
value.DB = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "table_name":
value.TableName = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "column_name":
value.ColumnName = row.GetString(i)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "timestamp":
var err error
value.Timestamp, err = row.GetTime(i).GoTime(time.Local)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
case f.ColumnAsName.L == "column_priv":
value.ColumnPriv = decodeSetToPrivilege(row.GetSet(i))
value.assignUserOrHost(row, i, f)
p.ColumnsPriv = append(p.ColumnsPriv, value)
return nil
func decodeSetToPrivilege(s types.Set) mysql.PrivilegeType {
var ret mysql.PrivilegeType
if s.Name == "" {
return ret
for _, str := range strings.Split(s.Name, ",") {
priv, ok := mysql.SetStr2Priv[str]
if !ok {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("unsupported privilege", zap.String("type", str))
ret |= priv
return ret
// hostMatch checks if giving IP is in IP range of hostname.
// In MySQL, the hostname of user can be set to `<IPv4>/<netmask>`
// e.g. `` represent IP range from `` to ``,
// only IP addresses that satisfy this condition range can be login with this user.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/account-names.html
func (record *baseRecord) hostMatch(s string) bool {
if record.hostIPNet == nil {
if record.Host == "localhost" && net.ParseIP(s).IsLoopback() {
return true
return false
ip := net.ParseIP(s).To4()
if ip == nil {
return false
return record.hostIPNet.Contains(ip)
func (record *baseRecord) match(user, host string) bool {
return record.User == user && (patternMatch(host, record.patChars, record.patTypes) ||
func (record *baseRecord) fullyMatch(user, host string) bool {
return record.User == user && record.Host == host
func (record *dbRecord) match(user, host, db string) bool {
return record.baseRecord.match(user, host) &&
patternMatch(strings.ToUpper(db), record.dbPatChars, record.dbPatTypes)
func (record *tablesPrivRecord) match(user, host, db, table string) bool {
return record.baseRecord.match(user, host) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.DB, db) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.TableName, table)
func (record *columnsPrivRecord) match(user, host, db, table, col string) bool {
return record.baseRecord.match(user, host) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.DB, db) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.TableName, table) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.ColumnName, col)
// patternMatch matches "%" the same way as ".*" in regular expression, for example,
// "10.0.%" would match "10.0.1" "" ...
func patternMatch(str string, patChars, patTypes []byte) bool {
return stringutil.DoMatchBytes(str, patChars, patTypes)
// matchIdentity finds an identity to match a user + host
// using the correct rules according to MySQL.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchIdentity(user, host string, skipNameResolve bool) *UserRecord {
for i := 0; i < len(p.User); i++ {
record := &p.User[i]
if record.match(user, host) {
return record
// If skip-name resolve is not enabled, and the host is not localhost
// we can fallback and try to resolve with all addrs that match.
// TODO: this is imported from previous code in session.Auth(), and can be improved in future.
if !skipNameResolve && host != variable.DefHostname {
addrs, err := net.LookupAddr(host)
if err != nil {
"net.LookupAddr returned an error during auth check",
zap.String("host", host),
return nil
for _, addr := range addrs {
for i := 0; i < len(p.User); i++ {
record := &p.User[i]
if record.match(user, addr) {
return record
return nil
// connectionVerification verifies the username + hostname according to exact
// match from the mysql.user privilege table. call matchIdentity() first if you
// do not have an exact match yet.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) connectionVerification(user, host string) *UserRecord {
records, exists := p.UserMap[user]
if exists {
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
record := &records[i]
if record.Host == host { // exact match
return record
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchGlobalPriv(user, host string) *globalPrivRecord {
uGlobal, exists := p.Global[user]
if !exists {
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(uGlobal); i++ {
record := &uGlobal[i]
if record.match(user, host) {
return record
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchUser(user, host string) *UserRecord {
records, exists := p.UserMap[user]
if exists {
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
record := &records[i]
if record.match(user, host) {
return record
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchDB(user, host, db string) *dbRecord {
records, exists := p.DBMap[user]
if exists {
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
record := &records[i]
if record.match(user, host, db) {
return record
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchTables(user, host, db, table string) *tablesPrivRecord {
records, exists := p.TablesPrivMap[user]
if exists {
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
record := &records[i]
if record.match(user, host, db, table) {
return record
return nil
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) matchColumns(user, host, db, table, column string) *columnsPrivRecord {
for i := 0; i < len(p.ColumnsPriv); i++ {
record := &p.ColumnsPriv[i]
if record.match(user, host, db, table, column) {
return record
return nil
// HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege checks if a user has a DYNAMIC privilege
// without accepting SUPER privilege as a fallback.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, user, host, privName string, withGrant bool) bool {
privName = strings.ToUpper(privName)
roleList := p.FindAllUserEffectiveRoles(user, host, activeRoles)
roleList = append(roleList, &auth.RoleIdentity{Username: user, Hostname: host})
// Loop through each of the roles and return on first match
// If grantable is required, ensure the record has the GrantOption set.
for _, r := range roleList {
u := r.Username
h := r.Hostname
for _, record := range p.Dynamic[u] {
if record.match(u, h) {
if withGrant && !record.GrantOption {
if record.PrivilegeName == privName {
return true
return false
// RequestDynamicVerification checks all roles for a specific DYNAMIC privilege.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, user, host, privName string, withGrant bool) bool {
privName = strings.ToUpper(privName)
if p.HasExplicitlyGrantedDynamicPrivilege(activeRoles, user, host, privName, withGrant) {
return true
// If SEM is enabled, and the privilege is of type restricted, do not fall through
// To using SUPER as a replacement privilege.
if sem.IsEnabled() && sem.IsRestrictedPrivilege(privName) {
return false
// For compatibility reasons, the SUPER privilege also has all DYNAMIC privileges granted to it (dynamic privs are a super replacement)
// This may be changed in future, but will require a bootstrap task to assign all dynamic privileges
// to users with SUPER, otherwise tasks such as BACKUP and ROLE_ADMIN will start to fail.
// The visitInfo system will also need modification to support OR conditions.
if withGrant && !p.RequestVerification(activeRoles, user, host, "", "", "", mysql.GrantPriv) {
return false
return p.RequestVerification(activeRoles, user, host, "", "", "", mysql.SuperPriv)
// RequestVerification checks whether the user have sufficient privileges to do the operation.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) RequestVerification(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, user, host, db, table, column string, priv mysql.PrivilegeType) bool {
if priv == mysql.UsagePriv {
return true
roleList := p.FindAllUserEffectiveRoles(user, host, activeRoles)
roleList = append(roleList, &auth.RoleIdentity{Username: user, Hostname: host})
var userPriv, dbPriv, tablePriv, columnPriv mysql.PrivilegeType
for _, r := range roleList {
userRecord := p.matchUser(r.Username, r.Hostname)
if userRecord != nil {
userPriv |= userRecord.Privileges
if userPriv&priv > 0 {
return true
for _, r := range roleList {
dbRecord := p.matchDB(r.Username, r.Hostname, db)
if dbRecord != nil {
dbPriv |= dbRecord.Privileges
if dbPriv&priv > 0 {
return true
for _, r := range roleList {
tableRecord := p.matchTables(r.Username, r.Hostname, db, table)
if tableRecord != nil {
tablePriv |= tableRecord.TablePriv
if column != "" {
columnPriv |= tableRecord.ColumnPriv
if tablePriv&priv > 0 || columnPriv&priv > 0 {
return true
columnPriv = 0
for _, r := range roleList {
columnRecord := p.matchColumns(r.Username, r.Hostname, db, table, column)
if columnRecord != nil {
columnPriv |= columnRecord.ColumnPriv
if columnPriv&priv > 0 {
return true
return priv == 0
// DBIsVisible checks whether the user can see the db.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) DBIsVisible(user, host, db string) bool {
if record := p.matchUser(user, host); record != nil {
if record.Privileges&globalDBVisible > 0 {
return true
// For metrics_schema, `PROCESS` can also work.
if record.Privileges&mysql.ProcessPriv > 0 && strings.EqualFold(db, util.MetricSchemaName.O) {
return true
// INFORMATION_SCHEMA is visible to all users.
if strings.EqualFold(db, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA") {
return true
if record := p.matchDB(user, host, db); record != nil {
if record.Privileges > 0 {
return true
for _, record := range p.TablesPriv {
if record.baseRecord.match(user, host) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.DB, db) {
if record.TablePriv != 0 || record.ColumnPriv != 0 {
return true
for _, record := range p.ColumnsPriv {
if record.baseRecord.match(user, host) &&
strings.EqualFold(record.DB, db) {
if record.ColumnPriv != 0 {
return true
return false
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) showGrants(user, host string, roles []*auth.RoleIdentity) []string {
var gs []string //nolint: prealloc
var sortFromIdx int
var hasGlobalGrant = false
// Some privileges may granted from role inheritance.
// We should find these inheritance relationship.
allRoles := p.FindAllUserEffectiveRoles(user, host, roles)
// Show global grants.
var currentPriv mysql.PrivilegeType
var userExists = false
// Check whether user exists.
if userList, ok := p.UserMap[user]; ok {
for _, record := range userList {
if record.fullyMatch(user, host) {
userExists = true
if !userExists {
return gs
var g string
for _, record := range p.User {
if record.fullyMatch(user, host) {
hasGlobalGrant = true
currentPriv |= record.Privileges
} else {
for _, r := range allRoles {
if record.baseRecord.match(r.Username, r.Hostname) {
hasGlobalGrant = true
currentPriv |= record.Privileges
g = userPrivToString(currentPriv)
if len(g) > 0 {
var s string
if (currentPriv & mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION`, g, user, host)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s'`, g, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// This is a mysql convention.
if len(gs) == 0 && hasGlobalGrant {
var s string
if (currentPriv & mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION", user, host)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf("GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s'", user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// Show db scope grants.
sortFromIdx = len(gs)
dbPrivTable := make(map[string]mysql.PrivilegeType)
for _, record := range p.DB {
if record.fullyMatch(user, host) {
dbPrivTable[record.DB] |= record.Privileges
} else {
for _, r := range allRoles {
if record.baseRecord.match(r.Username, r.Hostname) {
dbPrivTable[record.DB] |= record.Privileges
for dbName, priv := range dbPrivTable {
g := dbPrivToString(priv)
if len(g) > 0 {
var s string
if (priv & mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION`, g, dbName, user, host)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%s'`, g, dbName, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
} else if len(g) == 0 && (priv&mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
// We have GRANT OPTION on the db, but no privilege granted.
// Wo we need to print a special USAGE line.
s := fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT USAGE ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION`, dbName, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// Show table scope grants.
sortFromIdx = len(gs)
tablePrivTable := make(map[string]mysql.PrivilegeType)
for _, record := range p.TablesPriv {
recordKey := record.DB + "." + record.TableName
if user == record.User && host == record.Host {
tablePrivTable[recordKey] |= record.TablePriv
} else {
for _, r := range allRoles {
if record.baseRecord.match(r.Username, r.Hostname) {
tablePrivTable[recordKey] |= record.TablePriv
for k, priv := range tablePrivTable {
g := tablePrivToString(priv)
if len(g) > 0 {
var s string
if (priv & mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON %s TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION`, g, k, user, host)
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON %s TO '%s'@'%s'`, g, k, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
} else if len(g) == 0 && (priv&mysql.GrantPriv) > 0 {
// We have GRANT OPTION on the table, but no privilege granted.
// Wo we need to print a special USAGE line.
s := fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT USAGE ON %s TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION`, k, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// Show column scope grants, column and table are combined.
// A map of "DB.Table" => Priv(col1, col2 ...)
sortFromIdx = len(gs)
columnPrivTable := make(map[string]privOnColumns)
for i := range p.ColumnsPriv {
record := p.ColumnsPriv[i]
if !collectColumnGrant(&record, user, host, columnPrivTable) {
for _, r := range allRoles {
collectColumnGrant(&record, r.Username, r.Hostname, columnPrivTable)
for k, v := range columnPrivTable {
privCols := privOnColumnsToString(v)
s := fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s ON %s TO '%s'@'%s'`, privCols, k, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// Show role grants.
graphKey := user + "@" + host
edgeTable, ok := p.RoleGraph[graphKey]
g = ""
if ok {
sortedRes := make([]string, 0, 10)
for k := range edgeTable.roleList {
role := strings.Split(k, "@")
roleName, roleHost := role[0], role[1]
tmp := fmt.Sprintf("'%s'@'%s'", roleName, roleHost)
sortedRes = append(sortedRes, tmp)
for i, r := range sortedRes {
g += r
if i != len(sortedRes)-1 {
g += ", "
s := fmt.Sprintf(`GRANT %s TO '%s'@'%s'`, g, user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
// If the SHOW GRANTS is for the current user, there might be activeRoles (allRoles)
// The convention is to merge the Dynamic privileges assigned to the user with
// inherited dynamic privileges from those roles
dynamicPrivsMap := make(map[string]bool) // privName, grantable
for _, record := range p.Dynamic[user] {
if record.fullyMatch(user, host) {
dynamicPrivsMap[record.PrivilegeName] = record.GrantOption
for _, r := range allRoles {
for _, record := range p.Dynamic[r.Username] {
if record.fullyMatch(r.Username, r.Hostname) {
// If the record already exists in the map and it's grantable
// skip doing anything, because we might inherit a non-grantable permission
// from a role, and don't want to clobber the existing privilege.
if grantable, ok := dynamicPrivsMap[record.PrivilegeName]; ok && grantable {
dynamicPrivsMap[record.PrivilegeName] = record.GrantOption
// Convert the map to a slice so it can be sorted to be deterministic and joined
var dynamicPrivs, grantableDynamicPrivs []string
for privName, grantable := range dynamicPrivsMap {
if grantable {
grantableDynamicPrivs = append(grantableDynamicPrivs, privName)
} else {
dynamicPrivs = append(dynamicPrivs, privName)
// Merge the DYNAMIC privs into a line for non-grantable and then grantable.
if len(dynamicPrivs) > 0 {
s := fmt.Sprintf("GRANT %s ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s'", strings.Join(dynamicPrivs, ","), user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
if len(grantableDynamicPrivs) > 0 {
s := fmt.Sprintf("GRANT %s ON *.* TO '%s'@'%s' WITH GRANT OPTION", strings.Join(grantableDynamicPrivs, ","), user, host)
gs = append(gs, s)
return gs
type columnStr = string
type columnStrs = []columnStr
type privOnColumns = map[mysql.PrivilegeType]columnStrs
func privOnColumnsToString(p privOnColumns) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
idx := 0
for _, priv := range mysql.AllColumnPrivs {
v, ok := p[priv]
if !ok || len(v) == 0 {
if idx > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
privStr := PrivToString(priv, mysql.AllColumnPrivs, mysql.Priv2Str)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s(", privStr)
for i, col := range v {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ", ")
return buf.String()
func collectColumnGrant(record *columnsPrivRecord, user, host string, columnPrivTable map[string]privOnColumns) bool {
if record.baseRecord.match(user, host) {
recordKey := record.DB + "." + record.TableName
privColumns, ok := columnPrivTable[recordKey]
if !ok {
privColumns = make(map[mysql.PrivilegeType]columnStrs)
for _, priv := range mysql.AllColumnPrivs {
if priv&record.ColumnPriv > 0 {
old := privColumns[priv]
privColumns[priv] = append(old, record.ColumnName)
columnPrivTable[recordKey] = privColumns
return true
return false
func userPrivToString(privs mysql.PrivilegeType) string {
if (privs & ^mysql.GrantPriv) == userTablePrivilegeMask {
return mysql.AllPrivilegeLiteral
return PrivToString(privs, mysql.AllGlobalPrivs, mysql.Priv2Str)
func dbPrivToString(privs mysql.PrivilegeType) string {
if (privs & ^mysql.GrantPriv) == dbTablePrivilegeMask {
return mysql.AllPrivilegeLiteral
return PrivToString(privs, mysql.AllDBPrivs, mysql.Priv2SetStr)
func tablePrivToString(privs mysql.PrivilegeType) string {
if (privs & ^mysql.GrantPriv) == tablePrivMask {
return mysql.AllPrivilegeLiteral
return PrivToString(privs, mysql.AllTablePrivs, mysql.Priv2Str)
// PrivToString converts the privileges to string.
func PrivToString(priv mysql.PrivilegeType, allPrivs []mysql.PrivilegeType, allPrivNames map[mysql.PrivilegeType]string) string {
pstrs := make([]string, 0, 20)
for _, p := range allPrivs {
if priv&p == 0 {
s := strings.ToUpper(allPrivNames[p])
pstrs = append(pstrs, s)
return strings.Join(pstrs, ",")
// UserPrivilegesTable provide data for INFORMATION_SCHEMA.USERS_PRIVILEGES table.
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) UserPrivilegesTable(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, user, host string) [][]types.Datum {
// Seeing all users requires SELECT ON * FROM mysql.*
// The SUPER privilege (or any other dynamic privilege) doesn't help here.
// This is verified against MySQL.
showOtherUsers := p.RequestVerification(activeRoles, user, host, mysql.SystemDB, "", "", mysql.SelectPriv)
var rows [][]types.Datum
for _, u := range p.User {
if showOtherUsers || u.match(user, host) {
rows = appendUserPrivilegesTableRow(rows, u)
for _, dynamicPrivs := range p.Dynamic {
for _, dynamicPriv := range dynamicPrivs {
if showOtherUsers || dynamicPriv.match(user, host) {
rows = appendDynamicPrivRecord(rows, dynamicPriv)
return rows
func appendDynamicPrivRecord(rows [][]types.Datum, user dynamicPrivRecord) [][]types.Datum {
isGrantable := "NO"
if user.GrantOption {
isGrantable = "YES"
grantee := fmt.Sprintf("'%s'@'%s'", user.User, user.Host)
record := types.MakeDatums(grantee, "def", user.PrivilegeName, isGrantable)
return append(rows, record)
func appendUserPrivilegesTableRow(rows [][]types.Datum, user UserRecord) [][]types.Datum {
var isGrantable string
if user.Privileges&mysql.GrantPriv > 0 {
isGrantable = "YES"
} else {
isGrantable = "NO"
grantee := fmt.Sprintf("'%s'@'%s'", user.User, user.Host)
if user.Privileges <= 1 {
// The "USAGE" row only appears if the user has no non-DYNAMIC privileges.
// This behavior was observed in MySQL.
record := types.MakeDatums(grantee, "def", "USAGE", "NO")
return append(rows, record)
for _, priv := range mysql.AllGlobalPrivs {
if user.Privileges&priv > 0 {
privilegeType := strings.ToUpper(mysql.Priv2Str[priv])
// +---------------------------+---------------+-------------------------+--------------+
// +---------------------------+---------------+-------------------------+--------------+
// | 'root'@'localhost' | def | SELECT | YES |
record := types.MakeDatums(grantee, "def", privilegeType, isGrantable)
rows = append(rows, record)
return rows
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) getDefaultRoles(user, host string) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
ret := make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0)
for _, r := range p.DefaultRoles {
if r.match(user, host) {
ret = append(ret, &auth.RoleIdentity{Username: r.DefaultRoleUser, Hostname: r.DefaultRoleHost})
return ret
func (p *MySQLPrivilege) getAllRoles(user, host string) []*auth.RoleIdentity {
key := user + "@" + host
edgeTable, ok := p.RoleGraph[key]
ret := make([]*auth.RoleIdentity, 0, len(edgeTable.roleList))
if ok {
for _, r := range edgeTable.roleList {
ret = append(ret, r)
return ret
// Handle wraps MySQLPrivilege providing thread safe access.
type Handle struct {
priv atomic.Value
// NewHandle returns a Handle.
func NewHandle() *Handle {
return &Handle{}
// Get the MySQLPrivilege for read.
func (h *Handle) Get() *MySQLPrivilege {
return h.priv.Load().(*MySQLPrivilege)
// Update loads all the privilege info from kv storage.
func (h *Handle) Update(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
var priv MySQLPrivilege
err := priv.LoadAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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