spark ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import{InputStream, IOException}
import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, TimeUnit}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet, Queue}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

import io.netty.util.internal.OutOfDirectMemoryError
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap

import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputTracker, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.MapOutputTracker.SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID
import org.apache.spark.errors.SparkCoreErrors
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import{FileSegmentManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer}
import{Cause, ShuffleChecksumHelper}
import{NettyUtils, TransportConf}
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.ShuffleReadMetricsReporter
import org.apache.spark.util.{CompletionIterator, TaskCompletionListener, Utils}

 * An iterator that fetches multiple blocks. For local blocks, it fetches from the local block
 * manager. For remote blocks, it fetches them using the provided BlockTransferService.
 * This creates an iterator of (BlockID, InputStream) tuples so the caller can handle blocks
 * in a pipelined fashion as they are received.
 * The implementation throttles the remote fetches so they don't exceed maxBytesInFlight to avoid
 * using too much memory.
 * @param context [[TaskContext]], used for metrics update
 * @param shuffleClient [[BlockStoreClient]] for fetching remote blocks
 * @param blockManager [[BlockManager]] for reading local blocks
 * @param blocksByAddress list of blocks to fetch grouped by the [[BlockManagerId]].
 *                        For each block we also require two info: 1. the size (in bytes as a long
 *                        field) in order to throttle the memory usage; 2. the mapIndex for this
 *                        block, which indicate the index in the map stage.
 *                        Note that zero-sized blocks are already excluded, which happened in
 *                        [[org.apache.spark.MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses]].
 * @param mapOutputTracker [[MapOutputTracker]] for falling back to fetching the original blocks if
 *                         we fail to fetch shuffle chunks when push based shuffle is enabled.
 * @param streamWrapper A function to wrap the returned input stream.
 * @param maxBytesInFlight max size (in bytes) of remote blocks to fetch at any given point.
 * @param maxReqsInFlight max number of remote requests to fetch blocks at any given point.
 * @param maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress max number of shuffle blocks being fetched at any given point
 *                                    for a given remote host:port.
 * @param maxReqSizeShuffleToMem max size (in bytes) of a request that can be shuffled to memory.
 * @param maxAttemptsOnNettyOOM The max number of a block could retry due to Netty OOM before
 *                              throwing the fetch failure.
 * @param detectCorrupt         whether to detect any corruption in fetched blocks.
 * @param checksumEnabled whether the shuffle checksum is enabled. When enabled, Spark will try to
 *                        diagnose the cause of the block corruption.
 * @param checksumAlgorithm the checksum algorithm that is used when calculating the checksum value
 *                         for the block data.
 * @param shuffleMetrics used to report shuffle metrics.
 * @param doBatchFetch fetch continuous shuffle blocks from same executor in batch if the server
 *                     side supports.
final class ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator(
    context: TaskContext,
    shuffleClient: BlockStoreClient,
    blockManager: BlockManager,
    mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker,
    blocksByAddress: Iterator[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)])],
    streamWrapper: (BlockId, InputStream) => InputStream,
    maxBytesInFlight: Long,
    maxReqsInFlight: Int,
    maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress: Int,
    val maxReqSizeShuffleToMem: Long,
    maxAttemptsOnNettyOOM: Int,
    detectCorrupt: Boolean,
    detectCorruptUseExtraMemory: Boolean,
    checksumEnabled: Boolean,
    checksumAlgorithm: String,
    shuffleMetrics: ShuffleReadMetricsReporter,
    doBatchFetch: Boolean)
  extends Iterator[(BlockId, InputStream)] with DownloadFileManager with Logging {

  import ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator._

  // Make remote requests at most maxBytesInFlight / 5 in length; the reason to keep them
  // smaller than maxBytesInFlight is to allow multiple, parallel fetches from up to 5
  // nodes, rather than blocking on reading output from one node.
  private val targetRemoteRequestSize = math.max(maxBytesInFlight / 5, 1L)

   * Total number of blocks to fetch.
  private[this] var numBlocksToFetch = 0

   * The number of blocks processed by the caller. The iterator is exhausted when
   * [[numBlocksProcessed]] == [[numBlocksToFetch]].
  private[this] var numBlocksProcessed = 0

  private[this] val startTimeNs = System.nanoTime()

  /** Host local blocks to fetch, excluding zero-sized blocks. */
  private[this] val hostLocalBlocks = scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[(BlockId, Int)]()

   * A queue to hold our results. This turns the asynchronous model provided by
   * [[]] into a synchronous model (iterator).
  private[this] val results = new LinkedBlockingQueue[FetchResult]

   * Current [[FetchResult]] being processed. We track this so we can release the current buffer
   * in case of a runtime exception when processing the current buffer.
  @volatile private[this] var currentResult: SuccessFetchResult = null

   * Queue of fetch requests to issue; we'll pull requests off this gradually to make sure that
   * the number of bytes in flight is limited to maxBytesInFlight.
  private[this] val fetchRequests = new Queue[FetchRequest]

   * Queue of fetch requests which could not be issued the first time they were dequeued. These
   * requests are tried again when the fetch constraints are satisfied.
  private[this] val deferredFetchRequests = new HashMap[BlockManagerId, Queue[FetchRequest]]()

  /** Current bytes in flight from our requests */
  private[this] var bytesInFlight = 0L

  /** Current number of requests in flight */
  private[this] var reqsInFlight = 0

  /** Current number of blocks in flight per host:port */
  private[this] val numBlocksInFlightPerAddress = new HashMap[BlockManagerId, Int]()

   * Count the retry times for the blocks due to Netty OOM. The block will stop retry if
   * retry times has exceeded the [[maxAttemptsOnNettyOOM]].
  private[this] val blockOOMRetryCounts = new HashMap[String, Int]

   * The blocks that can't be decompressed successfully, it is used to guarantee that we retry
   * at most once for those corrupted blocks.
  private[this] val corruptedBlocks = mutable.HashSet[BlockId]()

   * Whether the iterator is still active. If isZombie is true, the callback interface will no
   * longer place fetched blocks into [[results]].
  private[this] var isZombie = false

   * A set to store the files used for shuffling remote huge blocks. Files in this set will be
   * deleted when cleanup. This is a layer of defensiveness against disk file leaks.
  private[this] val shuffleFilesSet = mutable.HashSet[DownloadFile]()

  private[this] val onCompleteCallback = new ShuffleFetchCompletionListener(this)

  private[this] val pushBasedFetchHelper = new PushBasedFetchHelper(
    this, shuffleClient, blockManager, mapOutputTracker)


  // Decrements the buffer reference count.
  // The currentResult is set to null to prevent releasing the buffer again on cleanup()
  private[storage] def releaseCurrentResultBuffer(): Unit = {
    // Release the current buffer if necessary
    if (currentResult != null) {
    currentResult = null

  override def createTempFile(transportConf: TransportConf): DownloadFile = {
    // we never need to do any encryption or decryption here, regardless of configs, because that
    // is handled at another layer in the code.  When encryption is enabled, shuffle data is written
    // to disk encrypted in the first place, and sent over the network still encrypted.
    new SimpleDownloadFile(
      blockManager.diskBlockManager.createTempLocalBlock()._2, transportConf)

  override def registerTempFileToClean(file: DownloadFile): Boolean = synchronized {
    if (isZombie) {
    } else {
      shuffleFilesSet += file

   * Mark the iterator as zombie, and release all buffers that haven't been deserialized yet.
  private[storage] def cleanup(): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      isZombie = true
    // Release buffers in the results queue
    val iter = results.iterator()
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      val result =
      result match {
        case SuccessFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, address, _, buf, _) =>
          if (address != blockManager.blockManagerId) {
            if (hostLocalBlocks.contains(blockId -> mapIndex)) {
            } else {
              if (buf.isInstanceOf[FileSegmentManagedBuffer]) {
        case _ =>
    shuffleFilesSet.foreach { file =>
      if (!file.delete()) {
        logWarning("Failed to cleanup shuffle fetch temp file " + file.path())

  private[this] def sendRequest(req: FetchRequest): Unit = {
    logDebug("Sending request for %d blocks (%s) from %s".format(
      req.blocks.size, Utils.bytesToString(req.size), req.address.hostPort))
    bytesInFlight += req.size
    reqsInFlight += 1

    // so we can look up the block info of each blockID
    val infoMap = {
      case FetchBlockInfo(blockId, size, mapIndex) => (blockId.toString, (size, mapIndex))
    val remainingBlocks = new HashSet[String]() ++= infoMap.keys
    val deferredBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
    val blockIds =
    val address = req.address

    @inline def enqueueDeferredFetchRequestIfNecessary(): Unit = {
      if (remainingBlocks.isEmpty && deferredBlocks.nonEmpty) {
        val blocks = { blockId =>
          val (size, mapIndex) = infoMap(blockId)
          FetchBlockInfo(BlockId(blockId), size, mapIndex)
        results.put(DeferFetchRequestResult(FetchRequest(address, blocks.toSeq)))

    val blockFetchingListener = new BlockFetchingListener {
      override def onBlockFetchSuccess(blockId: String, buf: ManagedBuffer): Unit = {
        // Only add the buffer to results queue if the iterator is not zombie,
        // i.e. cleanup() has not been called yet.
        ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator.this.synchronized {
          if (!isZombie) {
            // Increment the ref count because we need to pass this to a different thread.
            // This needs to be released after use.
            remainingBlocks -= blockId
            results.put(new SuccessFetchResult(BlockId(blockId), infoMap(blockId)._2,
              address, infoMap(blockId)._1, buf, remainingBlocks.isEmpty))
            logDebug("remainingBlocks: " + remainingBlocks)
        logTrace(s"Got remote block $blockId after ${Utils.getUsedTimeNs(startTimeNs)}")

      override def onBlockFetchFailure(blockId: String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
        ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator.this.synchronized {
          logError(s"Failed to get block(s) from ${}:${req.address.port}", e)
          e match {
            // SPARK-27991: Catch the Netty OOM and set the flag `isNettyOOMOnShuffle` (shared among
            // tasks) to true as early as possible. The pending fetch requests won't be sent
            // afterwards until the flag is set to false on:
            // 1) the Netty free memory >= maxReqSizeShuffleToMem
            //    - we'll check this whenever there's a fetch request succeeds.
            // 2) the number of in-flight requests becomes 0
            //    - we'll check this in `fetchUpToMaxBytes` whenever it's invoked.
            // Although Netty memory is shared across multiple modules, e.g., shuffle, rpc, the flag
            // only takes effect for the shuffle due to the implementation simplicity concern.
            // And we'll buffer the consecutive block failures caused by the OOM error until there's
            // no remaining blocks in the current request. Then, we'll package these blocks into
            // a same fetch request for the retry later. In this way, instead of creating the fetch
            // request per block, it would help reduce the concurrent connections and data loads
            // pressure at remote server.
            // Note that catching OOM and do something based on it is only a workaround for
            // handling the Netty OOM issue, which is not the best way towards memory management.
            // We can get rid of it when we find a way to manage Netty's memory precisely.
            case _: OutOfDirectMemoryError
                if blockOOMRetryCounts.getOrElseUpdate(blockId, 0) < maxAttemptsOnNettyOOM =>
              if (!isZombie) {
                val failureTimes = blockOOMRetryCounts(blockId)
                blockOOMRetryCounts(blockId) += 1
                if (isNettyOOMOnShuffle.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                  // The fetcher can fail remaining blocks in batch for the same error. So we only
                  // log the warning once to avoid flooding the logs.
                  logInfo(s"Block $blockId has failed $failureTimes times " +
                    s"due to Netty OOM, will retry")
                remainingBlocks -= blockId
                deferredBlocks += blockId

            case _ =>
              val block = BlockId(blockId)
              if (block.isShuffleChunk) {
                remainingBlocks -= blockId
                  block, address, infoMap(blockId)._1, remainingBlocks.isEmpty))
              } else {
                results.put(FailureFetchResult(block, infoMap(blockId)._2, address, e))

    // Fetch remote shuffle blocks to disk when the request is too large. Since the shuffle data is
    // already encrypted and compressed over the wire(w.r.t. the related configs), we can just fetch
    // the data and write it to file directly.
    if (req.size > maxReqSizeShuffleToMem) {
      shuffleClient.fetchBlocks(, address.port, address.executorId, blockIds.toArray,
        blockFetchingListener, this)
    } else {
      shuffleClient.fetchBlocks(, address.port, address.executorId, blockIds.toArray,
        blockFetchingListener, null)

   * This is called from initialize and also from the fallback which is triggered from
   * [[PushBasedFetchHelper]].
  private[this] def partitionBlocksByFetchMode(
      blocksByAddress: Iterator[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)])],
      localBlocks: mutable.LinkedHashSet[(BlockId, Int)],
      hostLocalBlocksByExecutor: mutable.LinkedHashMap[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]],
      pushMergedLocalBlocks: mutable.LinkedHashSet[BlockId]): ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest] = {
    logDebug(s"maxBytesInFlight: $maxBytesInFlight, targetRemoteRequestSize: "
      + s"$targetRemoteRequestSize, maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress: $maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress")

    // Partition to local, host-local, push-merged-local, remote (includes push-merged-remote)
    // blocks.Remote blocks are further split into FetchRequests of size at most maxBytesInFlight
    // in order to limit the amount of data in flight
    val collectedRemoteRequests = new ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest]
    var localBlockBytes = 0L
    var hostLocalBlockBytes = 0L
    var numHostLocalBlocks = 0
    var pushMergedLocalBlockBytes = 0L
    val prevNumBlocksToFetch = numBlocksToFetch

    val fallback = FallbackStorage.FALLBACK_BLOCK_MANAGER_ID.executorId
    val localExecIds = Set(blockManager.blockManagerId.executorId, fallback)
    for ((address, blockInfos) <- blocksByAddress) {
      if (pushBasedFetchHelper.isPushMergedShuffleBlockAddress(address)) {
        // These are push-merged blocks or shuffle chunks of these blocks.
        if ( == {
          numBlocksToFetch += blockInfos.size
          pushMergedLocalBlocks ++=
          pushMergedLocalBlockBytes +=
        } else {
          collectFetchRequests(address, blockInfos, collectedRemoteRequests)
      } else if (localExecIds.contains(address.executorId)) {
        val mergedBlockInfos = mergeContinuousShuffleBlockIdsIfNeeded(
 => FetchBlockInfo(info._1, info._2, info._3)), doBatchFetch)
        numBlocksToFetch += mergedBlockInfos.size
        localBlocks ++= => (info.blockId, info.mapIndex))
        localBlockBytes +=
      } else if (blockManager.hostLocalDirManager.isDefined && == {
        val mergedBlockInfos = mergeContinuousShuffleBlockIdsIfNeeded(
 => FetchBlockInfo(info._1, info._2, info._3)), doBatchFetch)
        numBlocksToFetch += mergedBlockInfos.size
        val blocksForAddress =
 => (info.blockId, info.size, info.mapIndex))
        hostLocalBlocksByExecutor += address -> blocksForAddress
        numHostLocalBlocks += blocksForAddress.size
        hostLocalBlockBytes +=
      } else {
        val (_, timeCost) = Utils.timeTakenMs[Unit] {
          collectFetchRequests(address, blockInfos, collectedRemoteRequests)
        logDebug(s"Collected remote fetch requests for $address in $timeCost ms")
    val (remoteBlockBytes, numRemoteBlocks) =
      collectedRemoteRequests.foldLeft((0L, 0))((x, y) => (x._1 + y.size, x._2 + y.blocks.size))
    val totalBytes = localBlockBytes + remoteBlockBytes + hostLocalBlockBytes +
    val blocksToFetchCurrentIteration = numBlocksToFetch - prevNumBlocksToFetch
    assert(blocksToFetchCurrentIteration == localBlocks.size +
      numHostLocalBlocks + numRemoteBlocks + pushMergedLocalBlocks.size,
        s"The number of non-empty blocks $blocksToFetchCurrentIteration doesn't equal to the sum " +
        s"of the number of local blocks ${localBlocks.size} + " +
        s"the number of host-local blocks ${numHostLocalBlocks} " +
        s"the number of push-merged-local blocks ${pushMergedLocalBlocks.size} " +
        s"+ the number of remote blocks ${numRemoteBlocks} ")
    logInfo(s"Getting $blocksToFetchCurrentIteration " +
      s"(${Utils.bytesToString(totalBytes)}) non-empty blocks including " +
      s"${localBlocks.size} (${Utils.bytesToString(localBlockBytes)}) local and " +
      s"${numHostLocalBlocks} (${Utils.bytesToString(hostLocalBlockBytes)}) " +
      s"host-local and ${pushMergedLocalBlocks.size} " +
      s"(${Utils.bytesToString(pushMergedLocalBlockBytes)}) " +
      s"push-merged-local and $numRemoteBlocks (${Utils.bytesToString(remoteBlockBytes)}) " +
      s"remote blocks")
    this.hostLocalBlocks ++= hostLocalBlocksByExecutor.values
      .flatMap { infos => => (info._1, info._3)) }

  private def createFetchRequest(
      blocks: Seq[FetchBlockInfo],
      address: BlockManagerId,
      forMergedMetas: Boolean): FetchRequest = {
    logDebug(s"Creating fetch request of ${} at $address "
      + s"with ${blocks.size} blocks")
    FetchRequest(address, blocks, forMergedMetas)

  private def createFetchRequests(
      curBlocks: Seq[FetchBlockInfo],
      address: BlockManagerId,
      isLast: Boolean,
      collectedRemoteRequests: ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest],
      enableBatchFetch: Boolean,
      forMergedMetas: Boolean = false): ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo] = {
    val mergedBlocks = mergeContinuousShuffleBlockIdsIfNeeded(curBlocks, enableBatchFetch)
    numBlocksToFetch += mergedBlocks.size
    val retBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo]
    if (mergedBlocks.length <= maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress) {
      collectedRemoteRequests += createFetchRequest(mergedBlocks, address, forMergedMetas)
    } else {
      mergedBlocks.grouped(maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress).foreach { blocks =>
        if (blocks.length == maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress || isLast) {
          collectedRemoteRequests += createFetchRequest(blocks, address, forMergedMetas)
        } else {
          // The last group does not exceed `maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress`. Put it back
          // to `curBlocks`.
          retBlocks ++= blocks
          numBlocksToFetch -= blocks.size

  private def collectFetchRequests(
      address: BlockManagerId,
      blockInfos: Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)],
      collectedRemoteRequests: ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest]): Unit = {
    val iterator = blockInfos.iterator
    var curRequestSize = 0L
    var curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo]()

    while (iterator.hasNext) {
      val (blockId, size, mapIndex) =
      curBlocks += FetchBlockInfo(blockId, size, mapIndex)
      curRequestSize += size
      blockId match {
        // Either all blocks are push-merged blocks, shuffle chunks, or original blocks.
        // Based on these types, we decide to do batch fetch and create FetchRequests with
        // forMergedMetas set.
        case ShuffleBlockChunkId(_, _, _, _) =>
          if (curRequestSize >= targetRemoteRequestSize ||
            curBlocks.size >= maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress) {
            curBlocks = createFetchRequests(curBlocks.toSeq, address, isLast = false,
              collectedRemoteRequests, enableBatchFetch = false)
            curRequestSize =
        case ShuffleMergedBlockId(_, _, _) =>
          if (curBlocks.size >= maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress) {
            curBlocks = createFetchRequests(curBlocks.toSeq, address, isLast = false,
              collectedRemoteRequests, enableBatchFetch = false, forMergedMetas = true)
        case _ =>
          // For batch fetch, the actual block in flight should count for merged block.
          val mayExceedsMaxBlocks = !doBatchFetch && curBlocks.size >= maxBlocksInFlightPerAddress
          if (curRequestSize >= targetRemoteRequestSize || mayExceedsMaxBlocks) {
            curBlocks = createFetchRequests(curBlocks.toSeq, address, isLast = false,
              collectedRemoteRequests, doBatchFetch)
            curRequestSize =
    // Add in the final request
    if (curBlocks.nonEmpty) {
      val (enableBatchFetch, forMergedMetas) = {
        curBlocks.head.blockId match {
          case ShuffleBlockChunkId(_, _, _, _) => (false, false)
          case ShuffleMergedBlockId(_, _, _) => (false, true)
          case _ => (doBatchFetch, false)
      createFetchRequests(curBlocks.toSeq, address, isLast = true, collectedRemoteRequests,
        enableBatchFetch = enableBatchFetch, forMergedMetas = forMergedMetas)

  private def assertPositiveBlockSize(blockId: BlockId, blockSize: Long): Unit = {
    if (blockSize < 0) {
      throw BlockException(blockId, "Negative block size " + size)
    } else if (blockSize == 0) {
      throw BlockException(blockId, "Zero-sized blocks should be excluded.")

  private def checkBlockSizes(blockInfos: Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]): Unit = {
    blockInfos.foreach { case (blockId, size, _) => assertPositiveBlockSize(blockId, size) }

   * Fetch the local blocks while we are fetching remote blocks. This is ok because
   * `ManagedBuffer`'s memory is allocated lazily when we create the input stream, so all we
   * track in-memory are the ManagedBuffer references themselves.
  private[this] def fetchLocalBlocks(
      localBlocks: mutable.LinkedHashSet[(BlockId, Int)]): Unit = {
    logDebug(s"Start fetching local blocks: ${localBlocks.mkString(", ")}")
    val iter = localBlocks.iterator
    while (iter.hasNext) {
      val (blockId, mapIndex) =
      try {
        val buf = blockManager.getLocalBlockData(blockId)
        results.put(new SuccessFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, blockManager.blockManagerId,
          buf.size(), buf, false))
      } catch {
        // If we see an exception, stop immediately.
        case e: Exception =>
          e match {
            // ClosedByInterruptException is an excepted exception when kill task,
            // don't log the exception stack trace to avoid confusing users.
            // See: SPARK-28340
            case ce: ClosedByInterruptException =>
              logError("Error occurred while fetching local blocks, " + ce.getMessage)
            case ex: Exception => logError("Error occurred while fetching local blocks", ex)
          results.put(new FailureFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, blockManager.blockManagerId, e))

  private[this] def fetchHostLocalBlock(
      blockId: BlockId,
      mapIndex: Int,
      localDirs: Array[String],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = {
    try {
      val buf = blockManager.getHostLocalShuffleData(blockId, localDirs)
      results.put(SuccessFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, blockManagerId, buf.size(), buf,
        isNetworkReqDone = false))
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        // If we see an exception, stop immediately.
        logError(s"Error occurred while fetching local blocks", e)
        results.put(FailureFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, blockManagerId, e))

   * Fetch the host-local blocks while we are fetching remote blocks. This is ok because
   * `ManagedBuffer`'s memory is allocated lazily when we create the input stream, so all we
   * track in-memory are the ManagedBuffer references themselves.
  private[this] def fetchHostLocalBlocks(
      hostLocalDirManager: HostLocalDirManager,
      hostLocalBlocksByExecutor: mutable.LinkedHashMap[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]]):
    Unit = {
    val cachedDirsByExec = hostLocalDirManager.getCachedHostLocalDirs
    val (hostLocalBlocksWithCachedDirs, hostLocalBlocksWithMissingDirs) = {
      val (hasCache, noCache) = hostLocalBlocksByExecutor.partition { case (hostLocalBmId, _) =>
      (hasCache.toMap, noCache.toMap)

    if (hostLocalBlocksWithMissingDirs.nonEmpty) {
      logDebug(s"Asynchronous fetching host-local blocks without cached executors' dir: " +
        s"${hostLocalBlocksWithMissingDirs.mkString(", ")}")

      // If the external shuffle service is enabled, we'll fetch the local directories for
      // multiple executors from the external shuffle service, which located at the same host
      // with the executors, in once. Otherwise, we'll fetch the local directories from those
      // executors directly one by one. The fetch requests won't be too much since one host is
      // almost impossible to have many executors at the same time practically.
      val dirFetchRequests = if (blockManager.externalShuffleServiceEnabled) {
        val host =
        val port = blockManager.externalShuffleServicePort
        Seq((host, port, hostLocalBlocksWithMissingDirs.keys.toArray))
      } else { => (, bmId.port, Array(bmId))).toSeq

      dirFetchRequests.foreach { case (host, port, bmIds) =>
        hostLocalDirManager.getHostLocalDirs(host, port, {
          case Success(dirsByExecId) =>
              cached = false)

          case Failure(throwable) =>
            logError("Error occurred while fetching host local blocks", throwable)
            val bmId = bmIds.head
            val blockInfoSeq = hostLocalBlocksWithMissingDirs(bmId)
            val (blockId, _, mapIndex) = blockInfoSeq.head
            results.put(FailureFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, bmId, throwable))

    if (hostLocalBlocksWithCachedDirs.nonEmpty) {
      logDebug(s"Synchronous fetching host-local blocks with cached executors' dir: " +
          s"${hostLocalBlocksWithCachedDirs.mkString(", ")}")
      fetchMultipleHostLocalBlocks(hostLocalBlocksWithCachedDirs, cachedDirsByExec, cached = true)

  private def fetchMultipleHostLocalBlocks(
      bmIdToBlocks: Map[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]],
      localDirsByExecId: Map[String, Array[String]],
      cached: Boolean): Unit = {
    // We use `forall` because once there's a failed block fetch, `fetchHostLocalBlock` will put
    // a `FailureFetchResult` immediately to the `results`. So there's no reason to fetch the
    // remaining blocks.
    val allFetchSucceeded = bmIdToBlocks.forall { case (bmId, blockInfos) =>
      blockInfos.forall { case (blockId, _, mapIndex) =>
        fetchHostLocalBlock(blockId, mapIndex, localDirsByExecId(bmId.executorId), bmId)
    if (allFetchSucceeded) {
      logDebug(s"Got host-local blocks from ${bmIdToBlocks.keys.mkString(", ")} " +
        s"(${if (cached) "with" else "without"} cached executors' dir) " +
        s"in ${Utils.getUsedTimeNs(startTimeNs)}")

  private[this] def initialize(): Unit = {
    // Add a task completion callback (called in both success case and failure case) to cleanup.
    // Local blocks to fetch, excluding zero-sized blocks.
    val localBlocks = mutable.LinkedHashSet[(BlockId, Int)]()
    val hostLocalBlocksByExecutor =
      mutable.LinkedHashMap[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]]()
    val pushMergedLocalBlocks = mutable.LinkedHashSet[BlockId]()
    // Partition blocks by the different fetch modes: local, host-local, push-merged-local and
    // remote blocks.
    val remoteRequests = partitionBlocksByFetchMode(
      blocksByAddress, localBlocks, hostLocalBlocksByExecutor, pushMergedLocalBlocks)
    // Add the remote requests into our queue in a random order
    fetchRequests ++= Utils.randomize(remoteRequests)
    assert ((0 == reqsInFlight) == (0 == bytesInFlight),
      "expected reqsInFlight = 0 but found reqsInFlight = " + reqsInFlight +
      ", expected bytesInFlight = 0 but found bytesInFlight = " + bytesInFlight)

    // Send out initial requests for blocks, up to our maxBytesInFlight

    val numDeferredRequest =
    val numFetches = remoteRequests.size - fetchRequests.size - numDeferredRequest
    logInfo(s"Started $numFetches remote fetches in ${Utils.getUsedTimeNs(startTimeNs)}" +
      (if (numDeferredRequest > 0 ) s", deferred $numDeferredRequest requests" else ""))

    // Get Local Blocks
    logDebug(s"Got local blocks in ${Utils.getUsedTimeNs(startTimeNs)}")
    // Get host local blocks if any

  private def fetchAllHostLocalBlocks(
      hostLocalBlocksByExecutor: mutable.LinkedHashMap[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]]):
    Unit = {
    if (hostLocalBlocksByExecutor.nonEmpty) {
      blockManager.hostLocalDirManager.foreach(fetchHostLocalBlocks(_, hostLocalBlocksByExecutor))

  override def hasNext: Boolean = numBlocksProcessed < numBlocksToFetch

   * Fetches the next (BlockId, InputStream). If a task fails, the ManagedBuffers
   * underlying each InputStream will be freed by the cleanup() method registered with the
   * TaskCompletionListener. However, callers should close() these InputStreams
   * as soon as they are no longer needed, in order to release memory as early as possible.
   * Throws a FetchFailedException if the next block could not be fetched.
  override def next(): (BlockId, InputStream) = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw SparkCoreErrors.noSuchElementError()

    numBlocksProcessed += 1

    var result: FetchResult = null
    var input: InputStream = null
    // This's only initialized when shuffle checksum is enabled.
    var checkedIn: CheckedInputStream = null
    var streamCompressedOrEncrypted: Boolean = false
    // Take the next fetched result and try to decompress it to detect data corruption,
    // then fetch it one more time if it's corrupt, throw FailureFetchResult if the second fetch
    // is also corrupt, so the previous stage could be retried.
    // For local shuffle block, throw FailureFetchResult for the first IOException.
    while (result == null) {
      val startFetchWait = System.nanoTime()
      result = results.take()
      val fetchWaitTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startFetchWait)

      result match {
        case r @ SuccessFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, address, size, buf, isNetworkReqDone) =>
          if (address != blockManager.blockManagerId) {
            if (hostLocalBlocks.contains(blockId -> mapIndex) ||
              pushBasedFetchHelper.isLocalPushMergedBlockAddress(address)) {
              // It is a host local block or a local shuffle chunk
            } else {
              numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(address) -= 1
              if (buf.isInstanceOf[FileSegmentManagedBuffer]) {
              bytesInFlight -= size
          if (isNetworkReqDone) {
            reqsInFlight -= 1
            logDebug("Number of requests in flight " + reqsInFlight)

          if (buf.size == 0) {
            // We will never legitimately receive a zero-size block. All blocks with zero records
            // have zero size and all zero-size blocks have no records (and hence should never
            // have been requested in the first place). This statement relies on behaviors of the
            // shuffle writers, which are guaranteed by the following test cases:
            // - BypassMergeSortShuffleWriterSuite: "write with some empty partitions"
            // - UnsafeShuffleWriterSuite: "writeEmptyIterator"
            // - DiskBlockObjectWriterSuite: "commit() and close() without ever opening or writing"
            // There is not an explicit test for SortShuffleWriter but the underlying APIs that
            // uses are shared by the UnsafeShuffleWriter (both writers use DiskBlockObjectWriter
            // which returns a zero-size from commitAndGet() in case no records were written
            // since the last call.
            val msg = s"Received a zero-size buffer for block $blockId from $address " +
              s"(expectedApproxSize = $size, isNetworkReqDone=$isNetworkReqDone)"
            throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, new IOException(msg))

          val in = try {
            val bufIn = buf.createInputStream()
            if (checksumEnabled) {
              val checksum = ShuffleChecksumHelper.getChecksumByAlgorithm(checksumAlgorithm)
              checkedIn = new CheckedInputStream(bufIn, checksum)
            } else {
          } catch {
            // The exception could only be throwed by local shuffle block
            case e: IOException =>
              e match {
                case ce: ClosedByInterruptException =>
                  logError("Failed to create input stream from local block, " +
                case e: IOException => logError("Failed to create input stream from local block", e)
              if (blockId.isShuffleChunk) {
                pushBasedFetchHelper.initiateFallbackFetchForPushMergedBlock(blockId, address)
                // Set result to null to trigger another iteration of the while loop to get either.
                result = null
              } else {
                throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, e)
          if (in != null) {
            try {
              input = streamWrapper(blockId, in)
              // If the stream is compressed or wrapped, then we optionally decompress/unwrap the
              // first maxBytesInFlight/3 bytes into memory, to check for corruption in that portion
              // of the data. But even if 'detectCorruptUseExtraMemory' configuration is off, or if
              // the corruption is later, we'll still detect the corruption later in the stream.
              streamCompressedOrEncrypted = !input.eq(in)
              if (streamCompressedOrEncrypted && detectCorruptUseExtraMemory) {
                // TODO: manage the memory used here, and spill it into disk in case of OOM.
                input = Utils.copyStreamUpTo(input, maxBytesInFlight / 3)
            } catch {
              case e: IOException =>
                // When shuffle checksum is enabled, for a block that is corrupted twice,
                // we'd calculate the checksum of the block by consuming the remaining data
                // in the buf. So, we should release the buf later.
                if (!(checksumEnabled && corruptedBlocks.contains(blockId))) {

                if (blockId.isShuffleChunk) {
                  // TODO (SPARK-36284): Add shuffle checksum support for push-based shuffle
                  // Retrying a corrupt block may result again in a corrupt block. For shuffle
                  // chunks, we opt to fallback on the original shuffle blocks that belong to that
                  // corrupt shuffle chunk immediately instead of retrying to fetch the corrupt
                  // chunk. This also makes the code simpler because the chunkMeta corresponding to
                  // a shuffle chunk is always removed from chunksMetaMap whenever a shuffle chunk
                  // gets processed. If we try to re-fetch a corrupt shuffle chunk, then it has to
                  // be added back to the chunksMetaMap.
                  pushBasedFetchHelper.initiateFallbackFetchForPushMergedBlock(blockId, address)
                  // Set result to null to trigger another iteration of the while loop.
                  result = null
                } else if (buf.isInstanceOf[FileSegmentManagedBuffer]) {
                  throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, e)
                } else if (corruptedBlocks.contains(blockId)) {
                  // It's the second time this block is detected corrupted
                  if (checksumEnabled) {
                    // Diagnose the cause of data corruption if shuffle checksum is enabled
                    val diagnosisResponse = diagnoseCorruption(checkedIn, address, blockId)
                      blockId, mapIndex, address, e, Some(diagnosisResponse))
                  } else {
                    throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, e)
                } else {
                  // It's the first time this block is detected corrupted
                  logWarning(s"got an corrupted block $blockId from $address, fetch again", e)
                  corruptedBlocks += blockId
                  fetchRequests += FetchRequest(
                    address, Array(FetchBlockInfo(blockId, size, mapIndex)))
                  result = null
            } finally {
              if (blockId.isShuffleChunk) {
              // TODO: release the buf here to free memory earlier
              if (input == null) {
                // Close the underlying stream if there was an issue in wrapping the stream using
                // streamWrapper

        case FailureFetchResult(blockId, mapIndex, address, e) =>
          var errorMsg: String = null
          if (e.isInstanceOf[OutOfDirectMemoryError]) {
            errorMsg = s"Block $blockId fetch failed after $maxAttemptsOnNettyOOM " +
              s"retries due to Netty OOM"
          throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, e, Some(errorMsg))

        case DeferFetchRequestResult(request) =>
          val address = request.address
          numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(address) -= request.blocks.size
          bytesInFlight -= request.size
          reqsInFlight -= 1
          logDebug("Number of requests in flight " + reqsInFlight)
          val defReqQueue =
            deferredFetchRequests.getOrElseUpdate(address, new Queue[FetchRequest]())
          result = null

        case FallbackOnPushMergedFailureResult(blockId, address, size, isNetworkReqDone) =>
          // We get this result in 3 cases:
          // 1. Failure to fetch the data of a remote shuffle chunk. In this case, the
          //    blockId is a ShuffleBlockChunkId.
          // 2. Failure to read the push-merged-local meta. In this case, the blockId is
          //    ShuffleBlockId.
          // 3. Failure to get the push-merged-local directories from the external shuffle service.
          //    In this case, the blockId is ShuffleBlockId.
          if (pushBasedFetchHelper.isRemotePushMergedBlockAddress(address)) {
            numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(address) -= 1
            bytesInFlight -= size
          if (isNetworkReqDone) {
            reqsInFlight -= 1
            logDebug("Number of requests in flight " + reqsInFlight)
          pushBasedFetchHelper.initiateFallbackFetchForPushMergedBlock(blockId, address)
          // Set result to null to trigger another iteration of the while loop to get either
          // a SuccessFetchResult or a FailureFetchResult.
          result = null

          case PushMergedLocalMetaFetchResult(
            shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId, bitmaps, localDirs) =>
            // Fetch push-merged-local shuffle block data as multiple shuffle chunks
            val shuffleBlockId = ShuffleMergedBlockId(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId)
            try {
              val bufs: Seq[ManagedBuffer] = blockManager.getLocalMergedBlockData(shuffleBlockId,
              // Since the request for local block meta completed successfully, numBlocksToFetch
              // is decremented.
              numBlocksToFetch -= 1
              // Update total number of blocks to fetch, reflecting the multiple local shuffle
              // chunks.
              numBlocksToFetch += bufs.size
              bufs.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (buf, chunkId) =>
                val shuffleChunkId = ShuffleBlockChunkId(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId,
                pushBasedFetchHelper.addChunk(shuffleChunkId, bitmaps(chunkId))
                results.put(SuccessFetchResult(shuffleChunkId, SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID,
                  pushBasedFetchHelper.localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId, buf.size(), buf,
                  isNetworkReqDone = false))
            } catch {
              case e: Exception =>
                // If we see an exception with reading push-merged-local index file, we fallback
                // to fetch the original blocks. We do not report block fetch failure
                // and will continue with the remaining local block read.
                logWarning(s"Error occurred while reading push-merged-local index, " +
                  s"prepare to fetch the original blocks", e)
                  shuffleBlockId, pushBasedFetchHelper.localShuffleMergerBlockMgrId)
            result = null

        case PushMergedRemoteMetaFetchResult(
          shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId, blockSize, bitmaps, address) =>
          // The original meta request is processed so we decrease numBlocksToFetch and
          // numBlocksInFlightPerAddress by 1. We will collect new shuffle chunks request and the
          // count of this is added to numBlocksToFetch in collectFetchReqsFromMergedBlocks.
          numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(address) -= 1
          numBlocksToFetch -= 1
          val blocksToFetch = pushBasedFetchHelper.createChunkBlockInfosFromMetaResponse(
            shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId, blockSize, bitmaps)
          val additionalRemoteReqs = new ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest]
          collectFetchRequests(address, blocksToFetch.toSeq, additionalRemoteReqs)
          fetchRequests ++= additionalRemoteReqs
          // Set result to null to force another iteration.
          result = null

        case PushMergedRemoteMetaFailedFetchResult(
          shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId, address) =>
          // The original meta request failed so we decrease numBlocksInFlightPerAddress by 1.
          numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(address) -= 1
          // If we fail to fetch the meta of a push-merged block, we fall back to fetching the
          // original blocks.
            ShuffleMergedBlockId(shuffleId, shuffleMergeId, reduceId), address)
          // Set result to null to force another iteration.
          result = null

      // Send fetch requests up to maxBytesInFlight

    currentResult = result.asInstanceOf[SuccessFetchResult]
      new BufferReleasingInputStream(
        detectCorrupt && streamCompressedOrEncrypted,

   * Get the suspect corruption cause for the corrupted block. It should be only invoked
   * when checksum is enabled and corruption was detected at least once.
   * This will firstly consume the rest of stream of the corrupted block to calculate the
   * checksum of the block. Then, it will raise a synchronized RPC call along with the
   * checksum to ask the server(where the corrupted block is fetched from) to diagnose the
   * cause of corruption and return it.
   * Any exception raised during the process will result in the [[Cause.UNKNOWN_ISSUE]] of the
   * corruption cause since corruption diagnosis is only a best effort.
   * @param checkedIn the [[CheckedInputStream]] which is used to calculate the checksum.
   * @param address the address where the corrupted block is fetched from.
   * @param blockId the blockId of the corrupted block.
   * @return The corruption diagnosis response for different causes.
  private[storage] def diagnoseCorruption(
      checkedIn: CheckedInputStream,
      address: BlockManagerId,
      blockId: BlockId): String = {
    logInfo("Start corruption diagnosis.")
    blockId match {
      case shuffleBlock: ShuffleBlockId =>
        val startTimeNs = System.nanoTime()
        val buffer = new Array[Byte](ShuffleChecksumHelper.CHECKSUM_CALCULATION_BUFFER)
        // consume the remaining data to calculate the checksum
        var cause: Cause = null
        try {
          while ( != -1) {}
          val checksum = checkedIn.getChecksum.getValue
          cause = shuffleClient.diagnoseCorruption(, address.port, address.executorId,
            shuffleBlock.shuffleId, shuffleBlock.mapId, shuffleBlock.reduceId, checksum,
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            logWarning("Unable to diagnose the corruption cause of the corrupted block", e)
            cause = Cause.UNKNOWN_ISSUE
        val duration = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTimeNs)
        val diagnosisResponse = cause match {
            s"Block $blockId is corrupted but corruption diagnosis failed due to " +
              s"unsupported checksum algorithm: $checksumAlgorithm"

          case Cause.CHECKSUM_VERIFY_PASS =>
            s"Block $blockId is corrupted but checksum verification passed"

          case Cause.UNKNOWN_ISSUE =>
            s"Block $blockId is corrupted but the cause is unknown"

          case otherCause =>
            s"Block $blockId is corrupted due to $otherCause"
        logInfo(s"Finished corruption diagnosis in $duration ms. $diagnosisResponse")
      case shuffleBlockChunk: ShuffleBlockChunkId =>
        // TODO SPARK-36284 Add shuffle checksum support for push-based shuffle
        val diagnosisResponse = s"BlockChunk $shuffleBlockChunk is corrupted but corruption " +
          s"diagnosis is skipped due to lack of shuffle checksum support for push-based shuffle."
      case unexpected: BlockId =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected type of BlockId, $unexpected")

  def toCompletionIterator: Iterator[(BlockId, InputStream)] = {
    CompletionIterator[(BlockId, InputStream), this.type](this,

  private def fetchUpToMaxBytes(): Unit = {
    if (isNettyOOMOnShuffle.get()) {
      if (reqsInFlight > 0) {
        // Return immediately if Netty is still OOMed and there're ongoing fetch requests
      } else {

    // Send fetch requests up to maxBytesInFlight. If you cannot fetch from a remote host
    // immediately, defer the request until the next time it can be processed.

    // Process any outstanding deferred fetch requests if possible.
    if (deferredFetchRequests.nonEmpty) {
      for ((remoteAddress, defReqQueue) <- deferredFetchRequests) {
        while (isRemoteBlockFetchable(defReqQueue) &&
            !isRemoteAddressMaxedOut(remoteAddress, defReqQueue.front)) {
          val request = defReqQueue.dequeue()
          logDebug(s"Processing deferred fetch request for $remoteAddress with "
            + s"${request.blocks.length} blocks")
          send(remoteAddress, request)
          if (defReqQueue.isEmpty) {
            deferredFetchRequests -= remoteAddress

    // Process any regular fetch requests if possible.
    while (isRemoteBlockFetchable(fetchRequests)) {
      val request = fetchRequests.dequeue()
      val remoteAddress = request.address
      if (isRemoteAddressMaxedOut(remoteAddress, request)) {
        logDebug(s"Deferring fetch request for $remoteAddress with ${request.blocks.size} blocks")
        val defReqQueue = deferredFetchRequests.getOrElse(remoteAddress, new Queue[FetchRequest]())
        deferredFetchRequests(remoteAddress) = defReqQueue
      } else {
        send(remoteAddress, request)

    def send(remoteAddress: BlockManagerId, request: FetchRequest): Unit = {
      if (request.forMergedMetas) {
      } else {
      numBlocksInFlightPerAddress(remoteAddress) =
        numBlocksInFlightPerAddress.getOrElse(remoteAddress, 0) + request.blocks.size

    def isRemoteBlockFetchable(fetchReqQueue: Queue[FetchRequest]): Boolean = {
      fetchReqQueue.nonEmpty &&
        (bytesInFlight == 0 ||
          (reqsInFlight + 1 <= maxReqsInFlight &&
            bytesInFlight + fetchReqQueue.front.size <= maxBytesInFlight))

    // Checks if sending a new fetch request will exceed the max no. of blocks being fetched from a
    // given remote address.
    def isRemoteAddressMaxedOut(remoteAddress: BlockManagerId, request: FetchRequest): Boolean = {
      numBlocksInFlightPerAddress.getOrElse(remoteAddress, 0) + request.blocks.size >

  private[storage] def throwFetchFailedException(
      blockId: BlockId,
      mapIndex: Int,
      address: BlockManagerId,
      e: Throwable,
      message: Option[String] = None) = {
    val msg = message.getOrElse(e.getMessage)
    blockId match {
      case ShuffleBlockId(shufId, mapId, reduceId) =>
        throw SparkCoreErrors.fetchFailedError(address, shufId, mapId, mapIndex, reduceId, msg, e)
      case ShuffleBlockBatchId(shuffleId, mapId, startReduceId, _) =>
        throw SparkCoreErrors.fetchFailedError(address, shuffleId, mapId, mapIndex, startReduceId,
          msg, e)
      case ShuffleBlockChunkId(shuffleId, _, reduceId, _) =>
        throw SparkCoreErrors.fetchFailedError(address, shuffleId,
          SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID.toLong, SHUFFLE_PUSH_MAP_ID, reduceId, msg, e)
      case _ => throw SparkCoreErrors.failToGetNonShuffleBlockError(blockId, e)

   * All the below methods are used by [[PushBasedFetchHelper]] to communicate with the iterator
  private[storage] def addToResultsQueue(result: FetchResult): Unit = {

  private[storage] def decreaseNumBlocksToFetch(blocksFetched: Int): Unit = {
    numBlocksToFetch -= blocksFetched

   * Currently used by [[PushBasedFetchHelper]] to fetch fallback blocks when there is a fetch
   * failure related to a push-merged block or shuffle chunk.
   * This is executed by the task thread when the `` is invoked and if that initiates
   * fallback.
  private[storage] def fallbackFetch(
      originalBlocksByAddr: Iterator[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)])]): Unit = {
    val originalLocalBlocks = mutable.LinkedHashSet[(BlockId, Int)]()
    val originalHostLocalBlocksByExecutor =
      mutable.LinkedHashMap[BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long, Int)]]()
    val originalMergedLocalBlocks = mutable.LinkedHashSet[BlockId]()
    val originalRemoteReqs = partitionBlocksByFetchMode(originalBlocksByAddr,
      originalLocalBlocks, originalHostLocalBlocksByExecutor, originalMergedLocalBlocks)
    // Add the remote requests into our queue in a random order
    fetchRequests ++= Utils.randomize(originalRemoteReqs)
    logInfo(s"Created ${originalRemoteReqs.size} fallback remote requests for push-merged")
    // fetch all the fallback blocks that are local.
    // Merged local blocks should be empty during fallback
      "There should be zero push-merged blocks during fallback")
    // Some of the fallback local blocks could be host local blocks

   * Removes all the pending shuffle chunks that are on the same host and have the same reduceId as
   * the current chunk that had a fetch failure.
   * This is executed by the task thread when the `` is invoked and if that initiates
   * fallback.
   * @return set of all the removed shuffle chunk Ids.
  private[storage] def removePendingChunks(
      failedBlockId: ShuffleBlockChunkId,
      address: BlockManagerId): mutable.HashSet[ShuffleBlockChunkId] = {
    val removedChunkIds = new mutable.HashSet[ShuffleBlockChunkId]()

    def sameShuffleReducePartition(block: BlockId): Boolean = {
      val chunkId = block.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockChunkId]
      chunkId.shuffleId == failedBlockId.shuffleId && chunkId.reduceId == failedBlockId.reduceId

    def filterRequests(queue: mutable.Queue[FetchRequest]): Unit = {
      val fetchRequestsToRemove = new mutable.Queue[FetchRequest]()
      fetchRequestsToRemove ++= queue.dequeueAll { req =>
        val firstBlock = req.blocks.head
        firstBlock.blockId.isShuffleChunk && req.address.equals(address) &&
      fetchRequestsToRemove.foreach { _ =>
        removedChunkIds ++=

    deferredFetchRequests.get(address).foreach { defRequests =>
      if (defRequests.isEmpty) deferredFetchRequests.remove(address)

 * Helper class that ensures a ManagedBuffer is released upon InputStream.close() and
 * also detects stream corruption if streamCompressedOrEncrypted is true
private class BufferReleasingInputStream(
    // This is visible for testing
    private[storage] val delegate: InputStream,
    private val iterator: ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator,
    private val blockId: BlockId,
    private val mapIndex: Int,
    private val address: BlockManagerId,
    private val detectCorruption: Boolean,
    private val isNetworkReqDone: Boolean,
    private val checkedInOpt: Option[CheckedInputStream])
  extends InputStream {
  private[this] var closed = false

  override def read(): Int =

  override def close(): Unit = {
    if (!closed) {
      try {
      } finally {
        // Unset the flag when a remote request finished and free memory is fairly enough.
        if (isNetworkReqDone) {
        closed = true

  override def available(): Int = delegate.available()

  override def mark(readlimit: Int): Unit = delegate.mark(readlimit)

  override def skip(n: Long): Long =

  override def markSupported(): Boolean = delegate.markSupported()

  override def read(b: Array[Byte]): Int =

  override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int =
    tryOrFetchFailedException(, off, len))

  override def reset(): Unit = delegate.reset()

   * Execute a block of code that returns a value, close this stream quietly and re-throwing
   * IOException as FetchFailedException when detectCorruption is true. This method is only
   * used by the `read` and `skip` methods inside `BufferReleasingInputStream` currently.
  private def tryOrFetchFailedException[T](block: => T): T = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: IOException if detectCorruption =>
        val diagnosisResponse = { checkedIn =>
          iterator.diagnoseCorruption(checkedIn, address, blockId)
        // We'd never retry the block whatever the cause is since the block has been
        // partially consumed by downstream RDDs.
        iterator.throwFetchFailedException(blockId, mapIndex, address, e, diagnosisResponse)

 * A listener to be called at the completion of the ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator
 * @param data the ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator to process
private class ShuffleFetchCompletionListener(var data: ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator)
  extends TaskCompletionListener {

  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    if (data != null) {
      // Null out the referent here to make sure we don't keep a reference to this
      // ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator, after we're done reading from it, to let it be
      // collected during GC. Otherwise we can hold metadata on block locations(blocksByAddress)
      data = null

  // Just an alias for onTaskCompletion to avoid confusing
  def onComplete(context: TaskContext): Unit = this.onTaskCompletion(context)

object ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator {

   * A flag which indicates whether the Netty OOM error has raised during shuffle.
   * If true, unless there's no in-flight fetch requests, all the pending shuffle
   * fetch requests will be deferred until the flag is unset (whenever there's a
   * complete fetch request).
  val isNettyOOMOnShuffle = new AtomicBoolean(false)

  def resetNettyOOMFlagIfPossible(freeMemoryLowerBound: Long): Unit = {
    if (isNettyOOMOnShuffle.get() && NettyUtils.freeDirectMemory() >= freeMemoryLowerBound) {
      isNettyOOMOnShuffle.compareAndSet(true, false)

   * This function is used to merged blocks when doBatchFetch is true. Blocks which have the
   * same `mapId` can be merged into one block batch. The block batch is specified by a range
   * of reduceId, which implies the continuous shuffle blocks that we can fetch in a batch.
   * For example, input blocks like (shuffle_0_0_0, shuffle_0_0_1, shuffle_0_1_0) can be
   * merged into (shuffle_0_0_0_2, shuffle_0_1_0_1), and input blocks like (shuffle_0_0_0_2,
   * shuffle_0_0_2, shuffle_0_0_3) can be merged into (shuffle_0_0_0_4).
   * @param blocks blocks to be merged if possible. May contains already merged blocks.
   * @param doBatchFetch whether to merge blocks.
   * @return the input blocks if doBatchFetch=false, or the merged blocks if doBatchFetch=true.
  def mergeContinuousShuffleBlockIdsIfNeeded(
      blocks: Seq[FetchBlockInfo],
      doBatchFetch: Boolean): Seq[FetchBlockInfo] = {
    val result = if (doBatchFetch) {
      val curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo]
      val mergedBlockInfo = new ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo]

      def mergeFetchBlockInfo(toBeMerged: ArrayBuffer[FetchBlockInfo]): FetchBlockInfo = {
        val startBlockId = toBeMerged.head.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]

        // The last merged block may comes from the input, and we can merge more blocks
        // into it, if the map id is the same.
        def shouldMergeIntoPreviousBatchBlockId =
          mergedBlockInfo.last.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockBatchId].mapId == startBlockId.mapId

        val (startReduceId, size) =
          if (mergedBlockInfo.nonEmpty && shouldMergeIntoPreviousBatchBlockId) {
            // Remove the previous batch block id as we will add a new one to replace it.
            val removed = mergedBlockInfo.remove(mergedBlockInfo.length - 1)
              removed.size +
          } else {

            toBeMerged.last.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId].reduceId + 1),

      val iter = blocks.iterator
      while (iter.hasNext) {
        val info =
        // It's possible that the input block id is already a batch ID. For example, we merge some
        // blocks, and then make fetch requests with the merged blocks according to "max blocks per
        // request". The last fetch request may be too small, and we give up and put the remaining
        // merged blocks back to the input list.
        if (info.blockId.isInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockBatchId]) {
          mergedBlockInfo += info
        } else {
          if (curBlocks.isEmpty) {
            curBlocks += info
          } else {
            val curBlockId = info.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]
            val currentMapId = curBlocks.head.blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId].mapId
            if (curBlockId.mapId != currentMapId) {
              mergedBlockInfo += mergeFetchBlockInfo(curBlocks)
            curBlocks += info
      if (curBlocks.nonEmpty) {
        mergedBlockInfo += mergeFetchBlockInfo(curBlocks)
    } else {

   * The block information to fetch used in FetchRequest.
   * @param blockId block id
   * @param size estimated size of the block. Note that this is NOT the exact bytes.
   *             Size of remote block is used to calculate bytesInFlight.
   * @param mapIndex the mapIndex for this block, which indicate the index in the map stage.
  private[storage] case class FetchBlockInfo(
    blockId: BlockId,
    size: Long,
    mapIndex: Int)

   * A request to fetch blocks from a remote BlockManager.
   * @param address remote BlockManager to fetch from.
   * @param blocks Sequence of the information for blocks to fetch from the same address.
   * @param forMergedMetas true if this request is for requesting push-merged meta information;
   *                       false if it is for regular or shuffle chunks.
  case class FetchRequest(
      address: BlockManagerId,
      blocks: Seq[FetchBlockInfo],
      forMergedMetas: Boolean = false) {
    val size =

   * Result of a fetch from a remote block.
  private[storage] sealed trait FetchResult

   * Result of a fetch from a remote block successfully.
   * @param blockId block id
   * @param mapIndex the mapIndex for this block, which indicate the index in the map stage.
   * @param address BlockManager that the block was fetched from.
   * @param size estimated size of the block. Note that this is NOT the exact bytes.
   *             Size of remote block is used to calculate bytesInFlight.
   * @param buf `ManagedBuffer` for the content.
   * @param isNetworkReqDone Is this the last network request for this host in this fetch request.
  private[storage] case class SuccessFetchResult(
      blockId: BlockId,
      mapIndex: Int,
      address: BlockManagerId,
      size: Long,
      buf: ManagedBuffer,
      isNetworkReqDone: Boolean) extends FetchResult {
    require(buf != null)
    require(size >= 0)

   * Result of a fetch from a remote block unsuccessfully.
   * @param blockId block id
   * @param mapIndex the mapIndex for this block, which indicate the index in the map stage
   * @param address BlockManager that the block was attempted to be fetched from
   * @param e the failure exception
  private[storage] case class FailureFetchResult(
      blockId: BlockId,
      mapIndex: Int,
      address: BlockManagerId,
      e: Throwable)
    extends FetchResult

   * Result of a fetch request that should be deferred for some reasons, e.g., Netty OOM
  case class DeferFetchRequestResult(fetchRequest: FetchRequest) extends FetchResult

   * Result of an un-successful fetch of either of these:
   * 1) Remote shuffle chunk.
   * 2) Local push-merged block.
   * Instead of treating this as a [[FailureFetchResult]], we fallback to fetch the original blocks.
   * @param blockId block id
   * @param address BlockManager that the push-merged block was attempted to be fetched from
   * @param size size of the block, used to update bytesInFlight.
   * @param isNetworkReqDone Is this the last network request for this host in this fetch
   *                         request. Used to update reqsInFlight.
  private[storage] case class FallbackOnPushMergedFailureResult(blockId: BlockId,
      address: BlockManagerId,
      size: Long,
      isNetworkReqDone: Boolean) extends FetchResult

   * Result of a successful fetch of meta information for a remote push-merged block.
   * @param shuffleId shuffle id.
   * @param shuffleMergeId shuffleMergeId is used to uniquely identify merging process
   *                       of shuffle by an indeterminate stage attempt.
   * @param reduceId reduce id.
   * @param blockSize size of each push-merged block.
   * @param bitmaps bitmaps for every chunk.
   * @param address BlockManager that the meta was fetched from.
  private[storage] case class PushMergedRemoteMetaFetchResult(
      shuffleId: Int,
      shuffleMergeId: Int,
      reduceId: Int,
      blockSize: Long,
      bitmaps: Array[RoaringBitmap],
      address: BlockManagerId) extends FetchResult

   * Result of a failure while fetching the meta information for a remote push-merged block.
   * @param shuffleId shuffle id.
   * @param shuffleMergeId shuffleMergeId is used to uniquely identify merging process
   *                       of shuffle by an indeterminate stage attempt.
   * @param reduceId reduce id.
   * @param address BlockManager that the meta was fetched from.
  private[storage] case class PushMergedRemoteMetaFailedFetchResult(
      shuffleId: Int,
      shuffleMergeId: Int,
      reduceId: Int,
      address: BlockManagerId) extends FetchResult

   * Result of a successful fetch of meta information for a push-merged-local block.
   * @param shuffleId shuffle id.
   * @param shuffleMergeId shuffleMergeId is used to uniquely identify merging process
   *                       of shuffle by an indeterminate stage attempt.
   * @param reduceId reduce id.
   * @param bitmaps bitmaps for every chunk.
   * @param localDirs local directories where the push-merged shuffle files are storedl
  private[storage] case class PushMergedLocalMetaFetchResult(
      shuffleId: Int,
      shuffleMergeId: Int,
      reduceId: Int,
      bitmaps: Array[RoaringBitmap],
      localDirs: Array[String]) extends FetchResult


spark 源码目录


spark BlockException 源码

spark BlockId 源码

spark BlockInfoManager 源码

spark BlockManager 源码

spark BlockManagerDecommissioner 源码

spark BlockManagerId 源码

spark BlockManagerManagedBuffer 源码

spark BlockManagerMaster 源码

spark BlockManagerMasterEndpoint 源码

spark BlockManagerMasterHeartbeatEndpoint 源码

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