tidb error 源码
tidb error 代码
// Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package error //nolint: predeclared
import (
stderrs "errors"
tikverr "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/error"
// tikv error instance
var (
// ErrTokenLimit is the error that token is up to the limit.
ErrTokenLimit = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiKVStoreLimit)
// ErrTiKVServerTimeout is the error when tikv server is timeout.
ErrTiKVServerTimeout = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiKVServerTimeout)
ErrTiFlashServerTimeout = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout)
// ErrGCTooEarly is the error that GC life time is shorter than transaction duration
ErrGCTooEarly = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrGCTooEarly)
// ErrTiKVStaleCommand is the error that the command is stale in tikv.
ErrTiKVStaleCommand = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiKVStaleCommand)
// ErrQueryInterrupted is the error when the query is interrupted.
ErrQueryInterrupted = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrQueryInterrupted)
// ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced is the error that tikv's max timestamp is not synced.
ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced)
// ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet is the error that acquire the lock failed while no wait is setted.
ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet)
ErrResolveLockTimeout = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrResolveLockTimeout)
// ErrLockWaitTimeout is the error that wait for the lock is timeout.
ErrLockWaitTimeout = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrLockWaitTimeout)
// ErrTiKVServerBusy is the error when tikv server is busy.
ErrTiKVServerBusy = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiKVServerBusy)
// ErrTiFlashServerBusy is the error that tiflash server is busy.
ErrTiFlashServerBusy = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTiFlashServerBusy)
// ErrPDServerTimeout is the error when pd server is timeout.
ErrPDServerTimeout = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrPDServerTimeout)
// ErrRegionUnavailable is the error when region is not available.
ErrRegionUnavailable = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrRegionUnavailable)
// ErrUnknown is the unknow error.
ErrUnknown = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrUnknown)
// Registers error returned from TiKV.
var (
_ = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrDataOutOfRange)
_ = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrTruncatedWrongValue)
_ = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(errno.ErrDivisionByZero)
// ToTiDBErr checks and converts a tikv error to a tidb error.
func ToTiDBErr(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if tikverr.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return kv.ErrNotExist
var writeConflictInLatch *tikverr.ErrWriteConflictInLatch
if stderrs.As(err, &writeConflictInLatch) {
return kv.ErrWriteConflictInTiDB.FastGenByArgs(writeConflictInLatch.StartTS)
var txnTooLarge *tikverr.ErrTxnTooLarge
if stderrs.As(err, &txnTooLarge) {
return kv.ErrTxnTooLarge.GenWithStackByArgs(txnTooLarge.Size)
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrCannotSetNilValue) {
return kv.ErrCannotSetNilValue
var entryTooLarge *tikverr.ErrEntryTooLarge
if stderrs.As(err, &entryTooLarge) {
return kv.ErrEntryTooLarge.GenWithStackByArgs(entryTooLarge.Limit, entryTooLarge.Size)
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrInvalidTxn) {
return kv.ErrInvalidTxn
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiKVServerTimeout) {
return ErrTiKVServerTimeout
var pdServerTimeout *tikverr.ErrPDServerTimeout
if stderrs.As(err, &pdServerTimeout) {
if len(pdServerTimeout.Error()) == 0 {
return ErrPDServerTimeout
return ErrPDServerTimeout.GenWithStackByArgs(pdServerTimeout.Error())
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout) {
return ErrTiFlashServerTimeout
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrQueryInterrupted) {
return ErrQueryInterrupted
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiKVServerBusy) {
return ErrTiKVServerBusy
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiFlashServerBusy) {
return ErrTiFlashServerBusy
var gcTooEarly *tikverr.ErrGCTooEarly
if stderrs.As(err, &gcTooEarly) {
return ErrGCTooEarly.GenWithStackByArgs(gcTooEarly.TxnStartTS, gcTooEarly.GCSafePoint)
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiKVStaleCommand) {
return ErrTiKVStaleCommand
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced) {
return ErrTiKVMaxTimestampNotSynced
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet) {
return ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrResolveLockTimeout) {
return ErrResolveLockTimeout
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrLockWaitTimeout) {
return ErrLockWaitTimeout
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrRegionUnavailable) {
return ErrRegionUnavailable
var tokenLimit *tikverr.ErrTokenLimit
if stderrs.As(err, &tokenLimit) {
return ErrTokenLimit.GenWithStackByArgs(tokenLimit.StoreID)
if stderrs.Is(err, tikverr.ErrUnknown) {
return ErrUnknown
if tikverr.IsErrorUndetermined(err) {
return terror.ErrResultUndetermined
return errors.Trace(err)
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