spark HadoopFSUtils 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark HadoopFSUtils 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.util


import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.HiveCatalogMetrics

 * Utility functions to simplify and speed-up file listing.
private[spark] object HadoopFSUtils extends Logging {
   * Lists a collection of paths recursively. Picks the listing strategy adaptively depending
   * on the number of paths to list.
   * This may only be called on the driver.
   * @param sc Spark context used to run parallel listing.
   * @param paths Input paths to list
   * @param hadoopConf Hadoop configuration
   * @param filter Path filter used to exclude leaf files from result
   * @param ignoreMissingFiles Ignore missing files that happen during recursive listing
   *                           (e.g., due to race conditions)
   * @param ignoreLocality Whether to fetch data locality info when listing leaf files. If false,
   *                       this will return `FileStatus` without `BlockLocation` info.
   * @param parallelismThreshold The threshold to enable parallelism. If the number of input paths
   *                             is smaller than this value, this will fallback to use
   *                             sequential listing.
   * @param parallelismMax The maximum parallelism for listing. If the number of input paths is
   *                       larger than this value, parallelism will be throttled to this value
   *                       to avoid generating too many tasks.
   * @return for each input path, the set of discovered files for the path
  def parallelListLeafFiles(
    sc: SparkContext,
    paths: Seq[Path],
    hadoopConf: Configuration,
    filter: PathFilter,
    ignoreMissingFiles: Boolean,
    ignoreLocality: Boolean,
    parallelismThreshold: Int,
    parallelismMax: Int): Seq[(Path, Seq[FileStatus])] = {
    parallelListLeafFilesInternal(sc, paths, hadoopConf, filter, isRootLevel = true,
      ignoreMissingFiles, ignoreLocality, parallelismThreshold, parallelismMax)

  private def parallelListLeafFilesInternal(
      sc: SparkContext,
      paths: Seq[Path],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      filter: PathFilter,
      isRootLevel: Boolean,
      ignoreMissingFiles: Boolean,
      ignoreLocality: Boolean,
      parallelismThreshold: Int,
      parallelismMax: Int): Seq[(Path, Seq[FileStatus])] = {

    // Short-circuits parallel listing when serial listing is likely to be faster.
    if (paths.size <= parallelismThreshold) {
      return { path =>
        val leafFiles = listLeafFiles(
          ignoreMissingFiles = ignoreMissingFiles,
          ignoreLocality = ignoreLocality,
          isRootPath = isRootLevel,
          parallelismThreshold = parallelismThreshold,
          parallelismMax = parallelismMax)
        (path, leafFiles)

    logInfo(s"Listing leaf files and directories in parallel under ${paths.length} paths." +
      s" The first several paths are: ${paths.take(10).mkString(", ")}.")

    val serializableConfiguration = new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf)
    val serializedPaths =

    // Set the number of parallelism to prevent following file listing from generating many tasks
    // in case of large #defaultParallelism.
    val numParallelism = Math.min(paths.size, parallelismMax)

    val previousJobDescription = sc.getLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION)
    val statusMap = try {
      val description = paths.size match {
        case 0 =>
          "Listing leaf files and directories 0 paths"
        case 1 =>
          s"Listing leaf files and directories for 1 path:<br/>${paths(0)}"
        case s =>
          s"Listing leaf files and directories for $s paths:<br/>${paths(0)}, ..."
        .parallelize(serializedPaths, numParallelism)
        .mapPartitions { pathStrings =>
          val hadoopConf = serializableConfiguration.value
 Path(_)) { path =>
            val leafFiles = listLeafFiles(
              path = path,
              hadoopConf = hadoopConf,
              filter = filter,
              contextOpt = None, // Can't execute parallel scans on workers
              ignoreMissingFiles = ignoreMissingFiles,
              ignoreLocality = ignoreLocality,
              isRootPath = isRootLevel,
              parallelismThreshold = Int.MaxValue,
              parallelismMax = 0)
            (path, leafFiles)
        }.map { case (path, statuses) =>
            val serializableStatuses = { status =>
              // Turn FileStatus into SerializableFileStatus so we can send it back to the driver
              val blockLocations = status match {
                case f: LocatedFileStatus =>
         { loc =>

                case _ =>

            (path.toString, serializableStatuses)
    } finally {

    // turn SerializableFileStatus back to Status { case (path, serializableStatuses) =>
      val statuses = { f =>
        val blockLocations = { loc =>
          new BlockLocation(loc.names, loc.hosts, loc.offset, loc.length)
        new LocatedFileStatus(
          new FileStatus(
            f.length, f.isDir, f.blockReplication, f.blockSize, f.modificationTime,
            new Path(f.path)),
      (new Path(path), statuses)

  // scalastyle:off argcount
   * Lists a single filesystem path recursively. If a `SparkContext` object is specified, this
   * function may launch Spark jobs to parallelize listing based on `parallelismThreshold`.
   * If sessionOpt is None, this may be called on executors.
   * @return all children of path that match the specified filter.
  private def listLeafFiles(
      path: Path,
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      filter: PathFilter,
      contextOpt: Option[SparkContext],
      ignoreMissingFiles: Boolean,
      ignoreLocality: Boolean,
      isRootPath: Boolean,
      parallelismThreshold: Int,
      parallelismMax: Int): Seq[FileStatus] = {

    logTrace(s"Listing $path")
    val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)

    // Note that statuses only include FileStatus for the files and dirs directly under path,
    // and does not include anything else recursively.
    val statuses: Array[FileStatus] = try {
      fs match {
        // DistributedFileSystem overrides listLocatedStatus to make 1 single call to namenode
        // to retrieve the file status with the file block location. The reason to still fallback
        // to listStatus is because the default implementation would potentially throw a
        // FileNotFoundException which is better handled by doing the lookups manually below.
        case (_: DistributedFileSystem | _: ViewFileSystem) if !ignoreLocality =>
          val remoteIter = fs.listLocatedStatus(path)
          new Iterator[LocatedFileStatus]() {
            def next(): LocatedFileStatus =
            def hasNext(): Boolean = remoteIter.hasNext
        case _ => fs.listStatus(path)
    } catch {
      // If we are listing a root path for SQL (e.g. a top level directory of a table), we need to
      // ignore FileNotFoundExceptions during this root level of the listing because
      //  (a) certain code paths might construct an InMemoryFileIndex with root paths that
      //      might not exist (i.e. not all callers are guaranteed to have checked
      //      path existence prior to constructing InMemoryFileIndex) and,
      //  (b) we need to ignore deleted root paths during REFRESH TABLE, otherwise we break
      //      existing behavior and break the ability drop SessionCatalog tables when tables'
      //      root directories have been deleted (which breaks a number of Spark's own tests).
      // If we are NOT listing a root path then a FileNotFoundException here means that the
      // directory was present in a previous level of file listing but is absent in this
      // listing, likely indicating a race condition (e.g. concurrent table overwrite or S3
      // list inconsistency).
      // The trade-off in supporting existing behaviors / use-cases is that we won't be
      // able to detect race conditions involving root paths being deleted during
      // InMemoryFileIndex construction. However, it's still a net improvement to detect and
      // fail-fast on the non-root cases. For more info see the SPARK-27676 review discussion.
      case _: FileNotFoundException if isRootPath || ignoreMissingFiles =>
        logWarning(s"The directory $path was not found. Was it deleted very recently?")

    val filteredStatuses =
      statuses.filterNot(status => shouldFilterOutPathName(status.getPath.getName))

    val allLeafStatuses = {
      val (dirs, topLevelFiles) = filteredStatuses.partition(_.isDirectory)
      val filteredNestedFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = contextOpt match {
        case Some(context) if dirs.size > parallelismThreshold =>
            hadoopConf = hadoopConf,
            filter = filter,
            isRootLevel = false,
            ignoreMissingFiles = ignoreMissingFiles,
            ignoreLocality = ignoreLocality,
            parallelismThreshold = parallelismThreshold,
            parallelismMax = parallelismMax
        case _ =>
          dirs.flatMap { dir =>
              path = dir.getPath,
              hadoopConf = hadoopConf,
              filter = filter,
              contextOpt = contextOpt,
              ignoreMissingFiles = ignoreMissingFiles,
              ignoreLocality = ignoreLocality,
              isRootPath = false,
              parallelismThreshold = parallelismThreshold,
              parallelismMax = parallelismMax)
      val filteredTopLevelFiles = if (filter != null) {
        topLevelFiles.filter(f => filter.accept(f.getPath))
      } else {
      filteredTopLevelFiles ++ filteredNestedFiles

    val missingFiles = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
    val resolvedLeafStatuses = allLeafStatuses.flatMap {
      case f: LocatedFileStatus =>

      // NOTE:
      // - Although S3/S3A/S3N file system can be quite slow for remote file metadata
      //   operations, calling `getFileBlockLocations` does no harm here since these file system
      //   implementations don't actually issue RPC for this method.
      // - Here we are calling `getFileBlockLocations` in a sequential manner, but it should not
      //   be a big deal since we always use to `parallelListLeafFiles` when the number of
      //   paths exceeds threshold.
      case f if !ignoreLocality =>
        // The other constructor of LocatedFileStatus will call FileStatus.getPermission(),
        // which is very slow on some file system (RawLocalFileSystem, which is launch a
        // subprocess and parse the stdout).
        try {
          val locations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(f, 0, f.getLen).map { loc =>
            // Store BlockLocation objects to consume less memory
            if (loc.getClass == classOf[BlockLocation]) {
            } else {
              new BlockLocation(loc.getNames, loc.getHosts, loc.getOffset, loc.getLength)
          val lfs = new LocatedFileStatus(f.getLen, f.isDirectory, f.getReplication, f.getBlockSize,
            f.getModificationTime, 0, null, null, null, null, f.getPath, locations)
          if (f.isSymlink) {
        } catch {
          case _: FileNotFoundException if ignoreMissingFiles =>
            missingFiles += f.getPath.toString

      case f => Some(f)

    if (missingFiles.nonEmpty) {
        s"the following files were missing during file scan:\n  ${missingFiles.mkString("\n  ")}")

  // scalastyle:on argcount

  /** A serializable variant of HDFS's BlockLocation. This is required by Hadoop 2.7. */
  private case class SerializableBlockLocation(
    names: Array[String],
    hosts: Array[String],
    offset: Long,
    length: Long)

  /** A serializable variant of HDFS's FileStatus. This is required by Hadoop 2.7. */
  private case class SerializableFileStatus(
    path: String,
    length: Long,
    isDir: Boolean,
    blockReplication: Short,
    blockSize: Long,
    modificationTime: Long,
    accessTime: Long,
    blockLocations: Array[SerializableBlockLocation])

  /** Checks if we should filter out this path name. */
  def shouldFilterOutPathName(pathName: String): Boolean = {
    // We filter follow paths:
    // 1. everything that starts with _ and ., except _common_metadata and _metadata
    // because Parquet needs to find those metadata files from leaf files returned by this method.
    // We should refactor this logic to not mix metadata files with data files.
    // 2. everything that ends with `._COPYING_`, because this is a intermediate state of file. we
    // should skip this file in case of double reading.
    val exclude = (pathName.startsWith("_") && !pathName.contains("=")) ||
      pathName.startsWith(".") || pathName.endsWith("._COPYING_")
    val include = pathName.startsWith("_common_metadata") || pathName.startsWith("_metadata")
    exclude && !include


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