spark FileCommitProtocol 源码
spark FileCommitProtocol 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Unstable
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* An interface to define how a single Spark job commits its outputs. Three notes:
* 1. Implementations must be serializable, as the committer instance instantiated on the driver
* will be used for tasks on executors.
* 2. Implementations should have a constructor with 2 or 3 arguments:
* (jobId: String, path: String) or
* (jobId: String, path: String, dynamicPartitionOverwrite: Boolean)
* 3. A committer should not be reused across multiple Spark jobs.
* The proper call sequence is:
* 1. Driver calls setupJob.
* 2. As part of each task's execution, executor calls setupTask and then commitTask
* (or abortTask if task failed).
* 3. When all necessary tasks completed successfully, the driver calls commitJob. If the job
* failed to execute (e.g. too many failed tasks), the job should call abortJob.
* @note This class is exposed as an API considering the usage of many downstream custom
* implementations, but will be subject to be changed and/or moved.
abstract class FileCommitProtocol extends Logging {
import FileCommitProtocol._
* Setups up a job. Must be called on the driver before any other methods can be invoked.
def setupJob(jobContext: JobContext): Unit
* Commits a job after the writes succeed. Must be called on the driver.
def commitJob(jobContext: JobContext, taskCommits: Seq[TaskCommitMessage]): Unit
* Aborts a job after the writes fail. Must be called on the driver.
* Calling this function is a best-effort attempt, because it is possible that the driver
* just crashes (or killed) before it can call abort.
def abortJob(jobContext: JobContext): Unit
* Sets up a task within a job.
* Must be called before any other task related methods can be invoked.
def setupTask(taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): Unit
* Notifies the commit protocol to add a new file, and gets back the full path that should be
* used. Must be called on the executors when running tasks.
* Note that the returned temp file may have an arbitrary path. The commit protocol only
* promises that the file will be at the location specified by the arguments after job commit.
* A full file path consists of the following parts:
* 1. the base path
* 2. some sub-directory within the base path, used to specify partitioning
* 3. file prefix, usually some unique job id with the task id
* 4. bucket id
* 5. source specific file extension, e.g. ".snappy.parquet"
* The "dir" parameter specifies 2, and "ext" parameter specifies both 4 and 5, and the rest
* are left to the commit protocol implementation to decide.
* Important: it is the caller's responsibility to add uniquely identifying content to "ext"
* if a task is going to write out multiple files to the same dir. The file commit protocol only
* guarantees that files written by different tasks will not conflict.
@deprecated("use newTaskTempFile(..., spec: FileNameSpec) instead", "3.3.0")
def newTaskTempFile(taskContext: TaskAttemptContext, dir: Option[String], ext: String): String
* Notifies the commit protocol to add a new file, and gets back the full path that should be
* used. Must be called on the executors when running tasks.
* Note that the returned temp file may have an arbitrary path. The commit protocol only
* promises that the file will be at the location specified by the arguments after job commit.
* The "dir" parameter specifies the sub-directory within the base path, used to specify
* partitioning. The "spec" parameter specifies the file name. The rest are left to the commit
* protocol implementation to decide.
* Important: it is the caller's responsibility to add uniquely identifying content to "spec"
* if a task is going to write out multiple files to the same dir. The file commit protocol only
* guarantees that files written by different tasks will not conflict.
* @since 3.2.0
def newTaskTempFile(
taskContext: TaskAttemptContext, dir: Option[String], spec: FileNameSpec): String = {
if (spec.prefix.isEmpty) {
newTaskTempFile(taskContext, dir, spec.suffix)
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"${getClass.getSimpleName}.newTaskTempFile does " +
s"not support file name prefix: ${spec.prefix}")
* Similar to newTaskTempFile(), but allows files to committed to an absolute output location.
* Depending on the implementation, there may be weaker guarantees around adding files this way.
* Important: it is the caller's responsibility to add uniquely identifying content to "ext"
* if a task is going to write out multiple files to the same dir. The file commit protocol only
* guarantees that files written by different tasks will not conflict.
@deprecated("use newTaskTempFileAbsPath(..., spec: FileNameSpec) instead", "3.3.0")
def newTaskTempFileAbsPath(
taskContext: TaskAttemptContext, absoluteDir: String, ext: String): String
* Similar to newTaskTempFile(), but allows files to committed to an absolute output location.
* Depending on the implementation, there may be weaker guarantees around adding files this way.
* The "absoluteDir" parameter specifies the final absolute directory of file. The "spec"
* parameter specifies the file name. The rest are left to the commit protocol implementation to
* decide.
* Important: it is the caller's responsibility to add uniquely identifying content to "spec"
* if a task is going to write out multiple files to the same dir. The file commit protocol only
* guarantees that files written by different tasks will not conflict.
* @since 3.2.0
def newTaskTempFileAbsPath(
taskContext: TaskAttemptContext, absoluteDir: String, spec: FileNameSpec): String = {
if (spec.prefix.isEmpty) {
newTaskTempFileAbsPath(taskContext, absoluteDir, spec.suffix)
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"${getClass.getSimpleName}.newTaskTempFileAbsPath does not support file name prefix: " +
* Commits a task after the writes succeed. Must be called on the executors when running tasks.
def commitTask(taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): TaskCommitMessage
* Aborts a task after the writes have failed. Must be called on the executors when running tasks.
* Calling this function is a best-effort attempt, because it is possible that the executor
* just crashes (or killed) before it can call abort.
def abortTask(taskContext: TaskAttemptContext): Unit
* Specifies that a file should be deleted with the commit of this job. The default
* implementation deletes the file immediately.
def deleteWithJob(fs: FileSystem, path: Path, recursive: Boolean): Boolean = {
fs.delete(path, recursive)
* Called on the driver after a task commits. This can be used to access task commit messages
* before the job has finished. These same task commit messages will be passed to commitJob()
* if the entire job succeeds.
def onTaskCommit(taskCommit: TaskCommitMessage): Unit = {
object FileCommitProtocol extends Logging {
class TaskCommitMessage(val obj: Any) extends Serializable
object EmptyTaskCommitMessage extends TaskCommitMessage(null)
* Instantiates a FileCommitProtocol using the given className.
def instantiate(
className: String,
jobId: String,
outputPath: String,
dynamicPartitionOverwrite: Boolean = false): FileCommitProtocol = {
logDebug(s"Creating committer $className; job $jobId; output=$outputPath;" +
s" dynamic=$dynamicPartitionOverwrite")
val clazz = Utils.classForName[FileCommitProtocol](className)
// First try the constructor with arguments (jobId: String, outputPath: String,
// dynamicPartitionOverwrite: Boolean).
// If that doesn't exist, try the one with (jobId: string, outputPath: String).
try {
val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[String], classOf[String], classOf[Boolean])
logDebug("Using (String, String, Boolean) constructor")
ctor.newInstance(jobId, outputPath, dynamicPartitionOverwrite.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean])
} catch {
case _: NoSuchMethodException =>
logDebug("Falling back to (String, String) constructor")
"Dynamic Partition Overwrite is enabled but" +
s" the committer ${className} does not have the appropriate constructor")
val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[String], classOf[String])
ctor.newInstance(jobId, outputPath)
def getStagingDir(path: String, jobId: String): Path = {
new Path(path, ".spark-staging-" + jobId)
* The specification for Spark output file name.
* This is used by [[FileCommitProtocol]] to create full path of file.
* @param prefix Prefix of file.
* @param suffix Suffix of file.
final case class FileNameSpec(prefix: String, suffix: String)
spark HadoopMapRedCommitProtocol 源码
spark HadoopMapReduceCommitProtocol 源码
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10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦