spark storeTypes 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (341)

spark storeTypes 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.status

import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
import java.util.Date

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize

import org.apache.spark.status.KVUtils._
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1._
import org.apache.spark.ui.scope._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.kvstore.KVIndex

private[spark] case class AppStatusStoreMetadata(version: Long)

private[spark] class ApplicationInfoWrapper(val info: ApplicationInfo) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  def id: String =


private[spark] class ApplicationEnvironmentInfoWrapper(val info: ApplicationEnvironmentInfo) {

   * There's always a single ApplicationEnvironmentInfo object per application, so this
   * ID doesn't need to be dynamic. But the KVStore API requires an ID.
  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  def id: String = classOf[ApplicationEnvironmentInfoWrapper].getName()


private[spark] class ExecutorSummaryWrapper(val info: ExecutorSummary) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  private def id: String =

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("active")
  private def active: Boolean = info.isActive

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("host")
  val host: String = Utils.parseHostPort(info.hostPort)._1


 * Keep track of the existing stages when the job was submitted, and those that were
 * completed during the job's execution. This allows a more accurate accounting of how
 * many tasks were skipped for the job.
private[spark] class JobDataWrapper(
    val info: JobData,
    val skippedStages: Set[Int],
    val sqlExecutionId: Option[Long]) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  private def id: Int = info.jobId

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("completionTime")
  private def completionTime: Long =

private[spark] class StageDataWrapper(
    val info: StageData,
    val jobIds: Set[Int],
    @JsonDeserialize(contentAs = classOf[JLong])
    val locality: Map[String, Long]) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  private[this] val id: Array[Int] = Array(info.stageId, info.attemptId)

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("stageId")
  private def stageId: Int = info.stageId

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("active")
  private def active: Boolean = info.status == StageStatus.ACTIVE

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("completionTime")
  def completionTime: Long =

 * Tasks have a lot of indices that are used in a few different places. This object keeps logical
 * names for these indices, mapped to short strings to save space when using a disk store.
private[spark] object TaskIndexNames {
  final val ACCUMULATORS = "acc"
  final val ATTEMPT = "att"
  final val DESER_CPU_TIME = "dct"
  final val DESER_TIME = "des"
  final val DISK_SPILL = "dbs"
  final val DURATION = "dur"
  final val ERROR = "err"
  final val EXECUTOR = "exe"
  final val HOST = "hst"
  final val EXEC_CPU_TIME = "ect"
  final val EXEC_RUN_TIME = "ert"
  final val GC_TIME = "gc"
  final val GETTING_RESULT_TIME = "grt"
  final val INPUT_RECORDS = "ir"
  final val INPUT_SIZE = "is"
  final val LAUNCH_TIME = "lt"
  final val LOCALITY = "loc"
  final val MEM_SPILL = "mbs"
  final val OUTPUT_RECORDS = "or"
  final val OUTPUT_SIZE = "os"
  final val PEAK_MEM = "pem"
  final val RESULT_SIZE = "rs"
  final val SCHEDULER_DELAY = "dly"
  final val SER_TIME = "rst"
  final val SHUFFLE_LOCAL_BLOCKS = "slbl"
  final val SHUFFLE_READ_RECORDS = "srr"
  final val SHUFFLE_READ_FETCH_WAIT_TIME = "srt"
  final val SHUFFLE_REMOTE_BLOCKS = "srbl"
  final val SHUFFLE_REMOTE_READS = "srby"
  final val SHUFFLE_REMOTE_READS_TO_DISK = "srbd"
  final val SHUFFLE_TOTAL_READS = "stby"
  final val SHUFFLE_TOTAL_BLOCKS = "stbl"
  final val SHUFFLE_WRITE_RECORDS = "swr"
  final val SHUFFLE_WRITE_SIZE = "sws"
  final val SHUFFLE_WRITE_TIME = "swt"
  final val STAGE = "stage"
  final val STATUS = "sta"
  final val TASK_INDEX = "idx"
  final val TASK_PARTITION_ID = "partid"
  final val COMPLETION_TIME = "ct"

 * Unlike other data types, the task data wrapper does not keep a reference to the API's TaskData.
 * That is to save memory, since for large applications there can be a large number of these
 * elements (by default up to 100,000 per stage), and every bit of wasted memory adds up.
 * It also contains many secondary indices, which are used to sort data efficiently in the UI at the
 * expense of storage space (and slower write times).
private[spark] class TaskDataWrapper(
    // Storing this as an object actually saves memory; it's also used as the key in the in-memory
    // store, so in that case you'd save the extra copy of the value here.
    @KVIndexParam(parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val taskId: JLong,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.TASK_INDEX, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val index: Int,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.ATTEMPT, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val attempt: Int,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.TASK_PARTITION_ID, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    // Different kvstores have different default values (eg 0 or -1),
    // thus we use the default value here for backwards compatibility.
    val partitionId: Int = -1,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.LAUNCH_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val launchTime: Long,
    val resultFetchStart: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.DURATION, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val duration: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.EXECUTOR, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val executorId: String,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.HOST, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val host: String,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.STATUS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val status: String,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.LOCALITY, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val taskLocality: String,
    val speculative: Boolean,
    val accumulatorUpdates: Seq[AccumulableInfo],
    val errorMessage: Option[String],

    val hasMetrics: Boolean,
    // The following is an exploded view of a TaskMetrics API object. This saves 5 objects
    // (= 80 bytes of Java object overhead) per instance of this wrapper. Non successful
    // tasks' metrics will have negative values in `TaskDataWrapper`. `TaskData` will have
    // actual metric values. To recover the actual metric value from `TaskDataWrapper`,
    // need use `getMetricValue` method. If `hasMetrics` is false, it means the metrics
    // for this task have not been recorded.
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.DESER_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val executorDeserializeTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.DESER_CPU_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val executorDeserializeCpuTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.EXEC_RUN_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val executorRunTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.EXEC_CPU_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val executorCpuTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.RESULT_SIZE, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val resultSize: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.GC_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val jvmGcTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SER_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val resultSerializationTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.MEM_SPILL, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val memoryBytesSpilled: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.DISK_SPILL, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val diskBytesSpilled: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.PEAK_MEM, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val peakExecutionMemory: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.INPUT_SIZE, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val inputBytesRead: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.INPUT_RECORDS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val inputRecordsRead: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.OUTPUT_SIZE, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val outputBytesWritten: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.OUTPUT_RECORDS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val outputRecordsWritten: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_REMOTE_BLOCKS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_LOCAL_BLOCKS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleLocalBlocksFetched: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_READ_FETCH_WAIT_TIME,
      parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleFetchWaitTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_REMOTE_READS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleRemoteBytesRead: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_REMOTE_READS_TO_DISK,
      parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk: Long,
    val shuffleLocalBytesRead: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_READ_RECORDS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleRecordsRead: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_WRITE_SIZE, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleBytesWritten: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_WRITE_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleWriteTime: Long,
    @KVIndexParam(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_WRITE_RECORDS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
    val shuffleRecordsWritten: Long,

    val stageId: Int,
    val stageAttemptId: Int) {

  // SPARK-26260: To handle non successful tasks metrics (Running, Failed, Killed).
  private def getMetricValue(metric: Long): Long = {
    if (status != "SUCCESS") {
      math.abs(metric + 1)
    } else {

  def toApi: TaskData = {
    val metrics = if (hasMetrics) {
      Some(new TaskMetrics(
        new InputMetrics(
        new OutputMetrics(
        new ShuffleReadMetrics(
        new ShuffleWriteMetrics(
    } else {

    new TaskData(
      new Date(launchTime),
      if (resultFetchStart > 0L) Some(new Date(resultFetchStart)) else None,
      if (duration > 0L) Some(duration) else None,
      executorLogs = null,
      schedulerDelay = 0L,
      gettingResultTime = 0L)

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def stage: Array[Int] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId)

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.SCHEDULER_DELAY, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  def schedulerDelay: Long = {
    if (hasMetrics) {
      AppStatusUtils.schedulerDelay(launchTime, resultFetchStart, duration,
    } else {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.GETTING_RESULT_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  def gettingResultTime: Long = {
    if (hasMetrics) {
      AppStatusUtils.gettingResultTime(launchTime, resultFetchStart, duration)
    } else {

   * Sorting by accumulators is a little weird, and the previous behavior would generate
   * insanely long keys in the index. So this implementation just considers the first
   * accumulator and its String representation.
  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.ACCUMULATORS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def accumulators: String = {
    if (accumulatorUpdates.nonEmpty) {
      val acc = accumulatorUpdates.head
    } else {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_TOTAL_READS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def shuffleTotalReads: Long = {
    if (hasMetrics) {
      shuffleLocalBytesRead + shuffleRemoteBytesRead
    } else {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.SHUFFLE_TOTAL_BLOCKS, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def shuffleTotalBlocks: Long = {
    if (hasMetrics) {
      shuffleLocalBlocksFetched + shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched
    } else {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.ERROR, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def error: String = if (errorMessage.isDefined) errorMessage.get else ""

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex(value = TaskIndexNames.COMPLETION_TIME, parent = TaskIndexNames.STAGE)
  private def completionTime: Long = launchTime + duration

private[spark] class RDDStorageInfoWrapper(val info: RDDStorageInfo) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  def id: Int =

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("cached")
  def cached: Boolean = info.numCachedPartitions > 0


private[spark] class ResourceProfileWrapper(val rpInfo: ResourceProfileInfo) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  def id: Int =


private[spark] class ExecutorStageSummaryWrapper(
    val stageId: Int,
    val stageAttemptId: Int,
    val executorId: String,
    val info: ExecutorStageSummary) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  private val _id: Array[Any] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId, executorId)

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("stage")
  private def stage: Array[Int] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId)

  def id: Array[Any] = _id


private[spark] class SpeculationStageSummaryWrapper(
    val stageId: Int,
    val stageAttemptId: Int,
    val info: SpeculationStageSummary) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("stage")
  private def stage: Array[Int] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId)

  private[this] val id: Array[Int] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId)

private[spark] class StreamBlockData(
  val name: String,
  val executorId: String,
  val hostPort: String,
  val storageLevel: String,
  val useMemory: Boolean,
  val useDisk: Boolean,
  val deserialized: Boolean,
  val memSize: Long,
  val diskSize: Long) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  def key: Array[String] = Array(name, executorId)


private[spark] class RDDOperationClusterWrapper(
    val id: String,
    val name: String,
    val childNodes: Seq[RDDOperationNode],
    val childClusters: Seq[RDDOperationClusterWrapper]) {

  def toRDDOperationCluster(): RDDOperationCluster = {
    val isBarrier = childNodes.exists(_.barrier)
    val name = if (isBarrier) + "\n(barrier mode)" else
    val cluster = new RDDOperationCluster(id, isBarrier, name)
    childClusters.foreach { child =>


private[spark] class RDDOperationGraphWrapper(
    @KVIndexParam val stageId: Int,
    val edges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    val outgoingEdges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    val incomingEdges: Seq[RDDOperationEdge],
    val rootCluster: RDDOperationClusterWrapper) {

  def toRDDOperationGraph(): RDDOperationGraph = {
    new RDDOperationGraph(edges, outgoingEdges, incomingEdges, rootCluster.toRDDOperationCluster())


private[spark] class PoolData(
    @KVIndexParam val name: String,
    val stageIds: Set[Int])

 * A class with information about an app, to be used by the UI. There's only one instance of
 * this summary per application, so its ID in the store is the class name.
private[spark] class AppSummary(
    val numCompletedJobs: Int,
    val numCompletedStages: Int) {

  def id: String = classOf[AppSummary].getName()


 * A cached view of a specific quantile for one stage attempt's metrics.
private[spark] class CachedQuantile(
    val stageId: Int,
    val stageAttemptId: Int,
    val quantile: String,
    val taskCount: Long,

    // The following fields are an exploded view of a single entry for TaskMetricDistributions.
    val duration: Double,
    val executorDeserializeTime: Double,
    val executorDeserializeCpuTime: Double,
    val executorRunTime: Double,
    val executorCpuTime: Double,
    val resultSize: Double,
    val jvmGcTime: Double,
    val resultSerializationTime: Double,
    val gettingResultTime: Double,
    val schedulerDelay: Double,
    val peakExecutionMemory: Double,
    val memoryBytesSpilled: Double,
    val diskBytesSpilled: Double,

    val bytesRead: Double,
    val recordsRead: Double,

    val bytesWritten: Double,
    val recordsWritten: Double,

    val shuffleReadBytes: Double,
    val shuffleRecordsRead: Double,
    val shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched: Double,
    val shuffleLocalBlocksFetched: Double,
    val shuffleFetchWaitTime: Double,
    val shuffleRemoteBytesRead: Double,
    val shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk: Double,
    val shuffleTotalBlocksFetched: Double,

    val shuffleWriteBytes: Double,
    val shuffleWriteRecords: Double,
    val shuffleWriteTime: Double) {

  @KVIndex @JsonIgnore
  def id: Array[Any] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId, quantile)

  @KVIndex("stage") @JsonIgnore
  def stage: Array[Int] = Array(stageId, stageAttemptId)


private[spark] class ProcessSummaryWrapper(val info: ProcessSummary) {

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex
  private def id: String =

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("active")
  private def active: Boolean = info.isActive

  @JsonIgnore @KVIndex("host")
  val host: String = Utils.parseHostPort(info.hostPort)._1



spark 源码目录


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spark AppStatusListener 源码

spark AppStatusSource 源码

spark AppStatusStore 源码

spark AppStatusUtils 源码

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spark KVUtils 源码

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