tidb config 源码
tidb config 代码
// Copyright 2019-present PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package config
import (
// Config contains configuration options.
type Config struct {
Server Server `toml:"server"` // Unistore server options
Engine Engine `toml:"engine"` // Engine options.
RaftStore RaftStore `toml:"raftstore"` // RaftStore configs
Coprocessor Coprocessor `toml:"coprocessor"` // Coprocessor options
PessimisticTxn PessimisticTxn `toml:"pessimistic-txn"` // Pessimistic txn related
// Server is the config for server.
type Server struct {
PDAddr string `toml:"pd-addr"`
StoreAddr string `toml:"store-addr"`
StatusAddr string `toml:"status-addr"`
LogLevel string `toml:"log-level"`
RegionSize int64 `toml:"region-size"` // Average region size.
MaxProcs int `toml:"max-procs"` // Max CPU cores to use, set 0 to use all CPU cores in the machine.
Raft bool `toml:"raft"` // Enable raft.
LogfilePath string `toml:"log-file"` // Log file path for unistore server
// RaftStore is the config for raft store.
type RaftStore struct {
PdHeartbeatTickInterval string `toml:"pd-heartbeat-tick-interval"` // pd-heartbeat-tick-interval in seconds
RaftStoreMaxLeaderLease string `toml:"raft-store-max-leader-lease"` // raft-store-max-leader-lease in milliseconds
RaftBaseTickInterval string `toml:"raft-base-tick-interval"` // raft-base-tick-interval in milliseconds
RaftHeartbeatTicks int `toml:"raft-heartbeat-ticks"` // raft-heartbeat-ticks times
RaftElectionTimeoutTicks int `toml:"raft-election-timeout-ticks"` // raft-election-timeout-ticks times
CustomRaftLog bool `toml:"custom-raft-log"`
// Coprocessor is the config for coprocessor.
type Coprocessor struct {
RegionMaxKeys int64 `toml:"region-max-keys"`
RegionSplitKeys int64 `toml:"region-split-keys"`
// Engine is the config for engine.
type Engine struct {
DBPath string `toml:"db-path"` // Directory to store the data in. Should exist and be writable.
ValueThreshold int `toml:"value-threshold"` // If value size >= this threshold, only store value offsets in tree.
MaxMemTableSize int64 `toml:"max-mem-table-size"` // Each mem table is at most this size.
MaxTableSize int64 `toml:"max-table-size"` // Each table file is at most this size.
L1Size int64 `toml:"l1-size"`
NumMemTables int `toml:"num-mem-tables"` // Maximum number of tables to keep in memory, before stalling.
NumL0Tables int `toml:"num-L0-tables"` // Maximum number of Level 0 tables before we start compacting.
NumL0TablesStall int `toml:"num-L0-tables-stall"` // Maximum number of Level 0 tables before stalling.
VlogFileSize int64 `toml:"vlog-file-size"` // Value log file size.
// Sync all writes to disk. Setting this to true would slow down data loading significantly.")
SyncWrite bool `toml:"sync-write"`
NumCompactors int `toml:"num-compactors"`
SurfStartLevel int `toml:"surf-start-level"`
BlockCacheSize int64 `toml:"block-cache-size"`
IndexCacheSize int64 `toml:"index-cache-size"`
Compression []string `toml:"compression"` // Compression types for each level
IngestCompression string `toml:"ingest-compression"`
// Only used in tests.
VolatileMode bool
CompactL0WhenClose bool `toml:"compact-l0-when-close"`
// PessimisticTxn is the config for pessimistic txn.
type PessimisticTxn struct {
// The default and maximum delay in milliseconds before responding to TiDB when pessimistic
// transactions encounter locks
WaitForLockTimeout int64 `toml:"wait-for-lock-timeout"`
// The duration between waking up lock waiter, in milliseconds
WakeUpDelayDuration int64 `toml:"wake-up-delay-duration"`
// ParseCompression parses the string s and returns a compression type.
func ParseCompression(s string) options.CompressionType {
switch s {
case "snappy":
return options.Snappy
case "zstd":
return options.ZSTD
return options.None
// MB represents the MB size.
const MB = 1024 * 1024
// DefaultConf returns the default configuration.
var DefaultConf = Config{
Server: Server{
PDAddr: "",
StoreAddr: "",
StatusAddr: "",
RegionSize: 64 * MB,
LogLevel: "info",
MaxProcs: 0,
Raft: true,
LogfilePath: "",
RaftStore: RaftStore{
PdHeartbeatTickInterval: "20s",
RaftStoreMaxLeaderLease: "9s",
RaftBaseTickInterval: "1s",
RaftHeartbeatTicks: 2,
RaftElectionTimeoutTicks: 10,
CustomRaftLog: true,
Engine: Engine{
DBPath: "/tmp/badger",
ValueThreshold: 256,
MaxMemTableSize: 64 * MB,
MaxTableSize: 8 * MB,
NumMemTables: 3,
NumL0Tables: 4,
NumL0TablesStall: 8,
VlogFileSize: 256 * MB,
NumCompactors: 3,
SurfStartLevel: 8,
L1Size: 512 * MB,
Compression: make([]string, 7),
BlockCacheSize: 0, // 0 means disable block cache, use mmap to access sst.
IndexCacheSize: 0,
CompactL0WhenClose: true,
Coprocessor: Coprocessor{
RegionMaxKeys: 1440000,
RegionSplitKeys: 960000,
PessimisticTxn: PessimisticTxn{
WaitForLockTimeout: 1000, // 1000ms same with tikv default value
WakeUpDelayDuration: 100, // 100ms same with tikv default value
// ParseDuration parses duration argument string.
func ParseDuration(durationStr string) time.Duration {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(durationStr)
if err != nil {
dur, err = time.ParseDuration(durationStr + "s")
if err != nil || dur < 0 {
log.S().Fatalf("invalid duration=%v", durationStr)
return dur
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