harmony 鸿蒙Navigation Transition

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (560)

Navigation Transition

Navigation transition is a transition animation that runs during the navigation from one view to another. The animation settings of the navigation transition are pre-defined and cannot be modified.

To implement the navigation transition, you are advised to use the <Navigation> component, complete with the <NavRouter> and <NavDestination> components.

Below is the complete sample code and effect.

struct NavigationDemo {
  private listArray: Array<number> = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

  // Set the title bar menu, if a title bar is involved.
  @Builder NavigationMenus() {
    Column() {
        .margin({ top: 70 })

  build() {
    Stack() {
      Column() {
        // Define the <Navigation> component, setting the display mode and title.
        Navigation() {
          // An <Input> component is defined here.
          TextInput({ placeholder: 'Search...' })
            .margin({ bottom: 10 })

          // Define the level-1 navigation view through <List>.
          List({ space: 12, initialIndex: 0 }) {
            ForEach(this.listArray, (item:number) => {
              ListItem() {
                // Define the navigation transition through <NavRouter> and define the navigation destination through <NavDestination>. Parameters are transferred between views through state variables or regular variables between components.
                // <NavRouter> must contain two child components. The first child component is the level-1 navigation view, and the second child component must be <NavDestination>, which specifies the navigation destination.
                NavRouter() {
                  // First component: Level-1 navigation view.
                  Row() {
                      .margin({ right: 12 })

                    Column() {
                      Text('Level-1 item')
                      Text('Click to go to subitems')


                      .margin({ right: 12 })
                        width: { top: 2, right: 2 },
                        color: 0xcccccc
                      .rotate({ angle: 45 })
                  .shadow({ radius: 100, color: '#ededed' })
                  .padding({ left: 16, top: 12, bottom: 12 })

                  // Second component: navigation destination
                  NavDestination() {
                    // Content of the destination view, which is generally a custom component.
                    Column() {
                      Text("Destination"+ item +" content ")
                  .title('Destination page') // Title of the level-2 page.
            }, (item:string):string => item)
        .mode(NavigationMode.Auto) // Set the display mode of the navigation bar to Auto.
        .title('Navigation transition') // Set the title text.
        .titleMode(NavigationTitleMode.Full) // Set the display mode of the page title bar.
        .menus(this.NavigationMenus) // Set the title bar menu.



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