tidb block_allow_list 源码
tidb block_allow_list 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package export
import (
tcontext "github.com/pingcap/tidb/dumpling/context"
func filterDatabases(tctx *tcontext.Context, conf *Config, databases []string) []string {
tctx.L().Debug("start to filter databases")
newDatabases := make([]string, 0, len(databases))
ignoreDatabases := make([]string, 0, len(databases))
for _, database := range databases {
if conf.TableFilter.MatchSchema(database) {
newDatabases = append(newDatabases, database)
} else {
ignoreDatabases = append(ignoreDatabases, database)
if len(ignoreDatabases) > 0 {
tctx.L().Debug("ignore database", zap.Strings("databases", ignoreDatabases))
return newDatabases
func filterTables(tctx *tcontext.Context, conf *Config) {
filterTablesFunc(tctx, conf, conf.TableFilter.MatchTable)
func filterTablesFunc(tctx *tcontext.Context, conf *Config, matchTable func(string, string) bool) {
tctx.L().Debug("start to filter tables")
dbTables := DatabaseTables{}
ignoredDBTable := DatabaseTables{}
for dbName, tables := range conf.Tables {
for _, table := range tables {
if matchTable(dbName, table.Name) {
dbTables.AppendTable(dbName, table)
} else {
ignoredDBTable.AppendTable(dbName, table)
// 1. this dbName doesn't match block allow list, don't add
// 2. this dbName matches block allow list, but there is no table in this database, add
if conf.DumpEmptyDatabase {
if _, ok := dbTables[dbName]; !ok && conf.TableFilter.MatchSchema(dbName) {
dbTables[dbName] = make([]*TableInfo, 0)
if len(ignoredDBTable) > 0 {
tctx.L().Debug("ignore table", zap.String("tables", ignoredDBTable.Literal()))
conf.Tables = dbTables
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