tidb prepare 源码
tidb prepare 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
package export
import (
tcontext "github.com/pingcap/tidb/dumpling/context"
const (
outputFileTemplateSchema = "schema"
outputFileTemplateTable = "table"
outputFileTemplateView = "view"
outputFileTemplateSequence = "sequence"
outputFileTemplateData = "data"
outputFileTemplatePolicy = "placement-policy"
defaultOutputFileTemplateBase = `
{{- define "objectName" -}}
{{fn .DB}}.{{fn .Table}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "schema" -}}
{{fn .DB}}-schema-create
{{- end -}}
{{- define "event" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-post
{{- end -}}
{{- define "function" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-post
{{- end -}}
{{- define "procedure" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-post
{{- end -}}
{{- define "sequence" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-sequence
{{- end -}}
{{- define "trigger" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-triggers
{{- end -}}
{{- define "view" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema-view
{{- end -}}
{{- define "table" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}-schema
{{- end -}}
{{- define "data" -}}
{{template "objectName" .}}.{{.Index}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "placement-policy" -}}
{{fn .Policy}}-placement-policy-create
{{- end -}}
// DefaultAnonymousOutputFileTemplateText is the default anonymous output file templateText for dumpling's table data file name
DefaultAnonymousOutputFileTemplateText = "result.{{.Index}}"
var (
filenameEscapeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`[\x00-\x1f%"*./:<>?\\|]|-(?i:schema)`)
// DefaultOutputFileTemplate is the default output file template for dumpling's table data file name
DefaultOutputFileTemplate = template.Must(template.New("data").
"fn": func(input string) string {
return filenameEscapeRegexp.ReplaceAllStringFunc(input, func(match string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%%%02X%s", match[0], match[1:])
// ParseOutputFileTemplate parses template from the specified text
func ParseOutputFileTemplate(text string) (*template.Template, error) {
return template.Must(DefaultOutputFileTemplate.Clone()).Parse(text)
func prepareDumpingDatabases(tctx *tcontext.Context, conf *Config, db *sql.Conn) ([]string, error) {
databases, err := ShowDatabases(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
databases = filterDatabases(tctx, conf, databases)
if len(conf.Databases) == 0 {
return databases, nil
dbMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(databases))
for _, database := range databases {
dbMap[database] = struct{}{}
var notExistsDatabases []string
for _, database := range conf.Databases {
if _, ok := dbMap[database]; !ok {
notExistsDatabases = append(notExistsDatabases, database)
if len(notExistsDatabases) > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown databases [%s]", strings.Join(notExistsDatabases, ","))
return conf.Databases, nil
type databaseName = string
// TableType represents the type of table
type TableType int8
const (
// TableTypeBase represents the basic table
TableTypeBase TableType = iota
// TableTypeView represents the view table
// TableTypeSequence represents the view table
// TODO: need to be supported
const (
// TableTypeBaseStr represents the basic table string
TableTypeBaseStr = "BASE TABLE"
// TableTypeViewStr represents the view table string
TableTypeViewStr = "VIEW"
// TableTypeSequenceStr represents the view table string
TableTypeSequenceStr = "SEQUENCE"
func (t TableType) String() string {
switch t {
case TableTypeBase:
return TableTypeBaseStr
case TableTypeView:
return TableTypeViewStr
case TableTypeSequence:
return TableTypeSequenceStr
return "UNKNOWN"
// ParseTableType parses table type string to TableType
func ParseTableType(s string) (TableType, error) {
switch s {
case TableTypeBaseStr:
return TableTypeBase, nil
case TableTypeViewStr:
return TableTypeView, nil
case TableTypeSequenceStr:
return TableTypeSequence, nil
return TableTypeBase, errors.Errorf("unknown table type %s", s)
// TableInfo is the table info for a table in database
type TableInfo struct {
Name string
AvgRowLength uint64
Type TableType
// Equals returns true the table info is the same with another one
func (t *TableInfo) Equals(other *TableInfo) bool {
return t.Name == other.Name && t.Type == other.Type
// DatabaseTables is the type that represents tables in a database
type DatabaseTables map[databaseName][]*TableInfo
// NewDatabaseTables returns a new DatabaseTables
func NewDatabaseTables() DatabaseTables {
return DatabaseTables{}
// AppendTable appends a TableInfo to DatabaseTables
func (d DatabaseTables) AppendTable(dbName string, table *TableInfo) DatabaseTables {
d[dbName] = append(d[dbName], table)
return d
// AppendTables appends several basic tables to DatabaseTables
func (d DatabaseTables) AppendTables(dbName string, tableNames []string, avgRowLengths []uint64) DatabaseTables {
for i, t := range tableNames {
d[dbName] = append(d[dbName], &TableInfo{t, avgRowLengths[i], TableTypeBase})
return d
// AppendViews appends several views to DatabaseTables
func (d DatabaseTables) AppendViews(dbName string, viewNames ...string) DatabaseTables {
for _, v := range viewNames {
d[dbName] = append(d[dbName], &TableInfo{v, 0, TableTypeView})
return d
// Merge merges another DatabaseTables
func (d DatabaseTables) Merge(other DatabaseTables) {
for name, infos := range other {
d[name] = append(d[name], infos...)
// Literal returns a user-friendly output for DatabaseTables
func (d DatabaseTables) Literal() string {
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString("tables list\n")
for dbName, tables := range d {
b.WriteString("schema ")
b.WriteString(" :[")
for _, tbl := range tables {
b.WriteString(", ")
return b.String()
// DatabaseTablesToMap transfers DatabaseTables to Map
func DatabaseTablesToMap(d DatabaseTables) map[string]map[string]struct{} {
mp := make(map[string]map[string]struct{}, len(d))
for name, infos := range d {
mp[name] = make(map[string]struct{}, len(infos))
for _, info := range infos {
if info.Type == TableTypeBase {
mp[name][info.Name] = struct{}{}
return mp
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