tidb tikv 源码
tidb tikv 代码
// Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tikv
import (
// StoreState is the state of a TiKV store. The numerical value is sorted by
// the store's accessibility (Tombstone < Down < Disconnected < Offline < Up).
// The meaning of each state can be found from PingCAP's documentation at
// https://pingcap.com/docs/v3.0/how-to/scale/horizontally/#delete-a-node-dynamically-1
type StoreState int
const (
// StoreStateUp means the TiKV store is in service.
StoreStateUp StoreState = -iota
// StoreStateOffline means the TiKV store is in the process of being taken
// offline (but is still accessible).
// StoreStateDisconnected means the TiKV store does not respond to PD.
// StoreStateDown means the TiKV store does not respond to PD for a long
// time (> 30 minutes).
// StoreStateTombstone means the TiKV store is shut down and the data has
// been evacuated. Lightning should never interact with stores in this
// state.
var jsonToStoreState = map[string]StoreState{
`"Up"`: StoreStateUp,
`"Offline"`: StoreStateOffline,
`"Disconnected"`: StoreStateDisconnected,
`"Down"`: StoreStateDown,
`"Tombstone"`: StoreStateTombstone,
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (ss *StoreState) UnmarshalJSON(content []byte) error {
if state, ok := jsonToStoreState[string(content)]; ok {
*ss = state
return nil
return errors.New("Unknown store state")
// Store contains metadata about a TiKV store.
type Store struct {
Address string
Version string
State StoreState `json:"state_name"`
func withTiKVConnection(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, tikvAddr string, action func(import_sstpb.ImportSSTClient) error) error {
// Connect to the ImportSST service on the given TiKV node.
// The connection is needed for executing `action` and will be tear down
// when this function exits.
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, tikvAddr, tls.ToGRPCDialOption())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer conn.Close()
client := import_sstpb.NewImportSSTClient(conn)
return action(client)
// ForAllStores executes `action` in parallel for all TiKV stores connected to
// a PD server given by the HTTPS client `tls`.
// Returns the first non-nil error returned in all `action` calls. If all
// `action` returns nil, this method would return nil as well.
// The `minState` argument defines the minimum store state to be included in the
// result (Tombstone < Offline < Down < Disconnected < Up).
func ForAllStores(
ctx context.Context,
tls *common.TLS,
minState StoreState,
action func(c context.Context, store *Store) error,
) error {
// Go through the HTTP interface instead of gRPC so we don't need to keep
// track of the cluster ID.
var stores struct {
Stores []struct {
Store Store
err := tls.GetJSON(ctx, "/pd/api/v1/stores", &stores)
if err != nil {
return err
eg, c := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, store := range stores.Stores {
if store.Store.State >= minState {
s := store.Store
eg.Go(func() error { return action(c, &s) })
return eg.Wait()
func ignoreUnimplementedError(err error, logger log.Logger) error {
if status.Code(err) == codes.Unimplemented {
logger.Debug("skipping potentially TiFlash store")
return nil
return errors.Trace(err)
// SwitchMode changes the TiKV node at the given address to a particular mode.
func SwitchMode(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, tikvAddr string, mode import_sstpb.SwitchMode) error {
task := log.With(zap.Stringer("mode", mode), zap.String("tikv", tikvAddr)).Begin(zap.DebugLevel, "switch mode")
err := withTiKVConnection(ctx, tls, tikvAddr, func(client import_sstpb.ImportSSTClient) error {
_, err := client.SwitchMode(ctx, &import_sstpb.SwitchModeRequest{
Mode: mode,
return ignoreUnimplementedError(err, task.Logger)
task.End(zap.InfoLevel, err)
return err
// Compact performs a leveled compaction with the given minimum level.
func Compact(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, tikvAddr string, level int32) error {
task := log.With(zap.Int32("level", level), zap.String("tikv", tikvAddr)).Begin(zap.InfoLevel, "compact cluster")
err := withTiKVConnection(ctx, tls, tikvAddr, func(client import_sstpb.ImportSSTClient) error {
_, err := client.Compact(ctx, &import_sstpb.CompactRequest{
OutputLevel: level,
return ignoreUnimplementedError(err, task.Logger)
task.End(zap.ErrorLevel, err)
return err
var fetchModeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\btikv_config_rocksdb\{cf="default",name="hard_pending_compaction_bytes_limit"\} ([^\n]+)`)
// FetchMode obtains the import mode status of the TiKV node.
func FetchMode(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, tikvAddr string) (import_sstpb.SwitchMode, error) {
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, tikvAddr, tls.ToGRPCDialOption())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer conn.Close()
client := debugpb.NewDebugClient(conn)
resp, err := client.GetMetrics(ctx, &debugpb.GetMetricsRequest{All: false})
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
return FetchModeFromMetrics(resp.Prometheus)
// FetchModeFromMetrics obtains the import mode status from the Prometheus metrics of a TiKV node.
func FetchModeFromMetrics(metrics string) (import_sstpb.SwitchMode, error) {
m := fetchModeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(metrics)
switch {
case len(m) < 2:
return 0, errors.New("import mode status is not exposed")
case m[1] == "0":
return import_sstpb.SwitchMode_Import, nil
return import_sstpb.SwitchMode_Normal, nil
// FetchRemoteDBModelsFromTLS obtains the remote DB models from the given TLS.
func FetchRemoteDBModelsFromTLS(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS) ([]*model.DBInfo, error) {
var dbs []*model.DBInfo
err := tls.GetJSON(ctx, "/schema", &dbs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot read db schemas from remote")
return dbs, nil
func FetchRemoteTableModelsFromTLS(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, schema string) ([]*model.TableInfo, error) {
var tables []*model.TableInfo
err := tls.GetJSON(ctx, "/schema/"+schema, &tables)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot read schema '%s' from remote", schema)
return tables, nil
func CheckPDVersion(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, pdAddr string, requiredMinVersion, requiredMaxVersion semver.Version) error {
ver, err := pdutil.FetchPDVersion(ctx, tls, pdAddr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return version.CheckVersion("PD", *ver, requiredMinVersion, requiredMaxVersion)
func CheckTiKVVersion(ctx context.Context, tls *common.TLS, pdAddr string, requiredMinVersion, requiredMaxVersion semver.Version) error {
return ForAllStores(
func(c context.Context, store *Store) error {
component := fmt.Sprintf("TiKV (at %s)", store.Address)
ver, err := semver.NewVersion(strings.TrimPrefix(store.Version, "v"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, component)
return version.CheckVersion(component, *ver, requiredMinVersion, requiredMaxVersion)
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